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Created April 26, 2022 18:52
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  1. tabs
  2. avoid meaningless whitespace, white space should communicate something fuzzy to humans
  3. {} are for the computer, not humans; inline it
  4. tabs are for a humans conception of scope
  5. whitespace should be used for human convience and to hightlight control flow



This is a 2d iteration where x and y are interlinked; as such, that tab represents that 2d iteration. (also note the }})


this doesn't even contain {} but none the less is conceptually a 3 statement loop over foo; as such this tab represents that these statements are about foo

bool empty(){i>=length;}

This is an extremely simple function, and therefore can be one line

enum foo=[
	vec2(  1,999),
	vec2( 10,100),
	vec2(100, 10),
	vec2(999,  1),

This is a large data structure that needs multiple lines to be readable; spaces should be used to make "rectangular selection" modifications easy.

if( ! foo.isvalid){

Unary ! can be easy to miss, but massively effects the control flow, this whitespace highlights it for the reader.

int setup=10;
	if(setup==0){goto exit;}

The code in the loop is indented as if it was a code block, dispite the control flow being completely manual.

acceptable paradigms

data-oriented design

in data-oriented design, you carefully design your data to fit your problem extremely well; then modify the data in the most straightforward way possible.


Define a data structure to have a range based interface; then heavily use the std 

Soft functional

[See prophet Carmacks essay](

soft functional is when you're attempting to minimize state, but not disallowing access to global variables, but do not get into monads and other memes

When using this style:

  1. move complex conditional logic to functions that start with is and return bools. foo.isvalid
  2. Stateful functions should be trivial (when possible) and return void.
  3. Math and algorithms should be wrapped up in (mostly) pure functions and have documenting unit tests
  4. If possible, limit mutability of the global variables; counters that strictly increase, append-only data structures, write-once


  1. no capitals
  2. strongly prefer trivial to spell words; ringarray > circularbuffer (I have to copy-paste circular to spell it correctly)
  3. short local names should be on this list i: anonymous int f: anonymous float r: anonymous range ror: range of ranges x,y,z,w: dimensions R: range(type) F: anonymous function T,S,U: anonymous type o: output e: element (of a list)
  4. Assume ufcs and consider the usage in a statement foo.update not foo.fooupdate


When submiting bad code, mark it as TODO:,HACK:, BAD: and then premptively defend yourself for why it exists.

Leave vitriolic, swear heavy code with your user name and date; when dealing with code that doesnt spark joy. This will improve morral for the next person; and mark what needs to be rewritten.

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