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Last active October 9, 2020 08:14
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DayZ:Enforce #Script #Syntax
class MyCustomClass(){}
void Method()
auto variableName = 1; // variableName will be of type integer
auto variablePi = 3.14; // variablePi will be of type float
auto variableInst = new MyCustomClass(); // variableInst will be of type MyCustomClass
void Test()
Print("Hello"); // single line comment
const int MONTHS_COUNT = 12;
void Test()
int a = MONTHS_COUNT; // ok
MONTHS_COUNT = 7; // err! you cannot change constant!
class MyClassA
void MyClassA() // constructor declaration of class MyClassA
Print("Instance of MyClassA is created!");
void ~MyClassA() // destructor declaration of class MyClassA
Print("Instance of MyClassA is destroyed!");
class MyClassB
string m_name;
void MyClassB(string name) // constructor declaration of class MyClassB
m_name = name;
Print("Instance of MyClassB is created!");
void ~MyClassB() // destructor declaration of class MyClassB
Print("Instance of MyClassB is destroyed!");
void Method()
MyClassA a = new MyClassA; // prints "Instance of MyClassA is created!"
MyClassB b = new MyClassB("Michal"); // prints "Instance of MyClassB is created!"
delete b; // prints "Instance of MyClassB is destroyed!"
} // here at the end of scope ARC feature automatically destroys 'a' object and it prints "Instance of MyClassA is destroyed!"
void Method()
autoptr TStringArray nameArray = new TStringArray; // dynamic array declaration, "TStringArray" is the same as "array<string>"
string name;
name = nameArray.Get(1); // gets second element of array "nameArray"
Print(name); // prints "name = 'Michal'"
nameArray.Remove(1); // second element is removed
name = nameArray.Get(1); // gets second element of array "nameArray"
Print(name); // prints "name = 'David'"
int nameCount = nameArray.Count(); // gets elements count of array "nameArray"
Print(nameCount); // prints "nameCount = 2"
enum MyEnumBase
Alfa = 5, // has value 5
Beta, // has value 6
Gamma // has value 7
enum MyEnum: MyEnumBase
Blue, // has value 8
Yellow, // has value 9
Green = 20, // has value 20
Orange // has value 21
void Test()
int a = MyEnum.Beta;
MyEnum b = MyEnum.Green;
int c = b;
Print(a); // prints '6'
Print(b); // prints '20'
Print(c); // prints '20'
Print(MyEnum.Alfa); // prints '5'
class MyClassA
void MyClassA() { Print("MyClassA()"); } // constructor
void ~MyClassA() { Print("~MyClassA()"); } // destructor
void function1()
MyClassA a = new MyClassA(); // 'MyClassA()'
a = new MyClassA();
// new object is created 'MyClassA()',
// 'a' is overwritten,
// first instance of MyClass is released: '~MyClassA()'
// any code here
// the end of function, local variable 'a' is released: '~MyClassA()'
ref MyClassA g_MyGlobal;
void function2()
MyClassA a = new MyClassA(); // 'MyClassA()'
g_MyGlobal = a;
// the end of function, local variable 'a' is released, but there is still one strong ref g_MyGlobal,
// so the object will live until the end of this script module.
