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Last active January 25, 2024 05:52
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Programmatically generate rocket engine regenerative cooling geometry using CadQuery 2.
import cadquery as cq
import math
import argparse
from tqdm import tqdm
import time
start_time = time.time()
_ | |
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By: Cristian Bicheru
# Read an RPA .txt based contour file
def load_contour(filename):
with open(filename, "r") as f:
data = [x for x in f.readlines() if not x.startswith('#')]
data = [x.strip().replace(' ', '').split('\t') for x in data]
data = [[float(x[0]), float(x[1])] for x in data if len(x) == 2]
return data
# Convert a vector into an array, optionally setting the z-component to 0
def unpack_vec(vec, planar=False):
return vec.x, vec.y, (vec.z if not planar else 0)
# Input parsing
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate regeneratively cooled engine geometry.")
parser.add_argument("-f", type=str, help="The RPA generated contour. Use the uniform txt based contour format from RPA.", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-t1", type=float, help="The CC wall thickness.", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-t2", type=float, help="The outer wall thickness.", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-w", type=float, help="The rib thickness.", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-hc", type=float, help="The height of the channels.", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-n", type=int, help="The number of channels.", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--angle", type=float, default=30.5, help="The overhang angle of the channels in degrees.")
parser.add_argument("--nperp", type=int, default=20, help="Number of interpolation points.")
parser.add_argument("--srib", action='store_true', default=True, help="Whether to scale the rib thickness with the sqrt of the radius.")
parser.add_argument("--full", action='store_true', default=False, help="Whether to export the regen channel negative or to generate the full regen geometry.")
parser.add_argument("out_file", help="The output filename.")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Input parsing
contour_filename = args.f
inner_wall_thickness = args.t1
rib_thickness = args.w
outer_wall_thickness = args.t2
channel_height = args.hc
num_channels = args.n
n_perp = args.nperp
tan_gamma = math.tan( math.pi/2 - math.radians(args.angle) )
theta_per_channel = 2*math.pi/num_channels
if contour_filename.endswith(".dxf"):
raise RuntimeError("Export nozzle contour as a .txt file.")
print("Loading nozzle contour...")
contour = load_contour(contour_filename)
rmin = min([x[1] for x in contour])
inner_surface_pts = [[] for _ in range(n_perp)]
outer_surface_pts = [[] for _ in range(n_perp)]
theta = 0
print("Generating cross-sections...")
for i in tqdm(range(len(contour))):
r = contour[i][1]
z = contour[i][0]
if i != len(contour)-1:
dr = contour[i+1][1] - r
dz = contour[i+1][0] - z
dtheta = math.sqrt( dz**2 / tan_gamma**2 - dr**2 ) / r
r_inner = r + inner_wall_thickness
r_outer = r_inner + channel_height
inner_twist_angle = math.atan(r_inner*dtheta/dz)
outer_twist_angle = math.atan(r_outer*dtheta/dz)
flare_angle = math.atan(dr/dz)
adjusted_rib_thickness = rib_thickness * ( (r / rmin) ** 0.5 if args.srib else 1 )
inner_eff_rib_thickness = adjusted_rib_thickness / (
math.cos(inner_twist_angle)**2 + math.sin(inner_twist_angle)**2 * math.sin(flare_angle)**2 )**0.5
outer_eff_rib_thickness = adjusted_rib_thickness / (
math.cos(outer_twist_angle)**2 + math.sin(outer_twist_angle)**2 * math.sin(flare_angle)**2 )**0.5
theta_rib_inner = 2*math.atan(inner_eff_rib_thickness/(2*r_inner))
theta_rib_outer = 2*math.atan(outer_eff_rib_thickness/(2*r_outer))
for j in range(n_perp):
cw_inner = theta_per_channel - theta_rib_inner
cw_outer = theta_per_channel - theta_rib_outer
angle_inner = theta - cw_inner/2 + cw_inner * j / (n_perp-1)
angle_outer = theta - cw_outer/2 + cw_outer * j / (n_perp-1)
r_inner*math.sin(angle_inner), r_inner*math.cos(angle_inner), z
r_outer*math.sin(angle_outer), r_outer*math.cos(angle_outer), z
theta += dtheta
print("Making surfaces...")
e1 = cq.Workplane("XY").spline(inner_surface_pts[0])
e2 = cq.Workplane("XY").spline(inner_surface_pts[-1])
e3 = cq.Workplane("XY").spline(outer_surface_pts[-1])
e4 = cq.Workplane("XY").spline(outer_surface_pts[0])
s14 = cq.Face.makeRuledSurface(e1.val(), e4.val())
s23 = cq.Face.makeRuledSurface(e2.val(), e3.val())
s12 = cq.Face.makeSplineApprox(points=inner_surface_pts, tol=1e-8)
s34 = cq.Face.makeSplineApprox(points=outer_surface_pts, tol=1e-8)
fb = (
.spline([x[0] for x in inner_surface_pts])
.spline([x[0] for x in outer_surface_pts][::-1])
ft = (
cq.Workplane("XY", origin=(0,0,contour[-1][0]))
.spline([unpack_vec(x[-1], planar=True) for x in inner_surface_pts])
.lineTo(*unpack_vec(outer_surface_pts[-1][-1], planar=True))
.spline([unpack_vec(x[-1], planar=True) for x in outer_surface_pts][::-1])
sb = cq.Face.makeFromWires(fb.val())
st = cq.Face.makeFromWires(ft.val())
sh = cq.Shell.makeShell([sb, st, s12, s34, s14, s23])
rv = cq.Solid.makeSolid(sh)
except TypeError:
raise RuntimeError("Surface stiching failed, try increasing nperp.")
if not args.full:
print("Exporting regen channel geometry...")
cq.exporters.export(rv, args.out_file)
# Circular pattern the channels
print("Performing circular pattern...")
bodies = [rv]
for i in tqdm(range(1, num_channels)):
bodies.append(rv.rotate((0,0,0), (0,0,1), 360/num_channels*i))
# Revolve the contour
inner_pts = [[x[1], x[0]] for x in contour]
outer_pts = [[x[1]+inner_wall_thickness+channel_height+outer_wall_thickness, x[0]] for x in contour]
shell = (cq.Workplane("XZ")
.revolve(360, (0,0,0), (0,1,0))
# Cut out the channels
print("Cutting channels...")
for x in tqdm(bodies):
shell = shell.cut(x)
# Save the result
print("Exporting FULL geometry...")
cq.exporters.export(shell, args.out_file)
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
print("Geometry exported successfully.")
print(f"Regen geometry generated in {elapsed_time:.2f}s.")
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