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Created March 17, 2018 21:14
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Utility for merging sqitch migrations

Merge sqitch migrations easily. Example:

❯ sqitch-merge --verbose                                                                                                                                                                                           
Path to sqitch plan file [./sqitch.plan]: ./db/migrations/sqitch.plan                                                                                                                                              
27 items found in plan                                                                                                                                                                                             
Choose range to merge from following 27 items                                                                                                                                                                      
1. 0000000000_initial                                    # Add schema for KEA                                                                                                                                      
2. 0000000001_appschema                                  # Add schema for KEA                                                                                                                                      
3. m_0000000002_contrib_extensions_0000000003_postgis_0000000004_libphonenumber_ext_0000000005_plperlu_00                                                                                                          
00000006_uri_ext                 # Merged 0000000002_contrib_extensions 0000000003_postgis 0000000004_lib                                                                                                          
phonenumber_ext 0000000005_plperlu 0000000006_uri_ext                                                                                                                                                              
4. m_0000000007_types_utils_schema_0000000008_custom_types_0000000009_enums_0000000010_composite_types_00                                                                                                          
00000011_set_types               # Merged 0000000007_types_utils_schema 0000000008_custom_types 000000000                                                                                                          
9_enums 0000000010_composite_types 0000000011_set_types                                                                                                                                                            
5. 0000000012_postgrest_tables                           # Add postgrest tables and types                                                                                                                          
6. 0000000013_independent_tables                         # Add independent tables: agents, brands, users                                                                                                           
7. 0000000014_stores_table                               # Add stores table                                                                                                                                        
8. 0000000015_managers_table                             # Add managers table                                                                                                                                      
9. 0000000016_billings_table                             # Add billings table                                                                                                                                      
10. 0000000017_calls_table                               # Add calls table                                                                                                                                         
11. 0000000018_items_table                               # Add items table
12. 0000000019_tickets_table                             # Add tickets table
13. 0000000020_receipts_table                            # Add receipts table
14. 0000000021_tickets_receipt_id_col                    # Add receipt_id col to tickets table
15. 0000000022_receipt_items                             # Add receipt_items table
16. 0000000023_agent_tickets                             # Add agent_tickets table
17. 0000000024_brand_items                               # Add brand_items table
18. 0000000025_brand_stores                              # Add brand_stores table
19. 0000000026_store_tickets                             # Add store_tickets table
20. 0000000027_store_billings                            # Add store_billings table
21. 0000000028_store_receipts                            # Add store_receipts table
22. 0000000029_store_managers                            # Add store_managers table
23. 0000000030_store_calls                               # Add store_calls table
24. 0000000031_user_calls                                # Add user_calls table
25. 0000000032_user_tickets                              # Add user_tickets table
26. 0000000033_user_receipts                             # Add user_receipts table
27. 0000000034-empty                                     # empty migration
