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Created January 6, 2016 02:41
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I just learned that service workers are finally getting to the state where JavaScript in the browser can handle HTTP requests browser-side!

A couple years ago, I was working on making a web ide that used git in the browser to sync and edit code entirely offline in any browser. Using appcache manifest I was able to even make the page reload offline. Data was stored in local storage and indexed db.

There was one major flaw though. I had no reasonable way to run the code. Sure I could eval some JavaScript snippets or even run them in a web worker (dynamically creating worker urls from blobs from user text). But what I really wanted and couldn't do was service HTTP requests and develop a web app in the browser.

So here's the basic idea for the next generation of tedit:

  • Command line for primary interface, will have smart auto-completion, suggestions, inline help links and syntax highlighting. But it will be a command line!
  • Apps can be launched from the command line. There will be a text editor widget that can edit source files on the virtual filesystem.
  • Apps/programs can also run in the background and will be shown as simple icons or lines in a table (think top) showing status.
  • Basic tiling window manager for apps.
  • Everything can be an app, the window manager, the editor, the background process viewer.

Essentially, we're creating a mini operating system in the browser as a full development environment. The APIs exposed by the platform can be mirrored in node.js so that a server developed in the browser can also be deployed to a real server without modifications.

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Now what really excites me, is since we're virtualizing the entire stack, we can prototype any API. We can implement any programming language in JS and it will act like a native language in this virtual OS. We can use websocket bridges and webrtc to act as gateways to TCP clients/servers in the OS. It would be possible to re-implement node.js to run in the browser. And thanks to service workers, our simulated node server can serve real web pages to a real browser window. This is the step I was missing before.

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