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Created April 20, 2022 03:07
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Setting Up Chiaki for Direct Launch on Steam Deck / Steam ROM Manager

Hello everyone,

I was really annoyed with the default setup of Chiaki through the guides I have used to get it running on my Steam Deck. I was having issues with the UI being very glitchy when starting in Gaming Mode and it failing to disappear when I woke up / selected my PS5. It would also sometimes fail to read button presses from L4, which would break the functionality of pressing the PS button. I thought that there had to be another way, and now I've figured it out and thought I would share in case it wasn't done already.

These are the steps I took:

  1. Download or build a custom AppImage that enables the additional CLI options for Chiaki.
    1. You can either download the version that I built here: Chiaki.AppImage
    2. Or, if you don't trust the AppImage (I don't blame you), you can build it by doing the following:
      1. On a linux machine with docker installed and running, as well as SELinux/AppLocker disabled, use git to clone the repo for Chiaki found here: ~thestr4ng3r/chiaki - sourcehut git (
      2. cd into the repo directory and then into the scripts directory
      3. Open the file and modify the line (should be line 20) that says "-DCHIAKI_ENABLE_CLI=OFF". Change OFF to ON.
      4. Execute the file
      5. This should spit out a file called Chiaki-x86-64.AppImage in the repo's appimage directory that was created during the process. I would rename it Chiaki.AppImage for simplicity
  2. Move that file onto your Steam Deck in a safe location e.g. /home/deck/roms/chiaki
  3. Follow this tutorial to get your Steam Deck registered to your Playstation(s): It's possible to stream PS4/PS5 games to your Steam Deck. Here's how. (
  4. For each of your Playstations, create a file in e.g. /home/deck/roms/chiaki named something like It has to be a .sh file as we are going to use bash to call it.
    1. You will need to reference the config file to grab the PS nickname as well as the register key. You can find that at /home/deck/.config/Chiaki/Chiaki.conf
    2. Write the following lines to the .sh file:

/home/deck/roms/chiaki/Chiaki.AppImage wakeup -<4 or 5> -r <first 8 of regist_key> -h <ip address of playstation>
sleep 5
/home/deck/roms/chiaki/Chiaki.AppImage --fullscreen stream <playstation nickname> <ip address of playstation>

Here is an example config for my PS5

/home/deck/roms/chiaki/Chiaki.AppImage wakeup -5 -r 6887daf7
sleep 5
/home/deck/roms/chiaki/Chiaki.AppImage --fullscreen stream PS5-049

Once this (or these) files are created, mark them as executable chmod +x . Once that is done, I would do a dry run by executing ./ and ensuring it wakes up your Playstation and then starts the stream.

If that is all working, we can move over to Steam ROM Manager.

  1. Open Steam ROM Manager, and create a new Parser with the type of Glob
  2. Set Configuration title to something sane, I chose Chiaki
  3. Set the Steam category to something sane, I chose ${CHIAKI}
  4. Set the executable to /user/bin/bash
  5. Set the Command line arguments to "${filePath}"
  6. Set the ROMs directory to e.g. /home/deck/roms/chiaki or wherever you chose to put the .sh files
  7. Ensure the Steam directory is set correctly e.g. /home/deck/.steam/steam
  8. Go down to User's glob and set it to ${title}@(.sh|.SH)
  9. From here, you should be able to go through the preview, generate the app list, add a custom image for steam, and save it.
  10. Launch back into Gaming Mode

Once in Gaming Mode, we want to make sure that we bind an extra key (I chose L4 and that seems to be the favorite) to ESC so you can press the PS button.

You should be good from here. I like this method because it automatically wakes up the Playstation, you don't have to mess with the UI, and this way, you could have seperate Playstation entries in Steam for e.g. your PS4 and PS5 with custom images for each.

Hope this guide is alright and happy gaming.

Here is a video of it in action: (971) Direct Launch PS5 Chiaki - YouTube

Also forgot to mention that you should set static IPs on your Playstations or set DHCP reservations on your router / DHCP server.

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MrStimmung commented Jun 25, 2022

is there any way to use the "vaapi" decoder in the AppImage edition? without "vaapi" i have green & white artefacts and in the AppImage it gives me a Decoder Error and the FlatPak works fine with "vaapi" decoder

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