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Created February 17, 2013 09:32
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# play status --secret=aC3NL1k6Zn9XEZbvMO6
~ _ _
~ _ __ | | __ _ _ _| |
~ | '_ \| |/ _' | || |_|
~ | __/|_|\____|\__ (_)
~ |_| |__/
~ play! 1.2.4,
~ Status from http://localhost:9402/@status,
Version: 1.7.0_07
Home: /app/jvm/jdk7/jre
Max memory: 524156928
Free memory: 375428352
Total memory: 524156928
Available processors: 2
Play framework:
Version: 1.2.4
Path: /app/play-1.2.4
ID: prod
Mode: PROD
Tmp dir: /app/yabo/supplier/sms/tmp
Path: /app/yabo/supplier/sms
Name: traders-sms
Started at: 02/17/2013 17:05
Loaded modules:
cms at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/cms
rabbitmq at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/modules/rabbitmq-0.4
dangdang at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/dangdang
supports at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/supports
resale at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/resale
appconfiguration at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/modules/appconfiguration-0.1
consumer at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/consumer
yihaodian at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/yihaodian
emaillogs at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/emaillogs
order at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/order
sales at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/sales
taobao at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/taobao
wuba at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/wuba
asset_package at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/asset_package
supplier at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/supplier
cache_helper at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/cache_helper
betterlogs at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/modules/betterlogs-1.0
app at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/modules/app-version-0.1
oauth at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/oauth
accounts at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/accounts
play at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/modules/play-solr-0.2.27
sms at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/sms
third_tuan at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/third_tuan
paginate_ext at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/paginate_ext
view_ext at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/view_ext
jingdong at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/../../module/jingdong
factory at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/modules/factory-boy-1.0
cobertura at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/modules/cobertura-2.4p3
paginate at /app/yabo/supplier/sms/modules/paginate-head
Loaded plugins:
0:play.CorePlugin [enabled]
0:play.modules.rabbitmq.RabbitMQPlugin [enabled]
3:play.modules.emaillogs.EmailAppenderPlugin [enabled]
5:play.modules.appconfiguration.AppConfigurationPlugin [enabled] [enabled]
100:play.modules.betterlogs.BetterLogsPlugin [enabled] [enabled]
300:play.db.DBPlugin [enabled]
400:play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin [enabled]
450:play.db.Evolutions [enabled]
500:play.AppVersionPlugin [enabled]
500:play.i18n.MessagesPlugin [enabled]
502:play.modules.solr.SolrPlugin [enabled]
600:play.libs.WS [enabled] [enabled]
6666:play.modules.cobertura.CoberturaPlugin [enabled]
100000:play.plugins.ConfigurablePluginDisablingPlugin [enabled]
Thread[Reference Handler,10,system] WAITING
Thread[Finalizer,8,system] WAITING
Thread[Signal Dispatcher,9,system] RUNNABLE
Thread[RMI TCP Accept-0,5,system] RUNNABLE
Thread[RMI TCP Accept-11402,5,system] RUNNABLE
Thread[RMI TCP Accept-0,5,system] RUNNABLE
Thread[AsyncAppender-Dispatcher-Thread-2,5,main] RUNNABLE
Thread[Memcached IO over {MemcachedConnection to /},5,main] RUNNABLE
Thread[Timer-0,5,main] TIMED_WAITING
Thread[com.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner$PoolThread-#0,5,main] TIMED_WAITING
Thread[com.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner$PoolThread-#1,5,main] TIMED_WAITING
Thread[com.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner$PoolThread-#2,5,main] TIMED_WAITING
