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Created July 1, 2016 14:25
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Automated sass compression for VuFind's grunt file
grunt.registerMultiTask('css', function (arg1, arg2) {
var fs = require('fs')
, path = require('path')
, options = (arguments.length > 0 &&[arg1] &&[arg1].options)
, theme = (arguments.length > 1) ? arg2 : null
, themeFolder = || 'themes'
, themeList = fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(themeFolder))
, sassConfig = {}
var inheritance = {};
for (var i in themeList) {
if (theme && themeList[i] !== theme) {
var config = fs.readFileSync(path.join(themeFolder, themeList[i], 'theme.config.php'), 'UTF-8');
inheritance[themeList[i]] = config.toLowerCase().replace(/[\s']/g, '').match(/extends=>(\w+)/)[1];
for (var i in themeList) {
var sassDir = path.join(themeFolder, themeList[i], 'sass');
var cssDir = path.join(themeFolder, themeList[i], 'css');
try {
// Build load path
var loadPath = [];
var curr = themeList[i];
while (inheritance[curr] != 'root') {
loadPath.unshift(path.join(themeFolder, inheritance[curr], 'sass'));
curr = inheritance[curr];
if (loadPath.length > 0) {
options.loadPath = loadPath;
// Compile
var files = {};
files[path.join(cssDir, 'compiled.css')] = path.join(sassDir, themeList[i].replace(/\d/g, '')+'.scss');
sassConfig[themeList[i]] = {
options: options,
files: files
} catch (err) {
// silently suppress thrown errors when no sass sources exist in a theme
grunt.config.set('sass', sassConfig);'sass');'replace');
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Attempts to discover all themes with sass, build their inheritance paths, and compile their sass automatically. Call with grunt css. Change task name at top if you wish.

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