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Created January 15, 2011 20:58
Calculating CPU Usage from /proc/stat in Perl
# Ref: Calculating CPU Usage from /proc/stat
# (
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use utf8;
use List::Util qw(sum);
$| = 1;
my ($prev_idle, $prev_total) = qw(0 0);
while () {
open(STAT, '/proc/stat') or die "WTF: $!";
while (<STAT>) {
next unless /^cpu\s+[0-9]+/;
my @cpu = split /\s+/, $_;
shift @cpu;
my $idle = $cpu[3];
my $total = sum(@cpu);
my $diff_idle = $idle - $prev_idle;
my $diff_total = $total - $prev_total;
my $diff_usage = 100 * ($diff_total - $diff_idle) / $diff_total;
$prev_idle = $idle;
$prev_total = $total;
printf "CPU: %0.2f%% \r", $diff_usage;
close STAT;
sleep 1;
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