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Created January 30, 2020 18:12
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[info] [Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.15.1
[info] [Appium] Non-default server args:
[info] [Appium] allowInsecure: {
[info] [Appium] }
[info] [Appium] denyInsecure: {
[info] [Appium] }
[info] [Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on[info] [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/sessions
[info] [HTTP] {}
[debug] [GENERIC] Calling AppiumDriver.getSessions() with args: []
[debug] [GENERIC] Responding to client with driver.getSessions() result: []
[info] [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/sessions 200 5 ms - 40
[info] [HTTP] [info] [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session
[info] [HTTP] {"desiredCapabilities":{"app":"/Users/testAdmin/Projects/baseQA/Apps/Physical Device Builds/ipa/base-QA.ipa","automationName":"XCUITest","clearSystemFiles":true,"deviceName":"iPhone","eventTimings":true,"fullReset":true,"platformName":"iOS","platformVersion":"13.0","showIOSLog":true,"udid":"myCorrectDeviceUDID","useNewWDA":true,"xcodeOrgId":"ourOrgId","xcodeSigningId":"ourSigningId","newCommandTimeout":0,"connectHardwareKeyboard":true}}
[debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.createSession() with args: [{"app":"/Users/testAdmin/Projects/baseQA/Apps/Physical Device Builds/ipa/base-QA.ipa","automationName":"XCUITest","clearSystemFiles":true,"deviceName":"iPhone","eventTimings":true,"fullReset":true,"platformName":"iOS","platformVersion":"13.0","showIOSLog":true,"udid":"myCorrectDeviceUDID","useNewWDA":true,"xcodeOrgId":"ourOrgId","xcodeSigningId":"ourSigningId","newCommandTimeout":0,"connectHardwareKeyboard":true},null,null]
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'newSessionRequested' logged at 1580406234177 (11:43:54 GMT-0600 (CST))
[info] [Appium] Appium v1.15.1 creating new XCUITestDriver (v2.133.1) session
[debug] [BaseDriver] Creating session with MJSONWP desired capabilities: {
[debug] [BaseDriver] "app": "/Users/testAdmin/Projects/baseQA/Apps/Physical Device Builds/ipa/base-QA.ipa",
[debug] [BaseDriver] "automationName": "XCUITest",
[debug] [BaseDriver] "clearSystemFiles": true,
[debug] [BaseDriver] "deviceName": "iPhone",
[debug] [BaseDriver] "eventTimings": true,
[debug] [BaseDriver] "fullReset": true,
[debug] [BaseDriver] "platformName": "iOS",
[debug] [BaseDriver] "platformVersion": "13.0",
[debug] [BaseDriver] "showIOSLog": true,
[debug] [BaseDriver] "udid": "myCorrectDeviceUDID",
[debug] [BaseDriver] "useNewWDA": true,
[debug] [BaseDriver] "xcodeOrgId": "ourOrgId",
[debug] [BaseDriver] "xcodeSigningId": "ourSigningId",
[debug] [BaseDriver] "newCommandTimeout": 0,
[debug] [BaseDriver] "connectHardwareKeyboard": true
[debug] [BaseDriver] }
[info] [BaseDriver] Session created with session id: 58d0ced4-41ca-41b1-9700-8db355a53a26[debug] [XCUITest] Current user: 'testAdmin'
[debug] [XCUITest] Available devices: myCorrectDeviceUDID
[debug] [XCUITest] Creating iDevice object with udid 'myCorrectDeviceUDID'
[info] [XCUITest] Determining device to run tests on: udid: 'myCorrectDeviceUDID', real device: true
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'xcodeDetailsRetrieved' logged at 1580406234945 (11:43:54 GMT-0600 (CST))
[info] [BaseDriver] Using local app '/Users/testAdmin/Projects/baseQA/Apps/Physical Device Builds/ipa/base-QA.ipa'
[debug] [BaseDriver] Unzipping '/Users/testAdmin/Projects/baseQA/Apps/Physical Device Builds/ipa/base-QA.ipa'[debug] [BaseDriver] Extracted 520 item(s) from '/Users/testAdmin/Projects/baseQA/Apps/Physical Device Builds/ipa/base-QA.ipa'
[debug] [BaseDriver] Matched 519 item(s) in the extracted archive. Assuming 'Payload/' is the correct bundle
[info] [BaseDriver] Unzipped local app to '/var/folders/q9/cch_d63n2yv9ddl_s7cmqtnr0000gp/T/2020030-3484-4lpf82.s4jgv/Payload/'
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'appConfigured' logged at 1580406236228 (11:43:56 GMT-0600 (CST))
[debug] [XCUITest] Checking whether app '/var/folders/q9/cch_d63n2yv9ddl_s7cmqtnr0000gp/T/2020030-3484-4lpf82.s4jgv/Payload/' is actually present on file system
[debug] [XCUITest] App is present
[debug] [iOS] Getting bundle ID from app '/var/folders/q9/cch_d63n2yv9ddl_s7cmqtnr0000gp/T/2020030-3484-4lpf82.s4jgv/Payload/': ''
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'resetStarted' logged at 1580406236232 (11:43:56 GMT-0600 (CST))
[debug] [XCUITest] Reset: running ios real device reset flow
[debug] [XCUITest] Reset: fullReset requested. Will try to uninstall the app ''.[debug] [XCUITest] Reset: removed ''
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'resetComplete' logged at 1580406236942 (11:43:56 GMT-0600 (CST))[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 40
[debug] [XCUITest] Crash reports root '/Users/testAdmin/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/iPhone' does not exist. Got nothing to gather.
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'logCaptureStarted' logged at 1580406237231 (11:43:57 GMT-0600 (CST))
[info] [XCUITest] Setting up real device
[debug] [XCUITest] Verifying application platform
[debug] [XCUITest] CFBundleSupportedPlatforms: ["iPhoneOS"]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280621140> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 40
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x2838828e0> delivering update to host (40 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ actionNSUA ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] actionNSUA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.2";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.alltrails.AllTrails.NotificationContentExtension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "9.3.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.25";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension pinterest.NotificationContentExtension for categories [ MINI_PIN_GRID_NOTIFICATION, MINI_BOARD_GRID_NOTIFICATION, MINI_INTEREST_GRID_NOTIFICATION, MINI_PIN_GRID_WITH_AVATAR_NOTIFICATION, MINI_BOARD_GRID_WITH_AVATAR_NOTIFICATION ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "7.23";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.48";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ barcodeNotificationCategory ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = barcodeNotificationCategory;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "2.2";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ triggerPromptCategory ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] triggerPromptCategory
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.25";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ Invite, Mail, cortanaTimeToLeave, CortanaTimeToLeave, Reminder, SoloReminder, EarlyReminder ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "4.22.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Invite,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Mail,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] cortanaTimeToLeave,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] CortanaTimeToLeave,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Reminder,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] SoloReminder,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] EarlyReminder
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.facebook.Facebook.NotificationContentExtension for categories [ campaign_close_friend_activity, campaign_comment_mention, campaign_feed_comment, campaign_feed_comment_reply, campaign_friend, campaign_friend_confirmed, campaign_group_comment_reply, campaign_mentions_comment, follow_video_page, friend_plain_view, groups_you_should_join, pages_you_may_like, top_trending_video, msg, wall, friend, poke, relationship_req, photo_tag, general_invite, photo_comment, note_tag, photo_album_download, photo_album_comment, note_comment, share_comment, event_cancel, photo_reply, photo_comment_tagged, note_reply, share_reply, photo_album_reply, group_r2j, group_report_to_admin, group_proactive_report_to_admin, group_report_to_facebook, added_to_group_reminder, groups_preview_invite, photo_tag_request, status_tag_request, status_tagged_by_non_owner, phonebook_accept, birthday_reminder, birthday_early, birthday_late, friend_confirmed, friend_request_reminder, friend_request_reminder_async, phonebook_request, video_tag, video<\M-b\M^@\M-&> ] with attributes: <decode: missing data>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ MessageExtension, MessageExtension-AudioRaise, MessageExtension-Madrid, MessageExtension-MadridGroup, MessageExtension-SMS ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] MessageExtension,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-AudioRaise",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-Madrid",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-MadridGroup",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-SMS"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.7";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionOverridesDefaultTitle = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280621140> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 29
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x28388eac0> delivering update to host (29 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ comment, commentMention ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "96.0.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] comment,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] commentMention
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 29
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[136] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[970] <Notice>:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone callservicesd(PlugInKit)[111] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x105061fb0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone callservicesd(PlugInKit)[111] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051b3460> delivering update to host (0 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: Beginning transaction for <private>. Transaction count is now 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.miniclip.8ballpoolmult.notificationContent for categories [ channel_friends_update, channel_friends_online, channel_competitors ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "4.6.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "channel_friends_update",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "channel_friends_online",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "channel_competitors"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "3.9";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ PKPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory, PKTransitPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory, PDUserNotificationTypePassTransitRelevancy ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] PKPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] PKTransitPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] PDUserNotificationTypePassTransitRelevancy
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ simpleResponse, richNotification1 ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "5.57.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] simpleResponse,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] richNotification1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.95";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.usablenet.walgreens.notificationcontentextension for categories [ PILLREMINDERACTION, PRACTIONSFORMULTIPLEREMINDERS, SAVEDSEARCHACTION ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "22.1";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.linkedin.LinkedIn.MessagingNotificationContentExtension for categories [ inMailWithContentExtensionCategory ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "2019.08.05";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = inMailWithContentExtensionCategory;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = YES;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.25";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.nestlabs.jasper.release.extension.notification-content.quartz-clip for categories [ QUARTZ_MOTION, QUARTZ_DOORBELL_VIDEO ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "5.23.1";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "QUARTZ_MOTION",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5625";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.udemy.notificationcontentext for categories [ com.udemy.coursenotifications ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "5.8.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "com.udemy.coursenotifications";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[970] <Notice>: requested to synchronize extensions
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.atebits.Tweetie2.NotificationContentExtension for categories [ tweet.2, mention.1, message.1, follow_request.1, lifeline.1, new_contact.2, followed.1, followed.3, group_message, retweet, favorite, reply, ab_import, acid_challenge_presented, acid_challenge_unsupported_notice, acid_receive_email_challenge, address_book_contact_added, address_book_mention, ads_messenger_wrapper, ads_reserved_1, ads_reserved_2, ads_reserved_3, advertiser_alert, advertiser_credit_expired, advertiser_generic_email, attempt_login_verification, backfill_digest, badge_count_update_push, become_user_notice, blackberry_blast, blackberry_update, br_resurrection_en, br_resurrection_new, br_resurrection_pt, card_whitelist_request_approve, card_whitelist_request_reject, changed_profile_photo, client_application_forced_read_only, client_application_suspended, commerce_donation_confirmation, commerce_donation_failure, commerce_payment_confirmation, commerce_payment_failure, commerce_refund_confirmation, commerce_refund_failure, confirmation<\M-b\M^@\M-&> ] with attributes: <decode: missing data>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.zillow.ZillowMap.NearbyHomeNotificationExtension for categories [ nearby-home ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "11.1.9";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "nearby-home";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ barcodeNotificationDefaultViewCategory ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = barcodeNotificationDefaultViewCategory;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.0001";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ asd-notification-default ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "asd-notification-default"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.zillow.ZillowMap.ArrivedAtHomeNotificationExtension for categories [ arrived-home ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "11.1.9";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "arrived-home";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.espn.ScoreCenter.NotificationContentExtension for categories [ SHARE ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "6.7.2";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] SHARE
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.001";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ AlarmSnoozeCountdown ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = AlarmSnoozeCountdown;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.7";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ memoriesUpdates ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] memoriesUpdates
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ actionIntent ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] actionIntent
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.2";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [,,,,, ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultConten
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ music-notification-default ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "music-notification-default"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ VoicemailMessageNotificationExtensionCategory, new-voicemail, new-voicemail-no-caller-id, new-voicemail-no-visual-voicemail ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] VoicemailMessageNotificationExtensionCategory,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "new-voicemail",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "new-voicemail-no-caller-id",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "new-voicemail-no-visual-voicemail"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "3.9";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.6";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ updates, updatesLiked, updatesCommented, invitations, invitationsWithJunkReport, suggestedCMMs, expiringCMMs, readyToViewInvitationCMM ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] updates,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] updatesLiked,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] updatesCommented,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] invitations,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] invitationsWithJunkReport,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] suggestedCMMs,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] expiringCMMs,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] readyToViewInvitationCMM
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.02";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ continuityRemoteCategory ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1506.7";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = continuityRemoteCategory;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.3";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterPeriodStart, MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterLoggedPeriodEnd ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterPeriodStart",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterLoggedPeriodEnd"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.001";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [,,,,,,, EventInvitation.CanRespond, EventInvitation.CouldBeJunk ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ kChimeTrafficToPlaceNotificationCategory, kChimeTrafficToPlaceNotificationCategory_HNR ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "5.19.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] kChimeTrafficToPlaceNotificationCategory,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "kChimeTrafficToPlaceNotificationCategory_HNR"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.66";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ mst-notification-category ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "mst-notification-category"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[970] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102f11360> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone locationd(PlugInKit)[60] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x10589e740> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone locationd(PlugInKit)[60] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x10589ec40> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone locationd[60] <Error>: Error matching extensions with attributes, (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[136] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ mail-message ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "mail-message";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionOverridesDefaultTitle = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Error>: Invalid value for UNNotificationExtensionCategory in Info.plist
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.75";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Error>: Invalid value for UNNotificationExtensionCategory in Info.plist
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ , OffroadUpdateNotificationCategory_HNR, kAZLocalNavGuidanceNotification_HNR, kAZResumeNavNotificationCategory_HNR, kAZSavedParkingNotificationCategory_HNR, kCommuteSetupPromoNotificationCategory_HNR, kDelayedPhotoTakenNotificationCategory, kDelayedPhotoTakenNotificationCategory_HNR, kDirectionsUGCNotificationCategory_HNR, kNavPromptNotificationCategory_HNR, kNavigationUGCNotificationCategory_HNR, kPlaceSheetUGCNotificationCategory_HNR, kTransitCrowdednessNotificationCategory_HNR, kTransitTransferNotificationCategory_HNR, kTripReminderNotificationCategory_HNR, showHelpfulNotificationRatingSurveyCategory, kAZReengagementExploreNotificationCategory_HNR, kAZReengagementDirectionsNotificationCategory_HNR ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "5.19.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "OffroadUpdateNotificationCategory
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 26
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 26
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[136] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[970] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102f11360> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: Successfully synchronized call directory extensions
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: Ending transaction for <private>. Transaction count is now 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[1262] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x100276400> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[1262] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1003320d0> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283a2eee0> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[1262] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x100276400> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 26
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[1262] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x100330c30> delivering update to host (26 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 26
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283a2ef40> delivering update to host (26 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283aca1c0> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283ac8ba0> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283aca3a0> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_start_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: MAEGate_GetBrickState: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone ScreenTimeAgent[159] <Notice>: Beginning new app save activity[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(PlugInKit)[989] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x102c6d420>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(PlugInKit)[989] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102c5b0e0> Beginning discovery for flags: 128, point: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(PlugInKit)[989] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102c5b0e0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[861] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x113e0fb90>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[861] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x113d05970> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[861] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x113e0cd90> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(PlugInKit)[989] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x102c6d190> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x100534230>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x100620cf0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x100534100> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x100534760>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x100620cf0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x100534700> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x100518680>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x100620cf0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x100532a60> delivering update to host (2 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[989] <Notice>: Removing data for uninstalled app: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[914] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x104f0c700> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 6
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(PlugInKit)[989] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102c5b0e0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[914] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x104f0b890>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[914] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x104f0c700> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
[debug] [XCUITest] Installing '/var/folders/q9/cch_d63n2yv9ddl_s7cmqtnr0000gp/T/2020030-3484-4lpf82.s4jgv/Payload/' on device with UUID 'myCorrectDeviceUDID'...
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x100620cf0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x100533800> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: dictionary
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone syncdefaultsd[1300] <Notice>: Refreshing LaunchServices Cache. Cache (<private>, 1580), LS (<private>, 1581)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(WatchListKit)[144] <Notice>: WLKAppLibraryCore - enumerate user apps elapsed time: 0.10458
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone callservicesd(RunningBoardServices)[111] <Notice>: unsubscribing configuration of monitor M111-46
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[168] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x100d2fec0>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd[950] <Notice>: Received distnoted matching event.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Finished getting 124 applications, took 0.350267 seconds updateApps ? YES
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(WatchListKit)[144] <Notice>: WLKAppLibraryCore - enumerate system apps elapsed time: 0.04709
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: [UpdatesManager]: Cleaning up following removal of apps: []
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_start_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[914] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x104f0c570> delivering update to host (6 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x100620cf0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x100534100> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Cancelled download requests for:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone nesessionmanager(NetworkExtension)[1045] <Notice>: Received a notification with token 21
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(PlugInKit)[989] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x102c6d190> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: discovered app prediction extension
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: app prediction extension is disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: PMMAppsSettingsMonitor enabled, 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: discovered app prediction extension
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: app prediction extension is disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: PMMAppsSettingsMonitor enabled, 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: Disabled by settings. Clearing recommendations.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: Clearing all recommendations. (1) Clear recommendations for SpringBoard, Stark, and NowPlaying. (2) Clear recommendations for App Predictions.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: Clearing all recommendations, except App Predictions.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: Handling Application Uninstalled event for {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] bundleIDs = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] isPlaceholder = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: +[VSSubscriptionSource subscriptionSourceForAppWithBundleID:]: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Cleaning up updates
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_get_value: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_get_value: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_get_value: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_get_value: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: beginMatchingExtensionsWithAttributes:: got Plugins: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[168] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x100e2a030> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Received a notification for name:"<private>", userInfo:<private>, bundleIDs:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Build apps: uninitialized
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[168] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x100e2a030> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 19
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_start_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: MAEGate_GetBrickState: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: +[VSSubscriptionSource subscriptionSourceForAppWithBundleID:]:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: Entering -[VSSubscriptionRegistrationCenter fetchActiveSubscriptionsWithOptions:completionHandler:]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: No allowed hash modifiers.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: Will return cached subscriptions: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_get_value: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_get_value: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_start_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: MAEGate_GetBrickState: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[168] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x100d00b60> delivering update to host (19 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_get_value: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Apps Source fired data:1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 6
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 19
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[168] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x100e2a030> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 19
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[168] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x100d00b60> delivering update to host (19 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_get_value: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(CoreSpotlight)[168] <Notice>: Couldn't get the bundleId for the index extension:<private> at (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(CoreSpotlight)[168] <Notice>: Couldn't get the bundleId for the index extension:<private> at (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Send apps:2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Crossfire: Apps deleted: []
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[861] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x113d05970> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[861] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x113e0cd90> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: beginMatchingExtensionsWithAttributes:: got Plugins: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: <private> servicesProvided: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: <private> doesPurge: NO
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: <private> servicesProvided: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: <private> doesPurge: NO
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[914] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x104f0c700> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 6
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Got apps from
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Accepting apps from
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Deleting all the items for bundleIDs:<private>, pcs:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_start_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: MAEGate_GetBrickState: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Deleting all items for bundleID:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: (<private>) deleteAllSearchableItemsWithBundleID, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, shouldGC:YES, options:0x0, qos:0x11
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: deleteAllSearchableItemsForBundleID, bundleID:<private>, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, shouldGC:YES
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Error>: Reply Error on 0x282903480:Connection interrupted
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x0051 Bin=['01 1F 00 80 03 03 04 00 43 51 00 13 00 14 06 00 BE EE 9A FF EC FF A2 01 00 32 A4 03 00 01 64 00']
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventVoiceLinkQualityUpdate (137) sent to 1 (of 87) clients.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: Sent notification to 0 (of 30) clients: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lsd(CoreServicesStore)[84] <Notice>: Writing store (no GC) 0x1042b6c68 with writer 0x16bdce9f0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone coreduetd(CoreDuet)[96] <Notice>: Deleting searchable items with bundleID: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_start_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: MAEGate_GetBrickState: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Apps Source fired data:4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x100620cf0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x100620cf0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x100534700> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone[971] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x100532a60> delivering update to host (2 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: Clearing recommendations for App Predictions.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: Disabled by settings. Clearing recommendations.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: Clearing all recommendations. (1) Clear recommendations for SpringBoard, Stark, and NowPlaying. (2) Clear recommendations for App Predictions.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: Clearing all recommendations, except App Predictions.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: Clearing recommendations for App Predictions.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone parsec-fbf[1231] <Notice>: update whitelists soon
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[989] <Notice>: Update in progress already. Coalescing.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[989] <Notice>: ATXUpdatePredictions: cache age 0.000000, reason 'new MM predictions'
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Received request to cancel download requests for - (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Finished getting 124 applications, took 0.055512 seconds updateApps ? YES
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone nesessionmanager[1045] <Notice>: Got a configuration change callback with configuration IDs (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "C7647EBB-B46E-43BD-8222-CC99BFB2D2C1"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[989] <Notice>: Invalidating intermediate ML cache and attempting to replace it with new one
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone ScreenTimeAgent[159] <Notice>: Discovered 1 uninstalled apps to be removed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone ScreenTimeAgent[159] <Notice>: Discovered 0 new apps to be persisted
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: Entering -[VSSubscriptionRegistrationCenter fetchActiveSubscriptionsWithOptions:completionHandler:]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: No allowed hash modifiers.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: Will fetch fresh subscriptions.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Entering -[VSSubscriptionRegistry fetchActiveSubscriptionsWithOptions:completionHandler:]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Successfully obtained context.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityExtractionPlugin: deleting all named entities and locations from <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Will execute fetch request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonSupport)[739] <Notice>: DADAgentManager: Fetching active agents. count = 5, agents = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Awake from fetch.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Provided info will be used.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Examining availabilityType JSON key.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Got value 2 for accessLevel key.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Examining billingIdentifier JSON key.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Overwriting omitted value for billingIdentifier key.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Examining account JSON key.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Overwriting omitted value for subscriberIdentifierHash key.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Examining tiers JSON key.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Got value <private> for tierIdentifiers key.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Did change value for accessLevel key to 2, triggering derivation.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Provided info will be used.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Did change value for tierIdentifiers key to <private>, triggering derivation.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Provided info will be used.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Did change value for billingIdentifier key to , triggering derivation.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Provided info will be used.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Did change value for subscriberIdentifierHash key to , triggering derivation.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Provided info will be used.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Result: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: +[VSSubscriptionSource subscriptionSourceForAppWithBundleID:]: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[950] <Notice>: Will return matching subscriptions: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: Fetched subscriptions: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: Will cancel operation <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: Did cancel operation <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: Delay operation timer cancelled <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: Will begin execution of <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: Entering -[VSAsyncOperation finishExecutionIfPossible]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: Delay operation timer will begin <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: Did begin execution of <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: Will call registration center fetch completion handler with subscriptions <private> or error (null).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: Did call registration center fetch completion handler with subscriptions <private> or error (null).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[144] <Notice>: Finishing execution of operation 0x100ad1190.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone fontservicesd(FontServices)[131] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Processing app:<private>, bundleType:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Finished getting 124 applications, took 0.308653 seconds updateApps ? YES
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:57 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: deleting all topics from <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[84] <Notice>: _LSSessionSave: saved database for UID 501
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] IMBalloonPluginManager. Did not find any plugin for id
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Successfully fetched policies applications
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283aca820> delivering update to host (2 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283a15fe0> delivering update to host (0 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(IdentityLookup)[1101] <Notice>: update matched extensions: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(IdentityLookup)[1101] <Notice>: updating extensions: <private> elected extension: (null) for point name:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283a15fe0> delivering update to host (0 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(IdentityLookup)[1101] <Notice>: update matched extensions: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(IdentityLookup)[1101] <Notice>: updating extensions: <private> elected extension: (null) for point name:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1001 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.miniclip.8ballpoolmult
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1005 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.fandango.fandango.watchapp,com.fandango.fandango
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.yelp.yelpiphone,com.yelp.yelpiphone.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1007 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1005 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.getdropbox.Dropbox
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.apperto.piclab
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1008 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.myfitnesspal.mfp,com.myfitnesspal.mfp.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.espn.ScoreCenter,com.espn.ScoreCenter.watchapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 26
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.zillow.ZillowMap,com.zillow.ZillowMap.REwatchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1007 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.glympse.iphone.glympse,com.glympse.iphone.glympse.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.starbucks.mystarbucks.watchapp,com.starbucks.mystarbucks
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.beyondmenu.beyondmenu
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283a2ef40> delivering update to host (26 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283a2eee0> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283ac8ba0> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283aca3a0> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283aca1c0> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283aca820> delivering update to host (2 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone healthd(HealthDaemon)[34] <Notice>: Received distnoted notification "<private>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[168] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Deleted all items for bundleID:<private>, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: (<private>) deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, options:0x0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, bundleID: <private>, protectionClass: NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, client:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, bundleID: <private>, protectionClass: NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, client:[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Started tracking activity for bundleIDs <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: <private>, 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Apps changed: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, dict
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Setting apps 124 existing __fastApps 124
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Apps changed: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: <private>, dict
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, dict
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: xpc_set_event <private>, 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, setting state now to 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: SUBMITTING: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: at priority 30 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Activity <private>: Optimal Score 0.5375 at <private> (Valid Until: <private>)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.10}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: MemoryPressurePolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.50, Rationale: [{[memoryPressure]: Required:2.00, Observed:1.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ] sumScores:42.520000, denominator:54.020000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.787116}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: '' CurrentScore: 0.787116, ThresholdScore: 0.477649 DecisionToRun:1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Running <private> immediately on submission
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: With <private> ...Tasks pre-running in group [] are 1!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Running activities : <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Activity <private> has delayed start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: REQUESTING START: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: [CleanupManager]: Application: <private> has no item ID: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9ee53a8d-1fa8-3ee3-d308-aca43c9795e8, RSSI -71 (0)t~U, Ch 38, AdvD <4c00071901022002f88f000000d8e72c8cf4a36007d4f9dfbe19b4a92f>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=uE?rPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt R -80%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Removed manifest for YES
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Scanning and cleaning queue.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Notice>: Send apps:2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Acquiring assertion targeting daemon<> from originator [daemon<>:146] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor;; ID: 26-146-11178; target: 146> attributes = {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <RBSLegacyAttribute: 0x1041e4a50; requestedReason: FinishTask; reason: FinishTask; flags: PreventTaskSuspend>;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <RBSAcquisitionCompletionAttribute: 0x1041a1f90; policy: 0>;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Assertion 26-146-11178 (target:daemon<>) will be created as active as no start-time-defining assertions exist
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:146] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Finished acquiring assertion 26-146-11178 (target:daemon<>)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:146] Ignoring role changes because this process is not role managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:146] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone powerd[35] <Notice>: Sleep revert state: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone powerd[35] <Notice>: Process runningboardd.26 Created SystemIsActive "daemon<>" age:00:00:00 id:51539647121 [System: SysAct]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Acquired process power assertion with ID 39569 for pid 146
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Got apps from
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Accepting apps from
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(Search)[168] <Notice>: Setting apps 124 existing __fastApps 124
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[1004] <Error>: Reply Error on 0x282903480:Connection interrupted
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID d5990dd6-1d86-8574-a98b-fd81d4300b6b, RSSI -78 (0)t~U, Ch 38, AdvD <4c000719010f200b778f0100049553dd12b9aa69085290f90743ea1e7f>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,3', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEErPbo1?s, CC=0, Batt R -70%; L -70%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone distnoted[81] <Notice>: register name: object: kCFNotificationAnyObject token: f4281 pid: 1300
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone swcd[896] <Notice>: LS database generation has changed 1580 to 1581. Synchronizing SWC database to it.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone swcd[896] <Error>: Error getting enterprise-managed associated domains data. If this device is not enterprise-managed, this is normal: Error Domain=SWCErrorDomain Code=1701 "Failed to get associated domain data from ManagedConfiguration framework." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Failed to get associated domain data from ManagedConfiguration framework., Line=250, Function=<private>}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] Could not determine if is a recent or favorite!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] IMBalloonPluginManager. Did not find any plugin for id
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[168] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: Deleted entries for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: TCC changed, lets figure out if one of our sessions needs to be removed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: bundle ID's not allowed to use bluetooth <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[87] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: #Warning Spectator subscriptions expired
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @ClxLink, Nearby, 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: MotionOdometer, action, Unregistration, client, <CLIntersiloProxyToInitiator: peer silo:CLCompanionNotifierSilo(CLLocationProviderWorkloop), peer name:<REDACTED>>, notification, 2, notificationClientCount, 0, notificationString, Cycling
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: coarse elevation src,enable,<private>,elevationSpectator,<private>,fitnessTracking,<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: MotionOdometer, action, Unregistration, client, <CLIntersiloProxyToInitiator: peer silo:CLCompanionNotifierSilo(CLLocationProviderWorkloop), peer name:<REDACTED>>, notification, 4, notificationClientCount, 2, notificationString, CyclingSpectator
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: TileCell, unexpected, companion, 5
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: MotionOdometer, action, Unregistration, client, <CLIntersiloProxyToInitiator: peer silo:CLCompanionNotifierSilo(CLLocationProviderWorkloop), peer name:<REDACTED>>, notification, 3, notificationClientCount, 0, notificationString, Elevation
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: MotionOdometer, action, Unregistration, client, <CLIntersiloProxyToInitiator: peer silo:CLCompanionNotifierSilo(CLLocationProviderWorkloop), peer name:<REDACTED>>, notification, 7, notificationClientCount, 1, notificationString, ElevationSpectator
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: MotionOdometer, action, Unregistration, client, <CLIntersiloProxyToInitiator: peer silo:CLCompanionNotifierSilo(CLLocationProviderWorkloop), peer name:<REDACTED>>, notification, 5, notificationClientCount, 1, notificationString, CoarseElevation
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMessageUsage, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMessageUsage, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchHeartRate, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchHeartRate, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitKeyboardMetrics, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitKeyboardMetrics, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPedometer, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone suggestd(Accounts)[982] <Notice>: "The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated."
