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Last active April 23, 2021 18:51
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  • Save crazy4groovy/52670e7a1c4be6537628b9bfb7b02d32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Runs a given command for each file in a folder, recursively; replaces #FILE_PATH, #FILE_NAME, #FILE_SIZE_KB in command (Deno)
import * as fs from "";
import * as path from "";
export default () => {
let [execCmdTemplate, basedir = ".", fileExt = ""] = Deno.args;
if (!execCmdTemplate) throw new Error("No command was given");
if (!basedir || !fs.existsSync(basedir)) throw new Error("DIR doesn't exist");
basedir = path.resolve(".", basedir);
return { execCmdTemplate, basedir, fileExt };
#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-all --unstable
// Runs a given command for each file in a folder, recursively
// Replaces #FILE_PATH, #FILE_NAME, #FILE_SIZE_KB in command
//$ deno run --allow-all --unstable 'echo #FILE_PATH::#FILE_NAME' ~ .jpg
import * as fs from "";
import { exec } from "";
import args from "./args.ts";
const { execCmdTemplate, basedir, fileExt } = args();
const validators = [
(f: any) => Boolean(f.isFile),
(f: any) => f.path?.endsWith(fileExt),
const replacers = {
'#FILE_PATH': (f: any) => String(f.path),
'#FILE_NAME': (f: any) => String(,
// check execCmdTemplate for calculating the "expensive" replacements:
execCmdTemplate.indexOf('#FILE_SIZE_KB') === -1
? (f: any) => '#FILE_SIZE_KB' // not found
: (f: any) => String(Math.round(Deno.statSync(f.path).size / 1024))),
} as Record<string, (f: any) => string>;
(async () => {
for await (const f of fs.walkSync(basedir)) {
const isValid = validators.find(v => !v(f)) === undefined; // i.e. check if found no falsies, then it's valid
if (!isValid) continue;
const cmd = Object.keys(replacers).reduce(
(cmd: string, key: string) => cmd.replace(key, replacers[key](f)),
await exec(cmd).catch(console.error);
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