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Created February 15, 2012 17:40
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Example of Rakefile (used to produce pdf files from LaTeX source)
LPPbook_git (master)$ rake -T
rake clean # Remove any temporary products.
rake clobber # Remove any generated file.
rake dist # Builds a zip file
rake html # Build the HTML from the latex sources
rake images # Copy images into perlexamples/
rake perlexamples.pdf # Build perlexamples.pdf with index and biblio
rake perlexamples.tex # Builds perlexamples.tt2 (Using Perl Template) to LaTeX
rake perlexamples/index.html # Build the HTML from the latex sources
rake publichtml # Publish the HTML files into the remote server
# Moving to Git 7 12 2011
# mac OS latex
#MacBook-Air-de-casiano:LPPbook casiano$ tree ~/Library/texmf/
#├── bibtex
#├── makeindex
#└── tex
# └── latex
# └── html.sty
MAINNAME = 'perlexamples'
PDFLATEX = "/usr/texbin/pdflatex"
TEXFILES = ['ruby.tex', 'perlbib/perl.bib']
LATEX2HTMLOPTIONS = '-html_version 4.0,latin1,unicode -contents_in_navigation -style mystyle.css -white -local_icons'
task :default => [:images, :publichtml, :dist]
desc "Build #{MAINNAME}.pdf with index and biblio"
file "#{MAINNAME}.pdf" => ["#{MAINNAME}.tex"]+TEXFILES do
sh "#{PDFLATEX} #{MAINNAME}.tex"
sh "bibtex #{MAINNAME}"
sh "makeindex -c #{MAINNAME}.idx"
sh "#{PDFLATEX} #{MAINNAME}.tex"
desc "Builds #{MAINNAME}.tt2 (Using Perl Template) to LaTeX"
file "#{MAINNAME}.tex" => [ "#{MAINNAME}.tt2"] do
sh %{perl booktt/commontex/}
require 'rake/clean'
CLEANLIST = [ "#{MAINNAME}.ps", '*.toc', '*.log', '*.dvi', '*.aux', '*.bbl', '*.blg', 'tmp']
task :clean do
sh "rm -fR #{MAINNAME}/"
desc "Build the HTML from the latex sources"
file "#{MAINNAME}/index.html" => "#{MAINNAME}.pdf" do
sh %Q{
cp mystyle.css #{MAINNAME}/
desc "Publish the HTML files into the remote server"
task :publichtml => [ :html, "#{ENV['HOME']}/public_html/#{MAINNAME}/index.html" ]
file "#{ENV['HOME']}/public_html/#{MAINNAME}/index.html" => "#{MAINNAME}/index.html" do
sh %Q{rsync -aue ssh #{MAINNAME}/ lpp:public_html/#{MAINNAME}/}
desc "Build the HTML from the latex sources"
task :html => "#{MAINNAME}/index.html"
desc "Builds a zip file"
task :dist do
sh "zip -r #{ZIPFILE}.zip #{MAINNAME}"
desc "Copy images into #{MAINNAME}/"
task :images do
sh %Q{
test -d #{MAINNAME} || mkdir -p #{MAINNAME}/
cp images/* #{MAINNAME}/
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