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creese/om-next Secret

Created July 10, 2016 05:16
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(ns om-tutorial.core
(:require [goog.dom :as gdom]
[ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
[om.dom :as dom]))
(defmulti read om/dispatch)
(defmulti mutate om/dispatch)
;; (defmethod read :route/data
;; [{:keys [state query]} k _]
;; (let [st @state
;; route (get st :app/route)
;; route (cond-> route
;; (= (second route) '_) pop)]
;; {:value (get-in st route)}))
;; (defmethod read :app/route
;; [{:keys [state query]} k _]
;; (let [st @state]
;; {:value (get st k)}))
;; (defmethod mutate 'change/route!
;; [{:keys [state]} _ {:keys [route]}]
;; {:value {:keys [:app/route]}
;; :action #(swap! state assoc :app/route route)})
(defmethod read :route/data
[{:keys [state] :as env} k _]
;; (println "yolo")
; (println @state)
(let [st @state
route (first (:app/route st))]
{:value (get-in st [route])}))
(defmethod read :app/route
[{:keys [state query]} k _]
(let [st @state]
{:value (get st k)}))
(declare route->component)
(defmethod mutate 'change/route!
[{:keys [state component]} _ {:keys [route]}]
{:value {:keys [:app/route]}
:action (fn []
(swap! state assoc :app/route route)
(om/set-query! component
{:params {:route/data (om/get-query (route->component (first route)))}}))})
(defui Home
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[:home/title :home/content])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [home/title home/content]} (om/props this)]
(dom/div nil
(dom/h3 nil title)
(dom/p nil (str content))))))
(defui About
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[:about/title :about/content])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [about/title about/content]} (om/props this)]
(dom/div nil
(dom/h3 nil title)
(dom/p nil (str content))))))
(def route->component
{:app/home Home
:app/about About})
(def route->factory
(zipmap (keys route->component)
(map om/factory (vals route->component))))
(def route->query
(zipmap (keys route->component)
(map om/get-query (vals route->component))))
(defn- change-route [c route e]
(.preventDefault e)
(om/transact! c `[(~'change/route! {:route ~route})]))
;; (defui Root
;; static om/IQuery
;; (query [this]
;; [:app/route {:route/data (zipmap (keys route->component)
;; (map om/get-query (vals route->component)))}])
;; Object
;; (render [this]
;; (println (om/get-query this))
;; (println (om/props this))
;; (let [{:keys [app/route route/data]} (om/props this)]
;; (dom/div #js {:style #js {:margin "0 auto"
;; :height 250
;; :width 500
;; :backgroundColor "oldlace"}}
;; (dom/div #js {:style #js {:minWidth "100%"
;; :minHeight "48px"
;; :lineHeight "48px"
;; :verticalAlign "middle"
;; :borderBottomWidth "2px"
;; :borderBottomStyle "solid"}}
;; (dom/h2 #js {:style #js {:margin 0
;; :textAlign "center"
;; :lineHeight "48px"}}
;; "Om Next Routing"))
;; (dom/div #js {:style #js {:display "inline-block"
;; :width "25%"
;; :minHeight "80%"
;; :verticalAlign "top"
;; :backgroundColor "gainsboro"}}
;; (dom/ul nil
;; (dom/li #js {:style #js {:marginTop "20px"}}
;; (dom/a #js {:href "#"
;; :style (when (= (first route) :app/home)
;; #js {:color "black"
;; :cursor "text"})
;; :onClick #(change-route this '[:app/home _] %)}
;; "Home"))
;; (dom/li #js {:style #js {:marginTop "5px"}}
;; (dom/a #js {:href "#"
;; :style (when (= (first route) :app/about)
;; #js {:color "black"
;; :cursor "text"})
;; :onClick #(change-route this '[:app/about _] %)}
;; "About")))
;; (dom/p #js {:style #js {:textAlign "center"
;; :textDecoration "underline"
;; :marginBottom "5px"
;; :marginTop "30px"
;; :fontWeight "bold"}}
;; "Current route:")
;; (dom/p #js {:style #js {:textAlign "center"
;; :margin 0
;; :color "red"}}
;; (str (pr-str route))))
;; (dom/div #js {:style #js {:display "inline-block"
;; :width "70%"
;; :minHeight "80%"
;; :verticalAlign "top"
;; :padding "12.5px 12.5px 12.5px 10.5px"
;; :borderLeftWidth "2px"
;; :borderLeftStyle "solid"}}
;; ((route->factory (first route)) data))))))
(defui Root
static om/IQueryParams
(params [this]
{:route/data []})
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
'[:app/route {:route/data ?route/data}])
(componentWillMount [this]
(let [{:keys [app/route]} (om/props this)
initial-query (om/get-query (route->component (first route)))]
(om/set-query! this {:params {:route/data initial-query}})
(println "yolo")
(println (om/get-query this))
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [app/route route/data]} (om/props this)
active-component (get route->factory (first route))]
(dom/div #js {:style #js {:margin "0 auto"
:height 250
:width 500
:backgroundColor "oldlace"}}
(dom/div #js {:style #js {:minWidth "100%"
:minHeight "48px"
:lineHeight "48px"
:verticalAlign "middle"
:textAlign "center"}}
(dom/h2 #js {:style #js {:margin 0
:borderBottomWidth "2px"
:borderBottomStyle "solid"}}
"Om Next Routing"))
(dom/div #js {:style #js {:display "inline-block"
:width "25%"
:minHeight "80%"
:verticalAlign "top"
:backgroundColor "gainsboro"}}
(dom/ul nil
(dom/li nil
(dom/a #js {:href "#"
:style (when (= (first route) :app/home)
#js {:color "black"
:cursor "text"})
:onClick #(change-route this '[:app/home _] %)}
(dom/li nil
(dom/a #js {:href "#"
:style (when (= (first route) :app/about)
#js {:color "black"
:cursor "text"})
:onClick #(change-route this '[:app/about _] %)}
(dom/p #js {:style #js {:textAlign "center"
:textDecoration "underline"
:marginBottom "5px"
:marginTop "30px"
:fontWeight "bold"}}
"Current route:")
(dom/p #js {:style #js {:textAlign "center"
:margin 0
:color "red"}}
(str (pr-str route))))
(dom/div #js {:style #js {:display "inline-block"
:width "70%"
:minHeight "70%"
:verticalAlign "top"
:padding "12.5px 12.5px 12.5px 10.5px"
:borderLeftWidth "2px"
:borderLeftStyle "solid"}}
(active-component data))))))
(defonce app-state
{:app/route '[:app/home _]
:app/home {:home/title "Home page"
:home/content "This is the homepage. There isn't a lot to see here."}
:app/about {:about/title "About page"
:about/content "This is the about page, the place where one might write things about their own self."}})
(def reconciler (om/reconciler {:state (atom app-state)
:parser (om/parser {:read read :mutate mutate})}))
(om/add-root! reconciler Root (gdom/getElement "app"))
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