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Last active November 11, 2015 22:20
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Angular tets
describe('Declare inject controller', function() {
// 1. Prerequisities
// Variables which are avalaible on parent scope
var $controller,
// 2. We are using module foo because it contains desired controller
beforeEach(function() {
// 3. Register module
// $provide will help you register new services on that module
// 4. Mock relevant service you want
serviceMock = $provide.service('OverridedService', function() {
// 5. Here you can register your methods and properties
// for later call in your tests
this.some = 'foobar';
// 6. Inject $q service
beforeEach(inject(function(_$controller_, _OverridedService_) {
$controller = _$controller_;
ctrl = $controller('NameOfCtrl', { OverridedService: _OverridedService_ })
// 7. Is $q service is defined?
it('should work', function() {
describe('Declare inject service', function() {
// Prerequisities
// Create your serviceMock in parent scope
// to have accessible it outside of callbacks
var foo = ['some', 'content'],
// Name of service that we will use in this scope
beforeEach(function() {
// 1. Inject $q service
beforeEach(inject(function(_$q_) {
$q = _$q_;
// 2. Is $q service is defined?
it('should work', function() {
describe('Declare promise mock', function() {
// Prerequisities
// Create your serviceMock in parent scope
// to have accessible it outside of callbacks
var foo = ['some', 'content'],
// Declare the service mock that we will use later
// Declaration of $q which we will use later
// 1. Inject $q service that helps you mock promise
beforeEach(inject(function(_$q_) {
$q = _$q_;
// 2. Create service in beforeEach
beforeEach(function() {
// 3. Load the module on which we will mock method that return promise
// 4. $provide provider will help you register new services on that module
// 5. Mock relevant service you want
serviceMock = $provide.service('foobar', function() {
// 6. Here you can register your methods that will return promise
// for later call in your tests = $q.when(foo);
// 6. This works well
// This test means that you can use your service inside of
// controller and whatever you want because value is how is expected
it('should work', function() {
describe('Declare service mock', function() {
// Prerequisities
// Create your serviceMock in parent scope
// to have accessible it outside of callbacks
var serviceMock;
// 1. Run before each test
// 2. Load the module on which you want to mock all services
// If you are testing module called 'foo' and need to mock
// services on 'bar' you can mock them directly on 'foo'
// from testing point of view there is no differece between that
// 3. $provide provider will help you register new services on that module
// 4. Mock relevant service you want
serviceMock = $provide.service('searchUnitService', function() {
// 5. Here you can register your methods and properties
// for later call in your tests
this.someStaff = 'foobar';
// 6. This works well
// This test means that you can use your service inside of
// controller and whatever you want because value is how is expected
it('should work', function() {
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