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPedometer, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPPortrait loaded 15 disabled bundleIds from CloudKit prefs.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotionHeartRate, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotionHeartRate, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotion, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotion, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitOdometer, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitOdometer, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Initiating XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchOnWristState, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchOnWristState, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchFallStats, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchFallStats, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitDeviceUsage, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitDeviceUsage, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitLocationMetrics, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitLocationMetrics, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitStrideCalibration, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitStrideCalibration, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitElevation, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitElevation, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPhoneUsage, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPhoneUsage, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitAmbientLightSensor, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[60] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitAmbientLightSensor, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: -[TCCDAccessIdentity initWithMessage:]: self.bundle=0x0, bundle:(null); for:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonSupport)[739] <Notice>: DADAgentManager: Fetching active agents. count = 5, agents = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: (<private>) deleteAllSearchableItemsWithBundleID, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionComplete, shouldGC:YES, options:0x0, qos:0x11
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: deleteAllSearchableItemsForBundleID, bundleID:<private>, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionComplete, shouldGC:YES
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[168] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[168] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityExtractionPlugin: deleting all named entities and locations from <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: deleting all topics from <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone itunescloudd[145] <Notice>: Received darwin notification
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone itunescloudd[145] <Error>: Received unsupported darwin notification
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Stopping activity tracking with bundleIDs <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: beginning dispatch, activity name <private>, seqno 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: <private>: found a activity with matching seqno 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: lower half, activity name <private>, seqno from top half was 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Running XPC Activity (PID 25): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: STARTING: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: STARTING activity <private>!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: With <private> ...Tasks running in group [] are 1!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Not tracking activity: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: <private>, current state 2, pending state 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.10}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: MemoryPressurePolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.50, Rationale: [{[memoryPressure]: Required:2.00, Observed:1.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ] sumScores:42.520000, denominator:54.020000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.787116}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 5
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Completed XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: <private>, 1, true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: COMPLETED at priority 30 <private>!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: NO LONGER RUNNING ...Tasks running in group [] are 0!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[168] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Started tracking activity for bundleIDs <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone syncdefaultsd(ManagedConfiguration)[1300] <Notice>: Got system group container path from MCM for /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: [Crossfire]: Not creating app event for non-candidate bundleID: with type: Uninstall hasMetadata: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone nesessionmanager[1045] <Notice>: NESMPathControllerSession[]: Resetting VPN On Demand[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMessageUsage, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMessageUsage, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchHeartRate, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchHeartRate, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitKeyboardMetrics, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitKeyboardMetrics, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPedometer, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPedometer, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotionHeartRate, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotionHeartRate, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotion, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotion, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitOdometer, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitOdometer, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchOnWristState, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchOnWristState, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchFallStats, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchFallStats, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitDeviceUsage, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitDeviceUsage, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitLocationMetrics, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitLocationMetrics, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitStrideCalibration, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitStrideCalibration, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitElevation, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitElevation, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPhoneUsage, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPhoneUsage, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitAmbientLightSensor, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sensorkitd[872] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitAmbientLightSensor, overridden false, (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: -[TCCDAccessIdentity initWithMessage:]: self.bundle=0x0, bundle:(null); for:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9f243192-12ed-dd0f-294e-dc24efecb664, RSSI -68 (0)t~U, Ch 39, AdvD <4c0007190102202b998f0000000eebb3564453ce9b1eb4595150890569>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEELPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt L -90%; R -90%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonSupport)[739] <Notice>: DADAgentManager: Fetching active agents. count = 5, agents = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonSupport)[739] <Notice>: DADAgentManager: Fetching active agents. count = 5, agents = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonSupport)[739] <Notice>: DADAgentManager: Fetching active agents. count = 5, agents = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone nesessionmanager[1045] <Notice>: <NESMServer: 0x102c002e0>: Request to install session: NESMPathControllerSession[]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone nesessionmanager[1045] <Notice>: Will update session NESMPathControllerSession[] status to disconnected (fallback 0 non-default 0)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone nesessionmanager[1045] <Notice>: Session NESMPathControllerSession[] status changing to disconnected after update
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone assistantd(PlugInKit)[25] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x13fd28450> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone UserEventAgent(NetworkExtension)[24] <Notice>: Current file handles for (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "Network Agent Registration socket (80) C7647EBB-B46E-43BD-8222-CC99BFB2D2C1 4DFD288D-1ADF-4AB2-8D1D-3EBBD1A247BC 5 (null) agent flags 0x2",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "Policy Session MasterSession socket (27)",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "Policy Session LowPrioritySession socket (138)"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: File Handle Maintainer listening for readable events on Network Agent Registration socket (80) C7647EBB-B46E-43BD-8222-CC99BFB2D2C1 4DFD288D-1ADF-4AB2-8D1D-3EBBD1A247BC 5 (null) agent flags 0x2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone healthd(HealthDaemon)[34] <Notice>: Access to fitness data granted.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 5EA578A3-5C95-4DC9-8856-B7BAB076A1A7] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u A2B9FABC-5F31-4AB2-977D-4180531FEAE6] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u B4483BF9-8837-469C-84CC-E10672CD676F] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u D6C28CF4-5898-463E-BF32-DED88B6E9373] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 588A95A8-34C8-43F4-9FE4-6878AA13EC1E] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u A1888158-420F-451D-A4EE-77936FE66AE1] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u B7CCA757-E8F9-495B-A68D-B26175917CD0] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 8B705F38-9333-4B85-959B-0ADA3C0587C7] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 98C41D34-7F63-4325-A30A-90E803E89983] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 8A82EDBA-0403-4EA2-8D90-596E99B205C6] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 2A60BA6C-FC8C-41E0-832A-2D9B7732C139] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u DA42B95C-39B4-4822-B9E6-F769DFBEEF3B] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 3644E92A-1CFC-4BBE-BC1B-C5E017563C84] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 2CE77746-40F0-4975-B4FF-E566E9B6FB26] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 907C95F0-35D2-4254-AED1-8D610089326D] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 3785763F-7308-4C91-AD5F-6052097C5823] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 19947523-ED6E-4E32-AA96-00FB7CA0402C] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Deleted all items for bundleID:<private>, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionComplete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonSupport)[739] <Notice>: DADAgentManager: Fetching active agents. count = 5, agents = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 74299C8E-66A3-403F-B510-677EB43E6DFA] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: (<private>) deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionComplete, options:0x0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, bundleID: <private>, protectionClass: NSFileProtectionComplete, client:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, bundleID: <private>, protectionClass: NSFileProtectionComplete, client:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 04EF7DC6-D20D-4FEB-87F5-2BE5E2454AE3] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u F0EE3605-6291-4D35-8691-1C4AB5D46714] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 45508DFE-A4B8-475C-A40F-BEC3F795BB9A] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 9D22A3CA-1316-49B5-A466-EC4B9C8669C5] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 11E261F3-DFD2-4A62-938D-EEBF1F59A926] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u C7AF0C21-2866-4EAB-B924-83EC774FF54F] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGCoalescingDropbox SGDSpotlightReceiver.deleteInteractionBundleIdDropbox unable to extend transaction TTL.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u C35A199F-8782-4EC1-A228-3938250EFDC0] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u E656D311-08BB-4289-9EEF-78BC38EB7BDB] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 4B1ECBD6-C597-4ADF-8BCE-5636ADC044E4] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u F2729E38-BCA3-4A16-8677-39BB53E6A880] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 9E56CAA1-2202-4F43-B525-F86F733110AD] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u E5218463-D507-4BB0-9FDD-66CDA13D4E6D] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 38723F58-E2FC-4279-AE0D-867D61AAF5D2] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonSupport)[739] <Notice>: DADAgentManager: Fetching active agents. count = 5, agents = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonSupport)[739] <Notice>: DADAgentManager: Fetching active agents. count = 5, agents = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonSupport)[739] <Notice>: DADAgentManager: Fetching active agents. count = 5, agents = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonSupport)[739] <Notice>: DADAgentManager: Fetching active agents. count = 5, agents = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonSupport)[739] <Notice>: DADAgentManager: Fetching active agents. count = 5, agents = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonSupport)[739] <Notice>: DADAgentManager: Fetching active agents. count = 5, agents = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Update clean up complete with 0 changes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: (<private>) deleteAllSearchableItemsWithBundleID, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen, shouldGC:YES, options:0x0, qos:0x11
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: deleteAllSearchableItemsForBundleID, bundleID:<private>, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen, shouldGC:YES
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityExtractionPlugin: deleting all named entities and locations from <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: deleting all topics from <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[168] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: [ProgressCache]: Canceling progress for bundleID:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[168] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[168] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[168] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[168] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Stopping activity tracking with bundleIDs <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Started tracking activity for bundleIDs <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Stopping activity tracking with bundleIDs <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Started tracking activity for bundleIDs <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Stopping activity tracking with bundleIDs <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: [PurchaseHistoryManager]: Querying purchase history for account: H:5d6b232820
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone healthd(HealthDaemon)[34] <Notice>: <HDOdometerDataCollector: 0x1049dac50>: Transitioning collection type from Disabled -> Disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone healthd(HealthDaemon)[34] <Notice>: <HDOdometerDataCollector: 0x1049db410>: Transitioning collection type from Disabled -> Disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone profiled[118] <Notice>: Committing user settings.[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone profiled(MobileKeyBag)[118] <Notice>: MKBGetDeviceConfigurations: aks_get_configuration result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone profiled(MobileKeyBag)[118] <Notice>: MKBGetDeviceConfigurations: aks_get_configuration result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone profiled(BiometricKit)[118] <Notice>: getProtectedConfiguration --> getProtectedConfigurationForUser:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone profiled(BiometricKit)[118] <Notice>: getProtectedConfigurationForUser: 501
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone kernel(AppleBiometricServices)[0] <Notice>: AppleBiometricServicesUserClient::extPerform: in md = <private> out md = <private> out md size 32
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone kernel(AppleMesaSEPDriver)[0] <Notice>: performSpecificCommandGated: command:GetProtectedConfig (46), value:0, inLength:4, outLength:32
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone kernel(AppleMesaSEPDriver)[0] <Notice>: sepTransactToIOMD <- command:0x2b, inData:<private>, inDataSize:4, outData:<private>, outOptBytesWritten:<private>, flags:0x0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone kernel(IOBiometricFamily)[0] <Notice>: AppleBiometricSEP::transactToIOMD <- command:0x2b, inData:<private>, inDataSize:4, outData:<private>, outOptBytesWritten:<private>, flags:0x0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone kernel(IOBiometricFamily)[0] <Notice>: AppleBiometricSEP::transact <- command:0x2b, inData:<private>, inLength:4, outDataOut:<private>, outLength:<private>, flags:0x0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone kernel(IOBiometricFamily)[0] <Notice>: AppleBiometricSEP::sendRawMessage: Message to SEP, request = 0xfc, command = 0x2b, error = 0x0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone kernel(IOBiometricFamily)[0] <Notice>: AppleBiometricSEP::sepMessageHandler: Message from SEP, request = 0xfc, command = 0x2b, error = 0x0, 32 = 0 + 32
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone kernel(AppleMesaSEPDriver)[0] <Notice>: sepTransactToIOMD -> err=0x0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone profiled(BiometricKit)[118] <Notice>: getProtectedConfigurationForUser: -> 0x104d95340(UnlockEnabled:1,IdentificationEnabled:1,LoginEnabled:1,ApplePayEnabled:1,EfUnlockEnabled:1,EfIdentificationEnabled:1,EfLoginEnabled:1,EfApplePayEnabled:1)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone profiled[118] <Notice>: Committing effective user settings.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x28132d620>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280621140> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x28108ea90>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x281067e40>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280621140> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280621140> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(ReplayKitModule)[1004] <Notice>: RPScreenRecorder: updateRecordingAvailabilityWithHandler
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(ReplayKitModule)[1004] <Notice>: recording available
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone backboardd(libAccessibility.dylib)[57] <Notice>: AXS AccessibilityEnabled: (app ax: 1), ax settings: 1, cached: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(ReplayKitModule)[1004] <Notice>: RPScreenRecorder: notifyDelegateOfRecorderAvailability
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I requestManagedConfiguration_sync: eSimModificationAllowed: true - 7 blacklisted bundleids
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(ReplayKitModule)[1004] <Notice>: -[RPControlCenterClient screenRecorderDidChangeAvailability:]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(ReplayKitModule)[1004] <Notice>: RPControlCenterModule: didChangeAvailabilty: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(ReplayKitModule)[1004] <Notice>: -[RPControlCenterModuleViewController updateExtensionViews]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(ReplayKitModule)[1004] <Notice>: -[RPControlCenterModuleViewController scrollToCurrentSelectedExtension]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(ReplayKitModule)[1004] <Notice>: -[RPControlCenterModuleViewController setSelectedState:isCountingDown:] selected is 0 from client 0x2810a5830
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(PlugInKit)[60] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x10588c740>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(ReplayKitModule)[1004] <Notice>: -[RPControlCenterModuleViewController removeRecordingTimer]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(PlugInKit)[60] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x10589e740> Beginning discovery for flags: 128, point: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone corespeechd[928] <Notice>: -[CSSiriRestrictionOnLockScreenMonitor _checkSiriRestrictedOnLockScreen] Siri restricted on lock screen : NO
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone mediaserverd(CarKit)[29] <Notice>: device is CarPlay capable
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone mediaserverd(FindMyDevice)[29] <Notice>: -[FMDFMIPManager isLostModeActive]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone mediaserverd(FindMyDevice)[29] <Notice>: Shared file found. Returning lost mode type as - 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone mediaserverd(FindMyDevice)[29] <Notice>: FMiP shared info has lost mode type - 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone mediaserverd(FindMyDevice)[29] <Notice>: -[FMDFMIPManager isLostModeActive] : NO
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone mediaserverd(FindMyDevice)[29] <Notice>: -[FMDFMIPManager isManagedLostModeActive]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone mediaserverd(VoiceTrigger)[29] <Notice>: Siri restricted on lock screen : NO
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone mediaserverd(VoiceTrigger)[29] <Notice>: VoiceTrigger cannot be turned on since VoiceTrigger is disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone mediaserverd(VoiceTrigger)[29] <Notice>: ::: Checking VTStateManager policy: Should be running? NO
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone mediaserverd(VoiceTrigger)[29] <Notice>: VoiceTrigger will Stop
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone mediaserverd(VoiceTrigger)[29] <Notice>: VoiceTrigger is already stopped, nothing to change
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone corespeechd[928] <Notice>: -[CSVoiceTriggerEnabledPolicyAOP _addVoiceTriggerEnabledConditions]_block_invoke VoiceTrigger cannot be turned on since VoiceTrigger is disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone corespeechd[928] <Notice>: -[CSBuiltInVoiceTrigger start]_block_invoke VoiceTrigger start policy changed : STOPPED
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone corespeechd[928] <Notice>: -[CSBuiltInVoiceTrigger _transitVoiceTriggerStatus:]_block_invoke Received VoiceTrigger disabled at state FirstPassStateStop
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone callservicesd(PlugInKit)[111] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051b36d0>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone callservicesd(PlugInKit)[111] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x105061fb0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 31
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_get_value: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: copy_itunes_value_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: set_response_error: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 51
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280621140> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 51
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283845a40> delivering update to host (51 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 29
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280621140> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 29
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x28388eac0> delivering update to host (29 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 40
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[136] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone callservicesd(PlugInKit)[111] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x105061fb0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone callservicesd(PlugInKit)[111] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051b3460> delivering update to host (0 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: Beginning transaction for <private>. Transaction count is now 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280621140> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 40
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[1004] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x2838828e0> delivering update to host (40 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ actionNSUA ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] actionNSUA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.2";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.alltrails.AllTrails.NotificationContentExtension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "9.3.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.25";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension pinterest.NotificationContentExtension for categories [ MINI_PIN_GRID_NOTIFICATION, MINI_BOARD_GRID_NOTIFICATION, MINI_INTEREST_GRID_NOTIFICATION, MINI_PIN_GRID_WITH_AVATAR_NOTIFICATION, MINI_BOARD_GRID_WITH_AVATAR_NOTIFICATION ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "7.23";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.48";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ barcodeNotificationCategory ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = barcodeNotificationCategory;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "2.2";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone[970] <Notice>:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ triggerPromptCategory ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] triggerPromptCategory
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.25";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ Invite, Mail, cortanaTimeToLeave, CortanaTimeToLeave, Reminder, SoloReminder, EarlyReminder ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "4.22.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Invite,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Mail,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] cortanaTimeToLeave,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] CortanaTimeToLeave,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Reminder,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] SoloReminder,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] EarlyReminder
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.facebook.Facebook.NotificationContentExtension for categories [ campaign_close_friend_activity, campaign_comment_mention, campaign_feed_comment, campaign_feed_comment_reply, campaign_friend, campaign_friend_confirmed, campaign_group_comment_reply, campaign_mentions_comment, follow_video_page, friend_plain_view, groups_you_should_join, pages_you_may_like, top_trending_video, msg, wall, friend, poke, relationship_req, photo_tag, general_invite, photo_comment, note_tag, photo_album_download, photo_album_comment, note_comment, share_comment, event_cancel, photo_reply, photo_comment_tagged, note_reply, share_reply, photo_album_reply, group_r2j, group_report_to_admin, group_proactive_report_to_admin, group_report_to_facebook, added_to_group_reminder, groups_preview_invite, photo_tag_request, status_tag_request, status_tagged_by_non_owner, phonebook_accept, birthday_reminder, birthday_early, birthday_late, friend_confirmed, friend_request_reminder, friend_request_reminder_async, phonebook_request, video_tag, video<\M-b\M^@\M-&> ] with attributes: <decode: missing data>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ MessageExtension, MessageExtension-AudioRaise, MessageExtension-Madrid, MessageExtension-MadridGroup, MessageExtension-SMS ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] MessageExtension,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-AudioRaise",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-Madrid",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-MadridGroup",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-SMS"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.7";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionOverridesDefaultTitle = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ comment, commentMention ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "96.0.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] comment,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] commentMention
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.miniclip.8ballpoolmult.notificationContent for categories [ channel_friends_update, channel_friends_online, channel_competitors ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "4.6.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "channel_friends_update",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "channel_friends_online",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "channel_competitors"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "3.9";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ PKPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory, PKTransitPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory, PDUserNotificationTypePassTransitRelevancy ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] PKPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] PKTransitPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] PDUserNotificationTypePassTransitRelevancy
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ simpleResponse, richNotification1 ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "5.57.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] simpleResponse,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] richNotification1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.95";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.usablenet.walgreens.notificationcontentextension for categories [ PILLREMINDERACTION, PRACTIONSFORMULTIPLEREMINDERS, SAVEDSEARCHACTION ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "22.1";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.linkedin.LinkedIn.MessagingNotificationContentExtension for categories [ inMailWithContentExtensionCategory ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "2019.08.05";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = inMailWithContentExtensionCategory;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = YES;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.25";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.nestlabs.jasper.release.extension.notification-content.quartz-clip for categories [ QUARTZ_MOTION, QUARTZ_DOORBELL_VIDEO ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "5.23.1";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "QUARTZ_MOTION",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5625";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.udemy.notificationcontentext for categories [ com.udemy.coursenotifications ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "5.8.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "com.udemy.coursenotifications";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.atebits.Tweetie2.NotificationContentExtension for categories [ tweet.2, mention.1, message.1, follow_request.1, lifeline.1, new_contact.2, followed.1, followed.3, group_message, retweet, favorite, reply, ab_import, acid_challenge_presented, acid_challenge_unsupported_notice, acid_receive_email_challenge, address_book_contact_added, address_book_mention, ads_messenger_wrapper, ads_reserved_1, ads_reserved_2, ads_reserved_3, advertiser_alert, advertiser_credit_expired, advertiser_generic_email, attempt_login_verification, backfill_digest, badge_count_update_push, become_user_notice, blackberry_blast, blackberry_update, br_resurrection_en, br_resurrection_new, br_resurrection_pt, card_whitelist_request_approve, card_whitelist_request_reject, changed_profile_photo, client_application_forced_read_only, client_application_suspended, commerce_donation_confirmation, commerce_donation_failure, commerce_payment_confirmation, commerce_payment_failure, commerce_refund_confirmation, commerce_refund_failure, confirmation<\M-b\M^@\M-&> ] with attributes: <decode: missing data>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.zillow.ZillowMap.NearbyHomeNotificationExtension for categories [ nearby-home ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "11.1.9";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "nearby-home";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ barcodeNotificationDefaultViewCategory ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = barcodeNotificationDefaultViewCategory;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.0001";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ asd-notification-default ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "asd-notification-default"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.zillow.ZillowMap.ArrivedAtHomeNotificationExtension for categories [ arrived-home ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "11.1.9";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "arrived-home";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(PlugInKit)[60] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x10589e740> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension com.espn.ScoreCenter.NotificationContentExtension for categories [ SHARE ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "6.7.2";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] SHARE
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.001";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ AlarmSnoozeCountdown ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = AlarmSnoozeCountdown;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.7";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ memoriesUpdates ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] memoriesUpdates
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ actionIntent ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] actionIntent
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.2";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [,,,,, ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultConten
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ music-notification-default ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "music-notification-default"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd(PlugInKit)[60] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x10589ec40> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone locationd[60] <Error>: Error matching extensions with attributes, (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ VoicemailMessageNotificationExtensionCategory, new-voicemail, new-voicemail-no-caller-id, new-voicemail-no-visual-voicemail ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] VoicemailMessageNotificationExtensionCategory,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "new-voicemail",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "new-voicemail-no-caller-id",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "new-voicemail-no-visual-voicemail"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "3.9";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.6";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ updates, updatesLiked, updatesCommented, invitations, invitationsWithJunkReport, suggestedCMMs, expiringCMMs, readyToViewInvitationCMM ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] updates,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] updatesLiked,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] updatesCommented,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] invitations,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] invitationsWithJunkReport,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] suggestedCMMs,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] expiringCMMs,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] readyToViewInvitationCMM
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.02";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ continuityRemoteCategory ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1506.7";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = continuityRemoteCategory;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.3";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterPeriodStart, MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterLoggedPeriodEnd ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterPeriodStart",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterLoggedPeriodEnd"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.001";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [,,,,,,, EventInvitation.CanRespond, EventInvitation.CouldBeJunk ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loading extension with custom section identifier (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ kChimeTrafficToPlaceNotificationCategory, kChimeTrafficToPlaceNotificationCategory_HNR ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "5.19.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] kChimeTrafficToPlaceNotificationCategory,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "kChimeTrafficToPlaceNotificationCategory_HNR"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.66";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ mst-notification-category ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "mst-notification-category"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ mail-message ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "mail-message";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionOverridesDefaultTitle = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Error>: Invalid value for UNNotificationExtensionCategory in Info.plist
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.75";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Error>: Invalid value for UNNotificationExtensionCategory in Info.plist
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:58 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[1004] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ , OffroadUpdateNotificationCategory_HNR, kAZLocalNavGuidanceNotification_HNR, kAZResumeNavNotificationCategory_HNR, kAZSavedParkingNotificationCategory_HNR, kCommuteSetupPromoNotificationCategory_HNR, kDelayedPhotoTakenNotificationCategory, kDelayedPhotoTakenNotificationCategory_HNR, kDirectionsUGCNotificationCategory_HNR, kNavPromptNotificationCategory_HNR, kNavigationUGCNotificationCategory_HNR, kPlaceSheetUGCNotificationCategory_HNR, kTransitCrowdednessNotificationCategory_HNR, kTransitTransferNotificationCategory_HNR, kTripReminderNotificationCategory_HNR, showHelpfulNotificationRatingSurveyCategory, kAZReengagementExploreNotificationCategory_HNR, kAZReengagementDirectionsNotificationCategory_HNR ] with attributes: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "5.19.0";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "OffroadUpdateNotificationCategory
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone[970] <Notice>: requested to synchronize extensions
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone[970] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102f11360> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[136] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone[970] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102f11360> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: Successfully synchronized call directory extensions
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: Ending transaction for <private>. Transaction count is now 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Apple ID account state: All Good
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: ManagedConfig settings changed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone atc(AirFair2)[36] <Notice>: <private>|accounts have changed. accountIds=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] 1068147744
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone atc(AirFair2)[36] <Notice>: <private>|initiating keybag re-sync with priority 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[168] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x100d2fec0>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[168] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x100e2a030> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[861] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x113e0fb90>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[168] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone healthd(HealthDaemon)[34] <Notice>: <HDPedometerDataCollector: 0x10498e8a0>: Transitioning collection type from Passive -> Passive
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone healthd(libxpc.dylib)[34] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: check-in
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone ScreenTimeAgent[159] <Notice>: Detected Managed Configuration effective settings change[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone healthd(libxpc.dylib)[34] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: <private>, 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone healthd(libxpc.dylib)[34] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, check-in
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Firmware Debug Settings
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Set HCI config raw:0 HID:0 size:4997400 files:3 timesync:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Change HCI config settings to rawAudio:disabled->disabled HID:disabled->disabled fileSize:4MB->4MB #ofTraces:3->3 liveHCI:disabled->disabled fileHCI:disabled->disabled audioTimeSync:disabaled->disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Terminate Live Logging
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Stop and rotate logging
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Successfully stopped HCI tracing
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: setW1Logging: isTimeStampPeriodicallyEnabled = 0, isDisableDiagnosticsPeriodicallyEnabled = 0, module = 1023, level = 8, log_interval = 100000, power_logging_interval = 0, isCrashLoggingDisabled = 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TraceMode
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: setAccessoryLogging: module = 255, level = 2, submodule = 0, device = 255
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: BBFC TimeLogging is disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TraceLevel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TraceMask
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for phy.TraceMask
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for phy.TraceLevel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.CaptureTimeout
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TriggerCapture
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TapToRadar
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.GeneralDebug
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Driver Debug Settings
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TraceMode
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TraceLevel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TraceMask
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.CaptureTimeout
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TriggerCapture
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TapToRadar
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.GeneralDebug
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Firmware Debug Settings
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TraceMode
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TraceLevel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TraceMask
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for phy.TraceMask
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for phy.TraceLevel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.CaptureTimeout
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TriggerCapture
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TapToRadar
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.GeneralDebug
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Driver Debug Settings
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Set HCI config raw:0 HID:0 size:4997400 files:3 timesync:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Change HCI config settings to rawAudio:disabled->disabled HID:disabled->disabled fileSize:4MB->4MB #ofTraces:3->3 liveHCI:disabled->disabled fileHCI:disabled->disabled audioTimeSync:disabaled->disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Terminate Live Logging
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TraceMode
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TraceLevel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TraceMask
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.CaptureTimeout
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Stop and rotate logging
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Successfully stopped HCI tracing
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TriggerCapture
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TapToRadar
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.GeneralDebug
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: setW1Logging: isTimeStampPeriodicallyEnabled = 0, isDisableDiagnosticsPeriodicallyEnabled = 0, module = 1023, level = 8, log_interval = 100000, power_logging_interval = 0, isCrashLoggingDisabled = 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: setAccessoryLogging: module = 255, level = 2, submodule = 0, device = 255
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: BBFC TimeLogging is disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone healthd(libxpc.dylib)[34] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: <private>, check-in
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone healthd(libxpc.dylib)[34] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, check-in
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone healthd(libxpc.dylib)[34] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, setting state now to 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone healthd(libxpc.dylib)[34] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone healthd(libxpc.dylib)[34] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: <private>, current state 0, pending state 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone healthd(HealthDaemon)[34] <Notice>: XPC activity checked in DISABLED.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone healthd(libxpc.dylib)[34] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: <private>, 1, true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[87] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: SB AX Status change (finished: 1),
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Firmware Debug Settings
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Firmware Debug Settings
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TraceMode
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TraceLevel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TraceMask
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Set HCI config raw:0 HID:0 size:4997400 files:3 timesync:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for phy.TraceMask
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for phy.TraceLevel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Change HCI config settings to rawAudio:disabled->disabled HID:disabled->disabled fileSize:4MB->4MB #ofTraces:3->3 liveHCI:disabled->disabled fileHCI:disabled->disabled audioTimeSync:disabaled->disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.CaptureTimeout
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TriggerCapture
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TapToRadar
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.GeneralDebug
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Driver Debug Settings
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TraceMode
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TraceLevel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TraceMask
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TraceMode
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TraceLevel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.CaptureTimeout
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TraceMask
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Terminate Live Logging
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TriggerCapture
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for phy.TraceMask
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Stop and rotate logging
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Successfully stopped HCI tracing
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: setW1Logging: isTimeStampPeriodicallyEnabled = 0, isDisableDiagnosticsPeriodicallyEnabled = 0, module = 1023, level = 8, log_interval = 100000, power_logging_interval = 0, isCrashLoggingDisabled = 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: setAccessoryLogging: module = 255, level = 2, submodule = 0, device = 255
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: BBFC TimeLogging is disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Set HCI config raw:0 HID:0 size:4997400 files:3 timesync:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Change HCI config settings to rawAudio:disabled->disabled HID:disabled->disabled fileSize:4MB->4MB #ofTraces:3->3 liveHCI:disabled->disabled fileHCI:disabled->disabled audioTimeSync:disabaled->disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Terminate Live Logging
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Stop and rotate logging
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Successfully stopped HCI tracing
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TapToRadar
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: setW1Logging: isTimeStampPeriodicallyEnabled = 0, isDisableDiagnosticsPeriodicallyEnabled = 0, module = 1023, level = 8, log_interval = 100000, power_logging_interval = 0, isCrashLoggingDisabled = 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.GeneralDebug
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for phy.TraceLevel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: setAccessoryLogging: module = 255, level = 2, submodule = 0, device = 255
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.CaptureTimeout
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: BBFC TimeLogging is disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TriggerCapture
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.TapToRadar
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for fw.GeneralDebug
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Driver Debug Settings
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TraceMode
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TraceLevel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TraceMask
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.CaptureTimeout
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TriggerCapture
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.TapToRadar
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Checking for driver.GeneralDebug
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone ScreenTimeAgent(FamilyCircle)[159] <Notice>: Starting family request: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[158] is checking access for target PID[159]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: Granting PID[159] access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone ScreenTimeAgent(Accounts)[159] <Notice>: "The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated."
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[87] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone healthd(libxpc.dylib)[34] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 1[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone familycircled(Accounts)[184] <Notice>: "The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated."
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone budd[940] <Notice>: xpc event stream handler called with
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[168] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Deleted all items for bundleID:<private>, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: (<private>) deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen, options:0x0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, bundleID: <private>, protectionClass: NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen, client:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, bundleID: <private>, protectionClass: NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen, client:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[861] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x113d05970> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Started tracking activity for bundleIDs <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone useractivityd[150] <Notice>: --- Received MCEffectiveSettingsChangedNotification notification, so signalling all our queues to re-check what's allowed.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Stopping activity tracking with bundleIDs <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGCoalescingDropbox SGDSpotlightReceiver.deleteInteractionBundleIdDropbox unable to extend transaction TTL.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: [Crossfire]: Analytics switched to off
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone budd(SetupAssistant)[940] <Notice>: will get pending followup items
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Finished deleting all items for bundleIDs:<private>, hasFailedDeletes:NO, purge:YES, pcs:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: _deleteAllItemsForBundleIDs:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: _allInstalledApplicationsIdentifiers
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: _allInstalledApplicationsIdentifiers: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone profiled[118] <Notice>: Updating MIS trust...