Thread[jobs-thread-1,5,main] TIMED_WAITING
Thread[jobs-thread-2,5,main] WAITING
Thread[jobs-thread-3,5,main] BLOCKED
Thread[jobs-thread-4,5,main] WAITING
Thread[jobs-thread-5,5,main] WAITING
Thread[jobs-thread-6,5,main] WAITING
Thread[jobs-thread-7,5,main] BLOCKED
Thread[jobs-thread-8,5,main] WAITING
Thread[jobs-thread-9,5,main] WAITING
Thread[jobs-thread-10,5,main] WAITING
Thread[New I/O server boss #1 ([id: 0x01835a53, /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9402]),5,main] RUNNABLE
Thread[DestroyJavaVM,5,main] RUNNABLE
Thread[play-thread-1,5,main] BLOCKED
Thread[play-thread-2,5,main] WAITING
Thread[transcoder-1-1,5,main] WAITING
Thread[play-thread-3,5,main] BLOCKED
Thread[AMQP Connection,5,main] RUNNABLE
Thread[pool-345-thread-1,5,main] TIMED_WAITING
Thread[New I/O server worker #1-4,5,main] RUNNABLE
Thread[New I/O server worker #1-1,5,main] RUNNABLE
Requests execution pool:
Pool size: 3
Active count: 3
Scheduled task count: 139
Queue size: 0
play.modules.solr.SaveJob.doJob(), ms. -> 138 hits; 149.5 avg; 59.0 min; 530.0 max;
JDGroupBuy.sendOrder(), ms. -> 135 hits; 143.4 avg; 93.0 min; 1274.0 max;
models.job.AutoConsumeCouponJob.doJob(), ms. -> 24 hits; 140.5 avg; 131.0 min; 356.0 max;
models.job.ClearGoodsCacheJob.doJob(), ms. -> 25 hits; 27.0 avg; 17.0 min; 237.0 max;
{module:jingdong}/app/views/jingdong/groupbuy/response/sendOrder.xml, ms. -> 135 hits; 2.8 avg; 0.0 min; 241.0 max;
models.job.yihaodian.listener.OrderScanner.doJob(), ms. -> 25 hits; 8.1 avg; 3.0 min; 114.0 max;, ms. -> 2 hits; 72.5 avg; 2.0 min; 143.0 max;
VxSmses.send(), ms. -> 1 hits; 141.0 avg; 141.0 min; 141.0 max;
models.job.yihaodian.groupbuy.OrderScanner.doJob(), ms. -> 25 hits; 5.4 avg; 1.0 min; 107.0 max;
{module:jingdong}/app/views/jingdong/groupbuy/response/main.xml, ms. -> 135 hits; 0.9 avg; 0.0 min; 9.0 max;
Waiting for execution, ms. -> 139 hits; 0.3 avg; 0.0 min; 28.0 max;
models.job.yihaodian.listener.OrderListener.doJob(), ms. -> 25 hits; 0.0 avg; 0.0 min; 0.0 max;
Invoker queue size, elmts. -> 139 hits; 0.0 avg; 0.0 min; 0.0 max;
Jdbc url: jdbc:mysql://
Jdbc driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Jdbc user: root
Jdbc password: xxxxxxx
Min pool size: 1
Max pool size: 30
Initial pool size: 3
Checkout timeout: 5000
Jobs execution pool:
Pool size: 10
Active count: 2
Scheduled task count: 278
Queue size: 12
Scheduled jobs (14):
models.job.AutoConsumeCouponJob run every 1mn. (last run at 02/17/2013 17:29:59)
models.job.CancelUnPaidOrderJob run with cron expression 0 0 1 * * ?. (has never run)
models.job.ClearGoodsCacheJob run every 1mn. (last run at 02/17/2013 17:30:57)
models.job.ExpiredNoRefundCouponNotice run with cron expression 0 0 1 * * ?. (has never run)
models.job.PrepaymentNotice run with cron expression 0 0 12 * * ?. (has never run)
models.job.RetrySendFailedOrderSMSJob run every 5mn. (last run at 02/17/2013 17:10:56)
models.job.ScannerChannelGoodsStatusJob run every 1h. (has never run)
models.job.SendGoldenCoinsJob run with cron expression 0 0 1 1 * ?. (has never run)
models.job.SendShopDailyReportJob run with cron expression 0 0 9 * * ?. (has never run)
models.job.dangdang.listener.DDSyncSellGoodsCountJob run every 3h. (has never run) run every 1mn. (last run at 02/17/2013 17:08:56)
models.job.yihaodian.groupbuy.OrderScanner run every 1mn. (last run at 02/17/2013 17:30:56)
models.job.yihaodian.listener.OrderListener run every 1mn. (last run at 02/17/2013 17:30:56)
models.job.yihaodian.listener.OrderScanner run every 1mn. (last run at 02/17/2013 17:30:56)
Waiting jobs:
models.job.AutoConsumeCouponJob will run in 1 seconds
models.job.yihaodian.listener.OrderListener will run in 58 seconds
models.job.yihaodian.groupbuy.OrderScanner will run in 58 seconds
models.job.ScannerChannelGoodsStatusJob will run in 2098 seconds
models.job.dangdang.listener.DDSyncSellGoodsCountJob will run in 9298 seconds
models.job.yihaodian.listener.OrderScanner will run in 58 seconds
models.job.ExpiredNoRefundCouponNotice will run in 26941 seconds
models.job.SendGoldenCoinsJob will run in 977341 seconds
models.job.CancelUnPaidOrderJob will run in 26941 seconds
models.job.PrepaymentNotice will run in 66541 seconds
models.job.SendShopDailyReportJob will run in 55741 seconds
models.job.ClearGoodsCacheJob will run in 58 seconds
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