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Created June 27, 2009 02:39
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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is Bespin.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mozilla.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Bespin Team (
* Scott Ellis (
* Tim Caswell (
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
// = Ruby Syntax Highlighting Implementation =
// Module for syntax highlighting Ruby.
// ** {{{ bespin.syntax.simple.Ruby }}} **
// Tracks syntax highlighting data on a per-line basis. This is a quick-and-dirty implementation.
bespin.syntax.RubyConstants = {
LINE_COMMENT: "comment",
STRING: "string",
KEYWORD: "keyword",
PUNCTUATION: "punctuation",
CONSTANT: "attribute",
GLOBAL: "identifier",
SPECIAL_VAR: "color",
OTHER: "plain"
dojo.declare("bespin.syntax.simple.Ruby", null, {
keywords: 'alias and begin break case class def defined do else elsif end ensure false for if in module next nil not or redo rescue retry return then true undef unless until when while yield'.split(" "),
punctuation: '. # ( ) { } ^ ~ < << <= <=> = =~ == === > >= >> | || ||= - - -= :: ! !~ != / .. ... [] * ** & && &&= % + + += and not or " \''.split(" "),
special_vars: 'self super __FILE__ __LINE__'.split(' '),
highlight: function(line, meta) {
if (!meta) meta = {};
var K = bespin.syntax.RubyConstants; // aliasing the constants for shorter reference ;-)
// contains the individual style types as keys, with array of start/stop positions as value
var regions = {};
// current state, maintained as we parse through each character in the line; values at any time should be consistent
var currentStyle = undefined;
var currentRegion = {}; // should always have a start property for a non-blank buffer
var buffer = "";
// these properties are related to the parser state above but are special cases
var stringChar = ""; // the characters used to start the current string
for (var i = 0; i < line.length; i++) {
var c = line.charAt(i);
// check if we're in a string, and if this char ends it
if (currentStyle == K.STRING) {
if (c == stringChar && (i == 0 || line.charAt(i - 1) != '\\'))
currentRegion.stop = i + 1;
this.addRegion(regions, currentStyle, currentRegion);
currentRegion = {};
currentStyle = undefined;
buffer = "";
stringChar = "";
} else {
if (buffer == "") currentRegion = { start: i };
buffer += c;
if (currentStyle == K.REGULAR_EXPRESSION) {
if (c == '/' && (i == 0 || line.charAt(i - 1) != '\\'))
currentRegion.stop = i + 1;
this.addRegion(regions, currentStyle, currentRegion);
currentRegion = {};
currentStyle = undefined;
buffer = "";
stringChar = "";
} else {
if (buffer == "") currentRegion = { start: i };
buffer += c;
if (currentStyle == undefined && (i == 0 || this.isWhiteSpaceOrPunctuation(line.charAt(i - 1)))) {
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
currentRegion = { start: i };
currentStyle = K.CONSTANT;
buffer += c;
if (c == '$' || c == '@') {
currentRegion = { start: i };
currentStyle = K.GLOBAL;
buffer += c;
if (this.isWhiteSpaceOrPunctuation(c)) {
// if the buffer is full, add it to the regions
if (buffer != "") {
currentRegion.stop = i;
if (this.keywords.indexOf(buffer) != -1) {
// the buffer contains a keyword
currentStyle = K.KEYWORD;
} else if (this.special_vars.indexOf(buffer) != -1) {
// the buffer contains a keyword
currentStyle = K.SPECIAL_VAR;
} else if (currentStyle == undefined) {
currentStyle = K.OTHER;
this.addRegion(regions, currentStyle, currentRegion);
currentRegion = {};
stringChar = "";
buffer = "";
currentStyle = undefined;
if (this.isPunctuation(c)) {
// check for a line comment; this ends the parsing for the rest of the line
if (c == '#') {
currentRegion = { start: i, stop: line.length };
currentStyle = K.LINE_COMMENT;
this.addRegion(regions, currentStyle, currentRegion);
buffer = "";
currentStyle = undefined;
currentRegion = {};
break; // once we get a line comment, we're done!
} else
if (c == "'" || c == '"') {
currentRegion = { start: i };
currentStyle = K.STRING;
stringChar = c;
buffer += c;
if (c == '/') {
currentRegion = { start: i };
buffer += c;
// add an ad-hoc region for just this one punctuation character
this.addRegion(regions, K.PUNCTUATION, { start: i, stop: i + 1 });
if (buffer == "") currentRegion = { start: i };
buffer += c;
// check for a trailing character inside of a string
if (buffer != "") {
if (this.keywords.indexOf(buffer) != -1) {
// the buffer contains a keyword
currentStyle = K.KEYWORD;
} else if (this.special_vars.indexOf(buffer) != -1) {
// the buffer contains a keyword
currentStyle = K.SPECIAL_VAR;
} else if (currentStyle == undefined) {
currentStyle = K.OTHER;
currentRegion.stop = line.length;
this.addRegion(regions, currentStyle, currentRegion);
return { regions: regions, meta: { stringChar: stringChar } };
addRegion: function(regions, type, data) {
if (!regions[type]) regions[type] = [];
isWhiteSpaceOrPunctuation: function(ch) {
return this.isPunctuation(ch) || this.isWhiteSpace(ch);
isPunctuation: function(ch) {
return this.punctuation.indexOf(ch) != -1;
isWhiteSpace: function(ch) {
return ch == " " || ch == "\t";
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