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bmarini / redis_store.rb
Created July 21, 2010 15:11
ActiveSupport::Cache::RedisStore, a drop in replacement for MemCacheStore
require 'redis'
# This is a direct port of ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore
# Drop this file in lib/active_support/cache/redis_store and in your env files
# add:
# config.cache_store = :redis_store
module ActiveSupport
module Cache
dahlia / lisp.rb
Created September 2, 2010 07:52
30 minutes Lisp in Ruby
# 30 minutes Lisp in Ruby
# Hong Minhee <>
# This Lisp implementation does not provide a s-expression reader.
# Instead, it uses Ruby syntax like following code:
# [:def, :factorial,
# [:lambda, [:n],
# [:if, [:"=", :n, 1],
# 1,
moklett / chargify_api_steps.rb
Created September 9, 2010 20:13
A sample of the step definitions used in the Chargify API documentation (i.e.
Given /^I (?:send and )?accept (.*?)(?: responses)?$/ do |format|
@format = format.downcase.to_sym
header('Content-Type', content_type_for(@format))
Given /^the requester accepts (.*) responses$/ do |format|
Given "I accept #{format} responses"

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Nothing is real until it's being used by a real user. This doesn't mean you make a prototype in the morning and blog about it in the evening. It means you find one person you believe your product will help and try to get them to use it.

Do it with style

itsderek23 / Dockerfile
Created August 27, 2013 02:09
Example Docker File to start a Rails app located in a local ./docker-rails directory.
# docker build -t="rails" .
FROM ubuntu:12.04
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y -q mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev