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crazyhottommy /
Created October 19, 2013 15:49
crazyhottommy's Gist
# this script reformats the tab delimited file like:
#FBgn00001 GO:0016301 [Name:****(annotation)]
#FBgn00002 GO:0016301 [Name:****(annotation)]
#FBgn00003 GO:0016301 [Name:****(annotation)]
#FBgn00004 GO:0003700 [Name:****(annotation)]
#FBgn00004 GO:0009651 [Name:****(annotation)]
#FBgn00004 GO:0006355 [Name:****(annotation)]
#FBgn00005 GO:0009556 [Name:****(annotation)]
#FBgn00005 GO:0005515 [Name:****(annotation)]
#FBgn00005 GO:0080019 [Name:****(annotation)]
crazyhottommy /
Created October 20, 2013 13:22
ChIP-seq TSS
#! /usr/bin/env python
# group the genes according to expression level
# analyze RNAseq data by counting tags for each gene using HTSeq.scripts.count or use bedtools muticov
# it genrates a file (K562_htseq_count.out.clean) with two columns, column 1 are gene names, column 2 are
#counts that mapped to all the exons of the same gene.
# compare the counts from different methods! and visualize them in IGV browser.
# top 30% midum 30% and low 30% gene names were obtained by linux command line
# sort -k2 -nrs K562_htseq_count.out.clean | wc -l
crazyhottommy /
Created October 31, 2013 18:46
import HTSeq
alignment_file = HTSeq.SAM_Reader("SRR817000.sam")
# HTSeq also has a BAM_Reader function to handle the bam file
# initialize a Genomic Array (a class defined in the HTSeq package to deal with NGS data,
# it allows transparent access of the data through the GenomicInterval object)
# more reading
coverage = HTSeq.GenomicArray("auto", stranded = True, typecode = 'i')
crazyhottommy /
Last active February 15, 2016 10:37
# get the reverse-complement DNA sequence
def ReverseComplement1(seq):
seq_dict = {'A':'T','T':'A','G':'C','C':'G'}
return "".join([seq_dict[base] for base in reversed(seq)])
# make it more robust, lower case DNA
crazyhottommy / alpha_beta_DEG.r
Last active December 27, 2015 04:59
Differential gene expression analysis for RNA-seq after HTSeq-count from the paper "Epigenomic plasticity enables human pancreatic α to β cell reprogramming"
x<-read.delim('counts.csv',skip=0, sep="\t", check.names=FALSE)
counts <- x[,c('a1','a2','a3','b1','b2','b3')]
keep <- apply(counts, 1, max) >= 0
x <- x[keep,]
counts <- counts[keep,]
design <- matrix(data=c(1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1), nrow=6, ncol=2, dimnames = list(c(), c('alpha','beta')))
crazyhottommy / DESeq.r
Created November 1, 2013 21:51
basic work flow of DESeq
countsTable<- read.delim("All_counts_nozero_1pseudocount_with_header.txt", header=TRUE)
rownames(countsTable)<- countsTable$Gene
countsTable<- countsTable[,-1]
conds<- factor(c("alpha","beta","alpha","beta","alpha","beta"))
cds<- newCountDataSet(countsTable, conds)
crazyhottommy / shTet1.r
Last active December 30, 2015 16:19
# read GEO data sets from NCBI by GEOquery
setwd("/home/tommy/Tet1")# set the working directory
# only set the GSEMatrix to FALSE can it be parsed for later use of function like
# Meta(gse)
gse<- getGEO('GSE26830', GSEMatrix=FALSE, destdir=".")
def TSS_Profile(ifile1,ifile2):
'''read in three files, ifile1 is the sortedbamfile prepared by samtool
ifile2 is the promoters (upstream 5kb of TSS) bed file with five columns: chr, start ,end, name and strand'''
import HTSeq
import numpy
import itertools
promoters = open(ifile2)
d<- read.table("co_up_or_down_uniq.txt", header=T)
# heatmap.2 works only with matrix, convert the dataframe to matrix
rownames(m)<- d$genes # add the gene names as the row lable
png(filename = "co_regulated.png", width=400, height = 800) #save the heatmap to a png or a pdf by pdf(filename=...)
# This code was modified from the tss plot code. It can plot any other ChIP-seq signal
# at other genomic positions in addtion to tss. In this case, it is the HRE. HIF1a ChIP-seq data
# is available, peaks were called by MACS, generated a bed file. the middle point
# of each peak is used as the center of the plot (you can also use summit of the peak from the exel file
# generated from MACS. HREs at promoters are not included
# 04/10/13
def TSS_Profile(ifile1,ifile2):
'''read in three files, ifile1 is the sortedbamfile prepared by samtool
ifile2 is the promoters (upstream 5kb of TSS) bed file with five columns: chr, start ,end, name and strand'''