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Forked from mbk0asis/
Created November 14, 2017 16:58
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Batch bisulfite primer design tool version 2 (NEW : Multiple results per template, allowed to set number of C's within a primer)
printf "\n *** BIS BATCH PRIMER version 2.0 ***"
printf "\n\n !!! 'Primer3 & fastx-toolkit' must be installed on the system.\n\n !!! Edit parameters (e.g. sizes, Tm, and etc) before start\n\n "
printf "\n\n Usage : \n ./ FASTA PARAMETER \n\n"
printf " >>> input FASTA = "$1
printf " \n >>> parameters = "$2
printf "\n\n\n ()()() Running... \n\n"
if [ -f $1 -a -f $2 ]; then
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
cp ../$2 .
cat ../$1 | while read L; do echo $L"_lower";read L ;echo "$L" | rev | tr "ATCG" "TAGC" ; done > $1.rev # reverse_complement
cat ../$1 $1.rev > $1.comb
sed 's/ /_/g' $1.comb | fasta_formatter -t | awk '{print $1"\t"toupper($2)}' |sed 's/CG/NG/g' | sed 's/C/T/g' > $
# mask 'CG' to 'NG' & covert rest 'C' to 'T'
cut -f 1 $ | sort | while read line; do grep -w $line $ > $line.split; done
# split each header into a single file
# sequence file generator (Add titles to tab. "SEQUENCE_ID=", "SEQUENCE_TEMPLATE=")
for s in ./*.split
awk '{print "SEQUENCE_ID="$1,"\n","SEQUENCE_TEMPLATE="$2}' $s | sed 's/ //g' > $s.seq
# parameter file generator
for s in ./*.split # to generate a list of target sequence (CpG) positions
cut -f 2 $s | grep -bo 'NG' | sed 's/:/\t/g' | cut -f 1 | awk '{print $1+1",2"}' | tr '\n' ' ' | \
awk '{print "SEQUENCE_TARGET="$0}' | cat - $2 > $s.param
# combine sequence & parameter files
cut -f 1 $ | uniq | while read line; do cat $line.split.seq $line.split.param > $line.p3in ; done
for i in ./*.p3in # run PRIMER3
primer3_core $i > $i.p3out
# print ouf PRIMER3 results
for r in ./*.p3out
grep 'SEQUENCE=\|LEFT_.=\|RIGHT_.=\|LEFT_._TM\|RIGHT_._TM' $r | sed 's/=/\t/g' | cut -f 2 | paste -d "\t" - - - - - - | sed 's/,/\t/g' | \
perl -ne 'print if !/N/ || /\b[ACTG]{0,4}N/' | \
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"}{gsub("N","Y",$1);gsub("N","R",$2);print $1,$2,$5-$3+1,$3,$5,$4,$6,$7,$8}' > $
for i in ./*.int
awk '{print FILENAME"_"NR,$0}' $i | sed 's/ /\t/g;s/' | awk -F "/" '{print $2}'
done | sort -k1 > $1.p3outs
echo 'ID Forward Reverse Product_Size Product_Start Product_End Len_forward Len_reverse Tm_forward Tm_reverse' | \
cat - $1.p3outs > ../$1.p3.table
# p3out for isPCR
for r in ./*.p3out
grep 'SEQUENCE=' $r | paste -d "\t" - - | sed 's/=/\t/g' | cut -f 2,4| perl -ne 'print if !/N/ || /\b\S{0,4}N/' | \
awk '{gsub("N","T",$1);gsub("N","A",$2); print}' > $r.ispcr
for i in ./*.ispcr
awk -F "/" '{print FILENAME"_"NR,$0}' $i | sed 's/ /\t/g;s/.p3in.p3out.ispcr//g' | awk -F "/" '{print $2}'
done | sort -k1 > ../$1.isPcrInput
# primer design report
printf "\n\n *** PRIMER REPORT\n\n * INPUT HEADERS = "
grep -c ">" ../$1
printf "\n * DESIGNED PRIMER PAIRS = "
cat ../$1.isPcrInput | wc -l
printf "\n * PASSED HEADERS = "
sed 's/_/\t/g' ../$1.isPcrInput | cut -f1 | uniq | wc -l
printf "\n * FAILED HEADERS = "
sed 's/_/\t/g' ../$1.isPcrInput | cut -f1 | sort | uniq > header.isPcrInput
grep ">" ../$1 | sed 's/>//g' | sort | uniq > header.Input
join --check-order -t: -a 1 -o 1.1 2.1 -1 1 -2 1 header.Input header.isPcrInput |\
awk -F':' '{if($2 == "") {print $1}}' | tr '\n' ' '
printf "\n\n >>> '$1.p3.table' has been generated! (Use this file to order primers)\n"
printf " >>> '$1.isPcrInput' has been generated! (Use this file to obtain amplicon sequences)"
printf "\n\n !!! Done !!!\n\n"
cd ..
# rm -r tmp/
printf "\n\n !!! ERROR:: FASTA or parameter file is missing!\n\n"
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