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone carkitd(CarKit)[94] <Notice>: device is CarPlay capable
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone familycircled[184] <Notice>: Skipping server fetch of family circle as the cache is fresh (Tue Jan 28 20:00:08 2020)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone ScreenTimeAgent(FamilyCircle)[159] <Notice>: Family request came back with response: <private> - <private> - (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone ScreenTimeAgent[159] <Notice>: Family has no members
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone ScreenTimeAgent[159] <Notice>: Reloaded account state: can cloud mirror 1, has 0 family members, Apple ID (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone carkitd(FindMyDevice)[94] <Notice>: -[FMDFMIPManager isLostModeActive]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone budd(CoreFollowUp)[940] <Notice>: Asking daemon server for pending items with identifier:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone carkitd(FindMyDevice)[94] <Notice>: Shared file found. Returning lost mode type as - 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone carkitd(FindMyDevice)[94] <Notice>: FMiP shared info has lost mode type - 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone carkitd(FindMyDevice)[94] <Notice>: -[FMDFMIPManager isLostModeActive] : NO
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone carkitd(FindMyDevice)[94] <Notice>: -[FMDFMIPManager isManagedLostModeActive]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone healthd(ActivitySharingPlugin)[34] <Notice>: ActivitySharingManager applications uninstalled: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone followupd[909] <Notice>: Executing query: SELECT id, uuid, title, body, show_in_settings, style, persist_when_activated, persist_when_dismissed, user_info, client_identifier, extension_identifier, group_identifier, target_bundle_identifier, representing_bundle_path, bundle_icon_name, informative_footer_text, category_identifier FROM items ORDER BY id
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone assistantd(CoreLocation)[25] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLInternalGetAuthorizationStatus", "event":"activity"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/AssistantServices.framework"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 19
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone assistantd(PlugInKit)[25] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x13fd28450> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 31
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[861] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x113d05970> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[861] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x113e0cd90> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone followupd[909] <Notice>: Rows changed: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: beginMatchingExtensionsWithAttributes:: got Plugins: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone healthd(HealthDaemon)[34] <Notice>: Reset authorization records for uninstalled application <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: [ManageSubscriptionsPrompter]: Found 0 apps for bundle IDs (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone budd(CoreFollowUp)[940] <Notice>: Fetched pending follow up items: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), error: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: <private> servicesProvided: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: <private> doesPurge: NO
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone budd(SetupAssistant)[940] <Notice>: did get pending followup items with error (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone budd(SetupAssistant)[940] <Notice>: followup validity check did finish
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone budd[940] <Notice>: notification handler did receive
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone budd(SetupAssistant)[940] <Notice>: will get pending followup items
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone budd(CoreFollowUp)[940] <Notice>: Asking daemon server for pending items with identifier:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone followupd[909] <Notice>: Executing query: SELECT id, uuid, title, body, show_in_settings, style, persist_when_activated, persist_when_dismissed, user_info, client_identifier, extension_identifier, group_identifier, target_bundle_identifier, representing_bundle_path, bundle_icon_name, informative_footer_text, category_identifier FROM items ORDER BY id
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone followupd[909] <Notice>: Rows changed: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone budd(CoreFollowUp)[940] <Notice>: Fetched pending follow up items: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), error: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone budd(SetupAssistant)[940] <Notice>: did get pending followup items with error (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone budd(SetupAssistant)[940] <Notice>: followup validity check did finish[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[168] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x100e2a030> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 19
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[168] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x100d00b60> delivering update to host (19 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: __WiFiDeviceManagerScanPreviousNetworkChannel: latitude=+41.982690, longitude=-87.842631 Accuracy=38.031479 timeIntervalSinceNow=54.683006secs source=WiFi
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: isLocationValid: YES [freshness 60.000000secs location_age 54.683161secs, lifeSpan 9.000000, accuracy 38.031479m req_accuracy 165.000000m]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9ee53a8d-1fa8-3ee3-d308-aca43c9795e8, RSSI -81 (0)t~U, Ch 37, AdvD <4c00071901022002f88f000000d8e72c8cf4a36007d4f9dfbe19b4a92f>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=uE?rPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt R -80%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: [Crossfire]: Looking for launch events from: 2020-01-30 11:36:28 to: 2020-01-30 11:43:59 for: 93 apps(s)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone searchd(CoreSpotlight)[168] <Notice>: Couldn't get the bundleId for the index extension:<private> at (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone dataaccessd(EventKit)[739] <Notice>: Initialized event store with access to events only, initialization options include allowing events only = 1, current process disallows reminders by default = 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone corecaptured(CoreCaptureDaemon)[1302] <Error>: deleteDirectory:000195: opendir failure
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[156] is checking access for target PID[739]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing client without bundle identifier (file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataAccess.framework/Support/dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceCalendar from invalid client with pid 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[156] is checking access for target PID[739]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing client without bundle identifier (file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataAccess.framework/Support/dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceReminders from invalid client with pid 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I New CTServerConnection from pid 25 (conn=0x139d2a3f0)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I -- connection has entitlements: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I CTServerConnection from pid 25[<private>] is named '<private>'.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: <private> is adding a fast dormancy suspend assertion
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I Assertion '<private>' being acquired, Calling 0 per assertion call back(s)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I Assertion '<private>' by <private> added=true; total assertion count is now 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone assistantd(CoreTelephony)[25] <Notice>: Calling _CTServerConnectionDormancySuspendAssertionCreate() for name = <private> assertion = true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone corecaptured(CoreCaptureDaemon)[1302] <Notice>: pruneDirectoryOnOSUpgrade: activity enabled; snapshot <private>, osversion <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone calaccessd(CalendarDatabase)[156] <Notice>: Commencing database save for client with identifier [calaccessd], name [dataaccessd]. Commit: [YES]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone calaccessd(CoreSpotlight)[156] <Notice>: ( deleteSearchableItemsWithDomainIdentifiers, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, domainIdentifiers number:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone calaccessd(CoreSpotlight)[156] <Notice>: ( deleteSearchableItemsWithDomainIdentifiers, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, domainIdentifiers number:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone calaccessd(CalendarDatabase)[156] <Notice>: ****** [CDB Spotlight indexing] Finished wait, spotlight complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[914] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x104f0c570> delivering update to host (6 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone assistantd[25] <Error>: -[ADSessionManager _canStartLocalSession] Siri Mini not enabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[914] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x104f0b890>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[914] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x104f0c700> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 6
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[914] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x104f0c700> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 6
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[914] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x104f0c570> delivering update to host (6 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVAgent C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1) -- started
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] IMBalloonPluginManager. Did not find any plugin for id
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Successfully fetched policies applications
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] Could not determine if is a recent or favorite!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1001 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.miniclip.8ballpoolmult
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1005 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.fandango.fandango.watchapp,com.fandango.fandango
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.yelp.yelpiphone,com.yelp.yelpiphone.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1007 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] IMBalloonPluginManager. Did not find any plugin for id
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1005 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.getdropbox.Dropbox
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.apperto.piclab
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1008 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.myfitnesspal.mfp,com.myfitnesspal.mfp.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.espn.ScoreCenter,com.espn.ScoreCenter.watchapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.zillow.ZillowMap,com.zillow.ZillowMap.REwatchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1007 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.glympse.iphone.glympse,com.glympse.iphone.glympse.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.starbucks.mystarbucks.watchapp,com.starbucks.mystarbucks
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.beyondmenu.beyondmenu
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, Wifi::Scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: WifiTimer, nextscan, 15, haveLoc, 1, codepath, Frozen
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiAps, history, 0, aged, 20, thresh, 5
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiAps, history, 7, add, 7
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, scanreply, aps, 7, type, Cached, lastused, 96, use, 1, history, 7, bystander+, 1, spectator+, 0, reqtype, none[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: <private> accepted, timestamp, <private>, speed, <private>, speedUnc, <private>, speedSource, <private>, ageOfEstimation, <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Received notification", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationBystander"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Stopping location for source", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Received notification", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationLeech"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Stopping location for source", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: Sending location to client </System/Library/LocationBundles/Traffic.bundle>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Awareness Received location"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: Refreshing the routine state associated with leeched location
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "clientKey":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/Traffic.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"Off", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim entity class arrow state changed", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: Sending location to client </System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "clientKey":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/MobileWiFi.framework", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: Sending location to client </System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":1221010026416, "end_mach":1221010069827, "elapsed_s":"0.001808792", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"602099039.840805054"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: #Warning Error retrieving the current RT LOI. <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"got location notification", "subHarvester":"Avenger"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone wifid(CoreLocation)[42] <Notice>: {"msg":"delivering locations to client's delegate", "self":"0x10fe17970", "delegate":"0x10fd10870"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"updateOperationalModeIfNecessary", "fIsAllowedToUseBest":0, "fCurrentTimeOffsetThreshold":"600.000000", "subHarvester":"Avenger"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"tried to harvest an empty pass cache", "subHarvester":"Pass"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd(TrackingAvoidance)[60] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":1221010105042, "end_mach":1221010125554, "elapsed_s":"0.000854667", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"602099039.844138026"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd(TrackingAvoidance)[60] <Notice>: #TAStore adding:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd(TrackingAvoidance)[60] <Notice>: #TATrackingAvoidanceService significant time elapsed, performing classification now
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd(TrackingAvoidance)[60] <Notice>: #TATrackingAvoidanceService running TAFilterGeneral detector
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd(TrackingAvoidance)[60] <Notice>: #TAFilterGeneral Current Clock Time: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd(TrackingAvoidance)[60] <Notice>: #TAFilterGeneral Time Duration of Interest: Start Date - <private> End Date - <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd(TrackingAvoidance)[60] <Notice>: #TATrackingAvoidanceService suspicious device count: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone mediaremoted(CoreUtils)[30] <Notice>: [APSSystemUtils] BootUUID C4BF3150-DFE3-4BE2-A3F9-D5C4774FBF55
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_path_evaluator_start [8C248A02-5356-4ECB-83EA-50D11E002736 generic, indefinite]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9f243192-12ed-dd0f-294e-dc24efecb664, RSSI -79 (0)t~U, Ch 38, AdvD <4c0007190102202b998f0000000eebb3564453ce9b1eb4595150890569>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEELPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt L -90%; R -90%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"Incoming message", "event":"activity", "name":"kCLConnectionMessageMotionActivityQuery", "this":"0x1067b5740", "registrationReceived":0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone corecaptured(CoreCaptureDaemon)[1302] <Notice>: CCProfileMonitor::profileCallback Entered token:1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone corecaptured(CoreCaptureDaemon)[1302] <Notice>: CCProfileMonitor::setStreamEventHandler
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:43:59 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: [C43 55F63A46-306F-465C-9B52-6FFD0C159601 tcp, traffic class: 600, multipath service: 2, tls] start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: time is unchanged, still enabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: date is unchanged, still enabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[84] <Notice>: Writing identifiers file to <private>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, Wifi::Scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: WifiTimer, nextscan, 15, haveLoc, 1, codepath, Frozen
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiAps, history, 7, aged, 0, thresh, 5
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiAps, history, 19, add, 12
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, scanreply, aps, 12, type, Cached, lastused, 0, use, 0, history, 19, bystander+, 1, spectator+, 0, reqtype, none
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"computed wifi position", "numberOfInputAps":0, "validLocationHint":1, "computedValidLocation":0, "numberOfApsActuallyUsed":0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, compute, 0, hacc, -1.0, conf, 63, reason, scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":1221014397582, "end_mach":1221014452272, "elapsed_s":"0.002278750", "event":"Wifi::Scan", "now_s":"602099040.022979975"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C43] reporting state preparing
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8906] DNSServiceCreateConnection START PID[25](assistantd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(C000D000, 0, 0, <private>) START PID[25](assistantd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q32193] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101819400 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q7] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101826a00 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q7] ShouldSuppressUnicastQuery: Query suppressed for <private> Addr (CLAT46 A records are unusable)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q32193] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q32193] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101819400 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 0 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q61641] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101819400 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q7] GenerateNegativeResponse: Generating negative response for question <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q7] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, Addr) RESULT ADD interface 0: (mortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q61641] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q61641] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101819400 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 1 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q50754] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101819400 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q50754] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q50754] AnswerNewQuestion: Restarting original question 0x101819400 firstExpiredQname <private> for allowExpiredAnswers question
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q11174] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101819400 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q11174] Sent UDP DNS Message 53 bytes from <private>:56992 to <private>:53 via pdp_ip0 (0x4)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q11174] DNS Query (53) (flags 0100) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD:<private> 0/0/0 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone corecaptured(CoreCaptureDaemon)[1302] <Notice>: CCProfileMonitor::setStreamEventHandler Registered for notification callback.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone corecaptured(CoreCaptureDaemon)[1302] <Notice>: CCProfileMonitor::setStreamEventHandler Woken up by notifyd.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone corecaptured(CoreCaptureDaemon)[1302] <Notice>: CCProfileMonitor::setStreamEventHandler Woken up by notifyd.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone corecaptured(CoreCaptureDaemon)[1302] <Notice>: CCProfileMonitor::setStreamEventHandler Woken up by notifyd.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone corecaptured(CoreCaptureDaemon)[1302] <Notice>: CCProfileMonitor::setStreamEventHandler Woken up by notifyd.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x04(QOS) Ind MsgId=0x0001 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterMCommandDrivers.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I handleQOSEventReportInd: start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I evt: Firing event 'QoSEventReport': with params=kOne <dictionary>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libSystemDetermination.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I QoS: connectionMask: 1: false[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[37] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[37] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Ind MsgId=0xe013 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterMCommandDrivers.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I CDRX Indication: LTE with CDRX is false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventLTEWithCDRXStateChanged (139) sent to 0 (of 88) clients.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe7(ELQM) Ind MsgId=0x0002 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Ind MsgId=0xe006 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventEnhancedLinkQualityUpdate (148) sent to 2 (of 88) clients.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: Sent notification to 0 (of 30) clients: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManager.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I qmux: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(LocationSupport)[77] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending cached messages to daemon", "event":"activity"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManager.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I Sending <private> to <private> at 1580406240128
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Req MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I received event kEventCTCellularTrasmitState
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I contents {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "kKeyCallBackIdentifier": "kCommandTxTrasmitState",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "kKeyCTCellularTransmitState": "kStateConnected"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventCellularTransmitState (141) sent to 2 (of 88) clients.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x1067b4c80", "property":"lifecycle", "old":"0x0", "new":"0x1067b4c80"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x1067b4c80", "property":"clientName", "old":"", "new":"\134/System\134/Library\134/Frameworks\134/CoreTelephony.framework\134/Support\134/CommCenter"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter connected with message name kCLConnectionMessageOnBodyDetectionParams
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: #Error no bundle ID or bundle path found - denying /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: #Error no bundle ID or bundle path found - enabling background indicator /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"Incoming message", "event":"activity", "name":"kCLConnectionMessageOnBodyDetectionParams", "this":"0x1067b4c80", "registrationReceived":0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: eLQM: EnhancedLinkQuality notification: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] kCTRadioEnhancedLinkQualityNotificationData = {length = 5, bytes = 0x0202000100};
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] kCTRadioEnhancedLinkQualityNotificationType = 16;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: eLQM: Received BB link state notification payload = {length = 5, bytes = 0x0202000100}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: eLQM: Updated cell states (payload = {length = 5, bytes = 0x0202000100}): (LQM = 50, RRC = 1, INTF = 1)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: eLQM: Posting RRC change notification with label = kNotificationCellLinkStateChange, state = 1, bitmask = 2, info = {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Detail = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] State = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] StateChangeTimestamp = "1580406240.13179";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"Incoming message", "event":"activity", "name":"kCLConnectionMessageOnBodyDetection", "this":"0x1067b4c80", "registrationReceived":0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter (0x1067b4c80) is subscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageOnBodyDetection
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Resp MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: New RRC 1 when previous 0 from pdp_ip0, epoch interface pdp_ip0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: RRC ioctl sets 1 for interface pdp_ip0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: RRC State change: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: 0x102829a20 foreground: 0 primary: 1 for noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: 0x1027d6470 (voided)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: 0x1027d6470 (voided)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: 0x1027d6470 (voided)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: 0x102835950 (voided)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: 0x102835950 (voided)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: RRC Update to ON. mach time: 1221017188300 <0x102829a20> (NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: _startConnectionTimestamp: 1221017188300
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: 0x102829a20 foreground: 0 primary: 1 for noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: AWD RRC Metric: noi.isAny with no foregroundActivity flag became ON (plugged in)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: 0x102824200 foreground: 0 primary: 1 for noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:no, isBuiltin:yes, loi:1, flags:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: 0x1028288c0 foreground: 0 primary: 1 for noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: 0x102823ec0 foreground: 0 primary: 1 for noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:no, isBuiltin:yes, loi:0, flags:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Trigger: <private> is now [<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVAgent C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1) -- contacts: 150, groups: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Error>: Received an unrecognized call back: kCTRadioEnhancedLinkQualityNotification
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Ind MsgId=0xe013 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x555b Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x04(QOS) Ind MsgId=0x0001 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterMCommandDrivers.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I CDRX Indication: LTE with CDRX is true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterMCommandDrivers.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I handleQOSEventReportInd: start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventLTEWithCDRXStateChanged (139) sent to 0 (of 88) clients.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I evt: Firing event 'QoSEventReport': with params=kOne <dictionary>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libSystemDetermination.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I QoS: connectionMask: 1: false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: mptcp_check_subflows_and_add - 5b0692fcae4a015d: itf 4 no support 0 hasv4 0 has v6 1 hasnat64 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q11174] Received UDP DNS Message 102 bytes from <private>:53 to <private>:56992 via pdp_ip0 (0x4)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q11174] DNS Response (102) (flags 8180) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD RA:<private> 2/0/0 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: mDNSCoreReceiveCacheCheck: rescuing RR <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q11174] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q11174] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101819400 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 0 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q58757] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101819400 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907->Q11174] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_socket_handle_socket_event [C43.1.1:2] Socket received CONNECTED event
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C43.1.1 IPv6#77801693.443/5228 in_progress multipath-socket-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Transport protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_handshake_config(1470) [0x1412f60c0] set tls_handshake_config_standard
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [0x1412f60c0] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_max_version(308) [0x1412f60c0] set 0x0304
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_remote_address(2550) [0x1412f60c0] Saving remote IPv6 address
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_install_association_state(1297) [0x1412f60c0] Client session cache miss
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [0x1412f60c0] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_max_version(308) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] set 0x0304
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_session_ticket_enabled(439) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] set true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_false_start(409) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] set true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_enforce_ev(399) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] set true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_enforced(1320) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_rsa_key_size(1329) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_ecdsa_key_size(1338) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_signature_algorithm(1348) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_begin_connection(497) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] early data disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1969) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake started
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 512 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client enter_early_data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Adding message(1)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8906] DNSServiceCreateConnection STOP PID[25](assistantd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8907] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>) STOP PID[25](assistantd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for DB3E0862-13BE-3AEB-9B0C-568D619254FC
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 4686A325-C4D2-3AC7-859E-872DC7BAB0F0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for DB3E0862-13BE-3AEB-9B0C-568D619254FC
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 4686A325-C4D2-3AC7-859E-872DC7BAB0F0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.burbn.instagram
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 42 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 3003 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_certificate_status
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client verify_server_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1002) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(607) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(614) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] No TLS-provided OCSP response
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2117) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Performing certificate verification locally
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_evaluate_trust_ref_block_invoke(270) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Invoking SecTrustEvaluateFastAsync
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY [16]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: LeafMarkersProdAndQA =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: LeafMarkersProdAndQA =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleClientConnection:on:]_block_invoke: client: duetexpertd, command: 21
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleUpdateClientUsage:using:and:]_block_invoke: Skipping update to /private/var/MobileAsset/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_DuetExpertCenterAsset/36340d1830d0047060a543cdfd20369a720bbe59.asset as it has not been over 24 hours since last update: 21480.208616
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd[116] <Notice>: Received database operation request on client: <ML3DaemonClient 0x104226900 medialibraryd[116]>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd[116] <Notice>: Validating database before performing operation of type 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd[116] <Notice>: Received database validation request on client connection: (null) - path: /var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control/iTunes/MediaLibrary.sqlitedb
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd[116] <Notice>: <MLDMediaLibraryService: 0x10430b830> - Path: /var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control/iTunes/MediaLibrary.sqlitedb
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd[116] <Notice>: Database at path /var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control/iTunes/MediaLibrary.sqlitedb already validated - Bypassing validation operation
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd[116] <Notice>: Validating successful - enqueing operation for type 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd[116] <Notice>: Failed to index Videos for spotlight from library did change notification with error: Error Domain=MLDMediaLibraryServiceErrorDomain Code=1003 "(null)" UserInfo={description=Indexing requested for an app that has been removed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd[116] <Notice>: <MLDMediaLibraryService: 0x10430b830> - Path: /var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control/iTunes/MediaLibrary.sqlitedb
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone coreduetd(CoreDuet)[96] <Notice>: Deleting interactions with bundleID: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: [Crossfire]: Recorded launches start interval as: 2020-01-30 11:44:00
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd(MusicLibrary)[116] <Notice>: Enqueueing medialibraryd's database operation to the service's serial queue: <ML3UpdateSpotlightIndexOperation 0x10421a730 operationType = MLDatabaseOperationTypeUpdateSpotlightIndex, attributes = {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] MLDatabaseOperationAttributeBundleIDKey = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }>. current operation count = 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Default source
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: 0 changes for account "<private>" (CardDAViCloudDaemonAccount C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAViCloudDaemonAccount C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1) -- no actions from local contact store
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd(MusicLibrary)[116] <Notice>: Successfully began transaction for client <ML3DaemonClient 0x104226900 medialibraryd[116]> with identifier E24BB3C0-4816-4A12-AFC1-F75176D0D522.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd(MusicLibrary)[116] <Notice>: [ML3UpdateSpotlightIndexOperation] Operation 0x10421a730 started for bundleID
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] IMBalloonPluginManager. Did not find any plugin for id
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] Could not determine if is a recent or favorite!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] IMBalloonPluginManager. Did not find any plugin for id
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Successfully fetched policies applications
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1001 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.miniclip.8ballpoolmult
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1005 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.fandango.fandango.watchapp,com.fandango.fandango
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.yelp.yelpiphone,com.yelp.yelpiphone.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1007 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1005 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.getdropbox.Dropbox
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.apperto.piclab
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] IMBalloonPluginManager. Did not find any plugin for id
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1008 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.myfitnesspal.mfp,com.myfitnesspal.mfp.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.espn.ScoreCenter,com.espn.ScoreCenter.watchapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] Could not determine if is a recent or favorite!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.zillow.ZillowMap,com.zillow.ZillowMap.REwatchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1007 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.glympse.iphone.glympse,com.glympse.iphone.glympse.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.starbucks.mystarbucks.watchapp,com.starbucks.mystarbucks
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.beyondmenu.beyondmenu
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] IMBalloonPluginManager. Did not find any plugin for id[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1007 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1005 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.getdropbox.Dropbox
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.apperto.piclab
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1008 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.myfitnesspal.mfp,com.myfitnesspal.mfp.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.espn.ScoreCenter,com.espn.ScoreCenter.watchapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.zillow.ZillowMap,com.zillow.ZillowMap.REwatchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1007 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.glympse.iphone.glympse,com.glympse.iphone.glympse.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.starbucks.mystarbucks.watchapp,com.starbucks.mystarbucks
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.beyondmenu.beyondmenu
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x2810a8000>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: Prox: Starting scan: RSSI threshold -75, ScanRate Normal, Dups no, Force yes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[58] <Notice>: ProximityPairing stop scanning
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[58] <Notice>: ProximityPairing start scanning with data: scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: 300, screen off: 300, locked: 1, rssi: -75, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: Prox: Starting scan: RSSI threshold -60, ScanRate Normal, Dups no, Force yes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[58] <Notice>: ProximityPairing stop scanning
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[58] <Notice>: ProximityPairing start scanning with data: scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: 300, screen off: 300, locked: 1, rssi: -60, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Stop scanning for process sharingd (58) with scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: No Scan, screen off: No Scan, locked: 1, rssi: -90, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Removing scan request scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: No Scan, screen off: No Scan, locked: 1, rssi: -90, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4 for client A9E61DB3-2187-4D3A-9C8D-0C74694B8E51
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Passively scanning for devices of types: 13 12 18 16 15 5 9 (Window: 30/Interval: 300)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 13 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x10abbe98000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0xffffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 12 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 18 - rssi: -100 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 16 - rssi: -60 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 15 - rssi: -70 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 5 - rssi: -80 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 9 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Scan options changed: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'stop scan' request from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ShouldScan=1 AnyValidScanRequests=1 anyValidScanRequestInPaused=0 fObserverState=Active
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ScanParams:AD:0 AS:0 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 [ SO:0 AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0] |
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Returning scan parameters: Main:30.00ms/300.00ms LP:0.00ms/300.00ms(unsupported) Dm:(m:30/300) Cond:0:1:0 Sc:1:0 (passive) Dupfilter:Enabled minScanLevel:4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: needToRestart=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Start scanning for process sharingd (58) with scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: 300, screen off: 300, locked: 1, rssi: -75, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Stopping scan for session "<private>" - 14 advertisements delivered
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Adding scan request called
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Adding scan request scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000}, mask {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: 300, screen off: 300, locked: 1, rssi: -75, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4 for client A9E61DB3-2187-4D3A-9C8D-0C74694B8E51
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Passively scanning for devices of types: 13 12 18 7 16 15 5 9 (Window: 30/Interval: 300)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 13 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x10abbe98000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0xffffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 12 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 18 - rssi: -100 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 7 - rssi: -75 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 16 - rssi: -60 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 15 - rssi: -70 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'start scan' request with duplicates for all UUIDs scan timing 30/300 scanLevel=1 from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 5 - rssi: -80 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 9 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Scan options changed: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:73] handle lookup could not find a matching process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Stop scanning for process sharingd (58) with scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: No Scan, screen off: No Scan, locked: 1, rssi: -90, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Removing scan request scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: No Scan, screen off: No Scan, locked: 1, rssi: -90, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4 for client A9E61DB3-2187-4D3A-9C8D-0C74694B8E51
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Passively scanning for devices of types: 13 12 18 16 15 5 9 (Window: 30/Interval: 300)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 13 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x10abbe98000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0xffffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 12 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(AssertionServices)[73] <Notice>: BKSApplicationStateMonitor updated with invalid process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 18 - rssi: -100 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 16 - rssi: -60 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'stop scan' request from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Stopping scan for session "<private>" - 0 advertisements delivered
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 15 - rssi: -70 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 5 - rssi: -80 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 9 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'start scan' request with duplicates for all UUIDs scan timing 30/300 scanLevel=1 from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Scan options changed: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:73] handle lookup could not find a matching process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Scanning stopped successfully. 14 Advertising Events
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Trying to remove scan filters with force=NO
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Start scanning for process sharingd (58) with scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: 300, screen off: 300, locked: 1, rssi: -60, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Adding scan request called
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(AssertionServices)[73] <Notice>: BKSApplicationStateMonitor updated with invalid process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Adding scan request scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000}, mask {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: 300, screen off: 300, locked: 1, rssi: -60, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4 for client A9E61DB3-2187-4D3A-9C8D-0C74694B8E51
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Passively scanning for devices of types: 13 12 18 7 16 15 5 9 (Window: 30/Interval: 300)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 13 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x10abbe98000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0xffffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 12 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 18 - rssi: -100 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 7 - rssi: -60 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 16 - rssi: -60 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 15 - rssi: -70 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 5 - rssi: -80 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 9 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: handleScanStoppedEvent state=Idle observerState=Active
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ShouldScan=1 AnyValidScanRequests=1 anyValidScanRequestInPaused=0 fObserverState=Active
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ScanParams:AD:1 AS:0 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 [ SO:0 AP:0 AD:1(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0] | AD:1 AS:0 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 [ SO:0 AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0] |
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Returning scan parameters: Main:30.00ms/300.00ms LP:0.00ms/300.00ms(unsupported) Dm:(m:30/300) Cond:0:1:0 Sc:1:0 (passive) Dupfilter:Disabled minScanLevel:4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: needToRestart=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Starting passive scan (300.00ms/30.00ms) with duplicate filter disabled OneAdvDp=0 scNeed=1 stateO=0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Scan options changed: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[136] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x2810bb0c0>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x2810b50b0>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x2810e05d0>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x2810e2070>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x2810e23a0>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x2810e2c10>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283a15fe0> delivering update to host (0 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'stop scan' request from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Stopping scan for session "<private>" - 0 advertisements delivered
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'start scan' request with duplicates for all UUIDs scan timing 30/300 scanLevel=1 from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Scanning started successfully
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ShouldScan=1 AnyValidScanRequests=1 anyValidScanRequestInPaused=0 fObserverState=Active
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ScanParams:AD:1 AS:0 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 [ SO:0 AP:0 AD:1(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0] | AD:1 AS:0 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 [ SO:0 AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0] |
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Returning scan parameters: Main:30.00ms/300.00ms LP:0.00ms/300.00ms(unsupported) Dm:(m:30/300) Cond:0:1:0 Sc:1:0 (passive) Dupfilter:Disabled minScanLevel:4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: needToRestart=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'stop scan' request from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Stopping scan for session "<private>" - 0 advertisements delivered
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'start scan' request with duplicates for all UUIDs scan timing 30/300 scanLevel=1 from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:73] handle lookup could not find a matching process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(AssertionServices)[73] <Notice>: BKSApplicationStateMonitor updated with invalid process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:73] handle lookup could not find a matching process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Scanning stopped successfully. 0 Advertising Events
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Trying to remove scan filters with force=NO
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd(AssertionServices)[73] <Notice>: BKSApplicationStateMonitor updated with invalid process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(IdentityLookup)[1101] <Notice>: update matched extensions: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(IdentityLookup)[1101] <Notice>: updating extensions: <private> elected extension: (null) for point name:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: handleScanStoppedEvent state=Idle observerState=Active
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ShouldScan=1 AnyValidScanRequests=1 anyValidScanRequestInPaused=0 fObserverState=Active
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ScanParams:AD:1 AS:0 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 [ SO:0 AP:0 AD:1(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0] | AD:1 AS:0 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 [ SO:0 AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0] |
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Returning scan parameters: Main:30.00ms/300.00ms LP:0.00ms/300.00ms(unsupported) Dm:(m:30/300) Cond:0:1:0 Sc:1:0 (passive) Dupfilter:Disabled minScanLevel:4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: needToRestart=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Starting passive scan (300.00ms/30.00ms) with duplicate filter disabled OneAdvDp=0 scNeed=1 stateO=0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd(MusicLibrary)[116] <Notice>: [ML3UpdateSpotlightIndexOperation] Indexed database revision and client library revision (483) are the same, no index update needed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Scanning started successfully
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ShouldScan=1 AnyValidScanRequests=1 anyValidScanRequestInPaused=0 fObserverState=Active
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ScanParams:AD:1 AS:0 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 [ SO:0 AP:0 AD:1(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0] | AD:1 AS:0 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 [ SO:0 AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0] |
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Returning scan parameters: Main:30.00ms/300.00ms LP:0.00ms/300.00ms(unsupported) Dm:(m:30/300) Cond:0:1:0 Sc:1:0 (passive) Dupfilter:Disabled minScanLevel:4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: needToRestart=0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd(MusicLibrary)[116] <Notice>: [ML3UpdateSpotlightIndexOperation] Index update operation 0x10421a730 finished successfully in 0.101 seconds
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd(MusicLibrary)[116] <Notice>: Committing transaction E24BB3C0-4816-4A12-AFC1-F75176D0D522
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283a2eee0> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] IMBalloonPluginManager. Did not find any plugin for id
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] Could not determine if is a recent or favorite!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] IMBalloonPluginManager. Did not find any plugin for id
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone coreduetd(CoreDuet)[96] <Notice>: Deleting searchable items with bundleID: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: AnchorApple =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[1]: IntermediateOrganization =(path)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd(MusicLibrary)[116] <Notice>: Successfully executed database operation <ML3UpdateSpotlightIndexOperation 0x10421a730 operationType = MLDatabaseOperationTypeUpdateSpotlightIndex, attributes = {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] MLDatabaseOperationAttributeBundleIDKey = "";
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }> for process medialibraryd
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd[116] <Notice>: Finished database operation request on client: <ML3DaemonClient 0x104226900 medialibraryd[116]>. err=(null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone medialibraryd[116] <Notice>: Sucessfully finished spotlight index for Music from library did change notification
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 26
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Successfully fetched policies applications
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1001 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.miniclip.8ballpoolmult
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1005 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.fandango.fandango.watchapp,com.fandango.fandango
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.yelp.yelpiphone,com.yelp.yelpiphone.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1007 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1005 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.getdropbox.Dropbox
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.apperto.piclab
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1008 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.myfitnesspal.mfp,com.myfitnesspal.mfp.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.espn.ScoreCenter,com.espn.ScoreCenter.watchapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.zillow.ZillowMap,com.zillow.ZillowMap.REwatchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1007 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.glympse.iphone.glympse,com.glympse.iphone.glympse.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.starbucks.mystarbucks.watchapp,com.starbucks.mystarbucks
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.beyondmenu.beyondmenu
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 26
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283a2ef40> delivering update to host (26 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283aca1c0> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] IMBalloonPluginManager. Did not find any plugin for id
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] Could not determine if is a recent or favorite!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(IMFoundation)[1101] <Notice>: [Warning] IMBalloonPluginManager. Did not find any plugin for id
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Successfully fetched policies applications
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1001 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.miniclip.8ballpoolmult
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1005 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.fandango.fandango.watchapp,com.fandango.fandango
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.yelp.yelpiphone,com.yelp.yelpiphone.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1007 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1005 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.getdropbox.Dropbox
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.apperto.piclab
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1008 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.myfitnesspal.mfp,com.myfitnesspal.mfp.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1003 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.espn.ScoreCenter,com.espn.ScoreCenter.watchapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.zillow.ZillowMap,com.zillow.ZillowMap.REwatchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application has policy 0, associated category:DH1004 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1007 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.glympse.iphone.glympse,com.glympse.iphone.glympse.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle identifiers:com.starbucks.mystarbucks.watchapp,com.starbucks.mystarbucks
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:(null) equivalent bundle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(DeviceManagement)[1101] <Notice>: Requested application <private> has policy 0, associated category:DH1009 associated sites:<private> equivalent bundle identifiers:com.beyondmenu.beyondmenu
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283aca820> delivering update to host (2 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283aca3a0> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x280b807c0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone MobileSMS(PlugInKit)[1101] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x283ac8ba0> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: AnchorApple =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: IntermediateMarkerOid =(path)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[1]: IntermediateOrganization =(path)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[2]: AnchorSHA256 =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_evaluate_trust_ref_block_invoke_2(251) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Returning from SecTrustEvaluateFastAsync
