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Last active February 7, 2021 06:25
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Create a decorator for plpython, allowing you to create a pl/python function as you would a normal function
import inspect
import as psql
def parametrized(dec):
def layer(*args, **kwargs):
Wrapper for creating plpython functions. Argument types are provided in the docstring
:param conn: Psycopg connection object
:param schema: Schema name to create decorator
:param return_type: Postgres return type
@plpython(conn, 'wnv','int')
def my_func(a,b):
'''float, int'''
return a + b
def repl(f):
return dec(f, *args, **kwargs)
return repl
return layer
def arg_parser(arg_names, arg_types):
j = ['"{}" {}'.format(v,t) for v,t in zip(arg_names, arg_types)]
return ', '.join(j)
def plpython(f, conn, schema, return_type):
"""See above"""
arg_names = inspect.getargspec(f).args
def aux(f, conn, schema, return_dtype, arg_names):
dtypes = f.__doc__.split(',')
except AttributeError:
raise Exception("You must supply argument types in the docstring")
arg_def = arg_parser(arg_names, dtypes)
fxn_code = get_fxn_def(f)
fxn_name = f.__name__
params = {'schema': schema,
'fxn_name': f.__name__,
'arg_def': arg_def,
'return_type': return_type,
'fxn_code': fxn_code}
sql = '''
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS {schema}.{fxn_name} ({arg_def});
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION {schema}.{fxn_name} ({arg_def})
RETURNS {return_type}
AS $$
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
psql.execute(sql, conn)
print "Successfully created function: {schema}.{fxn_name}({arg_def})".format(**params)
return aux(f, conn, schema, return_type, arg_names)
def get_fxn_def(f):
"""Given a function, we want to parse out the actual definition
beginning with the doc string. This will be inserted in the PL/Python
function definition."""
lines = inspect.getsourcelines(f)[0]
string = ''.join(lines)
end_of_decorator = brackets_balanced(string)
string2 = string[end_of_decorator+1:]
rel_end_of_fxn_args = brackets_balanced(string2)
fxn_def_start = end_of_decorator + rel_end_of_fxn_args + 3
fxn_code = (string[fxn_def_start:])
return fxn_code
def brackets_balanced(string):
seen_first_bracket = False
bracket_count = 0
bracket_op = {'(': 1, ')': -1}
for i, char in enumerate(string):
if char in bracket_op.keys():
bracket_count += bracket_op[char]
seen_first_bracket = True
brackets_balanced = bracket_count == 0
if seen_first_bracket and brackets_balanced:
return i
return False
# example
conn = psycopg2.connect(*credentials here*)
schema_name = 'wnv'
return_type = 'int'
# specify the argument types in the doc string
@plpython(conn, schema_name, return_type)
def multiply(a, b):
return a * b
sql = 'SELECT wnv.multiply(3,6)'
df = psql.read_sql(sql, conn)
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Clever trick with the types via docstring, and very good stuff overall!

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crawles commented Jul 13, 2017


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