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Created August 11, 2023 19:46
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the full script for the instructive page here:
import circuit from '../target/test.json' assert { type: 'json' };
import { decompressSync } from 'fflate';
import { Crs, newBarretenbergApiAsync, RawBuffer } from '@aztec/bb.js/dest/node/index.js';
import { ethers } from 'ethers'; // I'm lazy so I'm using ethers to pad my input
import { executeCircuit, compressWitness } from '@noir-lang/acvm_js';
async function main() {
const acirBuffer = Buffer.from(circuit.bytecode, 'base64');
const acirBufferUncompressed = decompressSync(acirBuffer);
const api = await newBarretenbergApiAsync(4);
const [exact, circuitSize, subgroup] = await api.acirGetCircuitSizes(acirBufferUncompressed);
const subgroupSize = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log2(circuitSize)));
const crs = await + 1);
await api.commonInitSlabAllocator(subgroupSize);
await api.srsInitSrs(new RawBuffer(crs.getG1Data()), crs.numPoints, new RawBuffer(crs.getG2Data()));
const acirComposer = await api.acirNewAcirComposer(subgroupSize);
async function generateWitness(input: any, acirBuffer: Buffer): Promise<Uint8Array> {
const initialWitness = new Map<number, string>();
initialWitness.set(1, ethers.utils.hexZeroPad(`0x${input.x.toString(16)}`, 32));
initialWitness.set(2, ethers.utils.hexZeroPad(`0x${input.y.toString(16)}`, 32));
// initialWitness.set(3, ethers.utils.hexZeroPad(`0x${input.z.toString(16)}`, 32));
const witnessMap = await executeCircuit(acirBuffer, initialWitness, () => {
throw Error('unexpected oracle');
const witnessBuff = compressWitness(witnessMap);
return witnessBuff;
async function generateProof(witness: Uint8Array) {
const proof = await api.acirCreateProof(
return proof;
async function verifyProof(proof: Uint8Array) {
await api.acirInitProvingKey(acirComposer, acirBufferUncompressed);
const verified = await api.acirVerifyProof(acirComposer, proof, false);
return verified;
const input = { x: 3, y: 4 };
const witness = await generateWitness(input, acirBuffer);
console.log('Witness generated!');
const proof = await generateProof(witness);
console.log('Proof generated!');
await verifyProof(proof);
console.log('Proof verified!');
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@infinitywarp I recommend trying this new guide:

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