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_process_trust_result(172) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] kSecTrustResultUnspecified
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_process_trust_result(193) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Applying EV constraint
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_process_trust_result(210) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] EV constraint passed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2046) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Setting trust result to ssl_verify_ok
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_key_exchange
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 4 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_certificate_request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello_done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Adding message(14)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_key_exchange
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 262 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_certificate_verify
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_finished
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Writing SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC 1 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 16 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_flight
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_session_ticket
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client process_change_cipher_spec
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone coreduetd(CoreDuet)[96] <Notice>: Deleting interactions with bundleID: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.ubercab.UberClient
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Reading SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC 1 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(ApplePushService)[739] <Notice>: <private> asked for publicToken, got <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <BBD15DE7-5398-41D8-A888-834A41A0E4F1>.<0> {strength 0, tls 4, ct 0, sub 0, sig 1, ciphers 0, bundle 0, builtin 0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_finished
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 16 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_client_handshake
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake state: TLS client done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1002) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[739] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(607) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(614) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] No TLS-provided OCSP response
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Adding message(20)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1973) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] Client handshake done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_signal_connected(701) [C43.1.1:1][0x1412f60c0] TLS connected [version(0x0303) ciphersuite(0x009c) group(0x0000) peer_key(0x0000) alpn() resumed(0) offered_ticket(0) false_started(0) ocsp(0) sct(0)]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C43.1.1 IPv6#77801693.443/5228 in_progress multipath-socket-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Output protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C43] reporting state ready[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q59549] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101015200 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q14286] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101007a00 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q14286] ShouldSuppressUnicastQuery: Query suppressed for <private> Addr (CLAT46 A records are unusable)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q59549] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q59549] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101015200 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 0 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q39082] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101015200 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q14286] GenerateNegativeResponse: Generating negative response for question <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q14286] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, Addr) RESULT ADD interface 0: (mortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q39082] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q39082] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q39082] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q39082] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q39082] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q39082] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q39082] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q39082] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q39082] AnswerNewQuestion: Restarting original question 0x101015200 firstExpiredQname <private> for allowExpiredAnswers question
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q64290] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101015200 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q64290] Sent UDP DNS Message 43 bytes from <private>:54079 to <private>:53 via pdp_ip0 (0x4)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q64290] DNS Query (43) (flags 0100) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD:<private> 0/0/0 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <BBD15DE7-5398-41D8-A888-834A41A0E4F1>.<0> setting up Connection 100
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <ABCF9F46-FCC5-407A-8690-33D186E802B4>.<0> {strength 0, tls 4, ct 0, sub 0, sig 1, ciphers 0, bundle 0, builtin 0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 101: enabling TLS
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 101: starting, TC(0x0)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: [C101 4CB39FD8-3412-4BF1-B038-9B2271BA7F84 Hostname#4ab10dae:443 tcp, bundle id:, account id: D0626DF2-05BF-478B-84EB-0BDF6EA8B4F4, url hash: 262d5c0f, tls] start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C101] reporting state preparing
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8910] DNSServiceCreateDelegateConnection START PID[739](<private>)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8910] DNSServiceCreateDelegateConnection START PID[739](dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(C000D000, 0, 0, <private>) START PID[0]()
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q50916] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101819400 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q64345] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101826a00 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q64345] ShouldSuppressUnicastQuery: Query suppressed for <private> Addr (CLAT46 A records are unusable)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q50916] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q50916] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101819400 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 0 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q50174] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101819400 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q64345] GenerateNegativeResponse: Generating negative response for question <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q64345] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, Addr) RESULT ADD interface 0: (mortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q50174] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q50174] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q50174] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q50174] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q50174] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q50174] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q50174] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q50174] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q50174] AnswerNewQuestion: Restarting original question 0x101819400 firstExpiredQname <private> for allowExpiredAnswers question
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q60136] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101819400 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q60136] Sent UDP DNS Message 41 bytes from <private>:63895 to <private>:53 via pdp_ip0 (0x4)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q60136] DNS Query (41) (flags 0100) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD:<private> 0/0/0 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <ABCF9F46-FCC5-407A-8690-33D186E802B4>.<0> setting up Connection 101
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Error>: nw_endpoint_flow_validate_delegation [C100.1 IPv6#16865a6e.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Network Delegation Failure: Invalid Bundle ID "" [I]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_output [C100.1:3] flags=[S] seq=1859924597, ack=0, win=65535 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=1859924597
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_output [C101.1:3] flags=[S] seq=915732208, ack=0, win=65535 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=915732208
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q64290] Received UDP DNS Message 267 bytes from <private>:53 to <private>:54079 via pdp_ip0 (0x4)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q64290] DNS Response (267) (flags 8180) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD RA:<private> 8/0/0 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: mDNSCoreReceiveCacheCheck: rescuing RR <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q64290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q64290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q64290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q64290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q64290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q64290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q64290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909->Q64290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8908] DNSServiceCreateConnection STOP PID[739](dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8909] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>) STOP PID[739](dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for DB3E0862-13BE-3AEB-9B0C-568D619254FC
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 5E5EC89E-4D63-384D-AC81-53F3BB12C2DA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for DB3E0862-13BE-3AEB-9B0C-568D619254FC
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 5E5EC89E-4D63-384D-AC81-53F3BB12C2DA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q60136] Received UDP DNS Message 265 bytes from <private>:53 to <private>:63895 via pdp_ip0 (0x4)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q60136] DNS Response (265) (flags 8180) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD RA:<private> 8/0/0 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: mDNSCoreReceiveCacheCheck: rescuing RR <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q60136] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q60136] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q60136] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q60136] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q60136] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q60136] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q60136] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911->Q60136] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[989] <Notice>: Update in progress already. Coalescing.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: SB AX Status change (finished: 1),
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleClientConnection:on:]_block_invoke: client: duetexpertd, command: 21
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleUpdateClientUsage:using:and:]_block_invoke: Skipping update to /private/var/MobileAsset/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_DuetExpertCenterAsset/36340d1830d0047060a543cdfd20369a720bbe59.asset as it has not been over 24 hours since last update: 21480.723483
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_input [C100.1:3] flags=[S.] seq=1643866207, ack=1859924598, win=28560 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=1859924597
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(ActionPredictionHeuristicsInternal)[989] <Notice>: Received local notification: <private>. Expiring heuristics.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C100.1 IPv6#16865a6e.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Transport protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[989] <Notice>: New actions provided by action producer: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[989] <Notice>: New actions provided by action producer: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[989] <Notice>: New actions provided by action producer: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.weedmaps.WeedMaps
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_handshake_config(1470) [0x1043b8e10] set tls_handshake_config_standard
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [0x1043b8e10] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_max_version(308) [0x1043b8e10] set 0x0304
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd[989] <Notice>: --- handled event <private> ---
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_remote_address(2550) [0x1043b8e10] Saving remote IPv6 address
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_install_association_state(1293) [0x1043b8e10] Client session cache hit
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_session_state(1261) [0x1043b8e10] Not resuming session to a different address if EMS was not negotiated
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [0x1043b8e10] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(PlugInKit)[989] <Notice>: ManagedConfiguration effective settings changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x102c6d420>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(PlugInKit)[989] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102c5b0e0> Beginning discovery for flags: 128, point: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone pkd[136] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(PlugInKit)[989] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102c5b0e0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(PlugInKit)[989] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x102c6d190> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_session_ticket_enabled(439) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_false_start(409) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_enforce_ev(399) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_enforced(1320) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_rsa_key_size(1329) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_ecdsa_key_size(1338) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_signature_algorithm(1348) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_begin_connection(497) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] early data disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1969) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake started
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 512 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client enter_early_data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Adding message(1)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: discovered app prediction extension
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: app prediction extension is disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: PMMAppsSettingsMonitor enabled, 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: Disabled by settings. Clearing recommendations.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: Clearing all recommendations. (1) Clear recommendations for SpringBoard, Stark, and NowPlaying. (2) Clear recommendations for App Predictions.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: Clearing all recommendations, except App Predictions.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_input [C101.1:3] flags=[S.] seq=3280619124, ack=915732209, win=28960 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=915732208
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C101.1 IPv6#1d035608.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Transport protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_handshake_config(1470) [0x1044cbe20] set tls_handshake_config_standard
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [0x1044cbe20] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_max_version(308) [0x1044cbe20] set 0x0304
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_remote_address(2550) [0x1044cbe20] Saving remote IPv6 address
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_install_association_state(1293) [0x1044cbe20] Client session cache hit
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_session_state(1261) [0x1044cbe20] Not resuming session to a different address if EMS was not negotiated
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [0x1044cbe20] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_session_ticket_enabled(439) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_false_start(409) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_enforce_ev(399) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_enforced(1320) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_rsa_key_size(1329) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_ecdsa_key_size(1338) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_signature_algorithm(1348) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_begin_connection(497) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] early data disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1969) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake started
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 512 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.tinyspeck.chatlyio
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[989] <Notice>: Clearing recommendations for App Predictions.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[989] <Notice>: Update in progress already. Coalescing.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client enter_early_data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Adding message(1)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8910] DNSServiceCreateConnection STOP PID[739](dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8911] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>) STOP PID[0]()
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for DB3E0862-13BE-3AEB-9B0C-568D619254FC
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for DB3E0862-13BE-3AEB-9B0C-568D619254FC
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:00 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.redfin.redfin
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.glassdoor.glassdoor
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.burbn.layouts
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.greatclips.greatclipsapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 110 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 110 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 4926 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client read_certificate_status
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 4770 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client read_certificate_status
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2][info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2070) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Asyncing for verify block
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY [16]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 101: asked to evaluate TLS Trust
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 1458 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client verify_server_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1002) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(607) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(612) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] SecTrustSetOCSPResponse result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2070) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Asyncing for verify block
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY [16]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 100: asked to evaluate TLS Trust
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: ocsp responder: (null) did not include status of requested cert
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.myfitnesspal.mfp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: ocsp responder: (null) did not include status of requested cert
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: ocsp responder: (null) did not include status of requested cert
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Reaching out to AOSKit for X-mobile me token
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Applied X-mobile me auth to request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: ocsp responder: (null) did not include status of requested cert
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: ocsp responder: (null) did not include status of requested cert
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: Failed to read from permanent storage at '/Library/Keychains/' or the data is bad. Defaulting to value 0.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 101: TLS Trust result 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Reaching out to AOSKit for X-mobile me token
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Applied X-mobile me auth to request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback_block_invoke_3(2079) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Returning from verify block
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2046) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Setting trust result to ssl_verify_ok
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_key_exchange
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 115 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client read_certificate_request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 4 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello_done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Adding message(14)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_key_exchange
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 37 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_certificate_verify
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_finished
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Writing SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC 1 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 16 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_flight
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client read_session_ticket
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client process_change_cipher_spec
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: ocsp responder: (null) did not include status of requested cert
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: Failed to read from permanent storage at '/Library/Keychains/' or the data is bad. Defaulting to value 0.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 100: TLS Trust result 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback_block_invoke_3(2079) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Returning from verify block
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2046) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Setting trust result to ssl_verify_ok
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_key_exchange
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 115 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client read_certificate_request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 4 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello_done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Adding message(14)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_key_exchange
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 37 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_certificate_verify
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_finished
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Writing SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC 1 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 16 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_flight
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client read_session_ticket
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client process_change_cipher_spec
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for pinterest
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Reading SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC 1 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_finished
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 16 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_client_handshake
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_new_session_handler(1116) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] New session available
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake state: TLS client done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1002) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(607) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(612) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] SecTrustSetOCSPResponse result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Adding message(20)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1973) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Client handshake done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_signal_connected(701) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] TLS connected [version(0x0303) ciphersuite(0xc02c) group(0x001d) peer_key(0x0403) alpn(http/1.1) resumed(0) offered_ticket(0) false_started(0) ocsp(0) sct(0)]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C101.1 IPv6#1d035608.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Output protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C101] reporting state ready
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 101: connected successfully
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 101: TLS handshake complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 101: ready C(Y) E(Y)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Reaching out to AOSKit for X-mobile me token
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Applied X-mobile me auth to request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <ABCF9F46-FCC5-407A-8690-33D186E802B4>.<0> now using Connection 101
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 101: received viability advisory(Y)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <ABCF9F46-FCC5-407A-8690-33D186E802B4>.<0> sent request, body D 680
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.waze.iphone
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond[1301] <Notice>: daemon is running
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.apperto.piclab
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone coreduetd(CoreDuet)[96] <Notice>: Deleting searchable items with bundleID: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Reading SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC 1 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_finished
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 16 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_client_handshake
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_new_session_handler(1116) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] New session available
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake state: TLS client done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1002) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(607) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond[1301] <Notice>: nanotimekitcompaniond should not be running because bridge is not installed--killing process!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(612) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] SecTrustSetOCSPResponse result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Adding message(20)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1973) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Client handshake done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_signal_connected(701) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] TLS connected [version(0x0303) ciphersuite(0xc02c) group(0x001d) peer_key(0x0403) alpn(http/1.1) resumed(0) offered_ticket(0) false_started(0) ocsp(0) sct(0)]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C100.1 IPv6#16865a6e.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Output protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C100] reporting state ready
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 100: connected successfully
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 100: TLS handshake complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 100: ready C(Y) E(Y)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Reaching out to AOSKit for X-mobile me token
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Applied X-mobile me auth to request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <BBD15DE7-5398-41D8-A888-834A41A0E4F1>.<0> now using Connection 100
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 100: received viability advisory(Y)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <BBD15DE7-5398-41D8-A888-834A41A0E4F1>.<0> sent request, body D 197
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.getdropbox.Dropbox
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for fi.polar.polarbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.ufc.UFCTV
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.etrade.mobileproiphone[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.fandango.fandango
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <BBD15DE7-5398-41D8-A888-834A41A0E4F1>.<0> received response, status 207 content K
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <BBD15DE7-5398-41D8-A888-834A41A0E4F1>.<0> response ended
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <BBD15DE7-5398-41D8-A888-834A41A0E4F1>.<0> done using Connection 100
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <BBD15DE7-5398-41D8-A888-834A41A0E4F1>.<0> summary for task success {transaction_duration_ms=537, response_status=207, connection=100, protocol="http/1.1", domain_lookup_duration_ms=9, connect_duration_ms=391, secure_connection_duration_ms=300, request_start_ms=423, request_duration_ms=0, response_start_ms=535, response_duration_ms=1, request_bytes=1405, response_bytes=1019, cache_hit=0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.glympse.iphone.glympse
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAViCloudDaemonAccount C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1) -- server requested 0 etags, we matched 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAViCloudDaemonAccount C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1) -- no actions in server results phase
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.facebook.Messenger
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Task <D2223D08-C82E-4928-B41A-2A7B7781C839>.<1> resuming, QOS(0x0) Voucher (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Task <D2223D08-C82E-4928-B41A-2A7B7781C839>.<1> {strength 0, tls 4, ct 0, sub 0, sig 1, ciphers 0, bundle 1, builtin 0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Connection 44: enabling TLS
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Connection 44: starting, TC(0x0)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: [C44 9746A1EF-5CAB-468C-9061-C675A1620429 tcp, url hash: a91f3e41, tls] start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C44] reporting state preparing
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8912] DNSServiceCreateConnection START PID[25](assistantd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(C000D000, 0, 0, <private>) START PID[25](assistantd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q33296] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101015200 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q23925] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101007a00 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q23925] ShouldSuppressUnicastQuery: Query suppressed for <private> Addr (CLAT46 A records are unusable)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q33296] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q33296] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101015200 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 0 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q65256] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101015200 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q23925] GenerateNegativeResponse: Generating negative response for question <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q23925] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, Addr) RESULT ADD interface 0: (mortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q65256] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q65256] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q65256] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q65256] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q65256] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q65256] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q65256] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q65256] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q65256] AnswerNewQuestion: Restarting original question 0x101015200 firstExpiredQname <private> for allowExpiredAnswers question
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q1778] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101015200 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q1778] Sent UDP DNS Message 34 bytes from <private>:60264 to <private>:53 via pdp_ip0 (0x4)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q1778] DNS Query (34) (flags 0100) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD:<private> 0/0/0 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9f243192-12ed-dd0f-294e-dc24efecb664, RSSI -88 (0)t~U, Ch 37, AdvD <4c0007190102202b998f0000000eebb3564453ce9b1eb4595150890569>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEELPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt L -90%; R -90%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Task <D2223D08-C82E-4928-B41A-2A7B7781C839>.<1> setting up Connection 44
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libusrtcp.dylib)[25] <Notice>: tcp_output [C44.1:3] flags=[S] seq=788851788, ack=0, win=65535 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=788851788
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <ABCF9F46-FCC5-407A-8690-33D186E802B4>.<0> received response, status 207 content C
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <ABCF9F46-FCC5-407A-8690-33D186E802B4>.<0> response ended
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <ABCF9F46-FCC5-407A-8690-33D186E802B4>.<0> done using Connection 101
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <ABCF9F46-FCC5-407A-8690-33D186E802B4>.<0> summary for task success {transaction_duration_ms=575, response_status=207, connection=101, protocol="http/1.1", domain_lookup_duration_ms=17, connect_duration_ms=344, secure_connection_duration_ms=257, request_start_ms=382, request_duration_ms=0, response_start_ms=573, response_duration_ms=1, request_bytes=1968, response_bytes=1254, cache_hit=0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libxpc.dylib)[739] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: <private>, 18446744073709551615, true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAViCloudDaemonAccount C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1) -- sync complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DataAccess)[739] <Notice>: Another sync finishing Thu Jan 30 11:44:01 2020, not setting lastSyncDate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVAgent D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3) -- started
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.alltrails.AllTrails
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q1778] Received UDP DNS Message 294 bytes from <private>:53 to <private>:60264 via pdp_ip0 (0x4)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q1778] DNS Response (294) (flags 8180) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD RA:<private> 9/0/0 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q1778] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q1778] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101015200 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 0 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q32533] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101015200 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q1778] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q1778] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q1778] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q1778] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q1778] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q1778] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q1778] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913->Q1778] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8912] DNSServiceCreateConnection STOP PID[25](assistantd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8913] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>) STOP PID[25](assistantd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for DB3E0862-13BE-3AEB-9B0C-568D619254FC
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 4686A325-C4D2-3AC7-859E-872DC7BAB0F0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for DB3E0862-13BE-3AEB-9B0C-568D619254FC
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 4686A325-C4D2-3AC7-859E-872DC7BAB0F0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVAgent D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3) -- contacts: 150, groups: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.driveline.ios
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Default source
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: 0 changes for account "<private>" (CardDAVDaemonAccount D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVDaemonAccount D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3) -- no actions from local contact store
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.usablenet.walgreens
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.thedyrt.wayfinder
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.facebook.Facebook
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libusrtcp.dylib)[25] <Notice>: tcp_input [C44.1:3] flags=[S.] seq=4192991203, ack=788851789, win=28560 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=788851788
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C44.1 IPv6#c985e6d1.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Transport protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_handshake_config(1470) [0x1412e79c0] set tls_handshake_config_standard
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [0x1412e79c0] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_max_version(308) [0x1412e79c0] set 0x0304
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_remote_address(2550) [0x1412e79c0] Saving remote IPv6 address
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_install_association_state(1297) [0x1412e79c0] Client session cache miss
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [0x1412e79c0] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_session_ticket_enabled(439) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_false_start(409) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_enforce_ev(399) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_enforced(1320) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_rsa_key_size(1329) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_ecdsa_key_size(1338) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_signature_algorithm(1348) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_begin_connection(497) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] early data disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1969) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake started
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 512 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client enter_early_data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Adding message(1)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2][info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <E24C6036-8C78-4339-BC3C-6DD21A4B6239>.<0> {strength 0, tls 4, ct 0, sub 0, sig 1, ciphers 0, bundle 0, builtin 0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[739] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libxpc.dylib)[739] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: <private>, 18446744073709551615, true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone calaccessd(CalendarDatabase)[156] <Notice>: Commencing database save for client with identifier [calaccessd], name [dataaccessd]. Commit: [YES]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone calaccessd(CoreSpotlight)[156] <Notice>: ( deleteSearchableItemsWithDomainIdentifiers, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, domainIdentifiers number:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone calaccessd(CoreSpotlight)[156] <Notice>: ( deleteSearchableItemsWithDomainIdentifiers, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, domainIdentifiers number:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone calaccessd(CalendarDatabase)[156] <Notice>: ****** [CDB Spotlight indexing] Finished wait, spotlight complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Error>: nw_parameters_set_source_application_by_bundle_id_internal Failed to convert from bundle ID ( to UUID. This could lead to wrong data usage accounting.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 102: enabling TLS
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 102: starting, TC(0x0)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: [C102 EB0D8595-0C98-438D-95B3-43EFBA583D1E Hostname#edadd51d:443 tcp, bundle id:, account id: D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3, url hash: 4bea8776, tls] start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C102] reporting state preparing
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8914] DNSServiceCreateConnection START PID[739](dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8915] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(C000D000, 0, 0, <private>) START PID[739](dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8915->Q47799] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101818400 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8915->Q54840] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101015200 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q54840] ShouldSuppressUnicastQuery: Query suppressed for <private> Addr (CLAT46 A records are unusable)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8915->Q47799] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8915->Q47799] AnswerNewQuestion: Restarting original question 0x101818400 firstExpiredQname <private> for allowExpiredAnswers question
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8915->Q64538] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101818400 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8915->Q54840] GenerateNegativeResponse: Generating negative response for question <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8915->Q54840] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, Addr) RESULT ADD interface 0: (mortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q64538] Sent UDP DNS Message 28 bytes from <private>:63706 to <private>:53 via pdp_ip0 (0x4)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q64538] DNS Query (28) (flags 0100) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD:<private> 0/0/0 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <E24C6036-8C78-4339-BC3C-6DD21A4B6239>.<0> setting up Connection 102
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Error>: nw_endpoint_flow_validate_delegation [C102.1 IPv6#1ba5c783.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Network Delegation Failure: Invalid Bundle ID "" [I]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_output [C102.1:3] flags=[S] seq=575495133, ack=0, win=65535 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=575495133
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone calaccessd(CalendarDatabase)[156] <Notice>: Commencing database save for client with identifier [calaccessd], name [dataaccessd]. Commit: [YES]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone calaccessd(CoreSpotlight)[156] <Notice>: ( deleteSearchableItemsWithDomainIdentifiers, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, domainIdentifiers number:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone calaccessd(CoreSpotlight)[156] <Notice>: ( deleteSearchableItemsWithDomainIdentifiers, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, domainIdentifiers number:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone calaccessd(CalendarDatabase)[156] <Notice>: ****** [CDB Spotlight indexing] Finished wait, spotlight complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <0A97C029-9705-4D1B-9AEB-5FFF2F527DB7>.<0> {strength 0, tls 4, ct 0, sub 0, sig 1, ciphers 0, bundle 0, builtin 0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 103: enabling TLS
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 103: starting, TC(0x0)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: [C103 CFDF7360-E486-4572-A3DE-BF5B021945DE Hostname#27ebc32d:443 tcp, bundle id:, account id: 98BFF227-6B35-4283-B2B9-8B6E62240D03, url hash: 786b74b8, tls] start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C103] reporting state preparing
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8916] DNSServiceCreateDelegateConnection START PID[739](<private>)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8916] DNSServiceCreateDelegateConnection START PID[739](dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8917] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(C000D000, 0, 0, <private>) START PID[0]()
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8917->Q4263] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101007a00 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8917->Q22307] GetServerForQuestion: 0x10100a800 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q22307] ShouldSuppressUnicastQuery: Query suppressed for <private> Addr (CLAT46 A records are unusable)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8917->Q4263] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8917->Q22307] GenerateNegativeResponse: Generating negative response for question <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8917->Q22307] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, Addr) RESULT ADD interface 0: (mortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q64538] Received UDP DNS Message 56 bytes from <private>:53 to <private>:63706 via pdp_ip0 (0x4)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q64538] DNS Response (56) (flags 8180) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD RA:<private> 1/0/0 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: mDNSCoreReceiveCacheCheck: rescuing RR <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8915->Q64538] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <0A97C029-9705-4D1B-9AEB-5FFF2F527DB7>.<0> setting up Connection 103
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8914] DNSServiceCreateConnection STOP PID[739](dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8915] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>) STOP PID[739](dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8916] DNSServiceCreateConnection STOP PID[739](dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8917] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>) STOP PID[0]()
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_output [C103.1:3] flags=[S] seq=1499075655, ack=0, win=65535 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=1499075655
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.espn.ScoreCenter
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for DB3E0862-13BE-3AEB-9B0C-568D619254FC
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 5E5EC89E-4D63-384D-AC81-53F3BB12C2DA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for DB3E0862-13BE-3AEB-9B0C-568D619254FC
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 5E5EC89E-4D63-384D-AC81-53F3BB12C2DA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_input [C102.1:3] flags=[S.] seq=407234634, ack=575495134, win=65535 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=575495133
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C102.1 IPv6#1ba5c783.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Transport protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_handshake_config(1470) [0x10832e800] set tls_handshake_config_standard
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [0x10832e800] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_max_version(308) [0x10832e800] set 0x0304
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_remote_address(2550) [0x10832e800] Saving remote IPv6 address
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_install_association_state(1293) [0x10832e800] Client session cache hit
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_session_state(1261) [0x10832e800] Not resuming session to a different address if EMS was not negotiated
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [0x10832e800] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_session_ticket_enabled(439) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_false_start(409) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_enforce_ev(399) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_enforced(1320) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_rsa_key_size(1329) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_ecdsa_key_size(1338) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_signature_algorithm(1348) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_begin_connection(497) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] early data disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1969) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake started
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 512 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake state: TLS client enter_early_data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Adding message(1)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.oringe.wordswag
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_input [C103.1:3] flags=[S.] seq=3200654940, ack=1499075656, win=65535 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=1499075655
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 110 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C103.1 IPv6#24577f82.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Transport protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_handshake_config(1470) [0x104374360] set tls_handshake_config_standard
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [0x104374360] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_max_version(308) [0x104374360] set 0x0304
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_remote_address(2550) [0x104374360] Saving remote IPv6 address
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_install_association_state(1293) [0x104374360] Client session cache hit
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_session_state(1261) [0x104374360] Not resuming session to a different address if EMS was not negotiated
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [0x104374360] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_session_ticket_enabled(439) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_false_start(409) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_enforce_ev(399) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_enforced(1320) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_rsa_key_size(1329) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_ecdsa_key_size(1338) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_signature_algorithm(1348) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_begin_connection(497) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] early data disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1969) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake started
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 512 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake state: TLS client enter_early_data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Adding message(1)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 3013 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_certificate_status
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 1458 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client verify_server_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1002) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(607) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(612) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] SecTrustSetOCSPResponse result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2070) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Asyncing for verify block
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY [16]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Connection 44: asked to evaluate TLS Trust
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for net.skyscanner.iphone
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Task <D2223D08-C82E-4928-B41A-2A7B7781C839>.<1> auth completion disp=1 cred=0x0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: ocsp responder: (null) did not include status of requested cert
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Connection 44: TLS Trust result 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback_block_invoke_3(2079) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Returning from verify block
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2046) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Setting trust result to ssl_verify_ok
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_key_exchange
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 116 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_certificate_request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 4 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello_done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Adding message(14)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_key_exchange
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 37 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_certificate_verify
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_finished
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Writing SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC 1 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 16 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_flight
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_session_ticket
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client process_change_cipher_spec
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 122 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_hello_retry_request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Writing SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC 1 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_server_hello
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_encrypted_extensions
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.nestlabs.jasper.release
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 21 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_certificate_request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 3495 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_server_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_server_certificate_verify
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 79 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1002) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(607) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(614) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] No TLS-provided OCSP response
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2070) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Asyncing for verify block
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY [16]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 102: asked to evaluate TLS Trust
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 122 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_hello_retry_request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Writing SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC 1 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_server_hello
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_encrypted_extensions
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 21 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_certificate_request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 3495 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_server_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_server_certificate_verify
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 79 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1002) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(607) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(614) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] No TLS-provided OCSP response
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2070) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Asyncing for verify block
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY [16]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 103: asked to evaluate TLS Trust
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Reaching out to AOSKit for X-mobile me token
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(AOSKit)[739] <Notice>: AOSKit ERROR: Invalid url, cannot return auth info:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Failed to get a X-mobile me token from AOSkit
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.atebits.Tweetie2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: Failed to read from permanent storage at '/Library/Keychains/' or the data is bad. Defaulting to value 0.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 102: TLS Trust result 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback_block_invoke_3(2079) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Returning from verify block
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2046) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Setting trust result to ssl_verify_ok
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_server_finished
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 36 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client send_end_of_early_data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client send_client_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client complete_second_flight
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 36 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_client_handshake
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake state: TLS client done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1002) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(607) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(614) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] No TLS-provided OCSP response
