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Last active June 24, 2016 21:30
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Dominion WIP
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Free
data Action
= Cellar | Chapel | Moat
| Chancellor | Village | Woodcutter | Workshop
| Bureaucrat | Feast | Gardens | Militia | Moneylender | Remodel | Smithy | Spy | Thief | ThroneRoom
| CouncilRoom | Festival | Laboratory | Library | Market | Mine | Witch
| Adventurer
data Junk = Curse
data Treasure = Copper | Silver | Gold
data Victory = Estate | Duchy | Province
data CardType = Action Action | Junk Junk | Treasure Treasure | Victory Victory
isTreasure :: Card -> Bool
isTreasure (Card _ (Treasure _) _) = True
isTreausre _ = False
data Discard = Any | DownTo Int | UpTo Int | This Card
data CardEffect s where
= ActionEff :: Action -> CardEffect ()
| Bind :: CardEffect s -> (s -> CardEffect t) -> CardEffect t
| Choose :: CardEffect s -> CardEffect s -> CardEffect s
| Discard :: Discard -> CardEffect Int
| DrawUntil :: ([Card] -> Bool) -> CardEffect ()
| GainCard :: Card -> CardEffect ()
| GainUpTo :: Cost -> CardEffect ()
| PlusAction :: Int -> CardEffect ()
| PlusBuy :: Int -> CardEffect ()
| PlusCard :: Int -> CardEffect ()
| PlusMoney :: Cost -> CardEffect ()
| Others :: CardEffect s -> CardEffect s
| Shelve :: Card -> CardEffect ()
| Then :: CardEffect s -> CardEffect t -> CardEffect t
| TrashAny :: CardEffect Cost
| TrashOne :: [Card] -> CardEffect Cost
| TrashThis :: CardEffect ()
| TrashUpTo :: Int -> CardEffect ()
data Card = Card
{ _cost :: Cost
, _type :: CardType
, _effects :: [CardEffect ()]
chapel :: Card
chapel = Card 2 (Action Chapel) [TrashUpTo 4]
cellar :: Card
cellar = Card 2 (Action Cellar) [PlusAction 1, Discard Any `Bind` PlusCard]
witch :: Card
witch = Card 5 (Action Witch) [PlusCard 2, Others (GainCard curse)]
chancellor :: Card
chancellor = Card 3 (Action Chancellor) [PlusMoney 2, ActionEff Chancellor]
workshop :: Card
workshop = Card 3 (Action Workshop) [GainUpTo 4]
bureaucrat :: Card
bureaucrat = Card 4 (Action Bureaucrat) [GainCard silver, Others (Reveal [estate, duchy, province] `Bind` \c -> Discard (This c) `Then` Shelve c)]
councilRoom :: Card
councilRoom = Card 4 (Action CouncilRoom) [PlusCard 4, PlusBuy 1, Others (PlusCard 1)]
feast :: Card
feast = Card 4 (Action Feast) [TrashThis, GainUpTo 5]
militia :: Card
militia = Card 4 (Action Militia) [PlusCard 2, Others (Discard (DownTo 3))]
moneylender :: Card
moneylender = Card 4 (Action Moneylender) [TrashOne [copper] `Then` PlusMoney 3]
remodel :: Card
remodel = Card 4 (Action Remodel) [TrashAny `Bind` \c -> GainUpTo (c+2)]
spy :: Card
spy = Card 4 (Action Spy) [ActionEff Spy]
thief :: Card
thief = Card 4 (Action Thief) [ActionEff Thief]
throneRoom :: Card
throneRoom = Card 4 (Action ThroneRoom) [ActionEff ThroneRoom]
library :: Card
library = Card 5 (Action Library) [ActionEff Library]
mine :: Card
mine = Card 5 (Action Mine) [ActionEff Mine]
adventurer :: Card
adventurer = Card 6 (Action Adventurer) [DrawUntil ((==2) . length . filter isTreasure)]
targeting :: Card -> [Card] -> Card
targeting = const
type Opener = (Card, Card, Card, Card)
data StrategyF x
= After Round x x
| Before Round x x
| Buys [Card] x
| Plays [Card] x
| Opens Opener x
| Pass x
badReligion :: Strategy ()
badReligion = do
opens (chapel, silver, chapel, witch)
plays [village, witch, chapel `targeting` [curse, estate, copper]]
buys [province, gold, witch, village, silver] `before` Round 6
buys [province, gold, duchy, silver, estate]
