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Last active April 5, 2023 18:58
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PDF to MP3

Audiobook Generator

This script converts a PDF file into an audiobook by extracting its text content and organizing it into chapters. It then uses a text-to-speech engine to generate audio files for each chapter and saves them in a specified output folder. The script takes a PDF file as input and allows users to set an optional output folder. It uses the PyMuPDF library for PDF processing, the re library for regular expressions, and the pyttsx3 library for text-to-speech conversion.


Follow these steps to install the required dependencies:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install espeak ffmpeg libespeak1
python3 -m venv env
source ./env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


Use the following command to generate an audiobook from a PDF file:

python filename.pdf --output chapters

Replace filename.pdf with the path to your PDF file and chapters with the desired output folder. If the output folder is not specified, the default output folder is output.

After the script completes, you will find the generated audiobook chapters as MP3 files in the specified output folder.

Known Issues

  • On MacOS, there is an error when attempting to use engine.getProperty('voices') due to the removal of the VoiceAge field in NSSS. This may cause issues with voice selection or manipulation.
  • Saving audio files does not work on some recent versions of MacOS. The cause of this issue is currently unknown.

Bugs & Questions

Don't bother me with any of that. JUST DON'T.


This project is licensed under the DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE.


from typing import Pattern, Dict, Tuple, Union
from pathlib import Path
import pyttsx3
import fitz
import argparse
import re
# CHAPTER_RE: A regex pattern to identify the start of a chapter and its number.
# The pattern looks for two spaces followed by a newline, followed by the chapter
# number and then again two spaces followed by a newline.
CHAPTER_RE: Pattern = re.compile(r'\s\n\s\n(\d+)\s\n\s\n')
# CHAPTER_PAGE_RE: A regex pattern to identify the page number and the chapter number.
# The pattern looks for the page number followed by five spaces followed by a newline,
# and then the chapter number with two spaces followed by a newline.
CHAPTER_PAGE_RE: Pattern = re.compile(r'(\d+)\s\n\s\n\s\n\s\n(\d+)\s\n\s\n')
# PAGE_RE: A regex pattern to identify only the page number.
# The pattern looks for the page number followed by two spaces followed by a newline.
PAGE_RE: Pattern = re.compile(r'(\d+)\s\n\s\n')
def on_end(name: str, _) -> None:
Callback function to be called when an audiobook finishes processing.
:param name: The name of the audiobook.
:param _: Unused parameter.
:return: None
print(f'Audiobook {name} finished!')
def parse_page(content: str) -> Tuple[int, int, str]:
Parses the text content of a page, extracting the chapter number, page number, and text.
:param content: The text content of a page.
:return: A tuple containing the chapter number, page number, and the cleaned text content.
chapter, page = 1, 0
found =, content)
if found:
page, chapter = found.groups()
return int(chapter), int(page), re.sub(CHAPTER_PAGE_RE, '', content)
found =, content)
if found:
chapter =
return int(chapter), int(page), re.sub(CHAPTER_RE, '', content)
found =, content)
if found:
page =
return int(chapter), int(page), re.sub(PAGE_RE, '', content)
return chapter, page, content
def open_book(filename: str) -> Dict[int, str]:
Opens the given PDF file, extracts the text content and organizes it into chapters.
:param filename: The path of the PDF file to be processed.
:return: A dictionary containing the chapters with their content.
The keys represent the chapter numbers and the values the content.
chapters = {}
with fitz.Document(filename) as doc:
current = 0
stop = False
for page in doc:
text = page.get_text()
if stop:
chapter, _, content = parse_page(text)
chapters[0] = content
chapter, _, content = parse_page(text)
current = chapter if chapter > current else current
chapters[current] = '' if current not in chapters else chapters[current]
chapters[current] += content
stop ='FIM', content)
return chapters
def read_book(book: str, chapters: Dict[int, str], folder: str) -> None:
Reads the given book and saves each chapter as an MP3 file in the specified folder.
:param book: The name of the book.
:param chapters: A dictionary containing the chapters with their content as string.
The keys represent the chapter numbers and the values are lists of pages.
:param folder: The output folder where the MP3 files will be saved.
:return: None
if not chapters:
engine = pyttsx3.init()
engine.connect('finished-utterance', on_end)
path = Path(folder)
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for chapter, pages in chapters.items():
content = f'{book}. Capítulo {chapter}.\n\n' + pages
filename = f'{book} - Capitulo {str(chapter).zfill(3)}.mp3'
engine.save_to_file(content, path.joinpath(filename), name=filename)
class FileAction(argparse.Action):
Custom argparse action to validate and process a file argument.
This class is designed to be used with argparse to ensure that the given
file argument exists, is a file, and has a '.pdf' extension.
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
path = Path(str(values))
if not path.exists():
parser.error(f'file not found: {path}')
if not path.is_file():
parser.error(f'not a file: {path}')
if not path.suffix == '.pdf':
parser.error(f'not a pdf file: {path}')
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
class FolderAction(argparse.Action):
Custom argparse action to validate and process a folder argument.
This class is designed to be used with argparse to ensure that the given
folder argument is not a file.
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
path = Path(str(values))
if path.is_file():
parser.error(f'not a folder: {path}')
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
prog='audiobook', description='audiobook from pdf file')
parser.add_argument('book', action=FileAction, help='pdf file')
'-o', '--output', action=FolderAction, default='output', help='output folder')
args = parser.parse_args()
chapters = open_book(
name ='.pdf', '')
read_book(name, chapters, args.output)
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crissilvaeng commented Apr 5, 2023


for chapter, pages in chapters.items():
    content = f'{book}. Capítulo {chapter}.\n\n' + pages
    filename = f'{book} - Capitulo {str(chapter).zfill(3)}.txt'
    with open(path.joinpath(filename), 'w') as f:


say -o <audio.wav> -f  <text.txt> --progress --data-format=LEF32@32000

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