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Adding message(20)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1973) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Client handshake done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_signal_connected(701) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] TLS connected [version(0x0304) ciphersuite(0x1301) group(0x001d) peer_key(0x0403) alpn(http/1.1) resumed(0) offered_ticket(0) false_started(0) ocsp(0) sct(0)]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C102.1 IPv6#1ba5c783.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Output protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C102] reporting state ready
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 102: connected successfully
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 102: TLS handshake complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 102: ready C(Y) E(Y)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Reaching out to AOSKit for X-mobile me token
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(AOSKit)[739] <Notice>: AOSKit ERROR: Invalid url, cannot return auth info:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Failed to get a X-mobile me token from AOSkit
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <E24C6036-8C78-4339-BC3C-6DD21A4B6239>.<0> now using Connection 102
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 102: received viability advisory(Y)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <E24C6036-8C78-4339-BC3C-6DD21A4B6239>.<0> sent request, body D 274
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Reaching out to AOSKit for X-mobile me token
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(AOSKit)[739] <Notice>: AOSKit ERROR: Invalid url, cannot return auth info:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Failed to get a X-mobile me token from AOSkit
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 103: TLS Trust result 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback_block_invoke_3(2079) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Returning from verify block
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2046) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Setting trust result to ssl_verify_ok
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_server_finished
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 36 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client send_end_of_early_data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client send_client_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client complete_second_flight
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 36 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_client_handshake
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake state: TLS client done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1002) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(607) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(614) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] No TLS-provided OCSP response
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Adding message(20)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1973) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Client handshake done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_signal_connected(701) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] TLS connected [version(0x0304) ciphersuite(0x1301) group(0x001d) peer_key(0x0403) alpn(http/1.1) resumed(0) offered_ticket(0) false_started(0) ocsp(0) sct(0)]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C103.1 IPv6#24577f82.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Output protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C103] reporting state ready
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 103: connected successfully
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 103: TLS handshake complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 103: ready C(Y) E(Y)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Reaching out to AOSKit for X-mobile me token
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(AOSKit)[739] <Notice>: AOSKit ERROR: Invalid url, cannot return auth info:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Failed to get a X-mobile me token from AOSkit
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <0A97C029-9705-4D1B-9AEB-5FFF2F527DB7>.<0> now using Connection 103
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 103: received viability advisory(Y)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <0A97C029-9705-4D1B-9AEB-5FFF2F527DB7>.<0> sent request, body D 130
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.getsomeheadspace.headspace
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.linkedin.LinkedIn[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.TapMediaLtd.QRReader
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Reading SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC 1 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 254 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_new_session_handler(1116) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] New session available
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_finished
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 254 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_new_session_handler(1116) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] New session available
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 16 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_client_handshake
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_new_session_handler(1116) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] New session available
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake state: TLS client done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1002) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(607) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <E24C6036-8C78-4339-BC3C-6DD21A4B6239>.<0> received response, status 207 content K
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(612) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] SecTrustSetOCSPResponse result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <E24C6036-8C78-4339-BC3C-6DD21A4B6239>.<0> response ended
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <E24C6036-8C78-4339-BC3C-6DD21A4B6239>.<0> done using Connection 102
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <E24C6036-8C78-4339-BC3C-6DD21A4B6239>.<0> summary for task success {transaction_duration_ms=278, response_status=207, connection=102, protocol="http/1.1", domain_lookup_duration_ms=2, connect_duration_ms=156, secure_connection_duration_ms=108, request_start_ms=177, request_duration_ms=0, response_start_ms=276, response_duration_ms=1, request_bytes=772, response_bytes=937, cache_hit=0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Adding message(20)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1973) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Client handshake done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_signal_connected(701) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] TLS connected [version(0x0303) ciphersuite(0xc02c) group(0x001d) peer_key(0x0403) alpn(http/1.1) resumed(0) offered_ticket(0) false_started(0) ocsp(0) sct(0)]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C44.1 IPv6#c985e6d1.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Output protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C44] reporting state ready
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Connection 44: connected successfully
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Connection 44: TLS handshake complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVDaemonAccount D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3) -- server requested 0 etags, we matched 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVDaemonAccount D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3) -- no actions in server results phase
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Connection 44: ready C(Y) E(Y)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Task <D2223D08-C82E-4928-B41A-2A7B7781C839>.<1> now using Connection 44
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Connection 44: received viability advisory(Y)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Task <D2223D08-C82E-4928-B41A-2A7B7781C839>.<1> sent request, body N 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Acquiring assertion targeting daemon<> from originator [daemon<>:739] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor;; ID: 26-739-11179; target: 739> attributes = {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <RBSLegacyAttribute: 0x10418d0b0; requestedReason: FinishTask; reason: FinishTask; flags: PreventTaskSuspend>;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <RBSAcquisitionCompletionAttribute: 0x1041f4df0; policy: 0>;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Assertion 26-739-11179 (target:daemon<>) will be created as active as no start-time-defining assertions exist
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:739] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:739] Ignoring role changes because this process is not role managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Finished acquiring assertion 26-739-11179 (target:daemon<>)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:739] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Acquired process power assertion with ID 39584 for pid 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone powerd[35] <Notice>: Sleep revert state: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone powerd[35] <Notice>: Process runningboardd.26 Created SystemIsActive "daemon<>" age:00:00:00 id:51539647136 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(AddressBookLegacy)[739] <Notice>: AddressBook preparing save, sequence number = 4433, deleted contact count = 0, added contact count = 0, change history id =
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Invalidating assertion 26-739-11179 (target:daemon<>) from originator 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: contactStoreDidChange
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: clearMyIconAndHash
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: clearMyIconAndHash
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: resetMeCardWithReason: -[SDStatusMonitor clearMyIconAndHash]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: Scheduling invalidation due to: Message invalidated for service
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: Protected database is available.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: Invalidating Messages
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: Protected database is available.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: requesting bulletins with parameters <private>, last cleared info = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: Gathering bulletins for 2 subsections
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[1004] <Notice>: BBDataProvider: Invalidate bulletins in section for destinations 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[1004] <Notice>: BBServer: Update bulletins in section for feed 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone rapportd(CoreUtils)[72] <Notice>: Privacy changed notified
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone contactsd(Contacts)[169] <Error>: Unauthorized Contacts SPI usage! Allowing it, please file a radar for pid 58
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: Firing kCallHistoryContactStoreChangedInternalNotification notification: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: --- Contact Store changed! Invalidating call's AB info.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: Firing kCallHistoryDatabaseChangedNotification notification: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: --- Contact Store changed! Invalidating call's AB info.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: --- Contact Store changed! Invalidating call's AB info.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: Firing kCallHistoryDatabaseChangedNotification notification: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: --- Contact Store changed! Invalidating call's AB info.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: Firing kCallHistoryDatabaseChangedNotification notification: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone duetexpertd(CallHistory)[989] <Notice>: Firing kCallHistoryContactStoreChangedInternalNotification notification: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: Firing kCallHistoryDatabaseChangedNotification notification: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: Account for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] SFAppleIDAccount AppleID:, AltDSID: 000395-10-4e2c9ab7-7d8d-4415-9932-b75fb83e89af, Certificate Token: NULL, Certificate Token Creation Date: NULL, Contact Info: SFAppleIDContactInfo First Name: Christopher, Last Name: Rhoads, Validated Email Addresses: [ "" ], Validated Phone Numbers: [ "18476301359" ], Creation Date: 2018-09-17 05:58:28.632, Identity: SFAppleIDIdentity Account Identifier:, AltDSID: 000395-10-4e2c9ab7-7d8d-4415-9932-b75fb83e89af, AppleID:, Certificate Expiration Date: 2022-01-20 21:26:39.000, Certificate Persistent Reference: 0x00000001068FB130, Intermediate Certificate Expiration Date: 2026-10-21 00:00:00.000, Intermediate Certificate Serial Number: 5618e82adbe2dbf3, Intermediate Certificate Persistent Reference: 0x00000001068FB190, Last Validation Attempt: 2020-01-21 21:37:41.597, Last Validation: 2020-01-21 2<\M-b\M^@\M-&>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: CSDCallHistoryManager is handling <private>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: Call history changed: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: addAdditionalInformationToMeCard produced enhancedMeCard: <CNMutableContact: 0x10685ad90: identifier=F6882373-5A68-418B-A2F7-D56F49746131, givenName=Christopher, familyName=Rhoads, organizationName=, phoneNumbers=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x10573b5c0: identifier=9D86F23D-101A-471C-97BA-5C42782CF039, label=, value=<CNPhoneNumber: 0x1057ede50: stringValue=18476301359, initialCountryCode=(null)>, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), emailAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057e7aa0: identifier=5F4AE51E-CFDD-4704-94BE-05BE726CE4A5, label=_$!<Home>!$_,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=0>",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057f56c0: identifier=336B6B64-61F3-4259-98ED-ECA847D856CB, label=,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), postalAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x105753be0: identifier=2FF8D4C6-037B-4F5F-8B0C-F7B775841489, label=_$!<Home>!$_, value=<CNMutablePostalAddress: 0x1057ede80: street=2s180 Everett Ct, subLocality=, city=Warrenville, subAdministrativeArea=, state=IL, postalCode=60555, country=United States, countryCode=>, iOSLegacyIden
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: resetMeCardWithReason: -[SDStatusMonitor clearMyIconAndHash]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: bulletin local IDs = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: bulletin global IDs = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: 0 messages found for BulletinBoard
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: bulletins = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[1004] <Notice>: BBServer: Section responded with 0 bulletin requests to feed 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[1004] <Notice>: Updating section with 0 new bulletins
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[1004] <Notice>: Current bulletins in this section: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: _hashesNeedUpdating called. forceRebuild: false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: updateHashes called
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone contactsd(Contacts)[169] <Error>: Unauthorized Contacts SPI usage! Allowing it, please file a radar for pid 58
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: CSDCallHistoryManager is handling <private>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: Call history changed: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: CSDCallHistoryManager is handling <private>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: SDXPCHelperImageCache: clearCachedAvatars
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: Call history changed: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: CSDCallHistoryManager is handling <private>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: Call history changed: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: Account for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] SFAppleIDAccount AppleID:, AltDSID: 000395-10-4e2c9ab7-7d8d-4415-9932-b75fb83e89af, Certificate Token: NULL, Certificate Token Creation Date: NULL, Contact Info: SFAppleIDContactInfo First Name: Christopher, Last Name: Rhoads, Validated Email Addresses: [ "" ], Validated Phone Numbers: [ "18476301359" ], Creation Date: 2018-09-17 05:58:28.632, Identity: SFAppleIDIdentity Account Identifier:, AltDSID: 000395-10-4e2c9ab7-7d8d-4415-9932-b75fb83e89af, AppleID:, Certificate Expiration Date: 2022-01-20 21:26:39.000, Certificate Persistent Reference: 0x00000001068FB130, Intermediate Certificate Expiration Date: 2026-10-21 00:00:00.000, Intermediate Certificate Serial Number: 5618e82adbe2dbf3, Intermediate Certificate Persistent Reference: 0x00000001068FB190, Last Validation Attempt: 2020-01-21 21:37:41.597, Last Validation: 2020-01-21 2<\M-b\M^@\M-&>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: addAdditionalInformationToMeCard produced enhancedMeCard: <CNMutableContact: 0x10573efe0: identifier=F6882373-5A68-418B-A2F7-D56F49746131, givenName=Christopher, familyName=Rhoads, organizationName=, phoneNumbers=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057fb080: identifier=F197547B-AAAF-46D0-929C-E821DBA88BEF, label=, value=<CNPhoneNumber: 0x1057f26c0: stringValue=18476301359, initialCountryCode=(null)>, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), emailAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057fb1a0: identifier=5F4AE51E-CFDD-4704-94BE-05BE726CE4A5, label=_$!<Home>!$_,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=0>",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057cbaf0: identifier=C8AB72EA-6A1A-41A9-A55C-53B0591B5CB8, label=,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), postalAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057e3300: identifier=2FF8D4C6-037B-4F5F-8B0C-F7B775841489, label=_$!<Home>!$_, value=<CNMutablePostalAddress: 0x1057f0570: street=2s180 Everett Ct, subLocality=, city=Warrenville, subAdministrativeArea=, state=IL, postalCode=60555, country=United States, countryCode=>, iOSLegacyIden
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: <private> is trying to fire
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: <private> is firing immediately
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone contactsd[169] <Notice>: notification named __ABDataBaseChangedByOtherProcessNotification
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: <private> is clearing flags without a waiter since it finished before one started
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: PPRecordMonitoringHelper(ContactStore) handleChangeNotification for Contacts
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: PPRecordMonitoringHelper(ContactStore): sending changes to 1 delegates
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone contactsd(Contacts)[169] <Error>: Unauthorized Contacts SPI usage! Allowing it, please file a radar for pid 58
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: Hash store should rebuild at: 2020-02-11 22:37:18 +0000, lastMod: 2020-01-27 22:37:18 +0000. timeToNextUpdate: 1054396sec
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: calling recent setup on <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: regenerateEntireDB = false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] --
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] forceRebuild: false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] storeIsOld: false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] changesTruncated: false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] storeIsNew: false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] hashesFailedToUpdate: false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: Change anchor: <CNChangeHistoryAnchor: 0x1057cbb30: sequenceNumber=4433>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: load called twice on SDAirDropHashStoreCDB
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: Finished enumerateContactChangesWithKeys.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] numUpdates: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] numDeletes: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] numAdds: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] numOther: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: schedulePersist - Nothing to persist.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: updateHashes finished.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: calling recent record handler on <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: Adding meCard: <CNMutableContact: 0x10685ad90: identifier=F6882373-5A68-418B-A2F7-D56F49746131, givenName=Christopher, familyName=Rhoads, organizationName=, phoneNumbers=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x10573b5c0: identifier=9D86F23D-101A-471C-97BA-5C42782CF039, label=, value=<CNPhoneNumber: 0x1057ede50: stringValue=18476301359, initialCountryCode=(null)>, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), emailAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057e7aa0: identifier=5F4AE51E-CFDD-4704-94BE-05BE726CE4A5, label=_$!<Home>!$_,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=0>",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057f56c0: identifier=336B6B64-61F3-4259-98ED-ECA847D856CB, label=,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), postalAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x105753be0: identifier=2FF8D4C6-037B-4F5F-8B0C-F7B775841489, label=_$!<Home>!$_, value=<CNMutablePostalAddress: 0x1057ede80: street=2s180 Everett Ct, subLocality=, city=Warrenville, subAdministrativeArea=, state=IL, postalCode=60555, country=United States, countryCode=><\M-b\M^@\M-&>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: Adding meCard: <CNMutableContact: 0x10573efe0: identifier=F6882373-5A68-418B-A2F7-D56F49746131, givenName=Christopher, familyName=Rhoads, organizationName=, phoneNumbers=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057fb080: identifier=F197547B-AAAF-46D0-929C-E821DBA88BEF, label=, value=<CNPhoneNumber: 0x1057f26c0: stringValue=18476301359, initialCountryCode=(null)>, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), emailAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057fb1a0: identifier=5F4AE51E-CFDD-4704-94BE-05BE726CE4A5, label=_$!<Home>!$_,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=0>",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057cbaf0: identifier=C8AB72EA-6A1A-41A9-A55C-53B0591B5CB8, label=,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), postalAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057e3300: identifier=2FF8D4C6-037B-4F5F-8B0C-F7B775841489, label=_$!<Home>!$_, value=<CNMutablePostalAddress: 0x1057f0570: street=2s180 Everett Ct, subLocality=, city=Warrenville, subAdministrativeArea=, state=IL, postalCode=60555, country=United States, countryCode=><\M-b\M^@\M-&>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortrait)[982] <Notice>: <private> is trying to fire
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortrait)[982] <Notice>: <private> is firing immediately
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: dictionary
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: <private>, 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, dict
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: <private>, dict
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, dict
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: xpc_set_event <private>, 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, setting state now to 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 254 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_new_session_handler(1116) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] New session available
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: SUBMITTING: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 254 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_new_session_handler(1116) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] New session available
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: at priority 30 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Activity <private>: Optimal Score 0.5375 at <private> (Valid Until: <private>)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.10}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: MemoryPressurePolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.50, Rationale: [{[memoryPressure]: Required:2.00, Observed:1.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ] sumScores:42.520000, denominator:54.020000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.787116}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: '' CurrentScore: 0.787116, ThresholdScore: 0.477649 DecisionToRun:1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Running <private> immediately on submission
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: With <private> ...Tasks pre-running in group [] are 1!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Running activities : <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Activity <private> has delayed start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPContactServer: contactNameRecordChangesForClient: <private> queryId: 44
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: REQUESTING START: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: registering for CN Change History as <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: getting change history from contacts: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <0A97C029-9705-4D1B-9AEB-5FFF2F527DB7>.<0> received response, status 207 content C
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: no changes found in CN change history
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <0A97C029-9705-4D1B-9AEB-5FFF2F527DB7>.<0> response ended
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: delegate <private> handling 0 record changes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <0A97C029-9705-4D1B-9AEB-5FFF2F527DB7>.<0> done using Connection 103
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(AddressBookLegacy)[739] <Notice>: Saved to AddressBook.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <0A97C029-9705-4D1B-9AEB-5FFF2F527DB7>.<0> summary for task success {transaction_duration_ms=299, response_status=207, connection=103, protocol="http/1.1", domain_lookup_duration_ms=4, connect_duration_ms=123, secure_connection_duration_ms=92, request_start_ms=133, request_duration_ms=0, response_start_ms=293, response_duration_ms=5, request_bytes=621, response_bytes=1113, cache_hit=0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: reloading contacts due to Contacts change
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: getting change history from contacts: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPContactsImporter: CN change: 0 added/updated, 0 deleted
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(libxpc.dylib)[739] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: <private>, 18446744073709551615, true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVDaemonAccount D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3) -- sync complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DataAccess)[739] <Notice>: Another sync finishing Thu Jan 30 11:44:01 2020, not setting lastSyncDate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DACalDAV)[739] <Notice>: Updating delegates for account 98BFF227-6B35-4283-B2B9-8B6E62240D03
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DACalDAV)[739] <Notice>: Finished updating delegates for account 98BFF227-6B35-4283-B2B9-8B6E62240D03
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.fathousesoftware.RowingMetronome
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:01 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVAgent C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1) -- started
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleClientConnection:on:]_block_invoke: client: duetexpertd, command: 21
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleClientConnection:on:]_block_invoke: client: duetexpertd, command: 21
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleUpdateClientUsage:using:and:]_block_invoke: Skipping update to /private/var/MobileAsset/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_DuetExpertCenterAsset/36340d1830d0047060a543cdfd20369a720bbe59.asset as it has not been over 24 hours since last update: 21481.800303
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleUpdateClientUsage:using:and:]_block_invoke: Skipping update to /private/var/MobileAsset/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_DuetExpertCenterAsset/36340d1830d0047060a543cdfd20369a720bbe59.asset as it has not been over 24 hours since last update: 21481.800913
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:739] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:739] Ignoring role changes because this process is not role managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Released power assertion with ID 39584
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone powerd[35] <Notice>: Process runningboardd.26 Released SystemIsActive "daemon<>" age:00:00:00 id:51539647136 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:739] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVAgent C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1) -- contacts: 150, groups: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Default source
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: 0 changes for account "<private>" (CardDAViCloudDaemonAccount C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAViCloudDaemonAccount C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1) -- no actions from local contact store
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <817733F4-15B1-4103-8DA9-823E1078A21E>.<0> {strength 0, tls 4, ct 0, sub 0, sig 1, ciphers 0, bundle 0, builtin 0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Reaching out to AOSKit for X-mobile me token
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Applied X-mobile me auth to request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <817733F4-15B1-4103-8DA9-823E1078A21E>.<0> now using Connection 100
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <817733F4-15B1-4103-8DA9-823E1078A21E>.<0> sent request, body D 197
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <4DE22B90-71F4-4573-B6E7-856339C3318B>.<0> {strength 0, tls 4, ct 0, sub 0, sig 1, ciphers 0, bundle 0, builtin 0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Reaching out to AOSKit for X-mobile me token
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(AOSKit)[739] <Notice>: AOSKit ERROR: Invalid url, cannot return auth info:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Failed to get a X-mobile me token from AOSkit
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <4DE22B90-71F4-4573-B6E7-856339C3318B>.<0> now using Connection 103
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <4DE22B90-71F4-4573-B6E7-856339C3318B>.<0> sent request, body D 2237
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[989] <Notice>: Writing Action Predictions display cache
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Initiating XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: beginning dispatch, activity name <private>, seqno 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: <private>: found a activity with matching seqno 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: lower half, activity name <private>, seqno from top half was 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Running XPC Activity (PID 25): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: STARTING: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: <private>, current state 2, pending state 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: STARTING activity <private>!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: With <private> ...Tasks running in group [] are 1!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Not tracking activity: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 5
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Completed XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.10}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: MemoryPressurePolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.50, Rationale: [{[memoryPressure]: Required:2.00, Observed:1.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ] sumScores:42.520000, denominator:54.020000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.787116}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: COMPLETED at priority 30 <private>!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: NO LONGER RUNNING ...Tasks running in group [] are 0!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: <private>, 1, true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Task <D2223D08-C82E-4928-B41A-2A7B7781C839>.<1> received response, status 200 content K
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Task <D2223D08-C82E-4928-B41A-2A7B7781C839>.<1> response ended
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Task <D2223D08-C82E-4928-B41A-2A7B7781C839>.<1> done using Connection 44
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Task <D2223D08-C82E-4928-B41A-2A7B7781C839>.<1> summary for task success {transaction_duration_ms=655, response_status=200, connection=44, protocol="http/1.1", domain_lookup_duration_ms=6, connect_duration_ms=491, secure_connection_duration_ms=341, request_start_ms=503, request_duration_ms=0, response_start_ms=654, response_duration_ms=0, request_bytes=230, response_bytes=332, cache_hit=0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Task <D2223D08-C82E-4928-B41A-2A7B7781C839>.<1> finished successfully
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: removing all entries config 0x141203b90
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Connection 44: is being canceled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: [C44 9746A1EF-5CAB-468C-9061-C675A1620429 tcp, url hash: a91f3e41, tls] cancel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for org.nativescript.preview
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: [C44 9746A1EF-5CAB-468C-9061-C675A1620429 tcp, url hash: a91f3e41, tls] cancelled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] [C44.1 EC2757CE-0A92-469E-B3D4-AA46C09518ED 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50181<->IPv6#c985e6d1.443]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Duration: 0.663s, DNS @0.000s took 0.006s, TCP @0.007s took 0.145s, TLS took 0.346s
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] bytes in/out: 5138/869, packets in/out: 6/3, rtt: 0.144s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.000s [C44 2F23AEF2-F8D6-46BA-AD2E-84A3153C8507 Hostname#1dd0ae18:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.000s [C44 2F23AEF2-F8D6-46BA-AD2E-84A3153C8507 Hostname#1dd0ae18:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:satisfied
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.000s [C44 2F23AEF2-F8D6-46BA-AD2E-84A3153C8507 Hostname#1dd0ae18:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:start_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.006s [C44 2F23AEF2-F8D6-46BA-AD2E-84A3153C8507 Hostname#1dd0ae18:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:receive_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.006s [C44.1 EC2757CE-0A92-469E-B3D4-AA46C09518ED 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50181<->IPv6#c985e6d1.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.006s [C44.1 EC2757CE-0A92-469E-B3D4-AA46C09518ED 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50181<->IPv6#c985e6d1.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:satisfied
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.007s [C44.1 EC2757CE-0A92-469E-B3D4-AA46C09518ED 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50181<->IPv6#c985e6d1.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:start_nexus
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.007s [C44.1 EC2757CE-0A92-469E-B3D4-AA46C09518ED 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50181<->IPv6#c985e6d1.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:receive_nexus
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.007s [C44.1 EC2757CE-0A92-469E-B3D4-AA46C09518ED 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50181<->IPv6#c985e6d1.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:start_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.049s [C44 2F23AEF2-F8D6-46BA-AD2E-84A3153C8507 Hostname#1dd0ae18:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:receive_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.152s [C44.1 EC2757CE-0A92-469E-B3D4-AA46C09518ED 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50181<->IPv6#c985e6d1.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_transport
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.152s [C44 2F23AEF2-F8D6-46BA-AD2E-84A3153C8507 Hostname#1dd0ae18:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_transport
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.498s [C44.1 EC2757CE-0A92-469E-B3D4-AA46C09518ED 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50181<->IPv6#c985e6d1.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.499s [C44 2F23AEF2-F8D6-46BA-AD2E-84A3153C8507 Hostname#1dd0ae18:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.499s [C44.1 EC2757CE-0A92-469E-B3D4-AA46C09518ED 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50181<->IPv6#c985e6d1.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:changed_viability
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.499s [C44 2F23AEF2-F8D6-46BA-AD2E-84A3153C8507 Hostname#1dd0ae18:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:changed_viability
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: 0.657s [C44] path:cancel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Writing SSL3_RT_ALERT 2 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_context_handle_warning_alert(1892) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] write alert, level: warning, description: close notify
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: boringssl_session_disconnect(539) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] SSL_shutdown 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libusrtcp.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_protocol_tcp_log_summary [C44.1:3]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] [6BD88C60-4C83-4106-B791-EE786ABF8A50 <private>:50181<-><private>:443]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Init: 1, Conn_Time: 144.605ms, Syn's: 1, WR_T: 0/0, RD_T: 0/0, TFO: 0/0/0, ECN: 0/0/0, TS: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] RTT_Cache: none, rtt_upd: 4, rtt: 144.843ms, rtt_var: 35.750ms rtt_nc: 144.843ms, rtt_var_nc: 35.750ms
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_flow_disconnected [C44.1 IPv6#c985e6d1.443 cancelled channel-flow ((null))] Output protocol disconnected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libnetwork.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C44] reporting state cancelled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPContactsImporter: deleted 0 named entities
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: removing all entries config 0x141203b90
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(CFNetwork)[25] <Notice>: Connection 44: destroyed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libusrtcp.dylib)[25] <Notice>: tcp_output [C44.1:3] flags=[F.] seq=788852689, ack=4192996342, win=1024 state=FIN_WAIT_1 rcv_nxt=4192996342, snd_una=788852658
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler(1012) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler forced true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libboringssl.dylib)[25] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler(1030) [C44.1:2][0x1412e79c0] Transferring nw_protocol_boringssl_t handle back into ARC for autorelease
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.ovelin.guitartuna[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.vilcsak.bitcoin2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.zillow.ZillowMap
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.miniclip.8ballpoolmult
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <817733F4-15B1-4103-8DA9-823E1078A21E>.<0> received response, status 207 content K
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <817733F4-15B1-4103-8DA9-823E1078A21E>.<0> response ended
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <817733F4-15B1-4103-8DA9-823E1078A21E>.<0> done using Connection 100
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <817733F4-15B1-4103-8DA9-823E1078A21E>.<0> summary for task success {transaction_duration_ms=114, response_status=207, connection=100, reused=1, request_start_ms=0, request_duration_ms=0, response_start_ms=113, response_duration_ms=1, request_bytes=1405, response_bytes=1019, cache_hit=0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAViCloudDaemonAccount C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1) -- server requested 0 etags, we matched 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAViCloudDaemonAccount C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1) -- no actions in server results phase
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libxpc.dylib)[739] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: <private>, 18446744073709551615, true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAViCloudDaemonAccount C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1) -- sync complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DataAccess)[739] <Notice>: Another sync finishing Thu Jan 30 11:44:02 2020, not setting lastSyncDate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVAgent D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3) -- started
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVAgent D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3) -- contacts: 150, groups: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Default source
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: 0 changes for account "<private>" (CardDAVDaemonAccount D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVDaemonAccount D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3) -- no actions from local contact store
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <29D846CC-CDF7-4B36-A55D-7A53514095E6>.<0> {strength 0, tls 4, ct 0, sub 0, sig 1, ciphers 0, bundle 0, builtin 0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Reaching out to AOSKit for X-mobile me token
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(AOSKit)[739] <Notice>: AOSKit ERROR: Invalid url, cannot return auth info:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: CFNetwork-AOSKit: Failed to get a X-mobile me token from AOSkit
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <29D846CC-CDF7-4B36-A55D-7A53514095E6>.<0> now using Connection 102
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <29D846CC-CDF7-4B36-A55D-7A53514095E6>.<0> sent request, body D 274
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for nl.appsint.handle
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.epic.mychart
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.lasting.lastingapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libusrtcp.dylib)[25] <Notice>: tcp_output [C44.1:3] flags=[FP.] seq=788852658, ack=4192996342, win=1024 state=FIN_WAIT_1 rcv_nxt=4192996342, snd_una=788852658
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: Calculating actions and expirers at Thu Jan 30 11:44:02 2020, blacklist = <private>, path = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone assistantd(libusrtcp.dylib)[25] <Notice>: tcp_input [C44.1:3] flags=[F.] seq=4192996342, ack=788852690, win=960 state=FIN_WAIT_2 rcv_nxt=4192996342, snd_una=788852690
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 4686A325-C4D2-3AC7-859E-872DC7BAB0F0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 4686A325-C4D2-3AC7-859E-872DC7BAB0F0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for Thundr.Pythonic
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <29D846CC-CDF7-4B36-A55D-7A53514095E6>.<0> received response, status 207 content K
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <29D846CC-CDF7-4B36-A55D-7A53514095E6>.<0> response ended
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <29D846CC-CDF7-4B36-A55D-7A53514095E6>.<0> done using Connection 102
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <29D846CC-CDF7-4B36-A55D-7A53514095E6>.<0> summary for task success {transaction_duration_ms=104, response_status=207, connection=102, reused=1, request_start_ms=1, request_duration_ms=1, response_start_ms=103, response_duration_ms=1, request_bytes=772, response_bytes=937, cache_hit=0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVDaemonAccount D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3) -- server requested 0 etags, we matched 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVDaemonAccount D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3) -- no actions in server results phase
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Acquiring assertion targeting daemon<> from originator [daemon<>:739] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor;; ID: 26-739-11180; target: 739> attributes = {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <RBSLegacyAttribute: 0x1041497b0; requestedReason: FinishTask; reason: FinishTask; flags: PreventTaskSuspend>;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <RBSAcquisitionCompletionAttribute: 0x1041d5220; policy: 0>;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Assertion 26-739-11180 (target:daemon<>) will be created as active as no start-time-defining assertions exist
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:739] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:739] Ignoring role changes because this process is not role managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:739] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Finished acquiring assertion 26-739-11180 (target:daemon<>)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone powerd[35] <Notice>: Sleep revert state: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone powerd[35] <Notice>: Process runningboardd.26 Created SystemIsActive "daemon<>" age:00:00:00 id:51539647141 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Acquired process power assertion with ID 39589 for pid 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(AddressBookLegacy)[739] <Notice>: AddressBook preparing save, sequence number = 4434, deleted contact count = 0, added contact count = 0, change history id =
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Invalidating assertion 26-739-11180 (target:daemon<>) from originator 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(AddressBookLegacy)[739] <Notice>: Saved to AddressBook.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libxpc.dylib)[739] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: <private>, 18446744073709551615, true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonCardDAV)[739] <Notice>: Syncing account "<private>" (CardDAVDaemonAccount D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3) -- sync complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DataAccess)[739] <Notice>: Another sync finishing Thu Jan 30 11:44:02 2020, not setting lastSyncDate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.starbucks.mystarbucks
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.paychex.paychexmobile
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for Q5AWL8WCY6.iMapMyRun
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone duetexpertd(PersonalizationPortrait)[989] <Notice>: loadEventHighlights from: Thu Jan 30 11:44:02 2020 to: Sun Feb 2 00:00:00 2020
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPEventServer: eventHighlights queryId: 55
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPEventCache: cache returning 1 events
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.beyondmenu.beyondmenu
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I qmux: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Req MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox found SFBLEDevice ID ad12a14e-83f2-6699-3f54-fa4b7bd6ce07, RSSI -74 (0)t~U, Ch 37, AdvD <4c000719010f200b778f010004d99da817c685800f38159f2bdba9504e>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,3', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEErPbo1?s, CC=0, Batt R -70%; L -70%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Attempting to suspend based on triggers: ( "" )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Evaluating 84 activities based on triggers
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Resp MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: UserRequestedBackup, policyWeight: 0.100, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{eligibleForRunning == 0}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: NetworkQualityPolicy, policyWeight: 8.400, response: {Decision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[networkPathAvailability]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: NetworkQualityPolicy, policyWeight: 8.400, response: {Decision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[networkPathAvailability]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9f243192-12ed-dd0f-294e-dc24efecb664, RSSI -77 (0)t~U, Ch 37, AdvD <4c0007190102202b998f0000000eebb3564453ce9b1eb4595150890569>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEELPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt L -90%; R -90%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: UserRequestedBackup, policyWeight: 0.100, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{eligibleForRunning == 0}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Unconstrained Available=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DataBudgetPolicy, policyWeight: 1.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[/system/budgets/networking]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Unconstrained Available=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DataBudgetPolicy, policyWeight: 1.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[/system/budgets/networking]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Unconstrained Available=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DataBudgetPolicy, policyWeight: 1.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[/system/budgets/networking]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 20.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{deviceActivity == 1}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: NetworkQualityPolicy, policyWeight: 11.400, response: {Decision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[networkPathAvailability]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Unconstrained Available=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DataBudgetPolicy, policyWeight: 1.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[/system/budgets/networking]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Unconstrained Available=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: <71FB65EB-7261-495E-A32E-0495C8C5A0D6>.<524>:055F2E:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DataBudgetPolicy, policyWeight: 1.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[/system/budgets/networking]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Unconstrained Available=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DataBudgetPolicy, policyWeight: 1.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[/system/budgets/networking]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: <C6722476-1E81-400A-A4E8-BAE524127446>.<55>:A67924:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: NetworkQualityPolicy, policyWeight: 11.400, response: {Decision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[networkPathAvailability]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: <15B33CE9-4F36-47D8-BB4B-06FD0A239D6C>.<56>:8E82D0:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: NetworkQualityPolicy, policyWeight: 11.400, response: {Decision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[networkPathAvailability]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: <B2230FE4-DF57-484B-85BF-44017A1754CB>.<4>:3A00A8:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: NetworkQualityPolicy, policyWeight: 11.400, response: {Decision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[networkPathAvailability]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.wealthcare.flex
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleClientConnection:on:]_block_invoke: client: duetexpertd, command: 21
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleUpdateClientUsage:using:and:]_block_invoke: Skipping update to /private/var/MobileAsset/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_DuetExpertCenterAsset/36340d1830d0047060a543cdfd20369a720bbe59.asset as it has not been over 24 hours since last update: 21482.155686
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleClientConnection:on:]_block_invoke: client: duetexpertd, command: 21
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleUpdateClientUsage:using:and:]_block_invoke: Skipping update to /private/var/MobileAsset/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_DuetExpertCenterAsset/36340d1830d0047060a543cdfd20369a720bbe59.asset as it has not been over 24 hours since last update: 21482.158539
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:739] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:739] Ignoring role changes because this process is not role managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:739] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Released power assertion with ID 39589
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone powerd[35] <Notice>: Process runningboardd.26 Released SystemIsActive "daemon<>" age:00:00:00 id:51539647141 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.indeed.JobSearch
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.dice.Dice
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.citigroup.citimobile
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.wodbuddyfree
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPEventStorage: resetting EKEventStore
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleClientConnection:on:]_block_invoke: client: suggestd, command: 21
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleUpdateClientUsage:using:and:]_block_invoke: Skipping update to /private/var/MobileAsset/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_PersonalizationPortraitAsset/c1970ab4836782e288f90d2bfdbb5ae79b9 ... 7e.asset as it has not been over 24 hours since last update: 15012.996404
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPEventStorage: loading calendars
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.myliftmaster.myq
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[156] is checking access for target PID[982]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: Granting PID[982] access to kTCCServiceCalendar via entitlement ''
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[156] is checking access for target PID[982]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: Granting PID[982] access to kTCCServiceReminders via entitlement ''
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPEventStorage: will use 8 calendars
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPEventStorage: EKEventStore has been reset
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for net.smartwod.timer
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[138] <Notice>: Begin delaying exit: GetPasses (1)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.udemy
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.alohabrowser.alohabrowser
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <4DE22B90-71F4-4573-B6E7-856339C3318B>.<0> received response, status 207 content C
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <4DE22B90-71F4-4573-B6E7-856339C3318B>.<0> response ended
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <4DE22B90-71F4-4573-B6E7-856339C3318B>.<0> done using Connection 103
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <4DE22B90-71F4-4573-B6E7-856339C3318B>.<0> summary for task success {transaction_duration_ms=444, response_status=207, connection=103, reused=1, request_start_ms=2, request_duration_ms=0, response_start_ms=443, response_duration_ms=0, request_bytes=2724, response_bytes=2294, cache_hit=0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.courtneycircle.Radiant
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.courtneycircle.Radiant.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.yourcompany.PPClient
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, Wifi::Scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: WifiTimer, nextscan, 15, haveLoc, 1, codepath, Frozen
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiAps, history, 19, aged, 0, thresh, 5
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiAps, history, 32, add, 13
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, scanreply, aps, 13, type, Cached, lastused, 2, use, 0, history, 32, bystander+, 1, spectator+, 0, reqtype, none
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"computed wifi position", "numberOfInputAps":0, "validLocationHint":1, "computedValidLocation":0, "numberOfApsActuallyUsed":0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, compute, 0, hacc, -1.0, conf, 63, reason, scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libxpc.dylib)[739] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: <private>, 18446744073709551615, true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":1221074557785, "end_mach":1221074608035, "elapsed_s":"0.002093750", "event":"Wifi::Scan", "now_s":"602099042.529597998"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone calaccessd(CalendarDatabase)[156] <Notice>: Commencing database save for client with identifier [calaccessd], name [dataaccessd]. Commit: [YES]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone calaccessd(CoreSpotlight)[156] <Notice>: ( deleteSearchableItemsWithDomainIdentifiers, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, domainIdentifiers number:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone calaccessd(CoreSpotlight)[156] <Notice>: ( deleteSearchableItemsWithDomainIdentifiers, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, domainIdentifiers number:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone calaccessd(CalendarDatabase)[156] <Notice>: ****** [CDB Spotlight indexing] Finished wait, spotlight complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[138] <Notice>: Failed to find devicePrimaryPaymentApplication for seids: <private> in payment applications: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(EventKit)[739] <Notice>: Initialized event store with access to events only, initialization options include allowing events only = 0, current process disallows reminders by default = 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[156] is checking access for target PID[739]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing client without bundle identifier (file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataAccess.framework/Support/dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceCalendar from invalid client with pid 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[156] is checking access for target PID[739]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing client without bundle identifier (file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataAccess.framework/Support/dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceReminders from invalid client with pid 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.geniussoftware.GeniusScan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[87] <Notice>: "No plugin provides credentials for account <private>. Falling back to legacy behavior."
