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Last active August 17, 2022 11:46
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Google Meet Automation (using 'User JavaScript and CSS')

What does it do?

The script automates the following actions.

  1. Mute the camera
  2. Mute the mic — Opted-out by default
  3. Join the meeting
  4. If the meeting title matches a certain pattern, remind you to start recording by opening 'Activities Panel'.
    Activities Panel Screen Shot 2022-05-24 at 14 01 21
  5. Dismiss "Are you still there?" dialog
    Dialog Screen Shot 2022-06-09 at 11 23 16

How to use

  1. Install User JavaScript and CSS extension
  2. Go to the extension options page:
  3. Click on 'Add new site':
  4. Enter name and domain:
  5. Copy & paste the script, and 'Save'
(async () => {
await autoMuteCamera();
// await autoMuteMic();
await autoJoin();
remindToStartRecording(/録画|design sync-?up|輪読会|ブリーフィング|briefing/i);
//=== Util
async function mut(fn) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
const result = fn();
if (typeof result === "undefined") return;
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
async function findAllNodesAsync(selector, filterFn) {
const find = () => {
const nodes = [...document.body.querySelectorAll(selector)];
if (nodes.length === 0) return;
if (filterFn) {
const filtered = nodes.filter(filterFn);
if (filtered.length === 0) return;
return filtered;
return nodes;
return find() ?? mut(find);
async function findNodeAsync(selector, filterFn) {
const nodes = await findAllNodesAsync(selector, filterFn);
return nodes[0];
async function getMeetingTitle() {
const id = window.location.pathname.substr(1);
const getTitle = () => {
const m = document.title.match(/^Meet - (.+)$/);
const titleOrId = m?.[1];
if (!titleOrId || titleOrId === id) return;
return titleOrId;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const tick = () => {
const title = getTitle();
if (title) return resolve(title);
setTimeout(tick, 50);
//=== Actions
async function autoMuteCamera() {
const btn = await findNodeAsync(`div[role="button"][aria-label*="camera"][data-is-muted]`);
if (btn.dataset.isMuted !== "false") return;;
console.log("[autoMuteCamera] activated");
async function autoMuteMic() {
const btn = await findNodeAsync(`div[role="button"][aria-label*="microphone"][data-is-muted]`);
if (btn.dataset.isMuted !== "false") return;;
console.log("[autoMuteMic] activated");
async function autoJoin() {
await getMeetingTitle();
await mut(() => {
const el = document.querySelector(`[role="heading"][aria-level="1"]`);
if (!el) return;
const title = el.innerText;
if (!title || title.includes("Ready to join?")) return;
return true;
const joinButton = await findNodeAsync(`button`, (node) => node.innerText.includes("Join now"));;
console.log("[autoJoin] activated");
async function remindToStartRecording(meetingTitlePattern) {
const title = await getMeetingTitle();
if (!meetingTitlePattern.test(title)) return;
const activitiesButton = await findNodeAsync(`button[aria-label="Activities"]`);;
console.log("[remindToStartRecording] activated");
async function stayJoined() {
const dialog = await findNodeAsync(`div[aria-modal][role="dialog"][aria-label="Are you still there?"]`);
const btn = dialog.querySelector(`button[data-mdc-dialog-button-default]`); // "Stay in the call";
console.log("[stayJoined] activated");
setTimeout(stayJoined, 1 * 60 * 1000); // Rerun every minutes
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