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Created November 21, 2015 03:37
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package huffmanTree;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class RunProgLab3
public static void main(String [] args)
Boolean runtimeParamCorrect = false;
//Check to make sure user has correctly entered the 3 required runtime parameters
while (runtimeParamCorrect != true)
//if (args != null && args.length == 5)
runtimeParamCorrect = true;
//Runtime parameters:
//Update this at the end; for now, these 2 lines are commented out
// String inputFilePath = args[0];
// String outputFilePath = args[1];
//String outputFilePath2 = args[2];
// //String outputFilePath3 = args[2];
String inputFilePath = "/Users/christine/Documents/workspace2/Data_Structures_Lab3_Fall_2015/src/InputLab3.txt";
String outputFilePath = "/Users/christine/Documents/workspace2/Data_Structures_Lab3_Fall_2015/src/OutputLab3.txt";
String outputFilePath2 = "/Users/christine/Documents/workspace2/Data_Structures_Lab3_Fall_2015/src/OutputLab3_2.txt";
String outputFilePath3 = "/Users/christine/Documents/workspace2/Data_Structures_Lab3_Fall_2015/src/OutputLab3_3.txt";
String outputFilePath4 = "/Users/christine/Documents/workspace2/Data_Structures_Lab3_Fall_2015/src/OutputLab3_FINAL.txt";
Instant start =;
//For testing; later change to args[0] b/c it will be runtime param
//final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final long startTime = System.nanoTime();
readInput(inputFilePath, outputFilePath);
readInput2(inputFilePath, outputFilePath2);
readInput3(inputFilePath, outputFilePath3);
combineOutput(outputFilePath, outputFilePath2, outputFilePath3, outputFilePath4);
final long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
//If runtime parameters are entered incorrectly, give error message and break so user can re-enter from terminal
/* else if (args == null || args.length < 5||args.length > 5)
System.out.println("\n"+ "5 runtime parameters are required." + "\n" + "To run this program, use the following command line prompt: " + "\n" + "java RunProgLab3 /Users/christine/Documents/workspace2/Data_Structures_Lab3_Fall_2015/src/InputLab3.txt
} //close else if
} //close while
} //close main
* @method readInput reads in an input txt file containing (a) character
* frequency table; (b) strings to encode; (c) strings to decode
* <dt><b>Precondition:</b><dd>
* Input path is correctly specified as the first runtime parameter;
* the input file is not empty, and contains valid input
* @param String inputFilePath: the path of the input txt file;
* String outputFilePath
* @returns String [] the output array
* <dt><b>Postconditions:</b><dd>
* The input file is read in so that other operations can be performed
* @author Christine Herlihy
public static void readInput(String inputFilePath, String outputFilePath)
//For natural merge
String [][] freqIn = new String[26][26];
int [] freqInNumeric = new int [26];
String[][] treeBuilder = new String[26][26];
Node [] builtTree = new Node[110];
Node [] builtTree2 = new Node[110];
LinkedHuffmanStack tempStackA = new LinkedHuffmanStack();
int charCounter =0;
int treeCounter = 0;
int decodeCounter =0;
//Read in the input file
try(BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFilePath)))
//For input
String line= new String();
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
//For output
BufferedWriter outputFile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFilePath));
//Read each line of the input file in; store each char and int
while((line=buffer.readLine()) != null)
String tempFirst = new String(line); //the first line in the input file will = the order of the first matrix
tempFirst = tempFirst.replaceAll("[-–]",""); //regex checks for two types of dashes used in the input file
//System.out.println("tempfirst is " + tempFirst); //TESTING
input = new Scanner(tempFirst).useDelimiter("\\s+"); //after that, for each line, want to parse the line, using white space as a delimiter, and grabbing all of the integer values
//Read each letter and its frequency value into the
//freqIn array; delimiter= whitespace
while(input.hasNext() & charCounter < 26)
freqIn[charCounter][0] =;
String temp=;
freqIn[charCounter][1] = temp;
freqInNumeric[charCounter] = Integer.parseInt(temp);
charCounter ++; //Keep track of how many rows are in the array
} //close while((line=buffer.readLine()) != null)
//Conduct 2-way merge sort on frequency values; put in ascending order
freqInNumeric= sortFreqValsNumeric(freqInNumeric);
//Pair up numeric values with their alphabetic counterparts from input array
for(int i = 0; i<freqInNumeric.length; i++)
int temp = (freqInNumeric[i]);
int next = 0;
if(i+1 < freqInNumeric.length)
next = (freqInNumeric[i+1]);
for(int j = 0; j<freqIn.length; j++)
if(Integer.parseInt(freqIn[j][1]) == temp)
if(temp != next)
treeBuilder[i][0]= freqIn[j][0];
treeBuilder[i][1]= String.valueOf(temp);
//There is a duplicate value.