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[87] <Notice>: Nil qualifiedUsername for account <private>. Can't look up credential
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(Accounts)[739] <Error>: "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DataAccess)[739] <Error>: <private> to be implemented by subclass
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone calaccessd(CalendarDatabase)[156] <Notice>: Commencing database save for client with identifier [calaccessd], name [dataaccessd]. Commit: [YES]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone calaccessd(CoreSpotlight)[156] <Notice>: ( deleteSearchableItemsWithDomainIdentifiers, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, domainIdentifiers number:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone calaccessd(CoreSpotlight)[156] <Notice>: ( deleteSearchableItemsWithDomainIdentifiers, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, domainIdentifiers number:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone calaccessd(CalendarDatabase)[156] <Notice>: ****** [CDB Spotlight indexing] Finished wait, spotlight complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <3AFF9E05-9F25-4983-85DD-0ACF58580E91>.<1> resuming, QOS(0x15) Voucher (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(EventKit)[739] <Notice>: Initialized event store with access to events only, initialization options include allowing events only = 0, current process disallows reminders by default = 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <3AFF9E05-9F25-4983-85DD-0ACF58580E91>.<1> {strength 0, tls 4, ct 0, sub 0, sig 1, ciphers 0, bundle 0, builtin 0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[156] is checking access for target PID[739]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing client without bundle identifier (file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataAccess.framework/Support/dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceCalendar from invalid client with pid 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[156] is checking access for target PID[739]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing client without bundle identifier (file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataAccess.framework/Support/dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceReminders from invalid client with pid 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 104: enabling TLS
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 104: starting, TC(0x0)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: [C104 955686F8-F4CD-4C8E-B8D4-0981888CD09C Hostname#1a179515:443 tcp, bundle id:, url hash: 655df07f, tls] start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C104] reporting state preparing
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8918] DNSServiceCreateDelegateConnection START PID[739](<private>)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8918] DNSServiceCreateDelegateConnection START PID[739](dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(C000D000, 0, 0, <private>) START PID[0]()
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q49269] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101827a00 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q46718] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101828000 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q46718] ShouldSuppressUnicastQuery: Query suppressed for <private> Addr (CLAT46 A records are unusable)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q49269] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q49269] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101827a00 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 0 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q37290] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101827a00 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q46718] GenerateNegativeResponse: Generating negative response for question <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q46718] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, Addr) RESULT ADD interface 0: (mortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q37290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q37290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q37290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q37290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q37290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q37290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q37290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q37290] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q37290] AnswerNewQuestion: Restarting original question 0x101827a00 firstExpiredQname <private> for allowExpiredAnswers question
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q45259] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101827a00 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q45259] Sent UDP DNS Message 44 bytes from <private>:65321 to <private>:53 via pdp_ip0 (0x4)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q45259] DNS Query (44) (flags 0100) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD:<private> 0/0/0 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <3AFF9E05-9F25-4983-85DD-0ACF58580E91>.<1> setting up Connection 104
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_output [C104.1:3] flags=[S] seq=3395719965, ack=0, win=65535 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=3395719965
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[138] <Notice>: End delaying exit: GetPasses (0)[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone kernel(Sandbox)[0] <Notice>: Sandbox: 1 duplicate report for containermanager allow file-write-unlink /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4FD92C53-FE05-4A7E-B171-8030A9B23405
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone kernel(Sandbox)[0] <Error>: Sandbox: bluetoothd(73) deny(1) mach-lookup
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for org.whispersystems.signal
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.paycom.PaycomESS
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q45259] Received UDP DNS Message 268 bytes from <private>:53 to <private>:65321 via pdp_ip0 (0x4)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q45259] DNS Response (268) (flags 8180) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD RA:<private> 8/0/0 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: mDNSCoreReceiveCacheCheck: rescuing RR <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q45259] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q45259] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q45259] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q45259] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q45259] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q45259] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q45259] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919->Q45259] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8918] DNSServiceCreateConnection STOP PID[739](dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8919] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>) STOP PID[0]()
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for DB3E0862-13BE-3AEB-9B0C-568D619254FC
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for DB3E0862-13BE-3AEB-9B0C-568D619254FC
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.usablenet.walgreens.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_input [C104.1:3] flags=[S.] seq=1568425394, ack=3395719966, win=28560 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=3395719965
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C104.1 IPv6#a87a4306.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Transport protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_handshake_config(1470) [0x104474670] set tls_handshake_config_standard
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [0x104474670] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_max_version(308) [0x104474670] set 0x0304
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_remote_address(2550) [0x104474670] Saving remote IPv6 address
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_install_association_state(1297) [0x104474670] Client session cache miss
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [0x104474670] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_session_ticket_enabled(439) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_false_start(409) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_enforce_ev(399) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_enforced(1320) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_rsa_key_size(1329) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_ecdsa_key_size(1338) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_signature_algorithm(1348) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_begin_connection(497) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] early data disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1969) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake started
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 512 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client enter_early_data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Adding message(1)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for fi.polar.polarflow
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for fi.polar.polarbeat.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[138] <Notice>: Begin delaying exit: GetPasses (1)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[138] <Notice>: Failed to find devicePrimaryPaymentApplication for seids: <private> in payment applications: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[138] <Notice>: End delaying exit: GetPasses (0)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: Newly created actions and expirers: 3
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: [1 of 3] Heuristic: <private>, Actions: None, Expirers: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: [2 of 3] Heuristic: <private>, Actions: None, Expirers: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: [3 of 3] Heuristic: <private>, Actions: None, Expirers: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 110 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 4949 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client read_certificate_status
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 1458 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client verify_server_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1002) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(607) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(612) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] SecTrustSetOCSPResponse result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2070) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Asyncing for verify block
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY [16]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 104: asked to evaluate TLS Trust
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: ocsp responder: (null) did not include status of requested cert
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent(NetworkExtension)[24] <Notice>: Current file handles for (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "Network Agent Registration socket (27) C7647EBB-B46E-43BD-8222-CC99BFB2D2C1 4DFD288D-1ADF-4AB2-8D1D-3EBBD1A247BC 5 (null) agent flags 0x2",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "Policy Session MasterSession socket (80)",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "Policy Session LowPrioritySession socket (138)"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: File Handle Maintainer listening for readable events on Network Agent Registration socket (27) C7647EBB-B46E-43BD-8222-CC99BFB2D2C1 4DFD288D-1ADF-4AB2-8D1D-3EBBD1A247BC 5 (null) agent flags 0x2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: ocsp responder: (null) did not include status of requested cert
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.courtneycircle.Radiant.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <3AFF9E05-9F25-4983-85DD-0ACF58580E91>.<1> auth completion disp=0 cred=0x1044ccdc0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: ocsp responder: (null) did not include status of requested cert
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: Failed to read from permanent storage at '/Library/Keychains/' or the data is bad. Defaulting to value 0.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 104: TLS Trust result 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback_block_invoke_3(2079) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Returning from verify block
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2046) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Setting trust result to ssl_verify_ok
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_key_exchange
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 115 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client read_certificate_request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 4 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello_done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Adding message(14)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_key_exchange
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 37 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_certificate_verify
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_finished
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Writing SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC 1 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 16 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_flight
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client read_session_ticket
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client process_change_cipher_spec
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.usablenet.walgreens.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone duetexpertd(UserNotifications)[989] <Notice>: [] Removing all delivered notifications
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: dictionary
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: <private>, 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, dict
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: <private>, dict
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, dict
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: xpc_set_event <private>, 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for fi.polar.polarbeat.watchkitapp
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: CANCELED: at priority 5 <private>!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: SUBMITTING: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: at priority 5 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Activity <private>: Optimal Score 0.5822 at <private> (Valid Until: <private>)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, setting state now to 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[1004] <Notice>: [] Remove all delivered notifications
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[1004] <Notice>: Saving file at /var/mobile/Library/UserNotifications/23A810D3-330E-41F2-9723-3199A5B095BF/DeliveredNotifications.plist with 0 items
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(CoreServicesInternal)[1004] <Notice>: kExcludedFromBackupXattrName set on path: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[1045] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Reading SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC 1 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_finished
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 16 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_client_handshake
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_new_session_handler(1116) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] New session available
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake state: TLS client done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1002) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(607) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(612) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] SecTrustSetOCSPResponse result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Adding message(20)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1973) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Client handshake done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_signal_connected(701) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] TLS connected [version(0x0303) ciphersuite(0xc02c) group(0x001d) peer_key(0x0403) alpn(http/1.1) resumed(0) offered_ticket(0) false_started(0) ocsp(0) sct(0)]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C104.1 IPv6#a87a4306.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Output protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C104] reporting state ready
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 104: connected successfully
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 104: TLS handshake complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 104: ready C(Y) E(Y)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <3AFF9E05-9F25-4983-85DD-0ACF58580E91>.<1> now using Connection 104
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 104: received viability advisory(Y)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <3AFF9E05-9F25-4983-85DD-0ACF58580E91>.<1> sent request, body N 0[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9f243192-12ed-dd0f-294e-dc24efecb664, RSSI -61 (0)t~U, Ch 39, AdvD <4c0007190102202b998f0000000eebb3564453ce9b1eb4595150890569>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEELPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt L -90%; R -90%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: Firing kCallHistoryContactStoreChangedInternalNotification notification: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: --- Contact Store changed! Invalidating call's AB info.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: Firing kCallHistoryDatabaseChangedNotification notification: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: --- Contact Store changed! Invalidating call's AB info.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: Firing kCallHistoryDatabaseChangedNotification notification: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: --- Contact Store changed! Invalidating call's AB info.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: Firing kCallHistoryDatabaseChangedNotification notification: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: --- Contact Store changed! Invalidating call's AB info.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: CSDCallHistoryManager is handling <private>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: Call history changed: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: contactStoreDidChange
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: clearMyIconAndHash
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: clearMyIconAndHash
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: resetMeCardWithReason: -[SDStatusMonitor clearMyIconAndHash]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone rapportd(CoreUtils)[72] <Notice>: Privacy changed notified
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: CSDCallHistoryManager is handling <private>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: Call history changed: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: CSDCallHistoryManager is handling <private>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: Call history changed: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone contactsd(Contacts)[169] <Error>: Unauthorized Contacts SPI usage! Allowing it, please file a radar for pid 58
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd(CallHistory)[111] <Notice>: Firing kCallHistoryDatabaseChangedNotification notification: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: CSDCallHistoryManager is handling <private>.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone callservicesd[111] <Notice>: Call history changed: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: SDXPCHelperImageCache: clearCachedAvatars
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: _hashesNeedUpdating called. forceRebuild: false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: updateHashes called
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: Account for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] SFAppleIDAccount AppleID:, AltDSID: 000395-10-4e2c9ab7-7d8d-4415-9932-b75fb83e89af, Certificate Token: NULL, Certificate Token Creation Date: NULL, Contact Info: SFAppleIDContactInfo First Name: Christopher, Last Name: Rhoads, Validated Email Addresses: [ "" ], Validated Phone Numbers: [ "18476301359" ], Creation Date: 2018-09-17 05:58:28.632, Identity: SFAppleIDIdentity Account Identifier:, AltDSID: 000395-10-4e2c9ab7-7d8d-4415-9932-b75fb83e89af, AppleID:, Certificate Expiration Date: 2022-01-20 21:26:39.000, Certificate Persistent Reference: 0x00000001068FB130, Intermediate Certificate Expiration Date: 2026-10-21 00:00:00.000, Intermediate Certificate Serial Number: 5618e82adbe2dbf3, Intermediate Certificate Persistent Reference: 0x00000001068FB190, Last Validation Attempt: 2020-01-21 21:37:41.597, Last Validation: 2020-01-21 2<\M-b\M^@\M-&>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: addAdditionalInformationToMeCard produced enhancedMeCard: <CNMutableContact: 0x10895c3f0: identifier=F6882373-5A68-418B-A2F7-D56F49746131, givenName=Christopher, familyName=Rhoads, organizationName=, phoneNumbers=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057cba10: identifier=FC5B7182-1FD2-42A8-9230-D136C192213A, label=, value=<CNPhoneNumber: 0x1057ee2b0: stringValue=18476301359, initialCountryCode=(null)>, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), emailAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1089290a0: identifier=5F4AE51E-CFDD-4704-94BE-05BE726CE4A5, label=_$!<Home>!$_,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=0>",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057f2170: identifier=A03B2EBD-F23A-4409-904B-B4357318ADFC, label=,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), postalAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x108926050: identifier=2FF8D4C6-037B-4F5F-8B0C-F7B775841489, label=_$!<Home>!$_, value=<CNMutablePostalAddress: 0x108926000: street=2s180 Everett Ct, subLocality=, city=Warrenville, subAdministrativeArea=, state=IL, postalCode=60555, country=United States, countryCode=>, iOSLegacyIden
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: resetMeCardWithReason: -[SDStatusMonitor clearMyIconAndHash]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone contactsd(Contacts)[169] <Error>: Unauthorized Contacts SPI usage! Allowing it, please file a radar for pid 58
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: Account for
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] SFAppleIDAccount AppleID:, AltDSID: 000395-10-4e2c9ab7-7d8d-4415-9932-b75fb83e89af, Certificate Token: NULL, Certificate Token Creation Date: NULL, Contact Info: SFAppleIDContactInfo First Name: Christopher, Last Name: Rhoads, Validated Email Addresses: [ "" ], Validated Phone Numbers: [ "18476301359" ], Creation Date: 2018-09-17 05:58:28.632, Identity: SFAppleIDIdentity Account Identifier:, AltDSID: 000395-10-4e2c9ab7-7d8d-4415-9932-b75fb83e89af, AppleID:, Certificate Expiration Date: 2022-01-20 21:26:39.000, Certificate Persistent Reference: 0x00000001068FB130, Intermediate Certificate Expiration Date: 2026-10-21 00:00:00.000, Intermediate Certificate Serial Number: 5618e82adbe2dbf3, Intermediate Certificate Persistent Reference: 0x00000001068FB190, Last Validation Attempt: 2020-01-21 21:37:41.597, Last Validation: 2020-01-21 2<\M-b\M^@\M-&>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: addAdditionalInformationToMeCard produced enhancedMeCard: <CNMutableContact: 0x10895c670: identifier=F6882373-5A68-418B-A2F7-D56F49746131, givenName=Christopher, familyName=Rhoads, organizationName=, phoneNumbers=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x106825bf0: identifier=28556FC2-B206-437F-BA6B-B2B3A2244B6B, label=, value=<CNPhoneNumber: 0x1068d23e0: stringValue=18476301359, initialCountryCode=(null)>, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), emailAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x10895db10: identifier=5F4AE51E-CFDD-4704-94BE-05BE726CE4A5, label=_$!<Home>!$_,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=0>",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1068ed0e0: identifier=1F4C2B67-F305-413C-9B6A-2E043BBB5699, label=,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), postalAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x10895dd10: identifier=2FF8D4C6-037B-4F5F-8B0C-F7B775841489, label=_$!<Home>!$_, value=<CNMutablePostalAddress: 0x10895d040: street=2s180 Everett Ct, subLocality=, city=Warrenville, subAdministrativeArea=, state=IL, postalCode=60555, country=United States, countryCode=>, iOSLegacyIden
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone contactsd(Contacts)[169] <Error>: Unauthorized Contacts SPI usage! Allowing it, please file a radar for pid 58
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: Hash store should rebuild at: 2020-02-11 22:37:18 +0000, lastMod: 2020-01-27 22:37:18 +0000. timeToNextUpdate: 1054395sec
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: <private> is trying to fire
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: <private> is firing immediately
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: regenerateEntireDB = false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] --
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] forceRebuild: false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] storeIsOld: false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] changesTruncated: false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] storeIsNew: false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] hashesFailedToUpdate: false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: <private> is clearing flags without a waiter since it finished before one started
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: Change anchor: <CNChangeHistoryAnchor: 0x1057e2680: sequenceNumber=4434>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: load called twice on SDAirDropHashStoreCDB
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: Finished enumerateContactChangesWithKeys.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] numUpdates: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] numDeletes: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] numAdds: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] numOther: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: schedulePersist - Nothing to persist.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: updateHashes finished.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: PPRecordMonitoringHelper(ContactStore) handleChangeNotification for Contacts
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: PPRecordMonitoringHelper(ContactStore): sending changes to 1 delegates
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: Adding meCard: <CNMutableContact: 0x10895c3f0: identifier=F6882373-5A68-418B-A2F7-D56F49746131, givenName=Christopher, familyName=Rhoads, organizationName=, phoneNumbers=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057cba10: identifier=FC5B7182-1FD2-42A8-9230-D136C192213A, label=, value=<CNPhoneNumber: 0x1057ee2b0: stringValue=18476301359, initialCountryCode=(null)>, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), emailAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1089290a0: identifier=5F4AE51E-CFDD-4704-94BE-05BE726CE4A5, label=_$!<Home>!$_,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=0>",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1057f2170: identifier=A03B2EBD-F23A-4409-904B-B4357318ADFC, label=,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), postalAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x108926050: identifier=2FF8D4C6-037B-4F5F-8B0C-F7B775841489, label=_$!<Home>!$_, value=<CNMutablePostalAddress: 0x108926000: street=2s180 Everett Ct, subLocality=, city=Warrenville, subAdministrativeArea=, state=IL, postalCode=60555, country=United States, countryCode=><\M-b\M^@\M-&>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: calling recent setup on <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: calling recent record handler on <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone sharingd[58] <Notice>: Hashing: Adding meCard: <CNMutableContact: 0x10895c670: identifier=F6882373-5A68-418B-A2F7-D56F49746131, givenName=Christopher, familyName=Rhoads, organizationName=, phoneNumbers=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x106825bf0: identifier=28556FC2-B206-437F-BA6B-B2B3A2244B6B, label=, value=<CNPhoneNumber: 0x1068d23e0: stringValue=18476301359, initialCountryCode=(null)>, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), emailAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x10895db10: identifier=5F4AE51E-CFDD-4704-94BE-05BE726CE4A5, label=_$!<Home>!$_,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=0>",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x1068ed0e0: identifier=1F4C2B67-F305-413C-9B6A-2E043BBB5699, label=,, iOSLegacyIdentifier=-1>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ), postalAddresses=(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<CNLabeledValue: 0x10895dd10: identifier=2FF8D4C6-037B-4F5F-8B0C-F7B775841489, label=_$!<Home>!$_, value=<CNMutablePostalAddress: 0x10895d040: street=2s180 Everett Ct, subLocality=, city=Warrenville, subAdministrativeArea=, state=IL, postalCode=60555, country=United States, countryCode=><\M-b\M^@\M-&>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortrait)[982] <Notice>: <private> is trying to fire
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortrait)[982] <Notice>: <private> is going to wait to fire
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPContactServer: contactNameRecordChangesForClient: <private> queryId: 45
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: registering for CN Change History as <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: getting change history from contacts: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: no changes found in CN change history
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone kbd(PersonalizationPortrait)[249] <Notice>: delegate <private> handling 0 record changes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: Scheduling invalidation due to: Message invalidated for service
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: Protected database is available.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: Invalidating Messages
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[1004] <Notice>: BBDataProvider: Invalidate bulletins in section for destinations 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[1004] <Notice>: BBServer: Update bulletins in section for feed 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: Protected database is available.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: requesting bulletins with parameters <private>, last cleared info = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: Gathering bulletins for 2 subsections
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: bulletin local IDs = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: bulletin global IDs = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: 0 messages found for BulletinBoard
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone maild[290] <Notice>: bulletins = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[1004] <Notice>: BBServer: Section responded with 0 bulletin requests to feed 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[1004] <Notice>: Updating section with 0 new bulletins
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[1004] <Notice>: Current bulletins in this section: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone duetexpertd(CallHistory)[989] <Notice>: Firing kCallHistoryContactStoreChangedInternalNotification notification: (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <3AFF9E05-9F25-4983-85DD-0ACF58580E91>.<1> received response, status 200 content C
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone contactsd[169] <Notice>: notification named __ABDataBaseChangedByOtherProcessNotification
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <3AFF9E05-9F25-4983-85DD-0ACF58580E91>.<1> response ended
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <3AFF9E05-9F25-4983-85DD-0ACF58580E91>.<1> done using Connection 104
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <3AFF9E05-9F25-4983-85DD-0ACF58580E91>.<1> summary for task success {transaction_duration_ms=381, response_status=200, connection=104, protocol="http/1.1", domain_lookup_duration_ms=6, connect_duration_ms=224, secure_connection_duration_ms=163, request_start_ms=237, request_duration_ms=0, response_start_ms=377, response_duration_ms=3, request_bytes=225, response_bytes=6887, cache_hit=0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Task <3AFF9E05-9F25-4983-85DD-0ACF58580E91>.<1> finished successfully
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(EventKit)[739] <Notice>: Initialized event store with access to events only, initialization options include allowing events only = 0, current process disallows reminders by default = 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: removing all entries config 0x104327760
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 104: is being canceled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: [C104 955686F8-F4CD-4C8E-B8D4-0981888CD09C Hostname#1a179515:443 tcp, bundle id:, url hash: 655df07f, tls] cancel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: [C104 955686F8-F4CD-4C8E-B8D4-0981888CD09C Hostname#1a179515:443 tcp, bundle id:, url hash: 655df07f, tls] cancelled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] [C104.1 7CC7784A-D43D-4FDA-B658-6B46A88E2062 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50184<->IPv6#a87a4306.443]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Duration: 0.379s, DNS @0.000s took 0.006s, TCP @0.007s took 0.058s, TLS took 0.166s
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] bytes in/out: 13630/864, packets in/out: 11/3, rtt: 0.064s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.000s [C104 058683EA-A27B-4273-B31E-709E0C232136 Hostname#1a179515:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[156] is checking access for target PID[739]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.000s [C104 058683EA-A27B-4273-B31E-709E0C232136 Hostname#1a179515:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:satisfied
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.000s [C104 058683EA-A27B-4273-B31E-709E0C232136 Hostname#1a179515:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:start_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing client without bundle identifier (file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataAccess.framework/Support/dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceCalendar from invalid client with pid 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.006s [C104 058683EA-A27B-4273-B31E-709E0C232136 Hostname#1a179515:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:receive_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.006s [C104.1 7CC7784A-D43D-4FDA-B658-6B46A88E2062 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50184<->IPv6#a87a4306.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[156] is checking access for target PID[739]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.006s [C104.1 7CC7784A-D43D-4FDA-B658-6B46A88E2062 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50184<->IPv6#a87a4306.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:satisfied
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.006s [C104.1 7CC7784A-D43D-4FDA-B658-6B46A88E2062 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50184<->IPv6#a87a4306.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:start_nexus
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.007s [C104.1 7CC7784A-D43D-4FDA-B658-6B46A88E2062 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50184<->IPv6#a87a4306.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:receive_nexus
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing client without bundle identifier (file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataAccess.framework/Support/dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceReminders from invalid client with pid 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.007s [C104.1 7CC7784A-D43D-4FDA-B658-6B46A88E2062 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50184<->IPv6#a87a4306.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:start_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.054s [C104 058683EA-A27B-4273-B31E-709E0C232136 Hostname#1a179515:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:receive_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.065s [C104.1 7CC7784A-D43D-4FDA-B658-6B46A88E2062 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50184<->IPv6#a87a4306.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_transport
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.065s [C104 058683EA-A27B-4273-B31E-709E0C232136 Hostname#1a179515:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_transport
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.231s [C104.1 7CC7784A-D43D-4FDA-B658-6B46A88E2062 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50184<->IPv6#a87a4306.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.231s [C104 058683EA-A27B-4273-B31E-709E0C232136 Hostname#1a179515:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.231s [C104.1 7CC7784A-D43D-4FDA-B658-6B46A88E2062 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50184<->IPv6#a87a4306.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:changed_viability
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.231s [C104 058683EA-A27B-4273-B31E-709E0C232136 Hostname#1a179515:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:changed_viability
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.379s [C104] path:cancel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Writing SSL3_RT_ALERT 2 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_handle_warning_alert(1892) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] write alert, level: warning, description: close notify
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_disconnect(539) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] SSL_shutdown 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_tcp_log_summary [C104.1:3]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] [FAABD3C8-621E-461F-915D-D62D515887E0 <private>:50184<-><private>:443]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Init: 1, Conn_Time: 56.304ms, Syn's: 1, WR_T: 0/0, RD_T: 0/0, TFO: 0/0/0, ECN: 0/0/0, TS: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] RTT_Cache: none, rtt_upd: 4, rtt: 64.281ms, rtt_var: 31.312ms rtt_nc: 64.281ms, rtt_var_nc: 31.312ms
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_flow_disconnected [C104.1 IPv6#a87a4306.443 cancelled channel-flow ((null))] Output protocol disconnected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C104] reporting state cancelled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 104: destroyed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_output [C104.1:3] flags=[F.] seq=3395720861, ack=1568439025, win=1024 state=FIN_WAIT_1 rcv_nxt=1568439025, snd_una=3395720830
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler(1012) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler forced true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler(1030) [C104.1:2][0x104474670] Transferring nw_protocol_boringssl_t handle back into ARC for autorelease
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(EventKit)[739] <Notice>: Initialized event store with access to events only, initialization options include allowing events only = 0, current process disallows reminders by default = 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[156] is checking access for target PID[739]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing client without bundle identifier (file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataAccess.framework/Support/dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceCalendar from invalid client with pid 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[156] is checking access for target PID[739]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing client without bundle identifier (file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataAccess.framework/Support/dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceReminders from invalid client with pid 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: removing all entries config 0x104327760
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone calaccessd(CalendarDatabase)[156] <Notice>: Commencing database save for client with identifier [calaccessd], name [dataaccessd]. Commit: [YES]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone calaccessd(CoreSpotlight)[156] <Notice>: ( deleteSearchableItemsWithDomainIdentifiers, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, domainIdentifiers number:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone calaccessd(CoreSpotlight)[156] <Notice>: ( deleteSearchableItemsWithDomainIdentifiers, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, domainIdentifiers number:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: activity is unchanged, still disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone calaccessd(CalendarDatabase)[156] <Notice>: ****** [CDB Spotlight indexing] Finished wait, spotlight complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libxpc.dylib)[739] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: <private>, 18446744073709551615, true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(DataAccess)[739] <Error>: <private> to be implemented by subclass
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(EventKit)[739] <Notice>: Initialized event store with access to events only, initialization options include allowing events only = 0, current process disallows reminders by default = 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[156] is checking access for target PID[739]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing client without bundle identifier (file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataAccess.framework/Support/dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceCalendar from invalid client with pid 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[156] is checking access for target PID[739]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing client without bundle identifier (file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataAccess.framework/Support/dataaccessd)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone tccd[95] <Error>: Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceReminders from invalid client with pid 739
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_input [C104.1:3] flags=[F.] seq=1568439025, ack=3395720861, win=960 state=FIN_WAIT_1 rcv_nxt=1568439025, snd_una=3395720861
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:02 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_output [C104.1:3] flags=[F.] seq=3395720861, ack=1568439026, win=1024 state=CLOSING rcv_nxt=1568439026, snd_una=3395720861
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone calaccessd(CalendarDatabase)[156] <Notice>: Commencing database save for client with identifier [], name [dataaccessd]. Commit: [YES]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone calaccessd(CoreSpotlight)[156] <Notice>: ( deleteSearchableItemsWithDomainIdentifiers, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, domainIdentifiers number:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone calaccessd(CoreSpotlight)[156] <Notice>: ( deleteSearchableItemsWithDomainIdentifiers, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, domainIdentifiers number:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone calaccessd(CalendarDatabase)[156] <Notice>: ****** [CDB Spotlight indexing] Finished wait, spotlight complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 5E5EC89E-4D63-384D-AC81-53F3BB12C2DA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 5E5EC89E-4D63-384D-AC81-53F3BB12C2DA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone coreduetd(CoreDuet)[96] <Notice>: Deleting interactions with bundleID: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone watchlistd(WatchListKit)[144] <Notice>: [WLKTransactionScope] 0x100a0bd80 "WLKAppLibrary.refresh": Ended transaction[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 102: is being canceled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: [C102 EB0D8595-0C98-438D-95B3-43EFBA583D1E Hostname#edadd51d:443 tcp, bundle id:, account id: D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3, url hash: 4bea8776, tls] cancel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: [C102 EB0D8595-0C98-438D-95B3-43EFBA583D1E Hostname#edadd51d:443 tcp, bundle id:, account id: D77DD0B0-40C2-4099-A112-A2437D50E3F3, url hash: 4bea8776, tls] cancelled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] [C102.1 F0C92AFE-26BE-497B-8626-7528502EC21A 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50182<->IPv6#1ba5c783.443]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Duration: 1.664s, DNS @0.000s took 0.002s, TCP @0.003s took 0.044s, TLS took 0.112s
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] bytes in/out: 6234/2213, packets in/out: 7/6, rtt: 0.039s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.000s [C102 36A7C999-1668-47A1-92F8-15EC8D1C3AEC Hostname#edadd51d:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.000s [C102 36A7C999-1668-47A1-92F8-15EC8D1C3AEC Hostname#edadd51d:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:satisfied
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.000s [C102 36A7C999-1668-47A1-92F8-15EC8D1C3AEC Hostname#edadd51d:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:start_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.002s [C102 36A7C999-1668-47A1-92F8-15EC8D1C3AEC Hostname#edadd51d:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:receive_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.002s [C102.1 F0C92AFE-26BE-497B-8626-7528502EC21A 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50182<->IPv6#1ba5c783.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.002s [C102.1 F0C92AFE-26BE-497B-8626-7528502EC21A 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50182<->IPv6#1ba5c783.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:satisfied
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.002s [C102.1 F0C92AFE-26BE-497B-8626-7528502EC21A 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50182<->IPv6#1ba5c783.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:start_nexus
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.003s [C102.1 F0C92AFE-26BE-497B-8626-7528502EC21A 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50182<->IPv6#1ba5c783.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:receive_nexus
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.003s [C102.1 F0C92AFE-26BE-497B-8626-7528502EC21A 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50182<->IPv6#1ba5c783.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:start_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.041s [C102 36A7C999-1668-47A1-92F8-15EC8D1C3AEC Hostname#edadd51d:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:receive_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.047s [C102.1 F0C92AFE-26BE-497B-8626-7528502EC21A 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50182<->IPv6#1ba5c783.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_transport
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.047s [C102 36A7C999-1668-47A1-92F8-15EC8D1C3AEC Hostname#edadd51d:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_transport
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.159s [C102.1 F0C92AFE-26BE-497B-8626-7528502EC21A 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50182<->IPv6#1ba5c783.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.159s [C102 36A7C999-1668-47A1-92F8-15EC8D1C3AEC Hostname#edadd51d:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.159s [C102.1 F0C92AFE-26BE-497B-8626-7528502EC21A 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50182<->IPv6#1ba5c783.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:changed_viability
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.159s [C102 36A7C999-1668-47A1-92F8-15EC8D1C3AEC Hostname#edadd51d:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:changed_viability
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 1.663s [C102] path:cancel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Writing SSL3_RT_ALERT 2 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_handle_warning_alert(1892) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] write alert, level: warning, description: close notify
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_disconnect(539) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] SSL_shutdown 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_tcp_log_summary [C102.1:3]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] [42E77DD1-4FEC-4EFE-9D01-970E10F0CB79 <private>:50182<-><private>:443]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Init: 1, Conn_Time: 43.557ms, Syn's: 1, WR_T: 0/0, RD_T: 0/0, TFO: 0/0/0, ECN: 0/0/0, TS: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] RTT_Cache: kernel, rtt_upd: 7, rtt: 39.843ms, rtt_var: 7.250ms rtt_nc: 38.500ms, rtt_var_nc: 7.250ms
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_flow_disconnected [C102.1 IPv6#1ba5c783.443 cancelled channel-flow ((null))] Output protocol disconnected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C102] reporting state cancelled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 101: is being canceled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: [C101 4CB39FD8-3412-4BF1-B038-9B2271BA7F84 Hostname#4ab10dae:443 tcp, bundle id:, account id: D0626DF2-05BF-478B-84EB-0BDF6EA8B4F4, url hash: 262d5c0f, tls] cancel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: [C101 4CB39FD8-3412-4BF1-B038-9B2271BA7F84 Hostname#4ab10dae:443 tcp, bundle id:, account id: D0626DF2-05BF-478B-84EB-0BDF6EA8B4F4, url hash: 262d5c0f, tls] cancelled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] [C101.1 DF548EBE-3056-4839-8146-EF930FDB9246 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50180<->IPv6#1d035608.443]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Duration: 2.450s, DNS @0.001s took 0.017s, TCP @0.019s took 0.082s, TLS took 0.262s
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] bytes in/out: 7818/2636, packets in/out: 7/4, rtt: 0.073s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.000s [C101 E63E20E5-892A-4EB4-BE00-FEA4F3F8DF64 Hostname#4ab10dae:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.001s [C101 E63E20E5-892A-4EB4-BE00-FEA4F3F8DF64 Hostname#4ab10dae:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:satisfied
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.001s [C101 E63E20E5-892A-4EB4-BE00-FEA4F3F8DF64 Hostname#4ab10dae:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:start_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.018s [C101 E63E20E5-892A-4EB4-BE00-FEA4F3F8DF64 Hostname#4ab10dae:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:receive_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.018s [C101.1 DF548EBE-3056-4839-8146-EF930FDB9246 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50180<->IPv6#1d035608.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.018s [C101.1 DF548EBE-3056-4839-8146-EF930FDB9246 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50180<->IPv6#1d035608.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:satisfied
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.018s [C101.1 DF548EBE-3056-4839-8146-EF930FDB9246 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50180<->IPv6#1d035608.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:start_nexus
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.019s [C101.1 DF548EBE-3056-4839-8146-EF930FDB9246 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50180<->IPv6#1d035608.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:receive_nexus
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.019s [C101.1 DF548EBE-3056-4839-8146-EF930FDB9246 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50180<->IPv6#1d035608.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:start_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.101s [C101.1 DF548EBE-3056-4839-8146-EF930FDB9246 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50180<->IPv6#1d035608.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_transport
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.101s [C101 E63E20E5-892A-4EB4-BE00-FEA4F3F8DF64 Hostname#4ab10dae:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_transport
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.363s [C101.1 DF548EBE-3056-4839-8146-EF930FDB9246 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50180<->IPv6#1d035608.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.363s [C101 E63E20E5-892A-4EB4-BE00-FEA4F3F8DF64 Hostname#4ab10dae:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.363s [C101.1 DF548EBE-3056-4839-8146-EF930FDB9246 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50180<->IPv6#1d035608.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:changed_viability
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.363s [C101 E63E20E5-892A-4EB4-BE00-FEA4F3F8DF64 Hostname#4ab10dae:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:changed_viability
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 2.450s [C101] path:cancel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Writing SSL3_RT_ALERT 2 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_handle_warning_alert(1892) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] write alert, level: warning, description: close notify
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_disconnect(539) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] SSL_shutdown 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_tcp_log_summary [C101.1:3]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] [A5616815-DDAF-4AF8-9305-DBBDFBB144B7 <private>:50180<-><private>:443]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Init: 1, Conn_Time: 81.694ms, Syn's: 1, WR_T: 0/0, RD_T: 0/0, TFO: 0/0/0, ECN: 0/0/0, TS: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] RTT_Cache: none, rtt_upd: 4, rtt: 73.531ms, rtt_var: 24.812ms rtt_nc: 73.531ms, rtt_var_nc: 24.812ms
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_flow_disconnected [C101.1 IPv6#1d035608.443 cancelled channel-flow ((null))] Output protocol disconnected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C101] reporting state cancelled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 100: is being canceled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: [C100 BCCC5B67-058D-4010-80C1-07AA0C943E0E Hostname#c5f7837a:443 tcp, bundle id:, account id: C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1, url hash: a2051f2b, tls] cancel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: [C100 BCCC5B67-058D-4010-80C1-07AA0C943E0E Hostname#c5f7837a:443 tcp, bundle id:, account id: C1DE6784-1221-4857-B551-037E5399D2F1, url hash: a2051f2b, tls] cancelled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] [C100.1 C90440B6-8BB9-4B39-A306-2C2A9A1E0157 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50179<->IPv6#16865a6e.443]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Duration: 2.466s, DNS @0.000s took 0.009s, TCP @0.017s took 0.069s, TLS took 0.322s
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] bytes in/out: 8785/3536, packets in/out: 8/6, rtt: 0.066s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.000s [C100 9586F71E-FD3E-4F2A-A078-EB70BB5F0441 Hostname#c5f7837a:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.000s [C100 9586F71E-FD3E-4F2A-A078-EB70BB5F0441 Hostname#c5f7837a:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:satisfied
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.000s [C100 9586F71E-FD3E-4F2A-A078-EB70BB5F0441 Hostname#c5f7837a:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:start_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.009s [C100 9586F71E-FD3E-4F2A-A078-EB70BB5F0441 Hostname#c5f7837a:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:receive_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.015s [C100.1 C90440B6-8BB9-4B39-A306-2C2A9A1E0157 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50179<->IPv6#16865a6e.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.016s [C100.1 C90440B6-8BB9-4B39-A306-2C2A9A1E0157 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50179<->IPv6#16865a6e.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:satisfied
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.016s [C100.1 C90440B6-8BB9-4B39-A306-2C2A9A1E0157 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50179<->IPv6#16865a6e.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:start_nexus
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.016s [C100.1 C90440B6-8BB9-4B39-A306-2C2A9A1E0157 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50179<->IPv6#16865a6e.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:receive_nexus
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.017s [C100.1 C90440B6-8BB9-4B39-A306-2C2A9A1E0157 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50179<->IPv6#16865a6e.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:start_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.085s [C100 9586F71E-FD3E-4F2A-A078-EB70BB5F0441 Hostname#c5f7837a:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:receive_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.086s [C100.1 C90440B6-8BB9-4B39-A306-2C2A9A1E0157 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50179<->IPv6#16865a6e.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_transport
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.086s [C100 9586F71E-FD3E-4F2A-A078-EB70BB5F0441 Hostname#c5f7837a:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_transport
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.408s [C100.1 C90440B6-8BB9-4B39-A306-2C2A9A1E0157 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50179<->IPv6#16865a6e.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.408s [C100 9586F71E-FD3E-4F2A-A078-EB70BB5F0441 Hostname#c5f7837a:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.408s [C100.1 C90440B6-8BB9-4B39-A306-2C2A9A1E0157 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50179<->IPv6#16865a6e.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:changed_viability
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.408s [C100 9586F71E-FD3E-4F2A-A078-EB70BB5F0441 Hostname#c5f7837a:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:changed_viability
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 2.466s [C100] path:cancel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Writing SSL3_RT_ALERT 2 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_handle_warning_alert(1892) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] write alert, level: warning, description: close notify
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_disconnect(539) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] SSL_shutdown 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_tcp_log_summary [C100.1:3]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] [AE683866-7D1D-47EE-8F3F-86928A83C9E6 <private>:50179<-><private>:443]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Init: 1, Conn_Time: 69.240ms, Syn's: 1, WR_T: 0/0, RD_T: 0/0, TFO: 0/0/0, ECN: 0/0/0, TS: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] RTT_Cache: none, rtt_upd: 5, rtt: 66.406ms, rtt_var: 15.312ms rtt_nc: 66.406ms, rtt_var_nc: 15.312ms
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_flow_disconnected [C100.1 IPv6#16865a6e.443 cancelled channel-flow ((null))] Output protocol disconnected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C100] reporting state cancelled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 102: destroyed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_output [C102.1:3] flags=[F.] seq=575497371, ack=407240869, win=1024 state=FIN_WAIT_1 rcv_nxt=407240869, snd_una=575497347
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler(1012) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler forced true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler(1030) [C102.1:2][0x10832e800] Transferring nw_protocol_boringssl_t handle back into ARC for autorelease
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 101: destroyed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_output [C101.1:3] flags=[F.] seq=915734876, ack=3280626943, win=1024 state=FIN_WAIT_1 rcv_nxt=3280626943, snd_una=915734845
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler(1012) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler forced true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler(1030) [C101.1:2][0x1044cbe20] Transferring nw_protocol_boringssl_t handle back into ARC for autorelease
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 100: destroyed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_output [C100.1:3] flags=[F.] seq=1859928165, ack=1643874993, win=1024 state=FIN_WAIT_1 rcv_nxt=1643874993, snd_una=1859928134
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler(1012) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler forced true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler(1030) [C100.1:2][0x1043b8e10] Transferring nw_protocol_boringssl_t handle back into ARC for autorelease[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_output [C102.1:3] flags=[FP.] seq=575497347, ack=407240869, win=1024 state=FIN_WAIT_1 rcv_nxt=407240869, snd_una=575497347
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_input [C102.1:3] flags=[F.] seq=407240869, ack=575497372, win=277 state=FIN_WAIT_2 rcv_nxt=407240869, snd_una=575497372
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 5E5EC89E-4D63-384D-AC81-53F3BB12C2DA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 5E5EC89E-4D63-384D-AC81-53F3BB12C2DA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_output [C101.1:3] flags=[FP.] seq=915734845, ack=3280626943, win=1024 state=FIN_WAIT_1 rcv_nxt=3280626943, snd_una=915734845
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_input [C101.1:3] flags=[F.] seq=3280626943, ack=915734877, win=1112 state=FIN_WAIT_2 rcv_nxt=3280626943, snd_una=915734877
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_output [C100.1:3] flags=[FP.] seq=1859928134, ack=1643874993, win=1024 state=FIN_WAIT_1 rcv_nxt=1643874993, snd_una=1859928134
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_input [C100.1:3] flags=[F.] seq=1643874993, ack=1859928166, win=1260 state=FIN_WAIT_2 rcv_nxt=1643874993, snd_una=1859928166
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 5E5EC89E-4D63-384D-AC81-53F3BB12C2DA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 5E5EC89E-4D63-384D-AC81-53F3BB12C2DA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 5E5EC89E-4D63-384D-AC81-53F3BB12C2DA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 5E5EC89E-4D63-384D-AC81-53F3BB12C2DA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9ee53a8d-1fa8-3ee3-d308-aca43c9795e8, RSSI -71 (0)t~U, Ch 38, AdvD <4c00071901022002f88f000000d8e72c8cf4a36007d4f9dfbe19b4a92f>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=uE?rPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt R -80%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Invalidating assertion 26-146-11178 (target:daemon<>) from originator 146
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone kernel(apfs)[0] <Notice>: apfs_vnop_reclaim:10045: invalidating reserved ranges on ino 41490437 (dstream 8367680/8388608)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:146] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone powerd[35] <Notice>: Process runningboardd.26 Released SystemIsActive "daemon<>" age:00:00:05 id:51539647121 [System: SysAct]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Released power assertion with ID 39569
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:146] Ignoring role changes because this process is not role managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:146] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:03 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9f243192-12ed-dd0f-294e-dc24efecb664, RSSI -68 (0)t~U, Ch 39, AdvD <4c0007190102202b998f0000000eebb3564453ce9b1eb4595150890569>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEELPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt L -90%; R -90%[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone duetexpertd(MobileTimer)[989] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManagerExportedObject: 0x102c90980> initializing...