void PrintMyObj(MyClassA o)
Print("object is " + o);
void function3()
MyClassA a = new MyClassA(); // 'MyClassA()'
PrintMyObj(a); // 'object is MyClassA<address>'
// the end of function, local variable 'a' is released: '~MyClassA()'
void function4()
PrintMyObj(new MyClassA());
// object is created 'MyClassA()',
// PrintMyObj function is called 'object is MyClassA<address>'
//and right after PrintMyObj function finishes, temporary object is released '~MyClassA()'
MyClassA CreateMyObj()
return new MyClassA();
void function5()
MyClassA a = CreateMyObj(); // object is created inside CreateMyObj function 'MyClassA()'
// any code here
// the end of function, local variable 'a' is released: '~MyClassA()'
void function6()
array<MyClassA> pole1 = new array<MyClassA>(); // array of weak references is created
pole1.Insert(new MyClassA());
// object is created 'MyClassA()',
// but pole1 is array of weak references, so no one is keeping this object alive,
// its deleted immediately '~MyClassA()'
array<ref MyClassA> pole2 = new array<ref MyClassA>(); // array of strong references is created
pole2.Insert(new MyClassA()); // object is created 'MyClassA()'
// any code here
// the end of function, local variables 'pole1' and 'pole2' are released:
// pole1 is destroyed (it contains just NULL),
// pole2 is destroyed (it contains last strong ref to object, so object is destroyed '~MyClassA()')
// classes and arrays
class ExampleClass
//! weak reference to object
MyClassA m_a;
//! strong reference to object
ref MyClassA m_b;
//! strong reference to dynami array(dynamic array is object itself) of weak references
ref array<MyClassA> m_c;
//! strong reference to dynamic array of strong references
ref array<ref MyClassA> m_d;
//! static array of strong references
ref MyClassA m_e[10];
void Method()
// this code prints
// "i = 0"
// "i = 1"
// "i = 2"
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// this function print all elements from dynamic array of strings
void ListArray(TStringArray a)
if (a == null) return; // check if "a" is not null
int i = 0;
int c = a.Count();
for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
string tmp = a.Get(i);
void TestFn()
int pole1[] = {7,3,6,8};
array<string> pole2 = {"a", "b", "c"};
auto mapa = new map<string, int>();
mapa["jan"] = 1;
mapa["feb"] = 2;
mapa["mar"] = 3;
// simple foreach iteration
foreach(int v: pole1) // prints: '7', '3', '6', '8'
// foreach iteration with key (if you iterate trough array, key is filled with array index)
foreach(int i, string j: pole2) // prints: 'pole[0] = a', 'pole[1] = b', 'pole[2] = c'
Print("pole[" + i + "] = " + j);
// map iteration, with key and value
foreach(auto k, auto a: mapa) // prints: 'mapa[jan] = 1', 'mapa[feb] = 2', 'mapa[mar] = 3'
Print("mapa[" + k + "] = " + a);
// map iteration with just value
foreach(auto b: mapa) // prints: '1', '2', '3'
void MethodA() // function with no parameters and no return value
int GiveMeTen() // function with no parameters which returns integer value
return 10;
void GiveMeElevenAndTwelve(out int val1, out int val2, int val3) // function with 2 of the parameters passed as reference
val1 = 11;
val2 = 12;
val3 = 13;
void PrintNum(int a = 0) // example of function with default parameter
void MethodB()
int ten = 0;
int eleven = 0;
int twelve = 0;
int thirteen = 0;
ten = GiveMeTen();
// function "GiveMeElevenAndTwelve" sets values of "eleven" and "twelve" variables,
// because "val1" and "val2" parameters are marked with "out" keyword,
// but value of "thirteen" variable is not changed, because third parameter is not marked as "out" and "val3"
// behaves only like a local variable of "GiveMeElevenAndTwelve" function
GiveMeElevenAndTwelve(eleven, twelve, thirteen);
Print(ten); // prints "ten = 10"
Print(eleven); // prints "eleven = 11"
Print(twelve); // prints "twelve = 12"
Print(thirteen ); // prints "thirteen = 0"
PrintNum(); // function "PrintNum" has default parameter, so its ok to call with empty brackets, it prints "a = 0"
PrintNum(7); // prints "a = 7"
float Sum(float a, float b) // function with two float parameters which return float value
return a + b;
float Sum(int a, int b) // overloaded Sum function which uses int parameters instead
return a + b;
void PrintCount(TStringArray stringArray) // function with one "TStringArray" object parameter which returns no value
if (!stringArray) return; // check if stringArray is not null
int count = stringArray.Count();
void Method()
int a = 4;
int b = 5;
if (a > 0)
Print("A is greater than zero!");
Print("A is not greater than zero!");
if (a > 0 && b > 0)
Print("A and B are greater than zero!");
if (a > 0 || b > 0)
Print("A or B are greater than zero!");
// 'else if' example
if (a > 10)
Print("a is bigger then 10");
else if (a > 5)
Print("a is bigger then 5 but smaller than 10");
Print("a is smaller then 5");
class AnimalClass
void MakeSound()
class Dog: AnimalClass
override void MakeSound()
Print("Wof! Wof!");
void Aport()
// do something
class Cat: AnimalClass
override void MakeSound()
void Scratch()
// do something
void LetAnimalMakeSound(AnimalClass pet)
if (pet) // check if pet is not null
void Method()
Cat nyan = new Cat;
Dog pluto = new Dog;
nyan.MakeSound(); // prints "Meow!"
pluto.MakeSound(); // prints "Wof! Wof!"
