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Exercise 4 - Scales and axes
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>SIPRI arms transfers database</title>
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<h1>Arms Top Exporting Countries in 2014</h1>
<p>Figures are SIPRI Trend Indicator Values (TIVs) expressed in US$ m. at constant (1990) price. </p>
<p>Source: <a href="">SIPRI Arms Transfers Database</a> <p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var w = 700;
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var padding = [ 20, 10, 30, 120 ]; //Top, right, bottom, left
var widthScale = d3.scale.linear()
.range([ 0, w - padding[1] - padding[3] ]);
var heightScale = d3.scale.ordinal()
.rangeRoundBands([ padding[0], h - padding[2] ], 0.1);
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var svg ="body")
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d3.csv("SIPRI_Arms_Transfers_DB_2014_Top_25.csv", function(data) {
data.sort(function(a, b) {
return d3.descending(+a.TIV_VALUE_EXPORT, +b.TIV_VALUE_EXPORT);
widthScale.domain([ 0, d3.max(data, function(d) {
}) ]);
heightScale.domain( { return d.COUNTRY; } ));
var rects = svg.selectAll("rect")
rects.attr("x", padding[3])
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return heightScale(d.COUNTRY);
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return widthScale(d.TIV_VALUE_EXPORT);
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.text(function(d) {
return d.COUNTRY + "'s TIV index is " + d.TIV_VALUE_EXPORT;
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United States 10775 581 1/1/2014
Russia 6172 201 1/1/2014
India 4298 4243 1/1/2014
Saudi Arabia 2629 2629 1/1/2014
France 1978 20 1/1/2014
United Kingdom 1955 251 1/1/2014
Turkey 1824 1550 1/1/2014
Spain 1234 124 1/1/2014
Germany (FRG) 1200 120 1/1/2014
Indonesia 1200 1200 1/1/2014
China 1083 1357 1/1/2014
Viet Nam 1058 1058 1/1/2014
Taiwan (ROC) 1039 1039 1/1/2014
UAE 1033 1031 1/1/2014
Israel 1008 184 1/1/2014
Italy 937 151 1/1/2014
Oman 738 738 1/1/2014
Singapore 719 717 1/1/2014
South Korea 683 530 1/1/2014
Ukraine 664 0 1/1/2014
Pakistan 659 659 1/1/2014
Iraq 627 627 1/1/2014
Morocco 594 594 1/1/2014
Kuwait 591 591 1/1/2014
Netherlands 574 13 1/1/2014
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