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Last active July 3, 2019 06:59
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import Foundation
typealias Matrix = [[Bool]]
typealias Vector = [Bool]
func fractal(n: Int) {
let width = 63
let height = width / 2 + 1
var matrix = createMatrix(w: width, h: height)
if n == 0 {
matrix = drawPartition(matrix: matrix, slide: Node(x: 0, y: 0, w: width, h: height))
if n == 1 {
let slides = split(matrix: matrix, level: n - 1)
for i in slides {
for slide in i {
matrix = drawPartition(matrix: matrix, slide: slide)
// ready
func createMatrix(w: Int, h: Int) -> Matrix {
var mat: Matrix = []
var i = 1
for _ in 0..<h {
var row = Vector.init(repeating: false, count: w)
row = switching(list: row, value: i)
i += 2
return mat
func drawPartition(matrix: Matrix, slide: Node) -> Matrix {
var m = matrix
let w = slide.w
let h = slide.h
let x = slide.x + (w / 2 / 2) + 1
let y = slide.y + h / 2
var n = 1
for i in y..<y+h/2 {
m[i] = switchingInSlice(row: m[i], a: x, b: x + w / 2 - 1, value: w / 2 + 1 - n)
n += 2
return m
// ready
func switchingInSlice(row: Vector, a: Int, b: Int, value: Int) -> Vector {
let slice = Array(row[a...b])
let new = switching(list: slice, value: value)
var result = row
var j = 0
(a...b).forEach { i in
result[i] = new[j]
j += 1
return result
// ready
func switching(list: Vector, value: Int) -> Vector {
var l = list
let center = list.count / 2
l[center] = !l[center]
let times = (value - 1) / 2
if times == 0 {
return l
(1...times).forEach { i in
l[center + i] = !l[center + i]
l[center - i] = !l[center - i]
return l
// ready
func split(matrix: Matrix, level: Int) -> [[Node]] {
return split(matrix: matrix, acc: [], level: level)
// ready
struct Node {
var x: Int
var y: Int
var w: Int
var h: Int
// ready
func split(matrix: Matrix, acc: [[Node]], level: Int) -> [[Node]] {
if level == acc.count {
return acc
if acc.isEmpty {
let w = matrix[0].count / 2
let h = matrix.count / 2
let top = Node(x: matrix[0].count / 2 / 2 + 1, y: 0, w: w, h: h)
let left = Node(x: 0, y: matrix.count / 2, w: w, h: h)
let right = Node(x: matrix[0].count / 2 + 1, y: matrix.count / 2, w: w, h: h)
return split(matrix: matrix, acc: [[top, left, right]], level: level)
let lastLevel = acc[acc.count - 1]
var levelNodes: [Node] = []
for i in lastLevel {
let w = i.w / 2
let h = i.h / 2
let top = Node(x: i.x + i.w / 2 / 2 + 1, y: i.y, w: w, h: h)
let left = Node(x: i.x, y: i.y + i.h / 2, w: w, h: h)
let right = Node(x: i.x + i.w / 2 + 1, y: i.y + i.h / 2, w: w, h: h)
var totalAcc = acc
return split(matrix: matrix, acc: totalAcc, level: level)
// ready
func printing(_ mat: Matrix) {
for i in mat {
let j ={ $0 ? "1" : "_" }).joined()
fractal(n: 5)
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