//In this input file, the max # of dups is 2
else if(temp == next)
treeBuilder[i][0]= freqIn[j][0];
treeBuilder[i][1]= String.valueOf(temp);
//Get the second instance of same freq. value
for(int k = j+1; k<freqIn.length; k++)
if(Integer.parseInt(freqIn[k][1]) == temp)
treeBuilder[i+1][0]= freqIn[k][0];
treeBuilder[i+1][1]= String.valueOf(temp);
i++; //increase treeBuilder index by 1
} //close else if(temp == next)
} //close if(Integer.parseInt(freqIn[j][1]) == temp)
} //close for(int j = 0; j<freqIn.length; j++)
}//close for(int j = 0; j<freqIn.length; j++)
//Push letters onto stack in order of decreasing frequency
//TOP after loop runs will be node represented by the LEAST FREQUENT LETTER
for(int i=treeBuilder.length-1; i> -1; i--)
//System.out.print(i + " ");
Node tempNode = new Node(treeBuilder[i][0], Integer.parseInt(treeBuilder[i][1]));
//System.out.println("tempNode freq " + tempNode.getFreqVal()); //TESTING
if(tempNode.getElement() !=null)
//System.out.println(tempStackA.peek()); //TESTING
// Node [] temp = build(treeBuilder, builtTree);
// for(int i=0; i <temp.length; i++)
// {
// if(temp[i] !=null)
// {
// System.out.println(temp[i].toString());
// }
// }
//builtTree = build(treeBuilder, builtTree);
/*//Builds the Huffman tree for later use in traversal/encoding/decoding
builtTree = build(treeBuilder, builtTree);
//Set index value of each node object for later searching
for(int i = 0; i<builtTree.length; i++)
//System.out.println(builtTree[i].index); //FOR TESTING
for(int i = 0; i<builtTree.length; i++)
String temp = builtTree[i].getElement();
int j= Node.getIndex(temp, builtTree);
//Conduct pre-order traversal to assign Huffman code values
Node [] treeOut = new Node[100];
treeOut = build2(tempStackA, builtTree);
for(int i =0; i<treeOut.length; i++)
String [][] outTraversal = HuffmanTree.printTreePreorderTraversal(treeOut);
for(int j=0; j<outTraversal.length; j++)
//System.out.println(outTraversal[j][0] + " :" + outTraversal[j][1] );
for(int i = treeOut.length-2; i> -1; i--)
// for(int i = 0; i<builtTree2.length; i++)
// {
// if(builtTree2[i]!=null)
// {
// String temp = builtTree2[i].getElement();
// //int j= Node.getIndex(temp, builtTree);
// System.out.println("temp" + temp);
// }
// }
for(int g=0; g<matrixCounter; g++)
Matrix dummyMatrix = matrixOutArray[g];
Instant start =;
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
double det = dummyMatrix.determinantCalc(dummyMatrix.newMatrix);
final long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
outputFile.write("Input Matrix #" + (g+1) + ":"+ "\n\n");
tempMatrix.matrixOut(outputFile, dummyMatrix);
outputFile.write("Order: " + dummyMatrix.getSize()+ "\n");
outputFile.write("The determinant is: " + det+ "\n");
outputFile.write("It took "+ duration + " nanoseconds to calculate this determinant");
outputFile.write("\n" + "#----------------------------------------------------#");
//Project Requirement #1: Print the tree in preorder traversal; print the Huffman code
outputFile.write("The tree in preorder traversal is: " + "\n");
//Print out (string representation) of tree in pre-order traversal
for(int i =0; i<builtTree.length;i++)
if(builtTree[i] != null & i<52){
outputFile.write(builtTree[i].toString()+ "; "+ "\n");
else if(builtTree[i] != null & i==52){
outputFile.write(builtTree[i].toString()+ "\n");
outputFile.write("\n" + "#----------------------------------------------------#" + "\n" );
outputFile.write("The code is: " + "\n");
for(int i=0; i< builtTree.length; i++)
if(builtTree[i] != null & i < 51 & i%2==1)
outputFile.write(builtTree[i].toStringHuffman()+ "; " + "\n");
else if(builtTree[i] != null & i==52)
outputFile.write(builtTree[i].toStringHuffman()+ "\n");
outputFile.write("\n" + "#----------------------------------------------------#" + "\n" );
} //close try
