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Last active December 21, 2022 09:47
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Zero Motorcycle API package for Home Assistant
- platform: rest
name: Zero SR/S
unique_id: 1981693c-d77b-4a0a-b835-f880af747cd7
- address
- altitude
- analog1
- analog3
- chargecomplete
- charging
- chargingtimeleft
- color
- datetime_actual
- datetime_utc
- door
- driver
- emergency
- gps_connected
- gps_valid
- heading
- hood
- ignition
- int_lights
- latitude
- lock
- logic_state
- longitude
- main_voltage
- mileage
- name
- oil_pressure
- perimeter
- pluggedin
- reason
- response
- satellites
- shock
- siren
- soc
- software_version
- tipover
- unitmodel
- unitnumber
- unittype
- velocity
- volume
- water_temp
resource: !secret zero_api_url
User-Agent: Home Assistant
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
method: POST
value_template: >-
{% if value_json[0].unitnumber is defined %}
{{ value_json[0].unitnumber }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
scan_interval: 120
timeout: 30
- sensor:
# - name: Zero SR/S address sensor
# unique_id: 451a1bda-83ee-4da0-bdf0-35cc477cc85d
# icon: mdi:map-marker
# state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'address') }}"
# attributes:
# unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S altitude sensor
unique_id: 86a02b1a-2819-4716-ac5b-5f5713877ebc
state: "{{ (state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'altitude') | float(0) * 3.281) | round(0) }}"
unit_of_measurement: 'feet'
state_class: measurement
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S battery sensor
unique_id: 598fbf09-6337-40f6-b008-073f8c36921b
state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'soc') }}"
unit_of_measurement: '%'
device_class: battery
state_class: measurement
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S charge status sensor
unique_id: fb61d821-9521-450a-8aef-b59d2a99686b
state: >
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.zero_sr_s_plugged_in_sensor', 'on') %}
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.zero_sr_s_charge_complete_sensor', 'on') %}
{% elif is_state('binary_sensor.zero_sr_s_charge_complete_sensor', 'off') %}
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.zero_sr_s_charging_sensor', 'off') %}
{% elif is_state('binary_sensor.zero_sr_s_charging_sensor', 'on') %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% elif is_state('binary_sensor.zero_sr_s_plugged_in_sensor', 'off') %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
icon: mdi:ev-plug-type1
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S charge time minutes left sensor
unique_id: e7c3db3b-875b-4147-aacd-73eb4fa7a042
state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'chargingtimeleft') }}"
icon: mdi:clock-end
unit_of_measurement: 'minutes'
device_class: duration
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S charge time left sensor
unique_id: f4e8da2b-b1ac-415b-84f6-863c60336ef0
state: >
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.zero_sr_s_charging_sensor', 'on') %}
{% if is_state('sensor.zero_sr_s_charge_time_minutes_left_sensor', '0') %}
{% else %}
{{ (timedelta(minutes=(states('sensor.zero_sr_s_charge_time_minutes_left_sensor') | int(0))) | string).split(':')[:2] | join(':') }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
icon: mdi:clock-end
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S main voltage sensor
unique_id: 565062f6-6d94-45a7-8fa4-3a4433cf2235
icon: mdi:car-battery
state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'main_voltage') }}"
state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: 'V'
device_class: voltage
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S mileage sensor
unique_id: 6de048c0-e5c9-479f-85e4-fd2e2884ef63
state: "{{ (state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'mileage') | float(0) / 1.609) | round(1) }}"
icon: mdi:counter
unit_of_measurement: 'mi'
state_class: total_increasing
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S satellites sensor
unique_id: 0eba597d-4077-4d85-8e94-8877df1481b2
state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'satellites') }}"
icon: mdi:satellite-variant
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S software version sensor
unique_id: 2479c85b-33b6-40ec-a7d8-d3c3262f8bde
icon: mdi:microsoft-windows-classic
state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'software_version') }}"
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
# - name: Zero SR/S unit number sensor
# unique_id: 1e533f5a-2ea5-4618-87f9-85eadbed1acd
# state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
# attributes:
# unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S velocity sensor
unique_id: ae3db2bd-8622-4439-acc5-96a8967061b8
state: "{{ (state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'velocity') | float(0) / 1.609) | round(0) }}"
unit_of_measurement: mph
state_class: measurement
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
# - name: Zero SR/S VIN sensor
# unique_id: 45ede3f9-7d72-4923-a3d1-57669cb8bb01
# state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'name') }}"
# attributes:
# unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- binary_sensor:
- name: Zero SR/S charge complete sensor
unique_id: 42ae6f76-66e1-4824-942d-a4a8480ef3b1
state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'chargecomplete') }}"
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S charging sensor
unique_id: b66fc50e-0dbb-4770-8328-c4c431230da4
state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'charging') }}"
device_class: battery_charging
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S GPS connected sensor
unique_id: 9748c221-bfba-454b-90af-f656b1f8aaf9
state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'gps_connected') }}"
device_class: connectivity
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S GPS valid sensor
unique_id: 9671c783-630a-432e-83e4-b56991a3f7fd
state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'gps_valid') }}"
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S ignition sensor
unique_id: fd03f90d-2528-4122-85ff-52a8fa466526
state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'ignition') }}"
device_class: running
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S plugged-in sensor
unique_id: 4640c2b1-9209-4108-a969-8042d35bd880
state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'pluggedin') }}"
device_class: plug
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S storage mode sensor
unique_id: ddb1d36b-8d6a-4f1b-8a56-40e6e52e8309
state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'storage') }}"
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- name: Zero SR/S tip over sensor
unique_id: 507b4ee7-0e12-4d24-9e92-7f2d7d34ec3b
state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'tipover') }}"
device_class: safety
unitnumber: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'unitnumber') }}"
- alias: 'Zero SR/S: Update device tracker'
- platform: homeassistant
event: start
- platform: state
- sensor.zero_sr_s
attribute: latitude
- platform: state
- sensor.zero_sr_s
attribute: longitude
- platform: state
- sensor.zero_sr_s
attribute: soc
service: device_tracker.see
dev_id: zero_sr_s_location_tracker
host_name: Zero SR/S Location Tracker
battery: "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'soc') }}"
- "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'latitude') }}"
- "{{ state_attr('sensor.zero_sr_s', 'longitude') }}"


