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.Button {
  border: none;
  padding: 16px;
  &--primary {
    background: blue;
 &:hover {
describe(() => {
let ConnectedPage;
// Wrap the page with everything it needs to work
beforeEach(() => {
ConnectedPage = ({ state,}) => <SomeStoreContext.Provider value={state}>
<Page {} />
// there are many ways to massage this to look prettier, but this
// essentially is a pure JS side-effect engine.
// API passed in like this so that we can test the engine.
const GroceryListEngine = (api) => (dispatch, initialState) => {
// all side-effect functions take an event, do one thing, then
// dispatch a new event.
const createListItem = ({payload:{text}}) => {
import * as lru from "lru-cache";
const DEFAULT_LRU_MAX = 1000;
// need this for default arguments
const getArgumentCount = (fn: Function) => {
const str = fn.toString();
const params = str.match(/\(.*?\)/)[0];
const args = params
const Adder = ({ a, b }) => {
return <span>{ a + b }</span>
:global(*) {
box-sizing: border-box;
<import src="tailwind.css" as="tw" />
@frame { width: 768, height: 768, x: 0, y: 0 }
<div class="$tw.font-sans $ $tw.h-screen $tw.w-screen">
<div class="$ $tw.rounded-lg $tw.p-8 $">
<div class="$ $tw.text-center $">
<!-- Message.pc -->
<div export component as="default">
<span class={labelClass}>
</span> {children}!
<import src="./Message.pc" as="Message" />
.my-style-override {
color: red;
font-weight: 800;
<!-- The $ syntax tells Paperclip to inject this style into the imported component -->
You can define styles at the top of the document, and they will
be applied to all elements within this file.
div {
color: red;