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creisor / aws_metadata_endpoint.go
Created August 14, 2023 21:51
Golang to access the AWS metadata endpoint
package main
import (
creisor /
Last active March 28, 2023 16:14
A python (python3) password generator, possibly overkill
import string
import secrets
def gen_password(length=20, symbols=True, uppercase=True, lowercase=True, digits=True):
choices = ''
if symbols:
choices += SYMBOLS
creisor /
Last active October 26, 2023 20:41
A somewhat flexible (could be better) user question response
#!/usr/bin/env python3
def ask(question, response_dict):
choices = '/'.join(response_dict.keys())
response = input(f'{question} ({choices}): ').lower().strip()
default = response_dict[[k for k in response_dict.keys() if k.isupper()][0]]
except IndexError:
default = None
creisor /
Created March 14, 2022 15:05
How to use MagicMock and some fixtures for python testing
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
from pathlib import Path
# this creates an ldap server entry, which has an info method
# and populates it with some static fixture data
with open(Path(__file__).parent / 'testdata/user_entry1.json') as f:
ldap_server_entry_json =
ldap_server_entry = MagicMock(**{'info.return_value': ldap_server_entry_json})
# this uses the entry, mocking the search method on the ldap_server object
creisor /
Created November 19, 2021 21:52
Here's a simple example of how one can use the abc (Abstract Base Class) library in Python3 as an alternative to "raise NotImplementedError" when creating abstract classes
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import abc
class Task(abc.ABC):
def do(self):
creisor /
Created November 3, 2021 15:20
Nagios check for journalctl
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""A Nagios check for entries with a certain log level in journalctl.
For example, you might want to alert if there have been 5 logs with level 'error' in the journal in the past 5 minutes:
check_journalctl -u my-cool-app --since 5m --log-level error --warning 2.0 --critical 5.0
import sys
import re
creisor / Makefile
Last active June 9, 2020 15:05
This is how one can prompt for user input in a Makefile (credit:
.PHONY: help
help: ## Shows the help
@echo 'Usage: make <TARGETS>'
@echo ''
@echo 'Available targets are:'
@echo ''
@grep -E '^[ a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
@echo ''
@echo ''
creisor /
Last active November 22, 2019 15:57
just-tell-me-how-to-use-go-modules - one of the most useful blog posts rescued from 404 obliteration


This was not written by me. It was very useful and then one day I got a 404, so I dug it up from the wayback machine:

I recently started using Go’s new inbuilt vendoring tool, Go Modules, and having come from both govendor and dep, this new tool was more of a change than I expected.

I’m a fan of quick guides – just tell me what to do so I can start using it now. I don’t need an essay on why I should be using it or painful detail on the tool’s inner workings.

creisor / playbook_inception.yml
Created February 15, 2019 22:44
This is how you run a playbook within a playbook, and only register change when the "inner playbook" registers a change.
- name: Run AWX Installer
local_action: "command ansible-playbook -i awx_repo/installer/inventory awx_repo/installer/install.yml --limit \"{{ ansible_limit }}\""
become: no
- awx_deploy
- awx-deploy
- deploy
- install
register: awx_installer_output
changed_when: ((awx_installer_output.stdout_lines[-1] | regex_search('changed=(\\d+)', '\\1'))[0] | int) > 0
creisor /
Created May 8, 2017 20:36
A function for popping up a dialog at you
function reminder() {
# reminder 5 "remove tea bag"
seconds=$(($1 * 60))
sleep $seconds && osascript -e "tell app \"System Events\" to display dialog \"$2\"" 2>&1 > /dev/null