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Last active June 18, 2018 07:14
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Media Query Variables

@author Cristian Ferrari <> || @energettico

Licensed under WTFPL.

SCSS usage:

// Usage
@import "vendor/mediaquery";

// SCSS usage
@media screen #{$to-phone} { /* CSS here */ }

// Or mixin usage:
@include respond($to-small)   { /* CSS here ... */ };
@include respond($from-small) { /* CSS here ... */ };

@include respond(to 320px)   { /* CSS here ... */ };
@include respond(from 320px) { /* CSS here ... */ };

@include respond(from 320px, $portrait)            { /* CSS here ... */ };
@include respond(from 320px, to 500px, $landscape) { /* CSS here ... */ };

@include respond(from 320px, to 500px)   { /* CSS here ... */ };
@include respond(from 320px, $to-medium) { /* CSS here ... */ };


  • DEC/04/2013
  • Add to() function for don't repeat 'and (max-width: #{$size})'.
  • Add from() function for don't repeat 'and (min-width: #{1 + $size})'.
  • Add orientation() function for don't repeat 'and (orientation: #{$orientation})'.
  • Upgrade respond() mixin for make it more useful.
  • Remove From/To variables, with new respond() mixin don't need it any more.
  • Update mixin usage
  • OCT/11/2013
  • Change some variables names
  • Add devices variables
  • Upgrade respond() mixin
  • Update usage
  • JUL/23/2013
  • Change variables names
  • Add respond() mixin
  • Update usage
  • FEB/11/2013
  • Add orientations.
  • Bug fixes.
  • First release.
// @author Cristian Ferrari
// @email
// @github cristianferrarig
// # Usage
// @import "vendor/mediaquery";
// # SCSS usage:
// @media screen #{$to-phone} { /* CSS here */ }
// # Or mixin usage:
// @include respond($to-small) { /* CSS here ... */ };
// @include respond($from-small) { /* CSS here ... */ };
// @include respond(to 320px) { /* CSS here ... */ };
// @include respond(from 320px) { /* CSS here ... */ };
// @include respond(from 320px, $portrait) { /* CSS here ... */ };
// @include respond(from 320px, to 500px, $landscape) { /* CSS here ... */ };
// @include respond(from 320px, to 500px) { /* CSS here ... */ };
// @include respond(from 320px, $to-medium) { /* CSS here ... */ };
@function to($size) {
@return unquote('and (max-width: #{$size})');
@function from($size) {
@return unquote('and (min-width: #{1 + $size})');
@function orientation($orientation) {
@return unquote('and (orientation: #{$orientation})');
@mixin respond($breakpoints...) {
$mediaquery: null;
@each $breakpoint in $breakpoints {
@if type-of($breakpoint) == list {
$respond: nth($breakpoint, 1);
$size: nth($breakpoint, 2);
@if $respond == 'from' { $breakpoint: from($size); }
@else if $respond == 'to' { $breakpoint: to($size); }
$mediaquery: append($mediaquery, $breakpoint, space);
@media screen #{$mediaquery} {
// Generic names
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Supported sizes
$size-mini: 480px !default;
$size-small: 768px !default;
$size-medium: 992px !default;
$size-large: 1200px !default;
$size-oversized: 1500px !default;
// To queries
$to-mini: to($size-mini);
$to-small: to($size-small);
$to-medium: to($size-medium);
$to-large: to($size-large);
$to-oversized: to($size-oversized);
// From queries
$from-mini: from($size-mini);
$from-small: from($size-small);
$from-medium: from($size-medium);
$from-large: from($size-large);
$from-oversized: from($size-oversized);
// Devices names
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Supported sizes
$screen-phone: $size-mini;
$screen-tablet: $size-small;
$screen-laptop: $size-medium;
$screen-desktop: $size-large;
$screen-cinema: $size-oversized;
// To queries
$to-phone: to($screen-phone);
$to-tablet: to($screen-tablet);
$to-laptop: to($screen-laptop);
$to-desktop: to($screen-desktop);
$to-cinema: to($screen-cinema);
// From queries
$from-phone: from($screen-phone);
$from-tablet: from($screen-tablet);
$from-laptop: from($screen-laptop);
$from-desktop: from($screen-desktop);
$from-cinema: from($screen-cinema);
// Others
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Container
$size-container: 960px !default;
$to-container: to($size-container);
$from-container: from($size-container);
// Orientation
$portrait: orientation(portrait);
$landscape: orientation(landscape);
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