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
System.out.println("Database file not found.");
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("An I/O Error occured.");
* @method readInput2 reads in an input txt file containing (a) character
* frequency table; (b) strings to encode; (c) strings to decode
* <dt><b>Precondition:</b><dd>
* Input path is correctly specified as the first runtime parameter;
* the input file is not empty, and contains valid input
* @param String inputFilePath: the path of the input txt file;
* String outputFilePath
* @returns String [] the output array
* <dt><b>Postconditions:</b><dd>
* The input file is read in so that other operations can be performed
* @author Christine Herlihy
public static void readInput2(String inputFilePath, String outputFilePath2)
//Read in the input file
try(BufferedReader buffer2 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFilePath)))
//For input
String line2= new String();
Scanner input2 = new Scanner(;
int encodeCounter = 0;
String [][] encodeIn= new String [15][15];
String tempSecond = new String();
String tempSecondB = new String();
//For output
BufferedWriter outputFile2 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFilePath2));
//Read each line of the input file in; store each char and int
while((line2=buffer2.readLine()) != null)
tempSecond = new String(line2); //the first line in the input file will = the order of the first matrix
tempSecondB = tempSecond.replaceAll("[,\\s+]",""); //regex checks for two types of dashes used in the input file
if(encodeCounter >26 & encodeCounter <41)
//Deal with sentences that are broken across multiple lines
if(tempSecondB.endsWith(".")| tempSecondB.endsWith("?"))
//System.out.println("endswith"); //FOR TESTING
String tempA = tempSecondB.replaceAll("[.?]", "");
encodeIn[encodeCounter-26][0] = tempSecond;
encodeIn[encodeCounter-26][1] = tempA;
String tempB= tempSecond + buffer2.readLine();
String tempBC= tempB.replaceAll("[.?\\s+]", "");
encodeIn[encodeCounter-26][0] = tempB;
encodeIn[encodeCounter-26][1] = tempBC;
for(int i=0; i<encodeIn.length; i++)
System.out.println(i+ encodeIn[i]);
for(int i=0; i< encodeIn.length; i++)
if(encodeIn[i][0] !=null)
int charCount = encodeIn[i][1].toCharArray().length;
//System.out.println("length" + charCount); //TESTING
outputFile2.write("\n" + "#----------------------------------------------------#" + "\n" );
outputFile2.write("Original string to encode: " + encodeIn[i][0] + "\n" );
outputFile2.write("Trimmed form: " + encodeIn[i][1]+ "\n" );
outputFile2.write("The trimmed form of this string has " + charCount + " letters, which would require 8*" + charCount + " = " + 8*charCount + " bits to represent using ASCII" + "\n" );
outputFile2.write("\n" + "#----------------------------------------------------#" + "\n" );
outputFile2.write("\n" + "#----------------------------------------------------#" + "\n" );
} //close try 2
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
System.out.println("Database file not found.");
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("An I/O Error occured.");
* @method readInput2 reads in an input txt file containing (a) character
* frequency table; (b) strings to encode; (c) strings to decode
* <dt><b>Precondition:</b><dd>
* Input path is correctly specified as the first runtime parameter;
* the input file is not empty, and contains valid input
* @param String inputFilePath: the path of the input txt file;
* String outputFilePath
* @returns String [] the output array
* <dt><b>Postconditions:</b><dd>
* The input file is read in so that other operations can be performed
* @author Christine Herlihy
public static void readInput3(String inputFilePath, String outputFilePath3)
//Read in the input file
try(BufferedReader buffer3 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFilePath)))
