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Created January 26, 2013 01:29
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some kind of awesome intro that does not suck, perhaps mention that obj-c is a superset of c, so if you know c, it ain't no thang
“I can’t teach you Obj-C *and* show you an iOS demo in an hour, so I’m taking you straight down this happy path so you can see working code.”
meet xcode! now minimize it. meet appcode! it has awesome refactoring and code navigation support! but you still need xcode.
iOS looks weird. let's get over that now! some differences and hopefully helpful translations:
NS vs packages
headers & implementations vs one class file
protocols vs interfaces?
properties vs dumb getters & setters
[] & @"" vs () and "" (should probably mention the message patterns.)
don't forget ^{} -> NO TRANSLATION!?
this of course means () works again
don't forget to show how it looks when there is a return value and arguments, and it's named
delegate pattern (UITableViewDelegate, for example)
xib & iboutlet
cocoapods (very brief, only noting due to use of it)
afnetworking (very brief, only noting due to use of it)
spec style testing (very brief, only noting due to use of it)
kiwi vs junit
a more in-depth tour through the list app and the tdd that drove it
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