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Last active June 27, 2024 14:09
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Encryption format for Chrome browser cookies

Google Chrome Encrypted Cookies

Google Chrome stores browser cookies in an SQLite database. The database has two tables, meta containing format and version metadata, and cookies with the contents of the cookies. The cookies table uses this schema:

-- To reproduce: sqlite path/to/Cookies .schema
CREATE TABLE cookies (
   creation_utc     INTEGER  NOT NULL,  -- microseconds since epoch
   host_key         TEXT     NOT NULL,  -- domain
   name             TEXT     NOT NULL,
   value            TEXT     NOT NULL,
   path             TEXT     NOT NULL,
   expires_utc      INTEGER  NOT NULL,  -- microseconds since epoch
   is_secure        INTEGER  NOT NULL,
   is_httponly      INTEGER  NOT NULL,
   last_access_utc  INTEGER  NOT NULL,
   has_expires      INTEGER  NOT NULL DEFAULT  1,
   is_persistent    INTEGER  NOT NULL DEFAULT  1,
   priority         INTEGER  NOT NULL DEFAULT  1,
   encrypted_value  BLOB              DEFAULT '',
   samesite         INTEGER  NOT NULL DEFAULT  -1,
   source_scheme    INTEGER  NOT NULL DEFAULT  0,

   -- samesite values, from Chromium cookies/cookie_constants.h
   --   UNSPECIFIED    = -1
   --   NO_RESTRICTION = 0    "None"
   --   LAX_MODE       = 1    "Lax"
   --   STRICT_MODE    = 2    "Strict"

   UNIQUE (host_key, name, path)


The expires_utc and creation_utc fields contain timestamps given as integer numbers of microseconds elapsed since midnight 01-Jan-1601 UTC in the proleptic calendar. The Unix epoch is 11644473600 seconds after this moment.


The value and encrypted_value fields are used to store cookie values. In practice, one or the other is populated, but not both.

value encrypted_value Description
empty non-empty Encrypted value
non-empty empty Non-zero length value, unencrypted
empty empty Zero-length value, unencrypted
non-empty non-empty (not observed)

Storage Format

An encrypted value consists of a data packet that is encrypted with AES-128 in CBC mode. The encrypted data packet has the following format:

Bytes Content Description
3 "v10" (0x76 0x31 0x30) Version tag (unencrypted)
n value Payload (encrypted)
p padding Padding (encrypted), 1–16 bytes

The encrypted portion of the packet (n + p) contains a multiple of 16 bytes. If n is a multiple of 16, p = 16; otherwise 1 ≤ p ≤ 15.


The encrypted value is padded as per PCKD#5: Before encryption, p bytes of padding are added to the plaintext value to ensure a multiple of 16 bytes. At least one byte of padding is always added, so if the value is already a multiple of 16 bytes, p=16 additional are added. Each padding byte has the value p, so if p=5, the padding is the 5-byte sequence [5, 5, 5, 5, 5].

After decryption, the padding must be removed, and it can be used to verify that the decryption key was correct. The final byte of the decrypted packet must be a padding byte with value 1 ≤ p ≤ 16, and the last p bytes of the packet must contain the value p. Otherwise, the decryption key can be assumed to be incorrect.


Encryption and decryption are performed using AES-128 in cipher-block chaining (CBC) mode with an initialization vector consisting of 16 space bytes (Unicode 32). The encryption key is described below.

Key Generation

The 16-byte AES-128 encryption key is generated using the PBKDF2 (RFC 2898) algorithm from a user-provided passphrase. The key generation salt is the fixed string saltysalt. On macOS, Chrome uses 1003 iterations of the key generation algorithm; on Linux it uses 1 iteration. I don't know what it does on Windows.

On macOS, Chrome stores the encryption passphrase in the user's login keychain under "Chrome Safe Storage". The passphrase is base64-encoded but is used directly in its base64-encoded form.

Older versions of Chrome and Chromium on Linux used the fixed passphrase peanuts, but more recent versions use the Gnome keyring.

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Just to add: On Windows, the AES (mode GCM) key is encrypted by Windows DPAPI, stored in Local State file.
The encrypted blob is like: v10 + nonce + cipher + verification_tag.

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Just to add: On Windows, the AES (mode GCM) key is encrypted by Windows DPAPI, stored in Local State file. The encrypted blob is like: v10 + nonce + cipher + verification_tag.

Thanks, that's interesting. How are the contents organized within the string, e.g., are the various parts delimited or length-prefixed or something?

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Just to add: On Windows, the AES (mode GCM) key is encrypted by Windows DPAPI, stored in Local State file. The encrypted blob is like: v10 + nonce + cipher + verification_tag.

Thanks, that's interesting. How are the contents organized within the string, e.g., are the various parts delimited or length-prefixed or something?

The structure is like:

Field Length
v10 :3
nonce 3:15
ciphertext 15:-16
verification tag -16:

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