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone distnoted[81] <Notice>: register name: object: kCFNotificationAnyObject token: f45b1 pid: 989
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone distnoted[81] <Notice>: register name: object: kCFNotificationAnyObject token: f45b2 pid: 989
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone mobiletimerd(MobileTimer)[46] <Notice>: Adding XPC client: <MTXPCClientInfo:0x101151430 ProcessName: duetexpertd ProcessID: 989 Connected: 2020-01-30 17:44:04 +0000 Connection: <NSXPCConnection: 0x101053aa0> connection on mach service named from pid 989>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone mobiletimerd(MobileTimer)[46] <Notice>: <MTAlarmStorage: 0x10100ecd0> received request for alarms
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone mobiletimerd(MobileTimer)[46] <Notice>: Current XPC clients: {(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <MTXPCClientInfo:0x101151430 ProcessName: duetexpertd ProcessID: 989 Connected: 2020-01-30 17:44:04 +0000 Connection: <NSXPCConnection: 0x101053aa0> connection on mach service named from pid 989>,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <MTXPCClientInfo:0x101142e80 ProcessName: contextstored ProcessID: 52 Connected: 2020-01-29 20:42:23 +0000 Connection: <NSXPCConnection: 0x101047440> connection on mach service named from pid 52>,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <MTXPCClientInfo:0x10104b3b0 ProcessName: UpNext ProcessID: 1036 Connected: 2020-01-30 11:14:51 +0000 Connection: <NSXPCConnection: 0x10105d050> connection on mach service named from pid 1036>,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <MTXPCClientInfo:0x101159080 ProcessName: assistantd ProcessID: 25 Connected: 2020-01-30 12:35:44 +0000 Connection: <NSXPCConnection: 0x10114f650> connection on mach service named from pid 25>,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <MTXPCClientInfo:0x1011058f0 ProcessName: SpringBoard ProcessID: 1004 Connected: 2020-01-30 08:24:58 +0000 Connection: <NSXPCConnection: 0x101107ec0> connection on mach service named from pid 1004>,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <MTXPCClientInfo:0x10104caf0 ProcessName: SpringBoard ProcessID: 1004 Connected: 2020-01-30 08:24:58 +0000 Connection: <NSXPCConnection: 0x10100ea10> connection on mach service named from pid 1004>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone mobiletimerd(MobileTimer)[46] <Notice>: <MTAlarmStorage: 0x10100ecd0> calling completion block with alarms (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<MTAlarm:0x10113d840 AlarmID: 6767A8F8-A97A-41E3-A15B-108DFDAC515F, Title: (null), Hour: 3, Minute: 0, Schedule: none, enabled: 0>",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<MTAlarm:0x10113e040 AlarmID: 7BB172C2-CF6D-4B68-AFB4-9B21E5259E67, Title: (null), Hour: 3, Minute: 30, Schedule: none, enabled: 0>",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<MTAlarm:0x101037e80 AlarmID: D7A2EF3A-7AD9-4ED6-9038-5B81D5821092, Title: (null), Hour: 4, Minute: 45, Schedule: none, enabled: 0>",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<MTMutableAlarm:0x10115ae40 AlarmID: 04F49344-CBFA-43DF-A86E-41F1BC49A8B9, Title: (null), Hour: 5, Minute: 0, Schedule: none, enabled: 0>",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<MTMutableAlarm:0x101156670 AlarmID: F535A1E0-4359-4325-85EF-1A4BB62CA167, Title: (null), Hour: 5, Minute: 15, Schedule: MTuWThFSa, enabled: 1>",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<MTAlarm:0x10103a990 AlarmID: 58D0EE69-603F-47B1-A68B-6D0AE1394C2F, Title: (null), Hour: 6, Minute: 0, Schedule: Every Day, enabled: 0>",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<MTAlarm:0x10113e320 AlarmID: 952BDFB0-1E91-4EA2-AF53-A39201094EF3, Title: (null), Hour: 7, Minute: 0, Schedule: Weekdays, enabled: 0>",
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "<MTAlarm:0x10113cd10 AlarmID: 210808FD-16A6-47EF-8D35-E66CFDF2871C, Title: (null), Hour: 8, Minute: 30, Schedule: none, enabled: 0>"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone duetexpertd(MobileTimer)[989] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManager: 0x102cf8210> deallocing...
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone duetexpertd(MobileTimer)[989] <Notice>: <MTXPCConnectionProvider:0x102cf1590> invalidating
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone mobiletimerd(MobileTimer)[46] <Notice>: <MTXPCConnectionListenerProvider:0x10110f080> invalidation handler called for connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x101053aa0> connection on mach service named from pid 989...
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone mobiletimerd(MobileTimer)[46] <Error>: Connection to server via mach port was invalidated. Removing server side connection
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone mobiletimerd(MobileTimer)[46] <Notice>: Removing XPC client: <MTXPCClientInfo:0x101151430 ProcessName: duetexpertd ProcessID: 989 Connected: 2020-01-30 17:44:04 +0000 Connection: <NSXPCConnection: 0x101053aa0> connection on mach service named from pid 989>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone duetexpertd(MobileTimer)[989] <Error>: <MTXPCConnectionProvider:0x102cf1590> connection invalidated
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone mobiletimerd(MobileTimer)[46] <Notice>: Current XPC clients: {(
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <MTXPCClientInfo:0x101142e80 ProcessName: contextstored ProcessID: 52 Connected: 2020-01-29 20:42:23 +0000 Connection: <NSXPCConnection: 0x101047440> connection on mach service named from pid 52>,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <MTXPCClientInfo:0x10104b3b0 ProcessName: UpNext ProcessID: 1036 Connected: 2020-01-30 11:14:51 +0000 Connection: <NSXPCConnection: 0x10105d050> connection on mach service named from pid 1036>,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <MTXPCClientInfo:0x101159080 ProcessName: assistantd ProcessID: 25 Connected: 2020-01-30 12:35:44 +0000 Connection: <NSXPCConnection: 0x10114f650> connection on mach service named from pid 25>,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <MTXPCClientInfo:0x1011058f0 ProcessName: SpringBoard ProcessID: 1004 Connected: 2020-01-30 08:24:58 +0000 Connection: <NSXPCConnection: 0x101107ec0> connection on mach service named from pid 1004>,
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <MTXPCClientInfo:0x10104caf0 ProcessName: SpringBoard ProcessID: 1004 Connected: 2020-01-30 08:24:58 +0000 Connection: <NSXPCConnection: 0x10100ea10> connection on mach service named from pid 1004>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone duetexpertd(MobileTimer)[989] <Error>: <MTXPCConnectionProvider:0x102cf1590> not retrying invalidated connection
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[169] is checking access for target PID[989]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: Granting PID[989] access to kTCCServiceAddressBook via entitlement ''
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone duetexpertd(CommunicationsFilter)[989] <Notice>: Item in the cache.[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone distnoted[81] <Notice>: unregister token: f45b2 pid: 989
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone duetexpertd(MobileTimer)[989] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManagerExportedObject: 0x102c90980> deallocing...
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone distnoted[81] <Notice>: unregister token: f45b1 pid: 989
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityPlugin: <private> from is rejected.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[982] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: not extracting topics from <private> ( is not a relevant bundle Id)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x0051 Bin=['01 1F 00 80 03 03 04 02 43 51 00 13 00 14 06 00 BE EC 97 FF EA FF A2 01 00 32 A4 03 00 01 64 00']
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventVoiceLinkQualityUpdate (137) sent to 1 (of 88) clients.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: Sent notification to 0 (of 30) clients: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[989] <Notice>: Intermediate ML cache successfully replaced
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[989] <Notice>: New actions provided by action producer: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 103: is being canceled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: [C103 CFDF7360-E486-4572-A3DE-BF5B021945DE Hostname#27ebc32d:443 tcp, bundle id:, account id: 98BFF227-6B35-4283-B2B9-8B6E62240D03, url hash: 786b74b8, tls] cancel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: [C103 CFDF7360-E486-4572-A3DE-BF5B021945DE Hostname#27ebc32d:443 tcp, bundle id:, account id: 98BFF227-6B35-4283-B2B9-8B6E62240D03, url hash: 786b74b8, tls] cancelled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] [C103.1 C8F7AC41-A4CD-445E-A750-9543DE46AA87 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50183<->IPv6#24577f82.443]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Duration: 2.645s, DNS @0.000s took 0.004s, TCP @0.005s took 0.026s, TLS took 0.097s
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] bytes in/out: 7908/4014, packets in/out: 12/8, rtt: 0.036s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.000s [C103 40A5DB4C-8AD9-47EF-88B4-B8A4A562E136 Hostname#27ebc32d:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.000s [C103 40A5DB4C-8AD9-47EF-88B4-B8A4A562E136 Hostname#27ebc32d:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:satisfied
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.000s [C103 40A5DB4C-8AD9-47EF-88B4-B8A4A562E136 Hostname#27ebc32d:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:start_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.004s [C103 40A5DB4C-8AD9-47EF-88B4-B8A4A562E136 Hostname#27ebc32d:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:receive_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.004s [C103.1 C8F7AC41-A4CD-445E-A750-9543DE46AA87 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50183<->IPv6#24577f82.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.004s [C103.1 C8F7AC41-A4CD-445E-A750-9543DE46AA87 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50183<->IPv6#24577f82.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:satisfied
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.004s [C103.1 C8F7AC41-A4CD-445E-A750-9543DE46AA87 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50183<->IPv6#24577f82.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:start_nexus
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.005s [C103.1 C8F7AC41-A4CD-445E-A750-9543DE46AA87 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50183<->IPv6#24577f82.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:receive_nexus
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.005s [C103.1 C8F7AC41-A4CD-445E-A750-9543DE46AA87 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50183<->IPv6#24577f82.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:start_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.031s [C103.1 C8F7AC41-A4CD-445E-A750-9543DE46AA87 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50183<->IPv6#24577f82.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_transport
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.031s [C103 40A5DB4C-8AD9-47EF-88B4-B8A4A562E136 Hostname#27ebc32d:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_transport
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.128s [C103.1 C8F7AC41-A4CD-445E-A750-9543DE46AA87 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50183<->IPv6#24577f82.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.128s [C103 40A5DB4C-8AD9-47EF-88B4-B8A4A562E136 Hostname#27ebc32d:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.128s [C103.1 C8F7AC41-A4CD-445E-A750-9543DE46AA87 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50183<->IPv6#24577f82.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:changed_viability
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 0.128s [C103 40A5DB4C-8AD9-47EF-88B4-B8A4A562E136 Hostname#27ebc32d:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:changed_viability
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: 2.645s [C103] path:cancel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Writing SSL3_RT_ALERT 2 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_context_handle_warning_alert(1892) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] write alert, level: warning, description: close notify
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: boringssl_session_disconnect(539) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] SSL_shutdown 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_tcp_log_summary [C103.1:3]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] [2F68B660-1D8D-4DD4-B60F-BA7B99CFD0CD <private>:50183<-><private>:443]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Init: 1, Conn_Time: 25.487ms, Syn's: 1, WR_T: 0/0, RD_T: 0/0, TFO: 0/0/0, ECN: 0/0/0, TS: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] RTT_Cache: none, rtt_upd: 9, rtt: 36.031ms, rtt_var: 11.750ms rtt_nc: 36.031ms, rtt_var_nc: 11.750ms
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_flow_disconnected [C103.1 IPv6#24577f82.443 cancelled channel-flow ((null))] Output protocol disconnected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libnetwork.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C103] reporting state cancelled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(CFNetwork)[739] <Notice>: Connection 103: destroyed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_output [C103.1:3] flags=[F.] seq=1499079694, ack=3200662822, win=1024 state=FIN_WAIT_1 rcv_nxt=3200662822, snd_una=1499079670
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler(1012) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler forced true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libboringssl.dylib)[739] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_remove_input_handler(1030) [C103.1:2][0x104374360] Transferring nw_protocol_boringssl_t handle back into ARC for autorelease[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_output [C103.1:3] flags=[FP.] seq=1499079670, ack=3200662822, win=1024 state=FIN_WAIT_1 rcv_nxt=3200662822, snd_una=1499079670
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone dataaccessd(libusrtcp.dylib)[739] <Notice>: tcp_input [C103.1:3] flags=[F.] seq=3200662822, ack=1499079695, win=305 state=FIN_WAIT_2 rcv_nxt=3200662822, snd_una=1499079695
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 5E5EC89E-4D63-384D-AC81-53F3BB12C2DA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 5E5EC89E-4D63-384D-AC81-53F3BB12C2DA
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I qmux: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Req MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Resp MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9ee53a8d-1fa8-3ee3-d308-aca43c9795e8, RSSI -71 (0)t~U, Ch 38, AdvD <4c00071901022002f88f000000d8e72c8cf4a36007d4f9dfbe19b4a92f>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=uE?rPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt R -80%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:04 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID ad12a14e-83f2-6699-3f54-fa4b7bd6ce07, RSSI -83 (0)t~U, Ch 39, AdvD <4c000719010f200b778f010004d99da817c685800f38159f2bdba9504e>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,3', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEErPbo1?s, CC=0, Batt R -70%; L -70%[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9ee53a8d-1fa8-3ee3-d308-aca43c9795e8, RSSI -82 (0)t~U, Ch 37, AdvD <4c00071901022002f88f000000fae484a76e29181d61bd8a8e57f691b1>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=uE?rPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt R -80%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x0051 Bin=['01 1F 00 80 03 03 04 03 43 51 00 13 00 14 06 00 BF EE 99 FF EC FF A2 01 00 32 A4 03 00 01 64 00']
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventVoiceLinkQualityUpdate (137) sent to 1 (of 88) clients.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: Sent notification to 0 (of 30) clients: <private>[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[989] <Notice>: Writing Action Predictions display cache
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: Calculating actions and expirers at Thu Jan 30 11:44:05 2020, blacklist = <private>, path = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[993] <Notice>: Newly created actions and expirers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone duetexpertd(UserNotifications)[989] <Notice>: [] Removing all delivered notifications
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: dictionary
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: <private>, 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, dict
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: <private>, dict
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[1004] <Notice>: [] Remove all delivered notifications
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, dict
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[1004] <Notice>: Saving file at /var/mobile/Library/UserNotifications/23A810D3-330E-41F2-9723-3199A5B095BF/DeliveredNotifications.plist with 0 items
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: xpc_set_event <private>, 3
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, setting state now to 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[989] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: SUBMITTING: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: CANCELED: at priority 5 <private>!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone SpringBoard(CoreServicesInternal)[1004] <Notice>: kExcludedFromBackupXattrName set on path: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: at priority 5 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Activity <private>: Optimal Score 0.5822 at <private> (Valid Until: <private>)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9f243192-12ed-dd0f-294e-dc24efecb664, RSSI -80 (0)t~U, Ch 38, AdvD <4c0007190102202b998f0000000eebb3564453ce9b1eb4595150890569>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEELPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt L -90%; R -90%[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:05 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9ee53a8d-1fa8-3ee3-d308-aca43c9795e8, RSSI -78 (0)t~U, Ch 37, AdvD <4c00071901022002f88f000000fae484a76e29181d61bd8a8e57f691b1>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=uE?rPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt R -80%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: dictionary
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: <private>, 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, dict
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: <private>, dict
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, dict
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: xpc_set_event <private>, 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: <private>, setting state now to 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: SUBMITTING: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: at priority 30 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Activity <private>: Optimal Score 0.5375 at <private> (Valid Until: <private>)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.10}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: MemoryPressurePolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.50, Rationale: [{[memoryPressure]: Required:2.00, Observed:1.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ] sumScores:42.520000, denominator:54.020000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.787116}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: '' CurrentScore: 0.787116, ThresholdScore: 0.477649 DecisionToRun:1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Running <private> immediately on submission
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: With <private> ...Tasks pre-running in group [] are 1!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Running activities : <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Activity <private> has delayed start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: REQUESTING START: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Initiating XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox lost SFBLEDevice ID 16f352de-5c57-6465-c0eb-9d160548d34b, RSSI -85 (0)t~U, Ch 38, AdvD <4c00071901032000f80f0601006d6e3bddfa34798acbc53e0fa32de060>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'PowerBeats3,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=u??rPbo6?s, CC=1, Batt M -80%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: beginning dispatch, activity name <private>, seqno 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: <private>: found a activity with matching seqno 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: lower half, activity name <private>, seqno from top half was 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Running XPC Activity (PID 25): <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: STARTING: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: <private>, current state 2, pending state 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: STARTING activity <private>!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: With <private> ...Tasks running in group [] are 1!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Not tracking activity: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 5
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: <private>, 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.10}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: MemoryPressurePolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.50, Rationale: [{[memoryPressure]: Required:2.00, Observed:1.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ] sumScores:42.520000, denominator:54.020000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.787116}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Trigger: <private> is now [50]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Completed XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[24] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: COMPLETED at priority 30 <private>!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: NO LONGER RUNNING ...Tasks running in group [] are 0!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone assistantd(libxpc.dylib)[25] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: <private>, 1, true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity:
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: NBSM: TCP metrics iteration:2520 since 30.00 secs, ret=1: allflows=0/C=0/R=0/W=0/flows=0/unacked=0/rxbytes=0/txbytes=0/rxooo=0/rxdup=0/retx=0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: NBSM: TCP progress metrics score: 0, problem ratio: 0.00 (baseline: 0.00)[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9ee53a8d-1fa8-3ee3-d308-aca43c9795e8, RSSI -68 (0)t~U, Ch 39, AdvD <4c00071901022002f88f000000fae484a76e29181d61bd8a8e57f691b1>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=uE?rPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt R -80%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I qmux: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Req MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Resp MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>][info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:06 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: clearing change history: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone contactsd(Contacts)[169] <Error>: Failed to read favorites file /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/, error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 UserInfo={NSFilePath=<private>, NSUnderlyingError=0x10508eec0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone contactsd(Contacts)[169] <Notice>: Will start indexing with client state: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone contactsd(Contacts)[169] <Notice>: No contact changes to index
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone kernel(apfs)[0] <Notice>: apfs_vnop_reclaim:10045: invalidating reserved ranges on ino 41490602 (dstream 11604992/12648448)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[29] <Notice>: <<<< TimeSyncClock >>>> figTimeSyncClock_Monitor: nowMonClock: 50882.837694; lastMonClock: 50872.845043; nowMonNet: 50882.838 (0x51a67f6e9bc60000); lastMonNet: 50872.845 (0x51a67f6e9bc60000); nowMonRef: 50882.838; lasMontRef: 50872.845; lastSynthAnchor: 50882.838; lastGM: 0x51a67f6e9bc60000; offset 0.000; lastRefTimelineAnchor: 50882.838[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: [CacheDeleteCoordinator]: Refreshing purgeable storage with reason: Update Push
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Error>: Cancelling maintenance operations.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: All maintenance operations should now be complete.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: PURGING : 0 bytes available for purging urgency 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: PURGING : 0 bytes available for purging urgency 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Error>: PURGING : Purge failed to clear asset packs directory. Kicking off maintenance operation.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Error>: Cancelling maintenance operations.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: All maintenance operations should now be complete.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Error>: -[ODRBackgroundMaintenance startBackgroundMaintenanceOperations]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: PURGING : 0 bytes available for purging urgency 3
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Error>: PURGING : Purge failed to clear asset packs directory. Kicking off maintenance operation.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: PURGING : 0 bytes available for purging urgency 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: [CacheDeleteCoordinator]: Refreshed app purgeable: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] 3 = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] 2 = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] 1 = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] 4 = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: [CacheDeleteCoordinator]: Refreshed ODR purgeable: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] 3 = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] 2 = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] 1 = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] 4 = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Error>: Cancelling maintenance operations.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Executing the Validate Manifests task.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: [CacheDeleteCoordinator]: Pushed combined purgeable amounts: {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] 3 = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] 2 = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] 1 = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] 4 = 0;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Validate Manifests task has finished.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Executing the Validate On Device Asset Packs Operation.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Executing the Work Validation operation.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Work Validation operation has completed.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: 2759 deleted clientUpdatePurgeable with: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Acquiring assertion targeting daemon<> from originator [daemon<>:146] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor;; ID: 26-146-11181; target: 146> attributes = {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <RBSLegacyAttribute: 0x10418d7e0; requestedReason: FinishTask; reason: FinishTask; flags: PreventTaskSuspend>;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <RBSAcquisitionCompletionAttribute: 0x1041d5220; policy: 0>;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: Updating service info amount: 0, serviceID: <private>, volume: <private>, urgency: 3 pushed: TRUE
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Assertion 26-146-11181 (target:daemon<>) will be created as active as no start-time-defining assertions exist
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: Updating service info amount: 0, serviceID: <private>, volume: <private>, urgency: 2 pushed: TRUE
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:146] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: Updating service info amount: 0, serviceID: <private>, volume: <private>, urgency: 1 pushed: TRUE
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Finished acquiring assertion 26-146-11181 (target:daemon<>)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:146] Ignoring role changes because this process is not role managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:146] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone powerd[35] <Notice>: Sleep revert state: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone powerd[35] <Notice>: Process runningboardd.26 Created SystemIsActive "daemon<>" age:00:00:00 id:51539647143 [System: SysAct]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Acquired process power assertion with ID 39591 for pid 146
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: Updating service info amount: 0, serviceID: <private>, volume: <private>, urgency: 4 pushed: TRUE
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: Not purging for VFS event 0x0 (pending count: 0, volumes: <private>)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: All maintenance operations should now be complete.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Error>: -[ODRBackgroundMaintenance startBackgroundMaintenanceOperations]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: Volume <private> is above DESIRED now!
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Executing the Validate Manifests task.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Validate Manifests task has finished.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Executing the Validate On Device Asset Packs Operation.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Executing the Work Validation operation.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone appstored[146] <Notice>: Work Validation operation has completed.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: should not ignore <private>, role: 0x0040
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: skipping lowMediumPriority purge for volume: "<private>", freespace: 1312821248
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: skipping highPriority purge for volume: "<private>", freespace: 1312821248
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: Clearing delayed critical low disk activity for volume <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone deleted(libxpc.dylib)[861] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: <private>, 18446744073709551615, true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: Clearing delayed comfort low disk activity for volume <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone deleted(libxpc.dylib)[861] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: <private>, 18446744073709551615, true
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone deleted[861] <Notice>: Broadcasting LowDisk Notification: (previous)1 -> (current)1[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID ad12a14e-83f2-6699-3f54-fa4b7bd6ce07, RSSI -72 (0)t~U, Ch 37, AdvD <4c000719010f200b778f010004d99da817c685800f38159f2bdba9504e>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,3', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEErPbo1?s, CC=0, Batt R -70%; L -70%[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x0051 Bin=['01 1F 00 80 03 03 04 04 43 51 00 13 00 14 06 00 BE ED 99 FF F0 FF A2 01 00 32 A4 03 00 01 64 00']
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventVoiceLinkQualityUpdate (137) sent to 1 (of 88) clients.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:07 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: Sent notification to 0 (of 30) clients: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:08 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:08 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Attempting to suspend based on triggers: ( "" )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:08 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Ignoring trigger because conditions are deteriorating
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:08 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Evaluating 0 activities based on triggers
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:08 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID ad12a14e-83f2-6699-3f54-fa4b7bd6ce07, RSSI -78 (0)t~U, Ch 39, AdvD <4c000719010f200b778f010004d99da817c685800f38159f2bdba9504e>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,3', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEErPbo1?s, CC=0, Batt R -70%; L -70%[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:08 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:08 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I qmux: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:08 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Req MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:08 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Resp MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>][info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:08 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9ee53a8d-1fa8-3ee3-d308-aca43c9795e8, RSSI -68 (0)t~U, Ch 38, AdvD <4c00071901022002f88f000000fae484a76e29181d61bd8a8e57f691b1>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=uE?rPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt R -80%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[debug] [XCUITest] Pushed the app files successfully after 11704ms
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_start_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service: <private>[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_start_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: MAEGate_GetBrickState: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mobile_installation_proxy(MobileInstallation)[1117] <Notice>: (null):5:1:1:1:Beginning installation for file:///private/var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/ with options {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] AllowInstallLocalProvisioned = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] PackageType = Developer;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mobile_installation_proxy(CoreServices)[1117] <Notice>: setting operationType to LSOperationTypeInstallApplication from options <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mobile_installation_proxy(CoreServices)[1117] <Notice>: created clientInstaller for type InstallApplication
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mobile_installation_proxy(CoreServices)[1117] <Notice>: Application proxy for <private> has no bundle identifier
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lsd(MobileInstallation)[84] <Notice>: (null):5:1:1:1:Kicking off ininstall: file:///private/var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/ type 4 with options {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] AllowInstallLocalProvisioned = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] PackageType = Developer;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[84] <Notice>: install choke: after enqueueing operation, got role 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[84] <Notice>: not writing preliminary journal for install operation with no known bundle ID.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lsd(MobileInstallation)[84] <Notice>: (null):5:1:1:1:Proceeding with install: file:///private/var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/ type 4 with options {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] AllowInstallLocalProvisioned = 1;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] PackageType = Developer;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone installd(MobileSystemServices)[943] <Notice>: 0x16ef87000 -[MIClientConnection _doInstallationForURL:withOptions:completion:]: Install of "/private/var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/" type Developer (LSInstallType = (null)) requested by lsd (pid 84)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Purging, pcs:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Merging the index for dataclass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Merging the index for dataclass:NSFileProtectionComplete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone searchd[168] <Notice>: Merging the index for dataclass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: Scheduling maintenance for dataclass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, forDarkWake:YES, description:searchutil forced maintenance
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: Scheduling maintenance for dataclass:NSFileProtectionComplete, forDarkWake:YES, description:searchutil forced maintenance
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[168] <Notice>: Scheduling maintenance for dataclass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen, forDarkWake:YES, description:searchutil forced maintenance
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Received termination request from [daemon<>:943] on application<> with context <RBSTerminateContext: 0x10471f7e0; code: 0xDEAD6502; explanation: FBSApplicationTerminationAssertion; reportType: 0; maxRole: 0; maxTerminationResistance: 3> attrs = {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <RBSPreventLaunchLimitation: 0x1042cd9a0>;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Acquiring assertion targeting application<> from originator [daemon<>:943] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor; FBSApplicationTerminationAssertion; ID: 26-943-11182; target: application<>> attributes = {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] <RBSPreventLaunchLimitation: 0x1042cd9a0>;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Assertion 26-943-11182 (target:application<>) will be created as active
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Finished acquiring assertion 26-943-11182 (target:application<>)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Executing termination request for: application<>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[1004] <Notice>: termination assertion efficacy for (app not found) changed to 3
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone installd(MobileSystemServices)[943] <Notice>: 0x16ef87000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle; Version=1, ShortVersion=1.0.0>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone installd(MobileInstallation)[943] <Notice>: : Install (New)[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone misagent(libMobileGestalt.dylib)[1007] <Notice>: taking platform fast path for key: re6Zb+zwFKJNlkQTUeT+/w
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_get_value: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_get_value: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_start_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: MAEGate_GetBrickState: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_get_value: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone lockdownd[941] <Notice>: handle_get_value: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: AnchorTrusted =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone profiled[118] <Notice>: Provisioning profiles changed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone profiled[118] <Notice>: Updating MIS trust...
