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Forked from P4UL-M/
Created August 17, 2023 23:35
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Changing playback sound speed in realtime with python and multiprocessing

Changing playback sound speed in realtime with python and multiprocessing

This is a script to change the sound speed in real time like for example background music in pygame.

The script generates the raw data of a sound file each time there is space in the queue. The sample will scale to the desired speed which you can modify with sound_Factor.

To play the music, you just need to get buffers from the queue and pass them to your music stream. Exemple for pygame :

# musique update
if channel.get_queue() == None:
    _buffer = generate_music.Sounds_buffer.get()
elif not channel.get_busy() and not channel.get_queue():
    _buffer = generate_music.Sounds_buffer.get()

The script executes the main function in a Process so as to not overload our main loop.

from multiprocessing import Process,Value,Queue
from pydub import AudioSegment
import logging
A scrit that allow real time musique speed modification with calcul on another Proccess to avoid overloading the main boucle
# method from
def speed_change(sound:AudioSegment, speed=1.0):
# Manually override the frame_rate. This tells the computer how many
# samples to play per second
sound_with_altered_frame_rate = sound._spawn(sound.raw_data, overrides={
"frame_rate": int(sound.frame_rate * speed)
# convert the sound with altered frame rate to a standard frame rate
# so that regular playback programs will work right. They often only
# know how to play audio at standard frame rate (like 44.1k)
return sound_with_altered_frame_rate.set_frame_rate(sound.frame_rate)
musique_original = AudioSegment.from_file("Halloween LOOP.wav")
sound_factor = Value('d',1)
sound_offset = 500
Sounds_buffer = Queue(maxsize=2) # maxsize will be interfering with the update (less = more reactive but less resilient to lag)
def generator(sound_buffer:Queue,factor:Value,offset:int=500):
# var declaration
musique_alternate = musique_original # current study of the musique
player_offset = offset # offset of each sample
max_occilation = 0.01 # max modification of speed between two sample (lesser => more faded)
local_factor = factor.value # local factor of speed
while True:
if not Sounds_buffer.full(): # if the Queue is not full
# if local factor need update
if local_factor<factor.value:
local_factor += max_occilation
elif local_factor>factor.value:
local_factor -= max_occilation
if len(musique_alternate) > player_offset*local_factor: # check if we can take a normal sample in the study
sample, musique_alternate = musique_alternate[:player_offset*local_factor], musique_alternate[player_offset*local_factor:]
else: # else we just play what rest and loop the study back
sample,musique_alternate = musique_alternate,musique_original
_sample = speed_change(sample,local_factor)
buffer = bytearray(_sample.raw_data)
sound_buffer.put(buffer) # buffer send to the partaged Queue
p = Process(target=generator,args=(Sounds_buffer,sound_factor,sound_offset),daemon=True)
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