You will need to have the ability to add files to your Home Assistant configuration directory, and be comfortable with manually editing YAML files.

Add account information to secrets.yaml

You must add a line in your secrets.yaml file: zero_api_url: '<e-mail>&pass=<password>&unitnumber=<number>'

Add in your e-mail, password, and unit number in the appropriate spot.

To find your unit number, you can use a slightly different URL:<e-mail>&pass=<password>

Enable the Packages functionality in Home Assistant

I recommend following the guidelines for creating and using a packages sub-folder in your configuration directory by adding the following to your configuration.yaml file...

  packages: !include_dir_named packages


After enabling Packages as outlined in the requirements section, create the packages folder in the configuration directory, and place zero_motorcycle.yaml in that location.

After that, you can try doing a YAML reload of TEMPLATE ENTITIES in the developer tools page in Home Assistant, but when in doubt, a full restart should do.

Entity structure

The primary source of information is a RESTful Sensor entity that makes a periodic call to the URL defined in secrets.yaml and exposes every bit of information returned by Zero's API as attributes on the sensor.

From there, individual template sensors are created to break out the various sensor attributes into their own entities, for the purposes of making things easier to automate and integrate in Lovelace dashboards.

The package also creates a device tracker entity via an automation definition that leverages lat/long and battery SoC from the primary sensor.


Imperial units

The Zero API seems to provide metric units by default. As I am located within a country with an affinity for Imperial units, maths are being performed in various template sensors to convert kilometers to miles, meters to feet, etc.

These sensors include, but may not be limited to...

  • Altitude sensor
  • Mileage sensor
  • Velocity sensor

If you prefer metric units, you will need to modify these sensors to remove the math functions being performed there.

Tracking multiple Zero motorcycles

The package is good for tracking a single Zero motorcycle. If you want track multiple units, you will need to make certain modifications.

  1. You will need to have multiple package files instead of just one: zero_motorcycle_1.yaml, zero_motorcycle_2.yaml, etc.
  2. You will have to have multiple zero_api_url lines in the secrets.yaml file: zero_api_url_1, zero_api_url_2, etc.
  3. You will need to update all of the unique_id attributes for every sensor in package files beyond the first one, i.e. zero_motorcycle_2.yaml if we're following the above example. This may be tedious, but is not particularly hard. When composing the package, I simply used UUIDs generated from
  4. You will probably also want to change the sensor names to differentiate them as well.

Mind you, the above is all theoretical. I only own one such motorcycle, so I haven't actually done any of this. In gaming the scenario out in my head though, these steps should be sufficient, but YMMV.

Unexposed sensor attributes

Not all of the attributes of the RESTful sensor have been exposed as their own template sensors, primarily because there was no reason to do so.

This could be because some attributes such as water_temp and oil_pressure have no relevance to an electric motorcycle. Others, such as unittype and color, have no know reference as to what their values actually mean.

You will have to create additional template sensor definitions if you wish to spin out these attributes as their own entities.

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