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Created January 18, 2024 16:38
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Typst resume template
#show heading: set text(font: "Fira Sans")
#show link: item => box[
#set text(blue)
#set page(
margin: (x: 0.9cm, y: 1.3cm),
#set par(justify: true)
#let title(body) = {underline([*#body*])}
#let skill(head, description) = {
columns: (1fr, 3fr),
#let section_title(body) ={
grid(columns: (auto, auto))[== #body][
#line(start: (1%, 0.8em), length: 100%,stroke: fuchsia,)]
#let divi ={
#let dated_experience(name, start_date, end_date) ={
[#title[#name] #h(1fr) #start_date -- #end_date\ ]
// content starts here
= Your Name Here
#link("")[mail\] |
#link("")[] |
#link("")[] | #link("")[]
#dated_experience[Name of University][start][end]
#lorem(6) GPA #h(1fr) Location\
- #lorem(10)
#section_title[Work Experience]
#dated_experience[Name of Workplace][start][end]
Position #h(1fr) Location \
- #lorem(30)
- #lorem(30)
- #lorem(30)
#skill[Programming Languages][*Experienced:*#h(1em)
Python #divi Common Lisp #divi Shell (including awk, sed) \
*Familiar:* #h(2.6em)
Typescript #divi Go #divi Rust #divi Java
#skill[Software Development][
#divi Kubernetes+Helm
#divi Jenkins
#divi Github Actions
#divi Drone CI
English #divi Hindi
Malayalam #divi German
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