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Last active January 24, 2023 11:14
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fluid typography in scss
// Define the base font-size and line-height
$base-font-size: 16px;
$base-line-height: 1.5;
// Define a mixin for setting font-size and line-height in rem units
@mixin font-size-rem($size, $line-height) {
font-size: ($size / $base-font-size) + rem;
line-height: ($line-height / $size);
// Define a mixin for creating media queries
@mixin media-query($breakpoint) {
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, $breakpoint) {
@media (min-width: map-get($breakpoints, $breakpoint)) {
} @else {
@warn "Invalid breakpoint #{$breakpoint} specified.";
// Define a mixin for setting font-size and line-height based on the viewport width
@mixin fluid-typography($min-size, $max-size, $min-line-height, $max-line-height) {
font-size: calc(
#{$min-size} + (#{$max-size} - #{$min-size}) * ((100vw - #{map-get($breakpoints, sm)}) / #{map-get($breakpoints, xl) -
map-get($breakpoints, sm)})
line-height: calc(
#{$min-line-height} + (#{$max-line-height} - #{$min-line-height}) * ((100vw - #{map-get($breakpoints, sm)}) / #{map-get(
) - map-get($breakpoints, sm)})
@include media-query(sm) {
@include font-size-rem($min-size, $min-line-height);
@include media-query(xl) {
@include font-size-rem($max-size, $max-line-height);
// Usage example
.example-class {
@include fluid-typography(14px, 18px, 1.4, 1.6);
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