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Created March 26, 2012 18:45
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f[3].long_name + '</span>, <span class="region">' + f[5].short_name + '</span> <span class="postal-code">' + f[7].short_name + "</span>") : h + ('<span class="locality">' + f[2].long_name + '</span>, <span class="region">' + f[3].short_name + '</span> <span class="postal-code">' + f[5].short_name + "</span>");
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a(c +
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var c = 0;
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b.css("background-position", "0 -" + g + "px");
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"url('" + c + "') no-repeat 0 0");
b.hide().appendTo("#experiment .content").fadeIn(function() {
setTimeout(l, 20)
a.src = c
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return {about: d,afterHours: b,register: m,travel: p,particle: l}
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