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
data GameState = GameState
{ round :: Round
, supply :: Map CardName (Int, Card)
, players :: [Players]
isEndOfGame :: GameState -> Bool
isEndOfGame gs = False
newGameState :: [CardName] -> [Player] -> GameState
newGameState kingdom = GameState supply0
where supply0 = M.empty
newtype Dominion a = Dominion { runDominion :: StateT GameState Maybe a }
data TurnState = TurnState
{ hand :: [Card]
, actions :: Int
, buys :: Int
, gold :: Int
, player :: Player
newtype Turn a = Turn { runTurn :: StateT TurnState Maybe a }
newTurnState :: Player -> TurnState
newTurnState = TurnState [] 1 1 0
evalTurn :: Player -> Turn () -> Dominion ()
evalTurn p t = case evalStateT (runTurn t) (newTurnState p) of
Nothing -> return ()
Just xs -> return ()
newtype VictoryPoints = VP { getVictoryPoints :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Nat = Z | S Nat
type family :+ (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: Nat where
n :+ Z = n
Z :+ m = m
S n :+ m = S (n :+ m)
data Action (n :: Nat) (b :: Nat) where
Cellar :: Action (S Z) Z
Chapel :: Action Z Z
Moat :: Action Z Z
data CardName
= Cellar | Chapel | Moat
| Chancellor | Village | Woodcutter | Workshop
| Bureaucrat | Feast | Gardens | Militia | Moneylender | Remodel | Smithy | Spy | Thief | ThroneRoom
| CouncilRoom | Festival | Laboratory | Library | Market | Mine | Witch
| Adventurer
data Junk = Curse
data Treasure = Copper | Silver | Gold
data Victory = Estate | Duchy | Province
data CardType = Action Action | Junk Junk | Treasure Treasure | Victory Victory
data Card = Card
{ cost :: Word
, effect :: [CardEffect]
data Player (actions :: Nat) (buys :: Nat) = Player
{ deck :: [Card]
, discard :: [Card]
, name :: String
, strategy :: Strategy
newPlayer :: String -> Strategy -> Player
newPlayer = Player (shuffle deck0)
where deck0 = replicate 7 Copper ++ replicate 3 Estate
shuffle :: [a] -> [a]
shuffle = id
setPlayerHand :: [Card] -> TurnState -> TurnState
setPlayerHand xs s = s { hand = xs }
setPlayerDeck :: [Card] -> TurnState -> TurnState
setPlayerDeck xs s = s { player = player s { deck = xs } }
setPlayerDiscard :: [Card] -> TurnState -> TurnState
setPlayerDiscard xs s = s { player = player s { discard = discard ++ xs } }
draw :: Int -> Turn ()
draw n = do
p <- gets player
let (as, bs) = splitAt n (deck p)
modify (setPlayerHand as)
modify (setPlayerDeck bs)
discard :: Turn ()
discard = do
h <- gets hand
modify (setPlayerDiscard h)
playerTurn :: Player -> Turn ()
playerTurn p = do
draw 5
evalStrategy (strategy p)
play :: Player (S n) b -> Action n' b' -> Dominion (Player (n :+ n') (b :+ b'))
play = undefined
buy :: Player a (S n) -> Card -> Dominion (Player a n)
buy = undefined
newtype Round = Round Int
data StrategyF x
= Buys [CardName] x
| Plays [CardName] x
| Before Round x
type Strategy = Free StrategyF ()
buys :: [CardName] -> Strategy ()
buys = liftF Buys
plays :: [CardName] -> Strategy ()
plays = liftF Plays
before :: Round -> Strategy ()
before = liftF Before
evalStrategy :: Strategy -> Dominion ()
evalStrategy f = return ()
bigMoney :: Strategy
bigMoney = Buys [Province, Gold, Duchy, Silver, Estate]
bigMoneySmithy :: Strategy
bigMoneySmithy = do
plays [Smithy]
buys [Province, Gold, Silver, Smithy] `before` Round 6
buys [Province, Gold, Duchy, Silver, Estate]
dominion :: Ord a => [Player] -> [(Player, VictoryPoints)]
dominion xs = []
victor :: Ord a => [(Player, a)] -> Player
victor = head . sortOn snd
main = print (victor (dominion [newPlayer "Chris" bigMoneySmithy, newPlayer "Alice" bigMoney]))
