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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Extjs. Populate grid with ajax call
//click in search button ==> start the ajaxSearch_function() retrive the form data parameters and call the load method. ==>
//load method start an ajax call. Retrive the data from the server and populate the store.
//The grid is not yet populated. ==> The load method lunch the callback. ==> when callback terminate the grid is populated
var store = new{
url: "my/json/url",
idProperty: "name",
root: "data",//parsing the json starting from data field. Ex: {"results":1,"errors":"","success":true,"data":[{"msg":"SomeData"}]}
fields: ["msg"] //retrive the content of 'msg' key
var form = new Ext.FormPanel({
title: 'ajax search Form',
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'search',
name: 'search',
id: 'search'
buttons: [{
text: 'Search', handler: ajaxSearch_function //reference the function, don't execute it!
form.render('ajax-search_form'); // put the form html in the ajax-search_form div
function ajaxSearch_function(){
var query = Ext.getCmp('search').getValue(); //retrive the value of the search field
store.load({// start the ajax coll. If the 'params' is provide the http method is POST else is GET. So in this case is POST
params: {query: query}, //query is the name field in the http post request. Inspect the htto req to see the naming of parameters
//when the ajax call is finished the store is automatically populated with the server response data.
callback: storeLoadCallback // start the callback function. this function is usefull to manipulate the store data.
function storeLoadCallback(records, operation, success){
if (success) {
} else {
return "FooBar";
var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: store, //this is the var istanziate before. store is populated by ajax response.
columns: [{
id :'title',
header : 'title',
dataIndex: 'msg'//this name MUST match with the field name provided in the store costructor definition.
title: 'ajax grid',
stateId: 'ajax-Grid',
id: 'ajax-Grid'
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