Merge start at [1]: 5
Merge end at [27]: 26
Merging /home/diwank/, /
home/diwank/, /home/di
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import deque
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import cycle, filterfalse
import os
import os.path as path
import sys
import click
import sqlparse
DEPLOY_DIR = 'deploy'
VERIFY_DIR = 'verify'
REVERT_DIR = 'revert'
prompt='Path to sqitch plan file',
type=str )
type=bool )
def sqitch_merge( plan, verbose=False ):
# Parse directories
base_dir = path.realpath( path.dirname( plan ))
deploy_dir = path.join( base_dir, DEPLOY_DIR )
revert_dir = path.join( base_dir, REVERT_DIR )
verify_dir = path.join( base_dir, VERIFY_DIR )
plan_file = path.join( base_dir, path.basename( plan ))
# Check paths
invalid_paths = check_paths( base_dir, deploy_dir, revert_dir, verify_dir, plan_file )
for invalid_path in invalid_paths:
assert invalid_path, f'{invalid_path} not found'
# Parse sqitch plan
plan_attrs, plan_items = parse_plan_file( plan_file )
plan_len = len( plan_items )
assert plan_len, "No items in plan file"
# Prompt for item range
verbose and click.echo( f"{plan_len} items found in plan" )
verbose and click.echo( f"Choose range to merge from following {len( plan_items )} items" )
for idx, plan_item in enumerate( plan_items ):
item_name = plan_item[0]
item_desc = ' '.join( plan_item[ plan_item.index('#'): ])
click.echo( f"{idx+1}. {item_name.ljust(36)} \t\t {item_desc}" )
prompt='Merge start at',
type=click.IntRange( 1, plan_len, clamp=True ))
prompt='Merge end at',
type=click.IntRange( 2, plan_len, clamp=True ))
type=bool )
def start_sqitch_merge( start, end, verbose ):
selected_migrations = [ item[0] for item in plan_items[start-1:end] ]
verbose and click.echo( f"Merging items [{start}-{end}]" )
commit_merge( selected_migrations, deploy_dir, verify_dir, revert_dir )
m_name = gen_combined_name( selected_migrations )
m_item = [
m_name,, '#', 'Merged' ] + selected_migrations
new_plan_items = plan_items[:start-1] + [ m_item ] + plan_items[end:]
verbose and click.echo( f"Writing plan file" )
write_plan_file( plan_file, new_plan_items, plan_attrs )
# Prompt for merge range and start merge
def commit_merge( original_migrations,
deploy_dir=DEPLOY_DIR, verify_dir=VERIFY_DIR, revert_dir=REVERT_DIR ):
original_scripts = [ m+'.sql' for m in original_migrations ]
deploys = [ path.join( deploy_dir, script ) for script in original_scripts ]
verifies = [ path.join( verify_dir, script ) for script in original_scripts ]
reverts = [ path.join( revert_dir, script ) for script in original_scripts ]
all_scripts = deploys + verifies + reverts
m_name = gen_combined_name( original_migrations )
# Merge and write deploys
m_deploy_content = merge_scripts( deploys )
write_script( m_deploy_content, f"{deploy_dir}/{m_name}.sql" )
# Merge and write verifies
m_verify_content = merge_scripts( verifies )
write_script( m_verify_content, f"{verify_dir}/{m_name}.sql" )
# Merge and write reverts
m_revert_content = merge_scripts( list( reversed( reverts )))
write_script( m_revert_content, f"{revert_dir}/{m_name}.sql" )
for script in all_scripts:
delete_script( script )
# Utils
def unnest_txn( sql ):
has_txn = False
raw_sql = strip_comments( sql )
parsed = sqlparse.parse( raw_sql )
first, last = parsed[0], parsed[-1]
has_txn = first.tokens[0].normalized.upper() == "BEGIN"
except BaseException as e:
print( f"WARNING: Error occurred while parsing sql: {e}" )
if not has_txn:
return sql
unnested = map( lambda s: s.value, parsed[1:-1] )
return sqlparse.format( '\n'.join( unnested ))
def strip_comments( sql ):
stmts = [ s.strip() for s in sql.split('\n') ]
stmts_no_comments = [s for s in stmts if len(s) and not s.startswith('--')]
return '\n'.join( stmts_no_comments )
def merge_scripts( scripts ):
merging = f"Merging {', '.join( scripts )}"
click.echo( merging )
header = (
f"-- %Script generated by sqitch_merge" "\n"
f"-- %Merged on {}" "\n"
f"-- %{merging}" "\n"
f"BEGIN;" )
sep = (
"-------------------------------------------------" "\n"
"\n" )
content = header + sep
for script in scripts:
with open( script, 'r' ) as f:
script_sql = unnest_txn( )
content += script_sql + sep
return content + "COMMIT;"
def gen_combined_name( migrations ):
return f"m_{'_'.join( migrations )}"[:254]
def write_script( content, script ):
click.echo( f"Writing {script}" )
with open( script, 'w' ) as f:
f.write( content )
def delete_script( script ):
click.echo( f"Deleting {script}" )
os.unlink( script )
def check_paths( *paths ):
invalid_paths = filterfalse( path.exists, paths )
return list( invalid_paths )
def parse_attr( line ):
attrs = {}
line = line[1:].strip() # Drop % char
key, val = line.split('=')
attrs[key] = val
return attrs
def parse_plan_file( plan_file ):
plan_attrs, plan_items = {}, []
with open( plan_file, 'r' ) as f:
lines = filter( None, map( lambda l: l.strip(), f.readlines() ))
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('%'):
plan_attrs.update( parse_attr( line ))
plan_items.append( line.split() )
return plan_attrs, plan_items
def write_plan_file( plan_file, plan_items, plan_attrs={} ):
with open( plan_file, 'w' ) as f:
f.write( '\n'.join( f"%{key}={val}" for key, val in plan_attrs.items() ))
f.write( '\n' )
f.write( '\n' )
f.write( '\n'.join( map( ' '.join, plan_items ) ))
def uncurry( f ):
return lambda xs: f( *xs )
if __name__ == "__main__":
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