//For input
String line3= new String();
Scanner input3 = new Scanner(;
int decodeCounter = 0;
String [] decodeIn= new String[4];
//For output
BufferedWriter outputFile3 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFilePath3));
//Read each line of the input file in; store each char and int
while((line3=buffer3.readLine()) != null)
String tempThird = new String(line3); //the first line in the input file will = the order of the first matrix
if(decodeCounter >40 & decodeCounter <45)
String tempB= tempThird;
decodeIn[decodeCounter-41] = tempB;
for(int i=0; i< decodeIn.length; i++)
if(decodeIn[i] !=null)
outputFile3.write(decodeIn[i]+ "\n" );
outputFile3.write("\n" + "#----------------------------------------------------#" + "\n" );
} //close try 2
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
System.out.println("Database file not found.");
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("An I/O Error occured.");
* @method sortFreqValsNumeric takes an unsorted int array and returns
* the same array sorted in ascending order
* <dt><b>Precondition:</b><dd>
* The input array has at least one element
* @param int [] input: the array to be sorted
* @returns int []: the input array sorted in ascending order
* <dt><b>Postconditions:</b><dd>
* None (sorted input array is returned to caller of function)
* @author Christine Herlihy
public static int [] sortFreqValsNumeric(int[] input)
int temp = input.length;
//If the array has at least 2 elements, need to separate and sort them
if(temp > 1)
int sizeA = input.length/2;
int sizeB = sizeA;
//If the input array length is not even, the second sub-array
//will contain one additional element
if(input.length%2 != 0)
sizeB +=1;
//Partition input array into two sub arrays
int [] myArrayA = new int[sizeA];
int [] myArrayB = new int[sizeB];
//Fill sub array 1 with the first half of the input array contents
for(int m=0; m <sizeA; m++)
myArrayA[m] = input[m];
//Fill sub array 2 with the second half of the input array contents
for(int n =sizeA; n <sizeA + sizeB; n++)
myArrayB[n-sizeA] = input[n];
//Recursively call function so that each sub-array will be sorted
//and can later be inserted (sorted) into output array
myArrayA = sortFreqValsNumeric(myArrayA);
myArrayB = sortFreqValsNumeric(myArrayB);
//Initialize variables to use for looping through each array
int a = 0;
int b= 0;
int c = 0;
//Conduct 2-way merge: compare first element of each array
while(myArrayA.length != a && myArrayB.length != b)
if(myArrayA[a] <= myArrayB[b])
input[c] = myArrayA[a];
//Increase index placeholder in final array
//Increase index in freqInA to compare next value
input[c] = myArrayB[b];
//Increase index placeholder in final array
//Increase index in freqInA to compare next value
/* At this point, either sub array A or B has been exhausted, and
* the remaining array's contents have already been sorted via a
* recursive method call; thus, the remaining contents can be inserted
* into the output array */
while(myArrayA.length != a)
input[c] = myArrayA[a];
while(myArrayB.length != b)
input[c] = myArrayB[b];
//If the length of the input array is < 1, return input array
return input;
} //close sortFreqVals method
* @method build takes a sorted (ascending order) array and returns
* a Node-array based Huffman tree
* <dt><b>Precondition:</b><dd>
* Input array is sorted in ascending order
* @param String[][] input array; Node [] array to store output
* @returns Node[] output array containing tree implemented as Node []
* <dt><b>Postconditions:</b><dd>
* Node [] now contains the Huffman tree nodes
* @author Christine Herlihy
public static Node [] build(String[][] array, Node[] nodes)
Node tempRoot= new Node(" ", -1);
Node updatedRoot= new Node(" ", -1);
Node tempLeft= new Node(" ", -1);
Node tempRight= new Node(" ", -1);
Node updatedLeft = new Node(" ", -1);
