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Created December 16, 2023 15:35
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PHP Algorithms
function binarySearch(array $arr, $x): int {
$l = 0;
$r = count($arr) - 1;
while ($l <= $r) {
$mid = floor(($l + $r) / 2);
// Check if $x is present at mid
if ($arr[$mid] == $x) {
return $mid;
// If $x is greater, ignore left half
if ($arr[$mid] < $x) {
$l = $mid + 1;
} else { // If $x is smaller, ignore right half
$r = $mid - 1;
// Return -1 if $x is not present in array
return -1;
class Graph {
private $vertices;
private $graph;
public function __construct($vertices) {
$this->vertices = $vertices;
$this->graph = array_fill(0, $vertices, array_fill(0, $vertices, 0));
function minDistance($dist, $sptSet) {
$min = PHP_INT_MAX;
$min_index = 0;
for ($v = 0; $v < $this->vertices; $v++) {
if ($sptSet[$v] === false && $dist[$v] <= $min) {
$min = $dist[$v];
$min_index = $v;
return $min_index;
public function dijkstra($src) {
$dist = array_fill(0, $this->vertices, PHP_INT_MAX);
$dist[$src] = 0;
$sptSet = array_fill(0, $this->vertices, false);
for ($count = 0; $count < $this->vertices - 1; $count++) {
$u = $this->minDistance($dist, $sptSet);
$sptSet[$u] = true;
for ($v = 0; $v < $this->vertices; $v++) {
if (!$sptSet[$v] && $this->graph[$u][$v] && $dist[$u] !== PHP_INT_MAX &&
$dist[$u] + $this->graph[$u][$v] < $dist[$v]) {
$dist[$v] = $dist[$u] + $this->graph[$u][$v];
return $dist;
public function addEdge($src, $dst, $weight) {
$this->graph[$src][$dst] = $weight;
$this->graph[$dst][$src] = $weight;
function flattenArray(array $arr): array {
$flattened = [];
array_walk_recursive($arr, function ($value) use (&$flattened) {
$flattened[] = $value;
return $flattened;
function quickSort(array $array): array {
if (count($array) < 2) {
return $array;
$left = $right = [];
$pivot = reset($array);
foreach (array_slice($array, 1) as $value) {
if ($value < $pivot) {
$left[] = $value;
} else {
$right[] = $value;
return array_merge(quickSort($left), [$pivot], quickSort($right));
function isPalindrome(string $string): bool {
$cleanedString = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", '', $string);
$reversedString = strrev($cleanedString);
return strtolower($cleanedString) === strtolower($reversedString);
function generateFibonacci(int $n): array {
$fibonacci = [0, 1];
for ($i = 2; $i < $n; $i++) {
$fibonacci[$i] = $fibonacci[$i - 1] + $fibonacci[$i - 2];
return $fibonacci;
function isPrime(int $number): bool {
if ($number <= 1) {
return false;
for ($i = 2; $i <= sqrt($number); $i++) {
if ($number % $i == 0) {
return false;
return true;
function factorial(int $number): int {
if ($number == 0) {
return 1;
return $number * factorial($number - 1);
function mergeSort(array $arr): array {
if (count($arr) <= 1) {
return $arr;
$middle = intdiv(count($arr), 2);
$left = mergeSort(array_slice($arr, 0, $middle));
$right = mergeSort(array_slice($arr, $middle));
return merge($left, $right);
function merge(array $left, array $right): array {
$result = [];
$leftPointer = $rightPointer = 0;
while ($leftPointer < count($left) && $rightPointer < count($right)) {
if ($left[$leftPointer] < $right[$rightPointer]) {
$result[] = $left[$leftPointer];
} else {
$result[] = $right[$rightPointer];
return array_merge($result, array_slice($left, $leftPointer), array_slice($right, $rightPointer));
// Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
function gcd(int $a, int $b): int {
while ($b != 0) {
$t = $b;
$b = $a % $b;
$a = $t;
return $a;
// Least Common Multiple (LCM)
function lcm(int $a, int $b): int {
return abs($a * $b) / gcd($a, $b);
function generatePermutations(string $string): array {
if (strlen($string) < 2) {
return [$string];
$permutations = [];
$tail = substr($string, 1);
foreach (generatePermutations($tail) as $permutation) {
$length = strlen($permutation);
for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++) {
$permutations[] = substr($permutation, 0, $i) . $string[0] . substr($permutation, $i);
return $permutations;
function reverseString(string $string): string {
$length = strlen($string);
$reversed = '';
for ($i = ($length - 1); $i >= 0; $i--) {
$reversed .= $string[$i];
return $reversed;
function deduplicateArray(array $arr): array {
return array_values(array_unique($arr));
function caesarCipherEncrypt(string $text, int $shift): string {
$encrypted = '';
foreach (str_split($text) as $char) {
if (ctype_alpha($char)) {
$offset = (ctype_upper($char) ? ord('A') : ord('a'));
$encrypted .= chr($offset + (ord($char) - $offset + $shift) % 26);
} else {
$encrypted .= $char;
return $encrypted;
function rotateArrayLeft(array $arr, int $positions): array {
$count = count($arr);
$positions %= $count; // In case positions > count
return array_merge(array_slice($arr, $positions), array_slice($arr, 0, $positions));
function isBalanced(string $expression): bool {
$stack = [];
$map = [
')' => '(',
']' => '[',
'}' => '{',
foreach (str_split($expression) as $char) {
if (in_array($char, ['(', '[', '{'])) {
array_push($stack, $char);
} elseif (isset($map[$char]) && (empty($stack) || array_pop($stack) !== $map[$char])) {
return false;
return empty($stack);
function powerSet(array $set): array {
$results = [[]];
foreach ($set as $element) {
foreach ($results as $combination) {
$results[] = array_merge(array($element), $combination);
return $results;
function areAnagrams(string $str1, string $str2): bool {
$str1 = str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($str1));
$str2 = str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($str2));
return count_chars($str1, 1) === count_chars($str2, 1);
function matrixMultiply(array $a, array $b): array {
return [
$a[0]*$b[0] + $a[1]*$b[2], $a[0]*$b[1] + $a[1]*$b[3],
$a[2]*$b[0] + $a[3]*$b[2], $a[2]*$b[1] + $a[3]*$b[3]
function matrixPower(array $a, int $n): array {
$ret = [1, 0, 0, 1];
while ($n) {
if ($n & 1) {
$ret = matrixMultiply($ret, $a);
$a = matrixMultiply($a, $a);
$n >>= 1;
return $ret;
function fibonacciFastDoubling(int $n): int {
if ($n == 0) return 0;
$result = matrixPower([1, 1, 1, 0], $n - 1);
return $result[0];
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