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Created May 22, 2018 13:50
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Proiect Web Semantic (former UIA)
@prefix : <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
:Ontology {
# Clase
:Persoana a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Persoana"@ro, "Person"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta o persoana, un individ" .
:Student a owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Persoana ;
owl:disjointWith :Profesor ;
owl:disjointWith :Curs ;
owl:disjointWith :Specializare ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta un student" .
:Profesor a owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Persoana ;
rdfs:subClassOf [
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty :coordoneaza ;
owl:maxCardinality 30
] ;
owl:disjointWith :Student ;
owl:disjointWith :Curs ;
owl:disjointWith :Specializare .
:ProfesorUniversitar a owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Profesor .
:Lector a owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Profesor .
:Conferentiar a owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Profesor .
:Disciplina a owl:Class ;
owl:equivalentClass :Curs .
:Curs a owl:Class ;
owl:disjointWith :Profesor ;
owl:disjointWith :Curs ;
owl:disjointWith :Specializare .
:Specializare a owl:Class ;
owl:disjointWith :Profesor ;
owl:disjointWith :Curs ;
owl:disjointWith :Specializare .
# Proprietati
:semestru a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Curs ;
rdfs:range xsd:int ;
rdfs:label "Semestrul" ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta un semestru" .
:specializare a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Student ;
rdfs:range :Specializare ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta specializarea la care este inscris studentul" .
:nume a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Persoana ;
rdfs:domain :Curs ;
rdfs:range xsd:string ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta numele unei Persoane sau Curs" .
:prenume a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Persoana ;
rdfs:range xsd:string ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta prenumele unei Persoane" .
:email a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Persoana ;
rdfs:range xsd:string ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta emailul unei Persoane" .
:birou a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Profesor ;
rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta biroul unui Profesor" .
:optional a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Curs ;
rdfs:range xsd:boolean ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta optionalitatea unui Curs" .
:numarMatricol a owl:InverseFunctionalProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Student ;
rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta numarul matricol al unui Student" .
:coordonator a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Student ;
rdfs:range :Profesor ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta coordonatorul unui student pentru lucrarea de licenta" .
:denumire a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Specializare ;
rdfs:range xsd:string ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta denumirea unei Specializari" .
:coordoneaza a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Profesor ;
rdfs:range :Student ;
owl:inverseOf :coordonator ;
rdfs:comment "Descrie cine coordoneaza pe Student" .
:profesori a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Curs ;
rdfs:range rdf:List ;
rdfs:comment "Lista de profesori care predau un curs" .
:titular a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Profesor ;
rdfs:range :Curs ;
rdfs:comment "Descrie titularul cursului" .
:coleg a owl:SymmetricProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Student ;
rdfs:range :Student ;
rdfs:comment "Descrie relatia de colegi intre 2 studenti" .
:titlu a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Profesor ;
rdfs:range xsd:string ;
rdfs:comment "Descrie titlul unui profesor" .
:Statements {
:UIA2016 a :Curs ;
:semestru 6 ;
:optional "false"^^xsd:boolean ;
:specializare :IE ;
# :profesori [:AnaMariaGhiran, :BuchmannRobert]
:profesori [a rdf:List ;
rdf:first :AnaMariaGhiran ;
rdf:rest [
a rdf:List ;
rdf:first :BuchmannRobert ;
rdf:rest rdf:nil]] ;
:titular [ a :Profesor ] ;
rdfs:label "Utilizarea Internetului in Afaceri" .
:IMG2016 a :Curs ;
:semestru 6 ;
:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
:specializare :IE ;
# :profesori [:RazvanPetrusel]
:titular [ a :Profesor ] ;
rdfs:label "Informatica Manageriala si de Gestiune" .
:ASD2015 a :Curs ;
:semestru 4 ;
:optional "false"^^xsd:boolean ;
:specializare :IE ;
# :profesori [:CristianBologa, :FlorinaCovaci, :AlexandruStan]
:profesori [a rdf:List ;
rdf:first :CristianBologa ;
rdf:rest [
a rdf:List ;
rdf:first :FlorinaCovaci ;
rdf:rest [
a rdf:List ;
rdf:first :AlexandruStan ;
rdf:rest rdf:nil]]] ;
:titular [ a :Profesor ] ;
rdfs:label "Algoritmi si Structuri de Date" .
