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Created July 18, 2020 16:34
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import time
#show raspberry temperature,CPU,memory
def getCPUtemp():
temp = os.popen('vcgencmd measure_temp').readline()
tempfloat = float(temp.replace('temp=','').replace('\'C\n',''))
print 'CPU Temperature is now %.1f Centigrade' % tempfloat
if tempfloat > 60:
print 'CPU Temperature is too high, pls cool it down'
def getCPUusage():
#calculate CPU with two short time, time2 - time1
time1 = os.popen('cat /proc/stat').readline().split()[1:5]
time2 = os.popen('cat /proc/stat').readline().split()[1:5]
deltaUsed = int(time2[0])-int(time1[0])+int(time2[2])-int(time1[2])
deltaTotal = deltaUsed + int(time2[3])-int(time1[3])
cpuUsage = float(deltaUsed)/float(deltaTotal)*100
print 'CPU Usage is now %.1f' % cpuUsage + '%'
def getRAM():
#get RAM as list,list[7],[8],[9]:total,used,free
RAM = os.popen('free').read().split()[7:10]
#convert kb in Mb for readablility
RAM0 = float(RAM[0])/1024
print 'RAM Total is %.1f MB' %RAM0
RAM1 = float(RAM[1])/1024
percent = RAM1/RAM0*100
print 'RAM Used is %.1f MB, %.2f' % (RAM1,percent) +'%'
RAM2 = float(RAM[2])/1024
print 'RAM Free is %.1f MB' %RAM2
def getDisk():
#get Disk information,DISK[8],[9],[10],[11]:Size, Used. free, Used %
DISK = os.popen('df -h /').read().split()[8:12]
print 'Disk total space is %s ' % DISK[0]
print 'Disk Used space is %s ' % DISK[1] +'and is %s' % DISK[3]
print 'Disk Free space is %s ' % DISK[2]
while True:
print '\n-------------SysInfo-----------------\n'
print '\n-------------------------------------\n'
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