int nodesAndRoot = array.length*2; //#of nodes to store in nodes[] (all nodes + root)
int counter = 3;
for(int i =0; i<array.length; i++)
if(i < 2)
//Make a tree with a placeholder root
tempRoot = HuffmanTree.MakeTree("root", -1);
//Get the alphabetic chars & freqVals for the first 2 nodes
//(i.e., lowest frequency letters)
String alphaA = array[i][0];
String alphaB = array[i+1][0];
int freqA = Integer.parseInt(array[i][1]);
int freqB = Integer.parseInt(array[i+1][1]);
//Set the first node as left child of tempRoot
//Set the second node as the right child of tempRoot
tempLeft = new Node(alphaA, freqA);
tempLeft.setHuffman("0"); //because it's the left child
tempRight= new Node(alphaB, freqB);
tempRight.setHuffman("1"); //because right child
//Set tempRoot's element to the combination of alphaA and alphaB
tempRoot.setElement(alphaA + alphaB);
//Set tempRoot's freqVal to the sum of freqA and freqB
tempRoot.setFreqVal(freqA + freqB);
nodes[nodesAndRoot -i - 2]= tempRoot;
nodes[nodesAndRoot -i - 1] = tempRoot.getLeft();
nodes[nodesAndRoot -i]= tempRoot.getRight();
else if(i >= 2& i <array.length)
//Make a new node and set its right child equal to tempRoot
updatedRoot = HuffmanTree.MakeTree("root", -1);
String alphaC = array[i][0];
int freqC= Integer.parseInt(array[i][1]);
updatedLeft = new Node(alphaC, freqC);
updatedLeft.setHuffman("0"); //because left child
tempRoot.setHuffman("1"); //because right child
String temp = alphaC + tempRoot.getElement();
updatedRoot.setFreqVal(freqC + tempRoot.getFreqVal());
nodes[nodesAndRoot -counter]= updatedRoot.getLeft();
nodes[nodesAndRoot -counter]= updatedRoot;
tempRoot = updatedRoot;
nodes[2].setHuffman(""); //because root node
return nodes;
* @method build takes a sorted (ascending order) array and returns
* a Node-array based Huffman tree
* <dt><b>Precondition:</b><dd>
* Input array is sorted in ascending order
* @param String[][] input array; Node [] array to store output
* @returns Node[] output array containing tree implemented as Node []
* <dt><b>Postconditions:</b><dd>
* Node [] now contains the Huffman tree nodes
* @author Christine Herlihy
public static Node [] build2(LinkedHuffmanStack tempStack, Node[] nodes)
Node tempRoot= new Node(" ", -1);
Node updatedRoot= new Node(" ", -1);
Node tempLeft= new Node(" ", -1);
Node tempRight= new Node(" ", -1);
Node updatedLeft = new Node(" ", -1);
boolean terminate = false;
Node tree = new Node();
int counterStore = 0;
LinkedHuffmanStack dummyStack = new LinkedHuffmanStack();
int tempInt = 0;
int nodesAndRoot = tempStack.getSize()*2;
//System.out.println("size" + tempStack.getSize()); //FOR TESTING
while(tempStack.getSize() >=2)
//Make a tree with a placeholder root
tempRoot = HuffmanTree.MakeTree("root", 0);
String pop1Name = tempStack.peek();
int pop1Val = tempStack.peekFreqVal();
tempLeft = new Node(pop1Name, pop1Val);
tempLeft.setHuffman("0"); //because it's the left child
String pop2Name = tempStack.peek();
int pop2Val = tempStack.peekFreqVal();
tempRight= new Node(pop2Name,pop2Val);
tempRight.setHuffman("1"); //because right child
//Set tempRoot's element to the combination of alphaA and alphaB
String tempRootName = tempLeft.getElement() + tempRight.getElement();
//Set tempRoot's freqVal to the sum of freqA and freqB
tempRoot.setFreqVal(tempLeft.getFreqVal() + tempRight.getFreqVal());
nodes[counterStore] = tempRoot;
// nodes[nodesAndRoot -counterStore - 2]= tempRoot;
// nodes[nodesAndRoot -counterStore - 1] = tempRoot.getLeft();
// nodes[nodesAndRoot -counterStore]= tempRoot.getRight();
// counterStore++;
/* if(counterStore <2)
nodes[nodesAndRoot -counterStore - 2]= tempRoot;
nodes[nodesAndRoot -counterStore - 1] = tempRoot.getLeft();
nodes[nodesAndRoot -counterStore]= tempRoot.getRight();
else if(counterStore > 2)
nodes[nodesAndRoot -counterStore]= tempRoot.getLeft();