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: SubjectCommonName =(leaf)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: LeafMarkerOid =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: IssuerCommonName =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone installd(Security)[943] <Notice>: Trust evaluate failure: [leaf IssuerCommonName LeafMarkerOid SubjectCommonName]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: SubjectCommonName =(leaf)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: LeafMarkerOid =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: IssuerCommonName =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone installd(Security)[943] <Notice>: Trust evaluate failure: [leaf IssuerCommonName LeafMarkerOid SubjectCommonName]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: SubjectCommonName =(leaf)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: LeafMarkerOid =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: IssuerCommonName =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone installd(Security)[943] <Notice>: Trust evaluate failure: [leaf IssuerCommonName LeafMarkerOid SubjectCommonName]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone installd(libMobileGestalt.dylib)[943] <Notice>: elided platform fast path for key: re6Zb+zwFKJNlkQTUeT+/w
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone online-auth-agent(libMobileGestalt.dylib)[969] <Notice>: elided platform fast path for key: re6Zb+zwFKJNlkQTUeT+/w
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone online-auth-agent(Security)[969] <Notice>: Trust evaluate failure: [leaf MissingIntermediate]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Task <36BA4200-AD4F-418D-A77D-48D76BC6B7DE>.<1> resuming, QOS(0x11) Voucher <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Task <36BA4200-AD4F-418D-A77D-48D76BC6B7DE>.<1> {strength 0, tls 4, ct 0, sub 0, sig 1, ciphers 0, bundle 1, builtin 0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Connection 11: enabling TLS
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Connection 11: starting, TC(0x0)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: [C11 00696FE2-06A4-4593-942E-23D91BDCB220 Hostname#01763cbf:443 tcp, url hash: 817daa7e, tls] start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C11] reporting state preparing
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8920] DNSServiceCreateConnection START PID[969](online-auth-age)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(C000D000, 0, 0, <private>) START PID[969](online-auth-age)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q9781] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101015200 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q26581] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101007a00 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q26581] ShouldSuppressUnicastQuery: Query suppressed for <private> Addr (CLAT46 A records are unusable)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Task <36BA4200-AD4F-418D-A77D-48D76BC6B7DE>.<1> setting up Connection 11
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q9781] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q9781] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101015200 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 0 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q976] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101015200 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q26581] GenerateNegativeResponse: Generating negative response for question <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q26581] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, Addr) RESULT ADD interface 0: (mortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q976] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q976] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101015200 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 1 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q8720] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101015200 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q8720] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q8720] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101015200 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 2 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q48111] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101015200 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q48111] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (ghost)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q48111] AnswerNewQuestion: Restarting original question 0x101015200 firstExpiredQname <private> for allowExpiredAnswers question
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q46147] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101015200 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q46147] Sent UDP DNS Message 45 bytes from <private>:60990 to <private>:53 via pdp_ip0 (0x4)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q46147] DNS Query (45) (flags 0100) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD:<private> 0/0/0 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone online-auth-agent(libusrtcp.dylib)[969] <Notice>: tcp_output [C11.1:3] flags=[S] seq=1557249067, ack=0, win=65535 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=1557249067[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone profiled[118] <Notice>: Scheduling check for expired profiles between Fri Jan 31 03:00:00 2020 and Fri Jan 31 05:00:00 2020.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: userEventCallback: Remove Event - token = 3830
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:09 iPhone UserEventAgent([24] <Notice>: userEventCallback: Add Event - token = 3856, jobRequest = <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libusrtcp.dylib)[969] <Notice>: tcp_input [C11.1:3] flags=[S.] seq=3756855907, ack=1557249068, win=8190 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=1557249067
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C11.1 IPv6#3a2a4770.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Transport protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_handshake_config(1470) [0x159e4ce00] set tls_handshake_config_standard
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [0x159e4ce00] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_max_version(308) [0x159e4ce00] set 0x0304
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_remote_address(2550) [0x159e4ce00] Saving remote IPv6 address
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_install_association_state(1297) [0x159e4ce00] Client session cache miss
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [0x159e4ce00] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_session_ticket_enabled(439) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_false_start(409) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_enforce_ev(399) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_enforced(1320) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_rsa_key_size(1329) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_ecdsa_key_size(1338) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_signature_algorithm(1348) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_begin_connection(497) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] early data disabled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1969) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake started
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 512 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client enter_early_data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Adding message(1)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "clientKey":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/Traffic.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"Off", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "clientKey":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/MobileWiFi.framework", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim entity class arrow state changed", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q46147] Received UDP DNS Message 119 bytes from <private>:53 to <private>:60990 via pdp_ip0 (0x4)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q46147] DNS Response (119) (flags 8180) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD RA:<private> 3/0/0 <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: mDNSCoreReceiveCacheCheck: rescuing RR <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q46147] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q46147] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101015200 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 0 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q36278] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101015200 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q46147] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q46147] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101015200 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 1 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q8363] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101015200 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921->Q46147] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8920] DNSServiceCreateConnection STOP PID[969](online-auth-age)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8921] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>) STOP PID[969](online-auth-age)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Invalidating simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11bf10d20>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Disabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11bf10d20> - 2 timers
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Started simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11d040100> with fire date [2020-01-30 13:30:44 -0600]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11d040100> created preventSleepTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x11bee2340> and fireTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x11becde60> on queue <OS_dispatch_queue_serial: PCSimpleTimer-timerQ>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Invalidating timer <PCPersistentTimer: 0x11bf10050>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Enabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11d040100> - 3 timers
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Invalidating simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11bf08790>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Canceling system wake for simpletimer [2020-01-30 12:35:06 -0600]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Request to schedule wake 0 date 2020-01-30 12:35:06 -0600 leeway 0 service identifier BTA-PeriodicConditionMonitor unique identifier <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11bf08790>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Disabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11bf08790> - 2 timers
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x11bf3f100> created <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11bf10d20>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Started simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11bf10d20> with fire date [2020-01-30 12:44:10 -0600]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11bf10d20> created preventSleepTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x11bdde300> and fireTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x11bebd680> on queue <OS_dispatch_queue_serial: PCSimpleTimer-timerQ>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11bf10d20> Existing wake at (null) re-scheduling to 2020-01-30 12:43:55 -0600 with leeway of 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Request to schedule wake 1 date 2020-01-30 12:43:55 -0600 leeway 0 service identifier BTA-PeriodicConditionMonitor unique identifier <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11bf10d20>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x11bf3f100> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Last system wake date (2020-01-30 11:10:35 -0600) was longer than half of the timer duration, so setting minimum fire date to fire date.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x11bf3f100> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Forcing timer alignment to fire date [2020-01-30 12:35:21 -0600]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x11bf3f100> Calculated minimum fire date [2020-01-30 12:35:21 -0600] (85.3034%) with fire date [2020-01-30 12:44:10 -0600], start date [2020-01-30 11:44:10 -0600], minimum early fire proportion 0.45, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: no, early fire constant interval 0.000000
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Enabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11bf10d20> - 3 timers
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11bf10d20> updateFireTime from Thu Jan 30 12:44:10 2020 + 0 to Thu Jan 30 12:35:21 2020 + 529.079, trigger from YES to YES
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11bf10d20> Existing wake at 2020-01-30 12:43:55 -0600 re-scheduling to 2020-01-30 12:35:06 -0600 with leeway of 529.079
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Request to schedule wake 1 date 2020-01-30 12:35:06 -0600 leeway 529.079 service identifier BTA-PeriodicConditionMonitor unique identifier <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11bf10d20>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Request to schedule wake 0 date 2020-01-30 12:43:55 -0600 leeway 0 service identifier BTA-PeriodicConditionMonitor unique identifier <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11bf10d20>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Cancelling scheduled wake for <private> wake identifier <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Wake cancel for '<private>'(<private>) completed for [<private>] (took 0.006 seconds; result code 0)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for DB3E0862-13BE-3AEB-9B0C-568D619254FC
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Scheduling a wake for date <private> leeway 0 wake identifier <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 41344807-E56A-36CA-B761-D8D5953A5574
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Wake schedule for '<private>'(<private>) completed for [<private>] (took 0.002 seconds; result code 0)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Scheduling a wake for date <private> leeway 529.079 wake identifier <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Wake schedule for '<private>'(<private>) completed for [<private>] (took 0.001 seconds; result code 0)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Cancelling scheduled wake for <private> wake identifier <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[24] <Notice>: Wake cancel for '<private>'(<private>) completed for [<private>] (took 0.001 seconds; result code 0)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for DB3E0862-13BE-3AEB-9B0C-568D619254FC
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 97 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Adding message(2)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 2196 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client read_certificate_status
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client verify_server_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1002) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(607) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(614) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] No TLS-provided OCSP response
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2070) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Asyncing for verify block
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY [16]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2039) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Verification already in progress.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY [16]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2039) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Verification already in progress.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY [16]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Connection 11: asked to evaluate TLS Trust
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 41344807-E56A-36CA-B761-D8D5953A5574
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2039) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Verification already in progress.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY [16]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(Security)[969] <Notice>: could not disable pinning: not an internal release
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Task <36BA4200-AD4F-418D-A77D-48D76BC6B7DE>.<1> auth completion disp=1 cred=0x0[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Connection 11: TLS Trust result 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback_block_invoke_3(2079) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Returning from verify block
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(2046) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Setting trust result to ssl_verify_ok
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_key_exchange
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 333 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client read_certificate_request
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 4 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello_done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_certificate
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Adding message(14)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_key_exchange
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 70 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_certificate_verify
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_finished
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Writing SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC 1 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Writing SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 16 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_flight
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client read_session_ticket
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client process_change_cipher_spec
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(191) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Early handshake return caused by SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [2]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Reading SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC 1 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_finished
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_message_handler(2257) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Reading SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 16 bytes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_client_handshake
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_new_session_handler(1116) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] New session available
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1982) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake state: TLS client done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1002) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(607) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(614) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] No TLS-provided OCSP response
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_helper_create_sec_trust_with_certificates(621) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] No TLS-provided SCTs
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_add_handshake_message_pending(577) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Adding message(20)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1973) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] Client handshake done
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_signal_connected(701) [C11.1:2][0x159e4ce00] TLS connected [version(0x0303) ciphersuite(0xc02f) group(0x0017) peer_key(0x0601) alpn(http/1.1) resumed(0) offered_ticket(0) false_started(0) ocsp(0) sct(0)]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C11.1 IPv6#3a2a4770.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Output protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C11] reporting state ready
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Connection 11: connected successfully
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Connection 11: TLS handshake complete
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Connection 11: ready C(Y) E(Y)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Task <36BA4200-AD4F-418D-A77D-48D76BC6B7DE>.<1> now using Connection 11
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Connection 11: received viability advisory(Y)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Task <36BA4200-AD4F-418D-A77D-48D76BC6B7DE>.<1> sent request, body S 1601
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Task <36BA4200-AD4F-418D-A77D-48D76BC6B7DE>.<1> received response, status 200 content K
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Task <36BA4200-AD4F-418D-A77D-48D76BC6B7DE>.<1> response ended
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Task <36BA4200-AD4F-418D-A77D-48D76BC6B7DE>.<1> done using Connection 11
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Task <36BA4200-AD4F-418D-A77D-48D76BC6B7DE>.<1> summary for task success {transaction_duration_ms=480, response_status=200, connection=11, protocol="http/1.1", domain_lookup_duration_ms=2, connect_duration_ms=351, secure_connection_duration_ms=178, request_start_ms=358, request_duration_ms=1, response_start_ms=478, response_duration_ms=2, request_bytes=1931, response_bytes=2751, cache_hit=0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Task <36BA4200-AD4F-418D-A77D-48D76BC6B7DE>.<1> finished successfully[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone containermanagerd[61] <Notice>: command=<private>, client=<private>, error=<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone installd(MobileSystemServices)[943] <Notice>: 0x16ef87000 -[MIInstallableBundle performVerificationWithError:]: App is being installed in a way that would ordinarily skip resource validation, but because it's validated by a UPP we're going to validate resources anyway.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: SubjectCommonName =(leaf)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: LeafMarkerOid =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: IssuerCommonName =(path)[]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone installd(Security)[943] <Notice>: Trust evaluate failure: [leaf IssuerCommonName LeafMarkerOid SubjectCommonName]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: Prox: Starting scan: RSSI threshold -75, ScanRate Normal, Dups no, Force yes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[58] <Notice>: ProximityPairing stop scanning
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[58] <Notice>: ProximityPairing start scanning with data: scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: 300, screen off: 300, locked: 1, rssi: -75, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Stop scanning for process sharingd (58) with scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: No Scan, screen off: No Scan, locked: 1, rssi: -90, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Removing scan request scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: No Scan, screen off: No Scan, locked: 1, rssi: -90, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4 for client A9E61DB3-2187-4D3A-9C8D-0C74694B8E51
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: Prox: Starting scan: RSSI threshold -60, ScanRate Normal, Dups no, Force yes
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[58] <Notice>: ProximityPairing stop scanning
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Passively scanning for devices of types: 13 12 18 16 15 5 9 (Window: 30/Interval: 300)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 13 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x10abbe98000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0xffffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 12 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 18 - rssi: -100 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 16 - rssi: -60 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 15 - rssi: -70 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 5 - rssi: -80 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 9 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Scan options changed: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Start scanning for process sharingd (58) with scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: 300, screen off: 300, locked: 1, rssi: -75, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Adding scan request called
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Adding scan request scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000}, mask {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: 300, screen off: 300, locked: 1, rssi: -75, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4 for client A9E61DB3-2187-4D3A-9C8D-0C74694B8E51
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Passively scanning for devices of types: 13 12 18 7 16 15 5 9 (Window: 30/Interval: 300)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 13 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x10abbe98000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0xffffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 12 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[58] <Notice>: ProximityPairing start scanning with data: scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: 300, screen off: 300, locked: 1, rssi: -60, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 18 - rssi: -100 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'stop scan' request from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 7 - rssi: -75 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 16 - rssi: -60 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 15 - rssi: -70 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 5 - rssi: -80 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 9 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Scan options changed: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ShouldScan=1 AnyValidScanRequests=1 anyValidScanRequestInPaused=0 fObserverState=Active
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ScanParams:AD:0 AS:0 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 [ SO:0 AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0] |
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Stop scanning for process sharingd (58) with scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: No Scan, screen off: No Scan, locked: 1, rssi: -90, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Returning scan parameters: Main:30.00ms/300.00ms LP:0.00ms/300.00ms(unsupported) Dm:(m:30/300) Cond:0:1:0 Sc:1:0 (passive) Dupfilter:Enabled minScanLevel:4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: needToRestart=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Removing scan request scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: No Scan, screen off: No Scan, locked: 1, rssi: -90, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4 for client A9E61DB3-2187-4D3A-9C8D-0C74694B8E51
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Stopping scan for session "<private>" - 15 advertisements delivered
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Passively scanning for devices of types: 13 12 18 16 15 5 9 (Window: 30/Interval: 300)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 13 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x10abbe98000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0xffffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 12 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 18 - rssi: -100 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'start scan' request with duplicates for all UUIDs scan timing 30/300 scanLevel=1 from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 16 - rssi: -60 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 15 - rssi: -70 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 5 - rssi: -80 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 9 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Scan options changed: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'stop scan' request from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Stopping scan for session "<private>" - 0 advertisements delivered
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'start scan' request with duplicates for all UUIDs scan timing 30/300 scanLevel=1 from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:73] handle lookup could not find a matching process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(AssertionServices)[73] <Notice>: BKSApplicationStateMonitor updated with invalid process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Start scanning for process sharingd (58) with scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: 300, screen off: 300, locked: 1, rssi: -60, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Adding scan request called
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'stop scan' request from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Stopping scan for session "<private>" - 0 advertisements delivered
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Adding scan request scan request of type 7, blob: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000}, mask {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000}, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: 300, screen off: 300, locked: 1, rssi: -60, peers: (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ) nearby scan mode: 10, adv buf: 0, advbuf mode: 4 for client A9E61DB3-2187-4D3A-9C8D-0C74694B8E51
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'start scan' request with duplicates for all UUIDs scan timing 30/300 scanLevel=1 from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Passively scanning for devices of types: 13 12 18 7 16 15 5 9 (Window: 30/Interval: 300)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 13 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x10abbe98000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0xffffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 12 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x08000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 18 - rssi: -100 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 7 - rssi: -60 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:73] handle lookup could not find a matching process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 16 - rssi: -60 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 15 - rssi: -70 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 5 - rssi: -80 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(AssertionServices)[73] <Notice>: BKSApplicationStateMonitor updated with invalid process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 9 - rssi: -90 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[73] <Notice>: Scan options changed: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'stop scan' request from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Stopping scan for session "<private>" - 0 advertisements delivered
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdScan" from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Received 'start scan' request with duplicates for all UUIDs scan timing 30/300 scanLevel=1 from session ""
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Scanning stopped successfully. 15 Advertising Events
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Trying to remove scan filters with force=NO
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:73] handle lookup could not find a matching process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(AssertionServices)[73] <Notice>: BKSApplicationStateMonitor updated with invalid process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:73] handle lookup could not find a matching process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd(AssertionServices)[73] <Notice>: BKSApplicationStateMonitor updated with invalid process
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: handleScanStoppedEvent state=Idle observerState=Active
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ShouldScan=1 AnyValidScanRequests=1 anyValidScanRequestInPaused=0 fObserverState=Active
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ScanParams:AD:1 AS:0 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 [ SO:0 AP:0 AD:1(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0] | AD:1 AS:0 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 [ SO:0 AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0] |
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Returning scan parameters: Main:30.00ms/300.00ms LP:0.00ms/300.00ms(unsupported) Dm:(m:30/300) Cond:0:1:0 Sc:1:0 (passive) Dupfilter:Disabled minScanLevel:4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: needToRestart=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Starting passive scan (300.00ms/30.00ms) with duplicate filter disabled OneAdvDp=0 scNeed=1 stateO=0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Scanning started successfully
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ShouldScan=1 AnyValidScanRequests=1 anyValidScanRequestInPaused=0 fObserverState=Active
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: ScanParams:AD:1 AS:0 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 [ SO:0 AP:0 AD:1(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0] | AD:1 AS:0 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 [ SO:0 AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0] |
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: Returning scan parameters: Main:30.00ms/300.00ms LP:0.00ms/300.00ms(unsupported) Dm:(m:30/300) Cond:0:1:0 Sc:1:0 (passive) Dupfilter:Disabled minScanLevel:4
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone bluetoothd[73] <Notice>: needToRestart=0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9f243192-12ed-dd0f-294e-dc24efecb664, RSSI -71 (0)t~U, Ch 38, AdvD <4c0007190102202b998f0000000eebb3564453ce9b1eb4595150890569>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEELPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt L -90%; R -90%[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I qmux: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Req MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:10 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Resp MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleClientConnection:on:]_block_invoke: client:, command: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: issued query command
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleQueryRequest:clientName:connection:message:]: _beforeFirstUnlock:0 , doNotBlockBeforeFirstUnlock: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: with returnType of: 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: the query params are : (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] queryKey = Language;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] queryValue = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "en-US"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: and the requiredByOsAssetsFinal count is: 0 assets : (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: and the installWithOsAssetsFinal count is: 0 assets : (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: and found : 8 assets result was: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Notice>: Got the query meta data reply for:, response: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleClientConnection:on:]_block_invoke: client:, command: 21
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleUpdateClientUsage:using:and:]_block_invoke: Skipping update to /private/var/MobileAsset/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_EmbeddedSpeech/175136c6ed6c58126ce27fe88938d69c04a7de5f.asset as it has not been over 24 hours since last update: 51773.200099
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleClientConnection:on:]_block_invoke: client:, command: 21
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleClientConnection:on:]_block_invoke: client:, command: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: issued query command
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleQueryRequest:clientName:connection:message:]: _beforeFirstUnlock:0 , doNotBlockBeforeFirstUnlock: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleUpdateClientUsage:using:and:]_block_invoke: Skipping update to /private/var/MobileAsset/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_EmbeddedSpeech/175136c6ed6c58126ce27fe88938d69c04a7de5f.asset as it has not been over 24 hours since last update: 51773.200817
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: with returnType of: 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: the query params are : (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] queryKey = Language;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] queryValue = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "en-US"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: and the requiredByOsAssetsFinal count is: 0 assets : (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: and the installWithOsAssetsFinal count is: 0 assets : (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: and found : 8 assets result was: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Notice>: Got the query meta data reply for:, response: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleClientConnection:on:]_block_invoke: client:, command: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: issued query command
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleQueryRequest:clientName:connection:message:]: _beforeFirstUnlock:0 , doNotBlockBeforeFirstUnlock: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: with returnType of: 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: the query params are : (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] queryKey = Language;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] queryValue = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "en-US"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: and the requiredByOsAssetsFinal count is: 0 assets : (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: and the installWithOsAssetsFinal count is: 0 assets : (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: and found : 8 assets result was: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Notice>: Got the query meta data reply for:, response: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleClientConnection:on:]_block_invoke: client:, command: 21
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleClientConnection:on:]_block_invoke: client:, command: 21
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleUpdateClientUsage:using:and:]_block_invoke: Skipping update to /private/var/MobileAsset/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_EmbeddedSpeech/175136c6ed6c58126ce27fe88938d69c04a7de5f.asset as it has not been over 24 hours since last update: 51773.228097
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleUpdateClientUsage:using:and:]_block_invoke: Skipping update to /private/var/MobileAsset/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_EmbeddedSpeech/175136c6ed6c58126ce27fe88938d69c04a7de5f.asset as it has not been over 24 hours since last update: 51773.228389
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleClientConnection:on:]_block_invoke: client:, command: 1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: issued query command
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager handleQueryRequest:clientName:connection:message:]: _beforeFirstUnlock:0 , doNotBlockBeforeFirstUnlock: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: with returnType of: 2
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPNamedEntityReadOnlyServer: rankedNamedEntitiesWithQuery queryId:82 process:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPNamedEntityReadOnlyServer: rankedNamedEntitiesWithQuery queryId:82 process:<private> query:<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: rankedNamedEntitiesWithQuery called with limit 500 and date range: (null) - (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: the query params are : (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] queryKey = Language;
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] queryValue = (
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] "en-US"
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] );
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] }
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] )
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: and the requiredByOsAssetsFinal count is: 0 assets : (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: and the installWithOsAssetsFinal count is: 0 assets : (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone mobileassetd[91] <Notice>: -[ControlManager determineAssets:clientName:connection:downloadingTasks:message:resultTypes:queryArray:]: queried for: and found : 8 assets result was: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Notice>: Got the query meta data reply for:, response: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone[153] <Error>: -[ESAssetManager _installedAssetFromFoundAssets:language:error:] Just ignoring <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: PID[169] is checking access for target PID[153]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone tccd[95] <Notice>: Granting PID[153] access to kTCCServiceAddressBook via entitlement ''
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond[1301] <Notice>: daemon exiting
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID ad12a14e-83f2-6699-3f54-fa4b7bd6ce07, RSSI -71 (0)t~U, Ch 37, AdvD <4c000719010f200b778f010004d99da817c685800f38159f2bdba9504e>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,3', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEErPbo1?s, CC=0, Batt R -70%; L -70%[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:11 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x0051 Bin=['01 1F 00 80 03 03 04 05 43 51 00 13 00 14 06 00 BF EC 99 FF DC FF A2 01 00 32 A4 03 00 01 32 00']
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventVoiceLinkQualityUpdate (137) sent to 1 (of 88) clients.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: Sent notification to 0 (of 30) clients: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: iterNamedEntityRecordsWithQuery called with limit 18446744073709551615 and date range: (null) - (null)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID ad12a14e-83f2-6699-3f54-fa4b7bd6ce07, RSSI -71 (0)t~U, Ch 37, AdvD <4c000719010f200b778f010004d99da817c685800f38159f2bdba9504e>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,3', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEErPbo1?s, CC=0, Batt R -70%; L -70%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Connection 11: is being canceled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: [C11 00696FE2-06A4-4593-942E-23D91BDCB220 Hostname#01763cbf:443 tcp, url hash: 817daa7e, tls] cancel
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: [C11 00696FE2-06A4-4593-942E-23D91BDCB220 Hostname#01763cbf:443 tcp, url hash: 817daa7e, tls] cancelled
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] [C11.1 FBAF9292-5253-4D77-AEAA-692B67C6764D 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50185<->IPv6#3a2a4770.443]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Duration: 2.527s, DNS @0.000s took 0.002s, TCP @0.004s took 0.165s, TLS took 0.186s
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] bytes in/out: 5471/2632, packets in/out: 7/5, rtt: 0.134s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: 0.000s [C11 D1031C24-A205-432A-A9C8-EA1BC87B0C20 Hostname#01763cbf:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: 0.000s [C11 D1031C24-A205-432A-A9C8-EA1BC87B0C20 Hostname#01763cbf:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:satisfied
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: 0.000s [C11 D1031C24-A205-432A-A9C8-EA1BC87B0C20 Hostname#01763cbf:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:start_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: 0.002s [C11 D1031C24-A205-432A-A9C8-EA1BC87B0C20 Hostname#01763cbf:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] resolver:receive_dns
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: 0.002s [C11.1 FBAF9292-5253-4D77-AEAA-692B67C6764D 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50185<->IPv6#3a2a4770.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: 0.003s [C11.1 FBAF9292-5253-4D77-AEAA-692B67C6764D 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50185<->IPv6#3a2a4770.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] path:satisfied
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: 0.003s [C11.1 FBAF9292-5253-4D77-AEAA-692B67C6764D 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50185<->IPv6#3a2a4770.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:start_nexus
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: 0.003s [C11.1 FBAF9292-5253-4D77-AEAA-692B67C6764D 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50185<->IPv6#3a2a4770.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:receive_nexus
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: 0.004s [C11.1 FBAF9292-5253-4D77-AEAA-692B67C6764D 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50185<->IPv6#3a2a4770.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:start_connect
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: 0.169s [C11.1 FBAF9292-5253-4D77-AEAA-692B67C6764D 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50185<->IPv6#3a2a4770.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_transport
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: 0.169s [C11 D1031C24-A205-432A-A9C8-EA1BC87B0C20 Hostname#01763cbf:443 resolver path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_transport
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: 0.355s [C11.1 FBAF9292-5253-4D77-AEAA-692B67C6764D 2607:fb90:a3f1:e43b:8050:4ecd:2ad0:6c25.50185<->IPv6#3a2a4770.443 channel-flow path=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive] flow:finish_connect[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone online-auth-agent(libusrtcp.dylib)[969] <Notice>: tcp_input [C11.1:3] flags=[F.] seq=3756861379, ack=1557251732, win=40927 state=FIN_WAIT_2 rcv_nxt=3756861379, snd_una=1557251732
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 41344807-E56A-36CA-B761-D8D5953A5574
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone CommCenter(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[77] <Notice>: Signing identifier cache miss for 41344807-E56A-36CA-B761-D8D5953A5574[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: Scoring: filtered out 0 scores below threshold of 0.200000
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPNamedEntityReadOnlyServer: rankedNamedEntitiesWithQuery returned 500 results[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x0051 Bin=['01 1F 00 80 03 03 04 06 43 51 00 13 00 14 06 00 BE ED 98 FF E0 FF A2 01 00 32 A4 03 00 01 32 00']
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventVoiceLinkQualityUpdate (137) sent to 1 (of 88) clients.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:12 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: Sent notification to 0 (of 30) clients: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Invalidating assertion 26-146-11181 (target:daemon<>) from originator 146
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I qmux: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Req MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Resp MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>][info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9f243192-12ed-dd0f-294e-dc24efecb664, RSSI -73 (0)t~U, Ch 37, AdvD <4c0007190102202b998f0000000eebb3564453ce9b1eb4595150890569>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEELPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt L -90%; R -90%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:146] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:146] Ignoring role changes because this process is not role managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: [daemon<>:146] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone powerd[35] <Notice>: Process runningboardd.26 Released SystemIsActive "daemon<>" age:00:00:05 id:51539647143 [System: SysAct]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[26] <Notice>: Released power assertion with ID 39591[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9ee53a8d-1fa8-3ee3-d308-aca43c9795e8, RSSI -71 (0)t~U, Ch 38, AdvD <4c00071901022002f88f000000fae484a76e29181d61bd8a8e57f691b1>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=uE?rPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt R -80%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortrait)[982] <Notice>: <private> is done waiting to fire
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: reloading contacts due to Contacts change
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:13 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: getting change history from contacts: <private>[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9f243192-12ed-dd0f-294e-dc24efecb664, RSSI -74 (0)t~U, Ch 37, AdvD <4c0007190102202b998f0000000eebb3564453ce9b1eb4595150890569>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEELPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt L -90%; R -90%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x0051 Bin=['01 1F 00 80 03 03 04 07 43 51 00 13 00 14 06 00 BE EC 98 FF EC FF A2 01 00 32 A4 03 00 01 64 00']
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventVoiceLinkQualityUpdate (137) sent to 1 (of 88) clients.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: Sent notification to 0 (of 30) clients: <private>[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPContactsImporter: CN change: 0 added/updated, 0 deleted
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: PPContactsImporter: deleted 0 named entities[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[982] <Notice>: clearing change history: <private>[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 20.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{deviceActivity == 1}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: UserRequestedBackup, policyWeight: 0.100, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{eligibleForRunning == 0}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: NetworkQualityPolicy, policyWeight: 8.400, response: {Decision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[networkPathAvailability]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: NetworkQualityPolicy, policyWeight: 8.400, response: {Decision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[networkPathAvailability]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: UserRequestedBackup, policyWeight: 0.100, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{eligibleForRunning == 0}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Unconstrained Available=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DataBudgetPolicy, policyWeight: 1.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[/system/budgets/networking]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Unconstrained Available=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DataBudgetPolicy, policyWeight: 1.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[/system/budgets/networking]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Unconstrained Available=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DataBudgetPolicy, policyWeight: 1.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[/system/budgets/networking]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 20.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{deviceActivity == 1}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: NetworkQualityPolicy, policyWeight: 11.400, response: {Decision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[networkPathAvailability]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Unconstrained Available=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DataBudgetPolicy, policyWeight: 1.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[/system/budgets/networking]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: NetworkQualityPolicy, policyWeight: 11.400, response: {Decision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[networkPathAvailability]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Absolutely Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 20.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{deviceActivity == 1}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 20.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{deviceActivity == 1}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 20.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{deviceActivity == 1}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 20.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{deviceActivity == 1}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Unconstrained Available=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DataBudgetPolicy, policyWeight: 1.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[/system/budgets/networking]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 20.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{deviceActivity == 1}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 20.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{deviceActivity == 1}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Unconstrained Available=1
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DataBudgetPolicy, policyWeight: 1.000, response: {Decision: Must Not Proceed, Score: 0.00, Rationale: [{[/system/budgets/networking]: Required:1.00, Observed:0.00},]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ], FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: CPUUsagePolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.50, Rationale: [{cpuLevel == 50}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.10}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ] sumScores:41.020000, denominator:52.520000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.781036}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: '' CurrentScore: 0.781036, ThresholdScore: 0.906543 DecisionToRun:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: CPUUsagePolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.50, Rationale: [{cpuLevel == 50}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.10}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ] sumScores:41.020000, denominator:52.520000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.781036}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: '' CurrentScore: 0.781036, ThresholdScore: 0.906543 DecisionToRun:0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>:[
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: CPUUsagePolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.50, Rationale: [{cpuLevel == 50}]}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.10}}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] ] sumScores:41.020000, denominator:52.520000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.781036}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: '' CurrentScore: 0.781036, ThresholdScore: 0.906543 DecisionToRun:0[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, Client::UpdateTimer
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone locationd[60] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":1221371064885, "end_mach":1221371098964, "elapsed_s":"0.001419958", "event":"Client::UpdateTimer", "now_s":"602099054.883782029"}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:14 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9ee53a8d-1fa8-3ee3-d308-aca43c9795e8, RSSI -80 (0)t~U, Ch 37, AdvD <4c00071901022002f88f000000fae484a76e29181d61bd8a8e57f691b1>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=uE?rPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt R -80%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:15 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:15 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x0051 Bin=['01 1F 00 80 03 03 04 08 43 51 00 13 00 14 06 00 BF ED 99 FF F8 FF A2 01 00 32 A4 03 00 01 64 00']
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:15 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventVoiceLinkQualityUpdate (137) sent to 1 (of 88) clients.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:15 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: Sent notification to 0 (of 30) clients: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:15 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:15 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: #I qmux: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:15 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Req MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:15 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Resp MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:15 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID ad12a14e-83f2-6699-3f54-fa4b7bd6ce07, RSSI -78 (0)t~U, Ch 38, AdvD <4c000719010f200b778f010004d99da817c685800f38159f2bdba9504e>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,3', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEErPbo1?s, CC=0, Batt R -70%; L -70%[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:15 iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[58] <Notice>: BLE Prox changed SFBLEDevice ID 9f243192-12ed-dd0f-294e-dc24efecb664, RSSI -68 (0)t~U, Ch 39, AdvD <4c0007190102202b998f0000000eebb3564453ce9b1eb4595150890569>, ST Status, Nm '?', Md 'AirPods1,1', Paired no, Cnx no, ST=UEELPbo0?s, CC=0, Batt L -90%; R -90%
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:15 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[121] <Notice>: Trigger: <private> is now [0][info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: NBSM: TCP metrics iteration:2521 since 30.00 secs, ret=1: allflows=0/C=0/R=0/W=0/flows=0/unacked=0/rxbytes=0/txbytes=0/rxooo=0/rxdup=0/retx=0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[100] <Notice>: NBSM: TCP progress metrics score: 0, problem ratio: 0.00 (baseline: 0.00)[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[42] <Notice>: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone DTServiceHub(DVTInstrumentsFoundation)[1165] <Notice>: Heartbeat[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone installd(libMobileGestalt.dylib)[943] <Notice>: elided platform fast path for key: re6Zb+zwFKJNlkQTUeT+/w
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libMobileGestalt.dylib)[969] <Notice>: elided platform fast path for key: re6Zb+zwFKJNlkQTUeT+/w
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone trustd[110] <Notice>: cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(Security)[969] <Notice>: Trust evaluate failure: [leaf MissingIntermediate]
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Task <84518646-AF71-4477-B739-4F5FEE1E3278>.<1> resuming, QOS(0x11) Voucher <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Task <84518646-AF71-4477-B739-4F5FEE1E3278>.<1> {strength 0, tls 4, ct 0, sub 0, sig 1, ciphers 0, bundle 1, builtin 0}
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Connection 12: enabling TLS
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Connection 12: starting, TC(0x0)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: [C12 DAF955B8-0195-4846-9E30-3714F2438F90 Hostname#01763cbf:443 tcp, url hash: 817daa7e, tls] start
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C12] reporting state preparing
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8922] DNSServiceCreateConnection START PID[969](online-auth-age)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(C000D000, 0, 0, <private>) START PID[969](online-auth-age)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923->Q56580] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101818400 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923->Q8067] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101827a00 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [Q8067] ShouldSuppressUnicastQuery: Query suppressed for <private> Addr (CLAT46 A records are unusable)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(CFNetwork)[969] <Notice>: Task <84518646-AF71-4477-B739-4F5FEE1E3278>.<1> setting up Connection 12
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923->Q56580] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923->Q56580] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101818400 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 0 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923->Q13576] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101818400 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923->Q8067] GenerateNegativeResponse: Generating negative response for question <private> (Addr)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923->Q8067] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, Addr) RESULT ADD interface 0: (mortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923->Q13576] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923->Q13576] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101818400 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 1 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923->Q45665] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101818400 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923->Q45665] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923->Q45665] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101818400 <private> (AAAA) following CNAME referral 2 for <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923->Q23351] GetServerForQuestion: 0x101818400 DNS server (0x100a1a8a0) <private>:53 (Penalty Time Left 0) (Scope None:0x0:-1) for <private> (AAAA)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923->Q23351] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>, AAAA) RESULT ADD interface 0: (immortal)<private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8922] DNSServiceCreateConnection STOP PID[969](online-auth-age)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone mDNSResponder[109] <Notice>: [R8923] DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(<private>) STOP PID[969](online-auth-age)
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libusrtcp.dylib)[969] <Notice>: tcp_output [C12.1:3] flags=[S] seq=4105382954, ack=0, win=65535 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=4105382954[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libusrtcp.dylib)[969] <Notice>: tcp_input [C12.1:3] flags=[S.] seq=3364877180, ack=4105382955, win=8190 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=4105382954
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[77] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x0051 Bin=['01 1F 00 80 03 03 04 09 43 51 00 13 00 14 06 00 BF ED 99 FF E8 FF A2 01 00 32 A4 03 00 01 64 00']
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: Sent notification to 0 (of 30) clients: <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone CommCenter[77] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventVoiceLinkQualityUpdate (137) sent to 1 (of 88) clients.
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libnetwork.dylib)[969] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C12.1 IPv6#3a2a4770.443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: pdp_ip0, ipv6, dns, expensive)] Transport protocol connected
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_handshake_config(1470) [0x159e22460] set tls_handshake_config_standard
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [0x159e22460] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_max_version(308) [0x159e22460] set 0x0304
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_remote_address(2550) [0x159e22460] Saving remote IPv6 address
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_install_association_state(1297) [0x159e22460] Client session cache miss
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [0x159e22460] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_min_version(324) [C12.1:2][0x159e22460] set 0x0301
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_session_ticket_enabled(439) [C12.1:2][0x159e22460] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_false_start(409) [C12.1:2][0x159e22460] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_enforce_ev(399) [C12.1:2][0x159e22460] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_enforced(1320) [C12.1:2][0x159e22460] set false
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_rsa_key_size(1329) [C12.1:2][0x159e22460] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_ecdsa_key_size(1338) [C12.1:2][0x159e22460] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_ats_minimum_signature_algorithm(1348) [C12.1:2][0x159e22460] set 0
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_session_set_peer_hostname(1189) [C12.1:2][0x159e22460] SNI <private>
[info] [IOSDeviceLog] Jan 30 11:44:16 iPhone online-auth-agent(libboringssl.dylib)[969] <Notice>: boringssl_context_set_cipher_suites(842) [C12.1:2][0x159e22460] Ciphersuite string: TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-G
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