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Created April 26, 2020 16:43
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script to compare monorepo with master branches
set -e
# Copy this script into an empty repo, and run:
# $ bash
# Git repos will be cloned into the dir containing the script. Re-running will delete dirs and re-run.
shopt -s extglob
shopt -s dotglob
OLD_REPOS=(polisServer polisMath polisClientAdmin polisClientParticipation polisReport)
NEW_DIRS=( server math client-admin client-participation report)
echo "--- Removing previous polis repos..."
rm -rf $all_repos
rm -rf monorepo
for r in ${OLD_REPOS[@]}; do
echo "--- Cloning pol-is/$r..."
git clone --quiet$r
echo "--- Cloning monorepo..."
git clone --quiet${MONOREPO}
for (( index=0; index<${#OLD_REPOS[*]}; ++index)); do
echo "diff -r -q ${OLD_REPOS[$index]} polis/${NEW_DIRS[$index]} "
diff -r -q ${OLD_REPOS[$index]} polis/${NEW_DIRS[$index]} \
&& echo ""
exit 0
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