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Forked from byrnedo/ember_grecaptcha_component.js
Last active July 6, 2016 07:24
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/* global grecaptcha */
/* global $ */
/* global window */
import Ember from 'ember';
* Component to handle Render and Forward Result of the reCaptcha Challenge
export default Ember.Component.extend({
* Classes to add the rendered DOM element
classNames: ['g-recaptcha'],
* Attribute bindings of the rendered DOM element
attributeBindings: ['siteKey:data-sitekey', 'data-theme', 'data-size', 'data-callback', 'data-expired-callback', 'data-tabindex'],
* Site Key for reCaptcha Challenge
siteKey: '<INSERT_SITE_KEY>',
* Language to display reCaptcha in
lang: 'en',
* Trigger to initiate a Captcha reset
resetTrigger: false,
* Flag to track captcha readiness
_isSetup: false,
* Track attempts at polling for captcha object
_attempts: 0,
* Set limit for maximum number of tries for polling for the Captcha object
_maxAttempts: function () {
return 20;
* Set the interval in which to poll for captcha object
_interval: function () {
return 100; // Time between polls (in ms)
* Callback to handle the Captcha Challenge Success
* @param data Populated with the token for Captcha validation server side
verifyCallback: function (data) {
//Use previously stored global reference as the callback function loses context of the component when called by the Captcha
//Send Success Event to parent component/route for handling the event
window.captchaComponent.sendAction('captchaComplete', data);
* Callback for when Captcha challenge expires and the user needs to re-enter the Captcha
expiredCallback: function () {
//Use previously stored global reference as the callback function loses context of the component when called by the Captcha
//Send Success Event to parent component/route for handling the event
* Method to render the Captcha once the script is loaded and the Captcha object is available
setupGrecaptcha: function () {
grecaptcha.render(this.$().prop('id'), {
'sitekey': this.get('siteKey'),
'callback': this.verifyCallback,
'expired-callback': this.expiredCallback
this.set('_isSetup', true);
* Method to reset Captcha. Triggered by changing the value of resetTrigger to true
resetGrecaptcha: function () {
if (this.get('_isSetup') === true && this.get('resetTrigger') === true) {
this.set('resetTrigger', false);
* Method to poll for availability of Captcha object after initiating script load
pollForObject: function () {
Ember.Logger.debug("Polling for grecaptcha");
if (window.grecaptcha !== undefined) {
} else if (this.get('_attempts') < this.get('_maxAttempts')) {
this.set('_attempts', this.get('_attempts') + 1);, function () {
}, this.get('_interval'));
} else {
Ember.Logger.error("Failed to get grecapthca script");
* Initializer to initiate script download and save component instance in global window variable
init: function () {
var self = this;
$.getScript("" + self.get('lang'), function (/*data, textStatus, jqxhr*/) {
//Save component instance in Global window to enable access from callback
window.captchaComponent = self;
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Many thanks for this - have it working in my app.

The problem I'm having is resetting the widget when I want to reset my form or when the form completes.

resetGrecaptcha: function () {
   if (this.get('_isSetup') === true && this.get('resetTrigger') === true) {;
    this.set('resetTrigger', false);

If I use the above code, I get an error "Invalid ReCAPTCHA client id:"

As you don't need to pass the ID, the code works if you omit it: grecaptcha.reset();

While this works initially, or if you arrive initially at the page where the form resides, if you come back to the form page at a later time in the session, the reset function fails again and you get the same error message.

Have you come across this behaviour? Is there is a solution?

Many thanks!

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