LetAnimalMakeSound(nyan); // prints "Meow!"
LetAnimalMakeSound(pluto); // prints "Wof! Wof!"
// without Managed
class A
void Hello()
void TestA()
A a1 = new A();
A a2 = a1; // both a2 and a1 contain pointer to the same instance of A
a1.Hello(); // prints "hello"
a2.Hello(); // prints "hello"
delete a1; // our instance of A is deleted and a1 is set to NULL
if (a1) a1.Hello(); // nothing happens because a1 is NULL
if (a2) a2.Hello(); // a2 is still pointing to deleted instance of A so condition pass. This line cause crash!
// with Managed
class B: Managed
void Hello()
void TestB()
B a1 = new B();
B a2 = a1; // both a2 and a1 contain pointer to the same instance of B
a1.Hello(); // prints "hello"
a2.Hello(); // prints "hello"
delete a1; // our instance of B is deleted and a1 is set to NULL, thanks to Managed(soft links) a2 (and all other possible pointers) is also NULL
if (a1) a1.Hello(); // nothing happens because a1 is NULL
if (a2) a2.Hello(); // nothing happens because a2 is also NULL, thus this code will always be safe
// original
class ModMe
void Say()
Print("Hello original");
// First mod
modded class ModMe // this class automatically inherits from original class ModMe
override void Say()
Print("Hello modded One");
// Second mod
modded class ModMe // this class automatically inherits from first mod's ModMe
override void Say()
Print("Hello modded Two");
void Test()
ModMe a = new ModMe(); // modded class ModMe is instanced
a.Say(); // prints 'Hello modded Two' , 'Hello modded One' and 'Hello original'
class BaseTest
const int CONST_BASE = 4;
class TestConst: BaseTest
const int CONST_TEST = 5;
modded class TestConst
const int CONST_BASE = 1;
const int CONST_TEST = 2;
const int CONST_MOD = 3;
void TestPrint()
Print(TestConst.CONST_BASE); // 1
Print(TestConst.CONST_TEST); // 2
Print(TestConst.CONST_MOD); // 3
// original
class VanillaClass
private bool imPrivate = 0;
private void DoSomething()
Print("Vanilla method");
// accesss
modded class VanillaClass
void AccessPvt()
// override
modded class VanillaClass
override void DoSomething()
Print("Modded method");
void World()
int i = 5;
// Following i is in a nested scope (scope of the for loop)
// Therefore we get an error because multiple declaration is not allowed
for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
class MyClass
void Say()
Print("Hello world");
void MethodA()
MyClass o; // o == null
o = new MyClass; // creates a new instance of MyClass class
o.Say(); // calls Say() function on instance 'o'
delete o; // destroys 'o' instance
void MethodB()
// if you type autoptr into declaration, compiler automatically does "delete o;" when the scope is terminated
autoptr MyClass o; // o == null
o = new MyClass; // creates a new instance of MyClass class
o.Say(); // calls Say() function on instance 'o'
void MethodC()
MyClass o;
o = new MyClass;
// This function doesn't delete the object, which causes memory leak
void UnsafeMethod(MyClass o) // Method not checking for existence of the input argument
void SafeMethod(MyClass o)
if (o)
Print("Hey! Object 'o' is not initialised!");
void MethodD()
autoptr MyClass o;
o = new MyClass;
SafeMethod(o); // ok
UnsafeMethod(o); // ok
SafeMethod(null); // ok
UnsafeMethod(null); // Crash! Object 'o' is not initialised and UnsafeMethod accessed it!
class MyClass
void Hello()
Print("Hello World"); // ok
void Hello()
Print("Hello World"); // ok
Print("Hello World"); // this code will be never executed, and should be caught by compiler as unexpected statement
class Parent
ref Child m_child; // putting 'ref' keyword, we give a hint to compiler, that this is strong reference.
