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Created March 11, 2015 19:44
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Added field
class Form extends Brick {
static public $root = array();
static public $files = null;
public $tag = 'form';
public $fields = array();
public $values = array();
public $alert = null;
public $save = true;
public $cancel = true;
public $centered = false;
public $back = false;
public function __construct($fields = array(), $values = array()) {
$this->fields = new Collection;
$this->attr('method', 'post');
$this->on('submit', function($form) {
public function method($method = null) {
return $this->attr('method', $method);
public function action($action = null) {
return $this->attr('action', $action);
public function fields($fields = null) {
if(is_null($fields)) return $this->fields;
foreach($fields as $name => $field) {
if($name == 'title') $field['type'] = 'title';
$name = str_replace('-','_', str::lower($name));
$field['name'] = $name;
$field['default'] = a::get($field, 'default', null);
$field['value'] = a::get($this->values(), $name, $field['default']);
$this->fields->append($name, static::field($field['type'], $field));
// check plugins for fields
$proot = kirby()->roots()->plugins();
$pdirs = dir::read($proot);
foreach($pdirs as $dir) {
$fdir = $proot . DS . $dir . DS . 'fields';
if(file_exists($fdir)) {
$pluginFields = dir::read($fdir);
foreach($pluginFields as $name => $field) {
$this->fields->append($name, null, $field);
return $this;
public function values($values = null) {
if(is_null($values)) return array_merge($this->values, r::data());
$this->values = array_merge($this->values, $values);
return $this;
public function value($name) {
return a::get($this->values(), $name, null);
public function validate() {
$errors = array();
foreach($this->fields() as $field) {
$name = $field->name();
$value = $this->value($name);
if($field->required() and empty($value)) {
$field->error = true;
} else if($value != '' and !$field->validate()) {
$field->error = true;
public function isValid() {
return $this->fields()->filterBy('error', true)->count() == 0;
public function alert($alert = null) {
if(!is_null($alert)) {
$this->alert = $alert;
return $this;
if(is_null($this->alert)) return null;
$message = $this->alert;
$alert = new Brick('div');
$alert->addClass('message message-is-alert');
$alert->append(function() use($message) {
$content = new Brick('span');
return $content;
$alert->append(function() {
$toggle = new Brick('span');
return $toggle;
return $alert;
public function serialize() {
$data = array();
foreach($this->fields() as $field) {
$result = $field->result();
if(!is_null($result)) $data[$field->name()] = $result;
return $data;
public function toArray() {
return $this->serialize();
static public function files() {
if(!is_null(static::$files)) return static::$files;
static::$files = array();
$files = dir::read(static::$root['default']);
if(isset(static::$root['custom'])) {
$files = array_merge($files, dir::read(static::$root['custom']));
if(isset(static::$root['plugins'])) {
$files = array_merge($files, dir::read(static::$root['plugins']));
foreach($files as $file) {
$name = strtolower($file) . 'field';
if(isset(static::$root['custom']) and is_dir(static::$root['custom'] . DS . $file)) {
$root = static::$root['custom'] . DS . $file . DS . $file . '.php';
} else if(isset(static::$root['plugins']) and is_dir(static::$root['plugins'] . DS . $file)) {
$root = static::$root['plugins'] . DS . $file . DS . $file . '.php';
} else {
$root = static::$root['default'] . DS . $file . DS . $file . '.php';
if(file_exists($root)) {
static::$files[$name] = $root;
return static::$files;
static public function assets($type, $compress = true) {
$files = static::files();
$output = array();
foreach(static::files() as $field => $file) {
if(isset($field::$assets) and isset($field::$assets[$type])) {
foreach($field::$assets[$type] as $f) {
$output[] = f::read(dirname($file) . DS . 'assets' . DS . $type . DS . $f);
$output = implode(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $output);
if($compress) {
$output = preg_replace('!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $output);
$output = trim(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", ' ', ' ', ' '), ' ', $output));
return $output;
static public function js($compress = true) {
return static::assets('js', $compress);
static public function css($compress = true) {
return static::assets('css', $compress);
static public function setup($defaultFieldsRoot, $customFieldsRoot = null, $pluginsFieldsRoot = null) {
static::$root['default'] = $defaultFieldsRoot;
static::$root['custom'] = $customFieldsRoot;
static::$root['plugins'] = $pluginsFieldsRoot;
spl_autoload_register(function($class) use($defaultFieldsRoot, $customFieldsRoot, $pluginsFieldsRoot) {
$class = strtolower($class);
if(str::contains($class, 'field')) {
$type = str_replace('field', '', $class);
$file = $type . DS . $type . '.php';
$custom = $customFieldsRoot . DS . $file;
$default = $defaultFieldsRoot . DS . $file;
// check plugins for fields
$proot = kirby()->roots()->plugins();
$pdirs = dir::read($proot);
foreach($pdirs as $dir) {
$fdir = $proot . DS . $dir . DS . 'fields';
if(file_exists($fdir)) {
$pluginFields = dir::read($fdir);
foreach($pluginFields as $name => $field) {
$custom = $fdir . DS . $field . DS . $field . '.php';
if($customFieldsRoot and file_exists($custom)) {
} else if(file_exists($custom)) {
} else if(file_exists($default)) {
static public function field($type, $options = array()) {
$class = $type . 'field';
$field = new $class;
foreach($options as $key => $value) {
$field->$key = $value;
return $field;
public function buttons() {
$fieldset = new Brick('fieldset');
$fieldset->addClass('fieldset buttons cf');
if($this->centered) {
$button = new Brick('input', null);
$button->addClass('btn btn-rounded');
if($this->cancel) {
$cancel = clone $button;
$cancel->attr('href', $this->back);
$cancel->text($this->cancel === true ? l::get('cancel') : $this->cancel);
if($this->save) {
$submit = clone $button;
$submit->attr('type', 'submit');
$submit->data('saved', l::get('saved'));
$submit->val($this->save === true ? l::get('save') : $this->save);
return ($this->save or $this->cancel) ? $fieldset : null;
public function __toString() {
// auto-trigger the submit event when the form is being echoed
if(get('_csfr') and csfr(get('_csfr'))) {
$fieldset = new Brick('fieldset');
$fieldset->addClass('fieldset field-grid cf');
foreach($this->fields() as $field) $fieldset->append($field);
$this->append(static::field('hidden', array(
'name' => '_csfr',
'value' => csfr()
return parent::__toString();
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