nodes[nodesAndRoot -counterStore]= tempRoot;
// else if(counterStore >2 )
// {
// nodes[nodesAndRoot -counterStore]= tempRoot.getLeft();
// counterStore++;
// nodes[nodesAndRoot -counterStore]= tempRoot;
// counterStore++;
// }
if(tempStack.isEmpty() !=true)
tempInt = tempStack.peekFreqVal();
int test = tempRoot.getFreqVal() - tempInt;
int switchController =0;
if(test < 0)
switchController = 1;
else if(test == 0)
switchController =2;
else if(test > 0)
switchController =3;
case (1): //tempRoot's frequency value is LESS THAN the item on top of the stack; can simply push tempRoot onto stack
//System.out.println("tempstack top is now " + tempStack.peek());
case (2)://tempRoot's frequency value is EQUAL to the item on the top of the stack; need to compare the length of their strings and (if necessary) alphabetical values
int lengthRoot = tempRoot.getElement().length();
int lengthOther = tempStack.peek().length();
String nameOther = tempStack.peek();
//the tempRoot's string is longer, so we need to pop the stack, insert it, and then push on the value that was popped off the stack
if(lengthOther < lengthRoot)
String peek1Name = tempStack.peek();
int peek1Val= tempStack.peekFreqVal();
Node dummyNode = new Node(peek1Name, peek1Val);
String peek2Name = dummyStack.peek();
int peek2Val= dummyStack.peekFreqVal();
Node dummyNode2 = new Node(peek2Name, peek2Val);
//System.out.println("tempstack top is now " + tempStack.peek());
//System.out.println("tempstack size is A " + tempStack.getSize());
//the tempRoot's string is shorter, so we can insert it onto the stack first
else if(lengthRoot < lengthOther)
//System.out.println("tempstack top is now " + tempStack.peek());
//System.out.println("tempstack size is B " + tempStack.getSize());
else if(lengthRoot == lengthOther)
int a = tempRoot.getElement().compareTo(nameOther);
if(a < 0)
//System.out.println("tempstack top is now " + tempStack.peek());
//System.out.println("tempstack size is C " + tempStack.getSize());
else //temp Root comes after the top node in ABC order
String peek1Name = tempStack.peek();
int peek1Val= tempStack.peekFreqVal();
Node dummyNode3 = new Node(peek1Name, peek1Val);
String peek2Name = dummyStack.peek();
int peek2Val= dummyStack.peekFreqVal();
Node dummyNode4 = new Node(peek2Name, peek2Val);
//System.out.println("tempstack top is now " + tempStack.peek());
//System.out.println("tempstack size is D " + tempStack.getSize());
case (3): //tempRoot's frequency value is GREATER THAN the item on top of the stack; need to reorder
int difference = test;
boolean proceed = false;
String peek1Name = new String();
int peek1Val =0;
Node originalTop = new Node();
while(proceed != true & tempStack.peek() !=null)
//Pop off the top node from the stack that we originally compared the tempRoot value to
peek1Name = tempStack.peek();
peek1Val= tempStack.peekFreqVal();
originalTop = new Node(peek1Name, peek1Val);
difference = tempRoot.getFreqVal() - tempStack.peekFreqVal();
if(difference < 0 | difference == 0) { proceed = true; }
if(tempStack.isEmpty() == true & proceed !=true)
difference = 1-2;
if(difference < 0)
while(dummyStack.isEmpty() ==false)
String peek2Name = dummyStack.peek();
int peek2Val= dummyStack.peekFreqVal();
Node dummyNode5 = new Node(peek2Name, peek2Val);
//System.out.println("tempstack size is B " + tempStack.getSize());
//System.out.println("tempstack top is now " + tempStack.peek());
else if(difference ==0)
int lengthRoot = tempRoot.getElement().length();
int lengthOther = tempStack.peek().length();
String nameOther = tempStack.peek();
//the tempRoot's string is longer, so we need to pop the stack, insert it, and then push on the value that was popped off the stack
if(lengthOther < lengthRoot)
String peekNameX = tempStack.peek();
int peekValX= tempStack.peekFreqVal();
Node dummyNode = new Node(peekNameX, peekValX);
