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Created July 7, 2010 07:24
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var FS = require('fs'),
PATH = require('path');
var libs = {};
// Include node's built-in modules
// NOTE: process.binding is a node private API, this means it may change without notice.
Object.keys(process.binding('natives')).forEach(function (name) {
libs[name] = name;
// Include libs in the require paths
require.paths.forEach(function (path) {
if (PATH.existsSync(path)) {
FS.readdirSync(path).forEach(function (filename) {
var fullPath = PATH.join(path, filename);
if (FS.statSync(fullPath).isDirectory()) {
if (PATH.existsSync(PATH.join(fullPath, "index.js"))) {
libs[filename] = fullPath;
if (PATH.existsSync(PATH.join(fullPath, "index.node"))) {
libs[filename] = fullPath;
var p = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
var extension = filename.substr(p);
if (extension === '.js' || extension === ".node") {
libs[filename.substr(0, p)] = fullPath.substr(0, fullPath.lastIndexOf('.'));
// Set up lazy loaders
Object.keys(libs).forEach(function (lib) {
var name = lib.toUpperCase();
var path = libs[lib];
var code = function () {
// When called, replace the property with the real deal
delete global[name];
return global[name] = require(path);
global.__defineGetter__(name, code);
// Assuming Connect is in your require.paths somewhere...
// The first reference to "CONNECT" will require('connect') and replace
// the CONNECT variable with the module itself.
CONNECT.createServer(CONNECT.logger(), CONNECT.staticProvider(__dirname)).listen(8080);
SYS.puts("Starting magical connect server at http://localhost:8080/magic.js");
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