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.RWST
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid
import System.Random
shuffle :: StdGen -> [a] -> [a]
shuffle = const id
data Player = Player
{ _deck :: [Card]
, _discard :: [Card]
, _name :: String
, _strategy :: Strategy ()
newPlayer :: String -> Strategy () -> Player
newPlayer = Player [] deck0
where deck0 = replicate 7 Copper ++ replicate 3 Estate
score :: Player -> VictoryPoints
score = sum . map victoryPoints . cards
where cards p = view deck p ++ view discard p
victoryPoints :: Card -> VictoryPoints
victoryPoints c = 0
data Queue a = Queue { focus :: a, front :: [a], back :: [a] }
fromList :: [a] -> Queue a
fromList [] = error "Queue.fromList: empty list"
fromList (x:xs) = Queue x xs []
cons :: a -> Queue a -> Queue a
cons a (Queue h f b) = Queue a (h : f) b
snoc :: a -> Queue a -> Queue a
snoc a (Queue h f b) = Queue h f (a : b)
head :: Queue a -> a
head (Queue h _ _) = h
rotateL :: Queue a -> Queue a
rotateL (Queue h [] []) = Queue h [] []
rotateL (Queue h [] b) = rotateL (Queue h (reverse b) [])
rotateL (Queue h (x:xs) b) = Queue x xs (h : b)
data GameState = GameState
{ _round :: Round
, _supply :: Map Card Int
, _trash :: [Card]
, _players :: Queue Player
isEndOfGame :: GameState -> Bool
isEndOfGame gs = ps || M.size cs >= 3
where ss = view supply gs
cs = M.filter (==0) ss
ps = ss M.! province
newGameState :: [Card] -> [Player] -> GameState
newGameState kingdom = GameState 0 M.empty [] . Q.fromList
data Config = Config
{ _iterations :: Int
, _verbose :: Bool
type Log = [String]
dominion :: [Player] -> GameState
dominion = dominionWith defaultConfig defaultKingdom
defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig = Config
{ iterations = 100
, verbose = False
defaultKingdom :: [Card]
defaultKingdom = [chapel, moat, village, remodel, moneylender, market, woodcutter, smithy, witch, militia]
dominionWith :: Config -> [Card] -> [Player] -> GameState
dominionWith cfg dom = fst . execRWS gameLoop cfg . newGameState dom
where gameLoop = do
finished <- gets isGameFinished
unless finished runGame
newtype Dominion a = Dominion { runDominion :: RWS Config Log GameState a }
data TurnState = TurnState
{ _prng :: StdGen
, _hand :: [Card]
, _pile :: [Card]
, _actions :: Int
, _buys :: Int
, _money :: Cost
, _player :: Player
newTurnState :: Player -> TurnState
newTurnState = TurnState stg [] [] 1 1 0
where stg = mkStdGen 8942896132
playerDeck :: Lens' TurnState [Card]
playerDeck = player . deck
playerDiscard :: Lens' TurnState [Card]
playerDiscard = player . discard
playerStrategy :: Lens' TurnState (Strategy ())
playerStrategy = player . strategy
data Update
= Buying [Card]
| Giving [Card]
| Trashing [Card]
type Turn = RWS Round [Update] TurnState
runRound :: Dominion ()
runRound = do
r <- round <+= 1
ps <- use players
forM_ ps $ \p -> do
let ts = newTurnState p
st = p ^. strategy
case evalRWS (foldFree phi st) r ts of
(_, w) -> mapM_ apply w
apply :: Update -> Dominion ()
apply (Buying cs) = mapM_ (\c -> supply %= M.adjust (-1) c) cs
apply (Giving cs) = over players (discard <>= cs)
apply (Trashing cs) = trash <>= cs
phi :: StrategyF a -> Turn a
phi (After r a b) = do
n <- ask
return $ if (r < n) then a else b
phi (Before r a b) = do
n <- ask
return $ if (r > n) then a else b
phi (Buys cs a) = do
m <- use money
let bs = purchase m cs
when (not (null bs)) $ do
b <- use buys
buys -= min b (length bs)
tell [Buying (take b bs)]
return a
phi p@(Plays cs a) = do
a <- use actions