while(dummyStack.isEmpty() ==false)
String peek2Name = dummyStack.peek();
int peek2Val= dummyStack.peekFreqVal();
Node dummyNode6 = new Node(peek2Name, peek2Val);
//System.out.println("tempstack size is C " + tempStack.getSize());
//System.out.println("tempstack top is now " + tempStack.peek());
//the tempRoot's string is shorter, so we can insert it onto the stack first
else if(lengthRoot < lengthOther)
while(dummyStack.isEmpty() ==false)
String peek2Name = dummyStack.peek();
int peek2Val= dummyStack.peekFreqVal();
Node dummyNode2 = new Node(peek2Name, peek2Val);
//System.out.println("tempstack top is now " + tempStack.peek());
//System.out.println("tempstack size is D " + tempStack.getSize());
else if(lengthRoot == lengthOther)
int a = tempRoot.getElement().compareTo(nameOther);
if(a < 0)
else //temp Root comes after the top node in ABC order
String peekNameA = tempStack.peek();
int peekValA= tempStack.peekFreqVal();
Node dummyNode = new Node(peekNameA, peekValA);
while(dummyStack.isEmpty() ==false)
String peek2Name = dummyStack.peek();
int peek2Val= dummyStack.peekFreqVal();
Node dummyNode2 = new Node(peek2Name, peek2Val);
//System.out.println("tempstack top is now " + tempStack.peek());
//System.out.println("tempstack size is E " + tempStack.getSize());
} //close else if(difference ==0)
} //close case 3
} //close switch
tree = new Node(tempRoot.getElement(), tempRoot.getFreqVal());
tree.setHuffman(""); //because root node
//terminate = true;
return nodes;
}//close build2
* @method combine output takes multiple output files and combines them into one
* <dt><b>Precondition:</b><dd>
* All file paths are correctly specified and contain content
* @param Four strings: first 3=output paths to combine; last = target path
* @returns None
* <dt><b>Postconditions:</b><dd>
* All ouptut is contained in path specified by final parameter
* @author Christine Herlihy
public static void combineOutput(String out1, String out2, String out3, String out4)
String [] outputArray = new String[500];
int counter =0;
//For output
try(BufferedReader bufferFinal = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(out1)))
//For input
String line= new String();
Scanner input= new Scanner(;
//Read each line of the input file in; store each char and int
while((line=bufferFinal.readLine()) != null)
outputArray[counter]= line;
} //close try 2
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
System.out.println("Database file not found.");
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("An I/O Error occured.");
try(BufferedReader bufferFinal2 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(out2)))
//For input
String line= new String();
Scanner input= new Scanner(;
//Read each line of the input file in; store each char and int
while((line=bufferFinal2.readLine()) != null)
outputArray[counter]= line;
} //close try
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
System.out.println("Database file not found.");
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("An I/O Error occured.");
try(BufferedReader bufferFinal3 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(out3)))
//For input
String line= new String();
Scanner input= new Scanner(;
//For output
BufferedWriter outputFile4 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(out4));
//Read each line of the input file in; store each char and int
while((line=bufferFinal3.readLine()) != null)
outputArray[counter]= line;
for(int i=0; i<outputArray.length; i++)
if(outputArray[i] !=null)
outputFile4.write(outputArray[i] + "\n");
} //close try
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
System.out.println("Database file not found.");
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("An I/O Error occured.");
} //close class RunProgLab3
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