:BDE2015 a :Curs ;
:semestru 5 ;
:optional "false"^^xsd:boolean ;
:specializare :IE ;
# :profesori [:DanSitar, :LianaStanca]
:profesori [a rdf:List ;
rdf:first :DanSitar ;
rdf:rest [
a rdf:List ;
rdf:first :LianaStanca ;
rdf:rest rdf:nil]] ;
:titular [ a :Profesor ] ;
rdfs:label "Baze de Date in Economie" .
:IPC2016 a :Curs ;
:semestru 4 ;
:optional "false"^^xsd:boolean ;
:specializare :IE ;
# :profesori [:CristianBologa, :AlexandruStan]
:profesori [a rdf:List ;
rdf:first :CristianBologa ;
rdf:rest [
a rdf:List ;
rdf:first :AlexandruStan ;
rdf:rest rdf:nil]] ;
:titular [ a :Profesor ] ;
rdfs:label "Introducere in Programarea Calculatoarelor" .
:Tx a :Student ;
owl:sameAs :Tux .
:Tux a :Student ;
:numarMatricol "5678"^^xsd:integer ;
:nume "Lnx" ;
:prenume "Tux" ;
:email "" ;
:coordonator :LianaStanca ;
:specializare :IE ;
:coleg :Cristian ;
rdfs:label "Tux Lnx" .
:Cristian a :Student ;
:numarMatricol 1234 ;
:nume "Trifan" ;
:prenume "Cristian" ;
:email "" ;
:coordonator :CristianBologa ;
:specializare :IE ;
:coleg :Tux ;
rdfs:label "Cristian Trifan" .
:LianaStanca a :Conferentiar ;
:nume "Stanca" ;
:prenume "Liana" ;
:email "" ;
:birou 432 ;
:titlu "Conf.univ.dr." ;
rdfs:label "Liana STANCA" ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta pe Conf.univ.dr. Liana STANCA" .
:CristianBologa a :Lector ;
:nume "Bologa" ;
:prenume "Cristian" ;
:email "" ;
:birou 431 ;
:titlu "Lect.univ.dr." ;
rdfs:label "Cristian BOLOGA" ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta pe Lect.univ.dr. Cristian Bologa" .
:AnaMariaGhiran a :Lector ;
:nume "Griran" ;
:prenume "Ana Maria" ;
:email "" ;
:birou 449 ;
:titlu "Lect.univ.dr." ;
rdfs:label "Ana Maria GHIRAN" ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta pe Lect.univ.dr. Ana Maria Ghiran" .
:BuchmannRobert a :Conferentiar ;
:nume "Robert" ;
:prenume "BUCHMANN" ;
:email "" ;
:birou 431 ;
:titlu "Conf.univ.dr." ;
rdfs:label "Robert BUCHMANN" ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta pe Conf.univ.dr. Robert BUCHMANN" .
:DanSitar a :Conferentiar ;
:nume "Sitar" ;
:prenume "Dan" ;
:email "" ;
:birou 436 ;
:titlu "Conf.univ.dr." ;
rdfs:label "Dan SITAR" ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta pe Conf.univ.dr. Dan SITAR" .
:FlorinaCovaci a :Asistent ;
:nume "Covaci" ;
:prenume "Florina" ;
:email "" ;
:birou 437 ;
:titlu "Asist.univ.drd." ;
rdfs:label "Florina COVACI" ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta pe Asist.univ.drd. Florina COVACI" .
:AlexandruStan a :Asistent ;
:nume "Stan" ;
:prenume "Alexandru" ;
:email "" ;
:birou 437 ;
:titlu "Asist.univ.dr." ;
rdfs:label "Alexandru STAN" ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta pe Asist.univ.dr. Alexandru STAN" .
:RazvanPetrusel a :Conferentiar ;
:nume "Petrusel" ;
:prenume "Razvan" ;
:email "" ;
:birou 431 ;
:titlu "Conf.univ.dr." ;
rdfs:label "Razvan PETRUSEL" ;
rdfs:comment "Reprezinta pe Conf.univ.dr. Razvan PETRUSEL" .
:IE a :Specializare ;
:denumire "Informatica Economica" ;
rdfs:comment "Specializarea Informatica Economica" .
:MG a :Specializare ;
:denumire "Management" ;
rdfs:comment "Specializarea Management" .
:MK a :Specializare ;
:denumire "Marketing" ;
rdfs:comment "Specializarea Marketing" .
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