class Child
Parent m_parent; // this reference is weak reference (there is no 'ref')
void main()
Parent a = new Parent(); // 'a' has 1 strong reference (local vars are strong by default)
Child b = new Child(); // 'b' has 1 reference (local vars are strong by default)
a.m_child = b; // 'b' has 2 strong references, because Parent.m_child is strong ref
b.m_parent = a; // 'a' has still just 1 strong reference, because Child.m_parent is weak reference
// local variables 'a', 'b' are released (reference count is decreased by 1)
void Hello()
int x = 2; // First declaration of x
void Hello2()
int x = 23; // Different x not related to the first one
void Hello()
if (true)
// This is code block for the if branch
int x = 2; // First declaration of x
// This is code block for the else branch
int x = 23; // This will currently throw a multiple declaration error - while this should change for future enfusion script iterations, it might stay like this in DayZ. To circumvent this, define the x above the if statement or use different variables.
class IndexOperatorTest
int data[3];
void Set(int _index, int _value)
data[_index] = _value;
int Get(int _index)
return data[_index];
auto instance = new IndexOperatorTest();
instance[1] = 5;
Print(instance[1]); // prints '5'
void MethodA()
int numbersArray[3]; // declaring array of int with size 3
numbersArray[0] = 54;
numbersArray[1] = 82;
numbersArray[2] = 7;
int anotherArray[3] = {53, 90, 7};
const int ARRAY_SIZE = 5;
void MethodB()
int numbersArray[ARRAY_SIZE]; // declaring array of int with size of value of ARRAY_SIZE constant
numbersArray[0] = 54;
numbersArray[1] = 82;
numbersArray[2] = 7;
numbersArray[3] = 1000;
numbersArray[4] = 324;
void MethodC()
int size = 3;
int numbersArray[size]; // err! size static array cannot be declared by variable!
void Method()
string a = "Hello";
string b = " world!";
string c = a + b;
Print(a); // prints "Hello"
Print(b); // prints " world!"
Print(c); // prints "Hello world!"
void Method()
int a = 2;
case 1:
Print("a is 1");
case 2:
Print("a is 2"); // this one is called
Print("it's something else");
// using switch with constants
const int LOW = 0;
const int MEDIUM = 1;
const int HIGH = 2;
int quality = MEDIUM;
case LOW:
// do something
case MEDIUM:
// this one is called
// do something
case HIGH:
// do something
// using switch with strings
string name = "peter";
case "john":
Print("Hello John!");
case "michal":
Print("Hello Michal!");
case "peter":
Print("Hello Peter!"); // this one is called
class Item<Class T>
T m_data;
void Item(T data)
m_data = data;
void SetData(T data)
m_data = data;
T GetData()
return m_data;
void PrintData()
void Method()
Item<string> string_item = new Item<string>("Hello!"); // template class Item declared with type "string". In Item<string> class, all "T"s are substituted with 'string'
Item<int> int_item = new Item<int>(72); // template class Item declared with type "int". In Item<int> class, all "T"s are substituted with 'int'
string_item.PrintData(); // prints "m_data = 'Hello!'"
int_item.PrintData(); // prints "m_data = 72"
class AnimalClass
void Hello()
class HoneyBadger: AnimalClass
override void Hello()
void Test()
Hello(); // prints "HoneyBadger.Hello()"
this.Hello(); // 'this' refers to this instance of object, so same as line above, prints "HoneyBadger.Hello()"
super.Hello(); // refers to base(super) class members, prints "AnimalClass.Hello()"
void Test()
// declare
int a;
// assign
a = 5;
// initialize
int b = 9;
void Method()
vector up = "0 1 0"; // initialized by values <0, 1, 0>
vector down; // vector "down" has now default value <0, 0, 0>
down = up;
down[1] = -1; // change Y value of vector "down"
Print(up); // prints <0, 1, 0>
Print(down); // prints <0, -1, 0>
void Method()
int i = 0;
// this code prints
// "i = 0"
// "i = 1"
// "i = 2"
while (i < 3)
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