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Created May 15, 2022 02:18
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# This is the PEG-based grammar for GraphQL based on:
# It is also inspired by another PEG grammar of GraphQL for JavaScript:
# This only complies with the GraphQL spec with no further additions, focusing
# only the **Executable Definitions**, to optimize the output and processing
grammar Rails.GraphQL.Parser
# Collect all definitions ignoring whitespaces
document <- @ows definitions:definition+ @ows
definition <- operation / fragment
operation <- (type:operation_type @rws)? (name @rws)? variables? directives? selection
fragment <- "fragment" @rws (!"on" name) @rws "on" @rws type:name directives? @rws selection
operation_type <- "query" / "mutation" / "subscription"
selection <- @op_object items:selection_item* @cl_object
selection_item <- (field / fragment_spread / inline_fragment) @field_sep
field <- (alias:name @key_sep)? name arguments? directives? selection?
fragment_spread <- "..." @ows name directives?
inline_fragment <- "..." @ows ((!"on" name) @rws "on" @rws type:name)? directives? selection
directives <- @rws "@" name arguments?
variables <- op_parent variable* cl_parent
arguments <- op_parent argument* cl_parent
variable <- "$" name @key_sep type:generic_type (eql_sep value)? directives?
argument <- name @key_sep (value / ("$" var_name:name))
generic_type <- name / not_null_type / list_type
not_null_type <- (name / list_type) "!"
list_type <- op_list generic_type cl_list
# The definition of whitespaces (o => optional, r => required) and comments
ws <- [ \t\n\r] / comment
comment <- "#" [^\n]*
ows <- ws*
rws <- ws+
# Some common separators
op_object <- @ows @"{" @ows
cl_object <- @ows @"}" @ows
op_parent <- @ows @"(" @ows
cl_parent <- @ows @")" @ows
op_list <- @ows @"[" @ows
cl_list <- @ows @"]" @ows
key_sep <- @ows @":" @ows
eql_sep <- @ows @"=" @ows
item_sep <- @ows @"," @ows
field_sep <- @ows @","* @ows
# Name based identifiers
name <- [a-zA-Z_] [0-9a-zA-Z_]*
value <- int_number / float_number / string / boolean / null / enum / list_value / object_value
int_number <- "-"? int
float_number <- int_number fraction? exponent?
string <- inline_string / multiline_string
boolean <- "true" / "false"
null <- "null"
enum <- name
list_value <- @op_list items:(value (@item_sep value)*)? @cl_list
object_value <- @op_object items:(object_field (@item_sep object_field)*)? @cl_object
# Numeric helpers
digit <- [0-9]
int <- "0" / ([1-9] digit*)
fraction <- @"." value:(digit+)
exponent <- [eE] value:(("+" / "-")? digit+)
# String helpers
char <- [\u0009\u000A\u000D\u0020-\uFFFF] / escaped_char
escaped_char <- "\\" ([\u0056\u002F\u0062\u0066\u006E\u0072\u0074] / ("u" code:[0-9a-fA-F]{4}))
inline_string <- '"' char* '"'
multiline_string <- '"""' char* '"""'
# Hash helper
object_field <- name @key_sep value
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