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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Updated Yesod Angular JS Integration
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{- AngularJS and Yesod integration.
- This example is taken from
- and updated to work with Yesod 1.2.5.
- This module reflects the new site/subsite api and uses the
- AngularT monad transformer.
module Yesod.Angular
( YesodAngular (..)
, runAngular
, addCommand
, addCtrl
, addCtrlRaw
, setDefaultRoute
, AngularT
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char (isAlpha)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Map
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Q, Exp (AppE, LitE), Lit (StringL))
import Prelude
import Text.Hamlet
import Text.Julius
import Yesod
-- | YesodAngular wraps a widget in ng-app named @modname.
class Yesod site => YesodAngular site where
urlAngularJs :: site -> Either (Route site) Text
urlAngularJs _ = Right "//"
wrapAngular :: Text -> WidgetT site IO () -> HandlerT site IO Html
wrapAngular modname widget = defaultLayout [whamlet| <div ng-app=#{modname}>^{widget} |]
data AngularWriter site = AngularWriter
{ awCommands :: Map Text (HandlerT site IO ())
, awPartials :: Map Text (HtmlUrl (Route site))
, awRoutes :: JavascriptUrl (Route site)
, awControllers :: JavascriptUrl (Route site)
, awDefaultRoute :: First Text
type AngularT site = WriterT (AngularWriter site) (HandlerT site IO)
instance Monoid (AngularWriter site) where
mempty = AngularWriter mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
AngularWriter a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
`mappend` AngularWriter b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 = AngularWriter
(mappend a1 b1)
(mappend a2 b2)
(mappend a3 b3)
(mappend a4 b4)
(mappend a5 b5)
runAngular :: YesodAngular site
=> AngularT site ()
-> HandlerT site IO Html
runAngular ga = do
site <- getYesod
((), AngularWriter{..}) <- runWriterT ga
mc <- lookupGetParam "command"
fromMaybe (return ()) $ mc >>= flip Map.lookup awCommands
mp <- lookupGetParam "partial"
case mp >>= flip Map.lookup awPartials of
Nothing -> return ()
Just htmlurl -> do
ps <- getUrlRenderParams
let rep = toTypedContent . htmlurl $ ps
sendResponse rep
modname <- newIdent
let defaultRoute =
case awDefaultRoute of
First (Just x) -> [julius|.otherwise({redirectTo:"#{rawJS x}"})|]
First Nothing -> mempty
wrapAngular modname $ do
addScriptEither $ urlAngularJs site
-- TODO: Remove this and allow a list of urls.
addScriptRemote "//"
[whamlet| <div ng-view> |]
toWidget [julius|
angular.module("#{rawJS modname}", ['ngRoute']).config(["$routeProvider", "$locationProvider",
function($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
// $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);
$routeProvider ^{awRoutes} ^{defaultRoute};
addCommand :: (FromJSON input, ToJSON output)
=> (input -> HandlerT site IO output)
-> AngularT site Text
addCommand f = do
name <- lift newIdent
tell mempty { awCommands = Map.singleton name handler }
return $ "?command=" `mappend` name
handler = do
input <- requireJsonBody
output <- f input
repjson <- returnJson output
sendResponse repjson
setDefaultRoute :: Text -> AngularT site ()
setDefaultRoute x = tell mempty { awDefaultRoute = First $ Just x }
addCtrl :: Text -- ^ route pattern
-> Text -- ^ template name
-> Q Exp
addCtrl route name = do
let name' = T.filter isAlpha name
[|addCtrlRaw $(liftT name') $(liftT route) $(hamletFile $ fn "hamlet") $(juliusFile $ fn "julius")|]
liftT t = do
p <- [|T.pack|]
return $ AppE p $ LitE $ StringL $ T.unpack t
fn suffix = T.unpack $ T.concat ["templates/", name, ".", suffix]
addCtrlRaw :: Text -- ^ user-friendly name
-> Text -- ^ route pattern
-> HtmlUrl (Route site) -- ^ template
-> JavascriptUrl (Route site) -- ^ controller
-> AngularT site ()
addCtrlRaw name' route template controller = do
name <- (mappend $ mappend name' "__") <$> lift newIdent
tell mempty
{ awPartials = Map.singleton name template
, awRoutes = [julius| .when("#{rawJS route}",
{ "controller": #{rawJS name}
, "templateUrl": "?partial=#{rawJS name}"
, awControllers = [julius| var #{rawJS name} = ^{controller} |]
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This is a Yesod Angular support module updated to work with Yesod 1.2.*.

Original code by Michael Snoyman:

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