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Created November 8, 2011 22:14
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Lua style coroutines in nodeJS proposal
var FS = require('fs');
var Fiber = require('./fiber'); // Not to be confused with the existing node-fibers module
// readFile is a normal non-blocking, async function, but internally it can use
// the coroutine helper fiber. These kinds of coroutines are no more dangerous
// to the caller than any other async function.
function readfile(filename, next) {
// The call to Fiber is non-blocking. It's contents are only run sync till
// the first call to wait and then it returns.
Fiber(function (resume, wait) {
var err, fd, stat, chunks;
// This is a normal async function. It doesn't know anything about coroutines.
// The call is non-blocking, even for this coroutine, "r", "0644", resume);
// Destructuring assignment, wait returns the arguments that resume got.
// The call to wait will suspend this coroutine and only resume when the
// `resume` callback eventually gets called.
[err, fd] = wait();
if (err) { next(err); return; }
// Same thing, but doing a fstat on the fd
FS.fstat(fd, resume);
[err, stat] = wait();
if (err) { next(err); return; }
// Here is an example using a blocking loop to read a file in chunks
var chunk, length, offset = 0;
do {, offset, 72, resume);
[err, chunk, length] = wait();
if (err) { next(err); return; }
offset = offset + length;
} while (length);
// Works for other async functions too, not just node ones.
// Sleep this coroutine for 500ms
setTimeout(resume, 500);
FS.close(fd, resume)
[err] = wait();
if (err) { next(err); return; }
next(null, chunks, stat);
// This is the implementation of the fiber helper used in the example.
// 'coroutine' is a made up addon or builtin to future javascript
// that implements lua style coroutines.
var Coroutine = require('coroutine');
module.exports = function Fiber(fn) {
var resume = Coroutine.wrap(fn);
resume(resume, Coroutine.yield);
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Silver bullets are as mythical as the werewolves they kill. What I want is something minimal, incremental, and as natural to js semantics as possible. This doesn't solve all problems, but it helps a lot with the main use case where people can't handle callbacks (doing several async I/O operations serially as part of a larger task). If other code has to be fiber or co-routine aware to interop then it's not a natural fit. My proposal fits easily into existing paradigms.

The reason I mention preserving the stack is when comparing this to solutions like Step. Step is syntactically almost as nice as this, but debugging is a nightmare and things like loops or if statements are impossible.

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I think we agree completely on what makes this a useful idea and how it fits better into the Node ecosystem than raw fibers. I was mostly reacting to your comment about stack traces being more important than manageable looping and branching.

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It looks like this is just as easy to implement with generators, which will almost certainly make it into future versions of v8, so this is probably going to be a viable strategy for future modules.

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