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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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  • Save crecotun/2ce192cb6dc54dda88bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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iconfont example
# generate iconfont from svgs
gulp.task 'common:iconfont', ->
gulp.src config.paths.src.common.svg.icons.all
.pipe g.iconfont
fontName: "icons"
appendCodepoints: true
normalize: true
.on 'codepoints', (codepoints) =>
codepoints.forEach (glyph, idx, arr) ->
arr[idx].codepoint = glyph.codepoint.toString(16)
gulp.src config.paths.src.common.framework.icons.template.path
.pipe g.consolidate 'lodash',
glyphs: codepoints
fontName: 'iconfont'
fontPath: config.paths.built.common.fonts.icons.path
.pipe gulp.dest config.paths.src.common.framework.icons.path
.pipe gulp.dest config.paths.built.common.fonts.icons.path
gulp.task('common:iconfont', function() {
return gulp.src(config.paths.src.common.svg.icons.all).pipe(g.iconfont({
fontName: "icons",
appendCodepoints: true,
normalize: true
})).on('codepoints', (function(_this) {
return function(codepoints) {
codepoints.forEach(function(glyph, idx, arr) {
return arr[idx].codepoint = glyph.codepoint.toString(16);
return gulp.src(config.paths.src.common.framework.icons.template.path).pipe(g.consolidate('lodash', {
glyphs: codepoints,
fontName: 'iconfont',
fontPath: config.paths.built.common.fonts.icons.path
<% _.each(glyphs, function(glyph) {
%>$i-<%= %>= "\<%= glyph.codepoint %>"
<% }); %>
font-family "<%= fontName %>"
-webkit-font-smoothing antialiased
-moz-osx-font-smoothing grayscale
font-style normal
font-variant normal
font-weight normal
speak none
text-decoration none
text-transform none
content $icon
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