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Function hooks in Solidity
contract Function_hook_example {
function Function_hook_example() {
owner = msg.sender;
modifier isOwner {
if (msg.sender == owner) {
//do a hook after normal exeuction.
modifier post_hook {
if (post_function_hooks[msg.sig] != 0x0) {
//do a hook before normal execution.
modifier pre_hook {
if (pre_function_hooks[msg.sig] != 0x0) {
function doSomething(bytes32 _text) pre_hook post_hook {
//do basic stuff here.
function changeOwner(address _newOwner) isOwner {
owner = _newOwner;
function changeHook(bytes32 _type, bytes4 _functionSig, address _contract) isOwner {
if (_type == "pre") {
pre_function_hooks[_functionSig] = _contract;
} else if (_type == "post") {
post_function_hooks[_functionSig] = _contract;
address public owner;
mapping (bytes4 => address) pre_function_hooks;
mapping (bytes4 => address) post_function_hooks;
contract otherContract {
//called from hook example.
function doSomething(bytes32 _text) {
//do extra stuff here. Use _text or not.
//ie, notify etherex of a deposit.
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