if a == 0
then return a
else do
h <- use hand
case popFirst cs h of
Nothing -> return a
Just (c, h') -> do
hand .= h'
playCard c
phi p
popFirst :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe (a, [a])
popFirst _ [] = Nothing
popFirst ns hs = go ns
where go [] = Nothing
go (x:xs) = case pop x hs of
Nothing -> go xs
Just hs' -> Just (x, hs')
pop :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
pop a = go []
where go z [] = Nothing
go z (x:xs) = if a == x then Just (reverse z ++ xs) else go (x:z) xs
playCard :: Card -> Turn ()
playCard c@(Card _ _ eff) = do
actions -= 1
pile %= cons c
mapM_ runEffect eff
runEffect :: CardEffect s -> Turn s
runEffect (GainUpTo n) =
runEffect (Give c) = tell [Giving [c]]
runEffect (PlusAction n) = actions += n
runEffect (PlusBuy n) = buys += n
runEffect (PlusCard n) = draw n
runEffect (PlusMoney n) = money += n
runEffect (Trash n) =
runEffect (TrashAny cs) =
runEffect (TrashOne c) = tell [Trashing [c]]
runEffect (Others eff) =
runEffect (Then e f) = runEffect e >> runEffect f
runEffect (Bind e f) = runEffect e >>= runEffect . f
purchase :: Cost -> [Card] -> [Card]
purchase c = takeWhileAccum1 (<=c) (view cost)
takeWhileAccum1 :: Monoid b => (b -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]
takeWhileAccum1 p f = go mempty
where go _ [] = []
go z (x:xs) = let z' = z <> f x in
if p z' then x : go z' xs else []
turn :: Turn ()
turn = do
draw 5
uses playerStrategy runStrategy
draw :: Int -> Turn ()
draw n = do
d0 <- use playerDeck
when (length d0 < n) reshuffle
d1 <- use playerDeck
let (as, bs) = splitAt n d1
hand <>= as
playerDeck .= bs
reshuffle :: Turn ()
reshuffle = do
d <- playerDiscard <<.= []
playerDeck <>= shuffle d
discard :: Turn ()
discard = do
h <- hand <<.= []
p <- pile <<.= []
playerDiscard <>= h
playerDiscard <>= p
newtype Cost = Cost (Sum Int)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Num, Show)
newtype Round = Round (Sum Int)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Num, Show)
newtype VictoryPoints = VictoryPoints (Sum Int)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Num, Show)
data Action
= Cellar | Chapel | Moat
| Chancellor | Village | Woodcutter | Workshop
| Bureaucrat | Feast | Gardens | Militia | Moneylender | Remodel | Smithy | Spy | Thief | ThroneRoom
| CouncilRoom | Festival | Laboratory | Library | Market | Mine | Witch
| Adventurer
data Junk = Curse
data Treasure = Copper | Silver | Gold
data Victory = Estate | Duchy | Province
data CardType = Action Action | Junk Junk | Treasure Treasure | Victory Victory
data CardEffect s where
= Discard :: [Card] -> Int -> CardEffect Int
| Gain :: [Card] -> CardEffect ()
| GainUpTo :: Cost -> CardEffect ()
| PlusAction :: Int -> CardEffect ()
| PlusBuy :: Int -> CardEffect ()
| PlusCard :: Int -> CardEffect ()
| PlusMoney :: Int -> CardEffect ()
| Targeting :: Card -> [Card] -> CardEffect ()
| TrashAny :: [Card] -> CardEffect Cost
| Trash :: Int -> CardEffect Cost
| TrashThis :: CardEffect ()
| Others :: CardEffect s -> CardEffect s
| Then :: CardEffect s -> CardEffect t -> CardEffect t
| Bind :: CardEffect s -> (s -> CardEffect t) -> CardEffect t
data Card = Card
{ _cost :: Cost
, _type :: CardType
, _effects :: [CardEffect ()]
badReligion :: Strategy ()
badReligion = do
plays [village, chapel `targeting` [copper, estate, curse], witch]
buys [witch, silver, chapel] `before` Round 2
buys [province, gold, witch, village, silver] `before` Round 6
buys [province, gold, duchy, silver, estate]
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