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Last active June 28, 2019 15:06
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Lesson - Classes (encapsulation, static methods/pure functions, inheritance)
class AppointmentMaker:
__slots__ = ['_status', '_response', '_url']
def make_request(self, url:str, http_method:str='POST') -> dict: # -> instance method
# TODO: make a request
return {}
@staticmethod # -> pure function
def format_response(formatting:dict, response:dict) -> str: # -> static method
# TODO: apply formatting
return formatting # Temp -> str
class Appointment(AppointmentMaker): # -> inheritance
def __init__(self):
self._url = STATIC_MAKE_URL # -> encapsulation
def perform(self):
self._response = self.make_request(self._url, 'POST') # -> encapsulation
@property # -> property decorator
def status(self) -> dict:
# TODO: create formatting
make_format = 'appointment made'
return self.format_response(make_format, self._response)
class Cancellation(AppointmentMaker):
def __init__(self):
def perform(self) -> dict:
self._response = self.make_request(self._url, 'DELETE')
def status(self) -> dict:
# TODO: create formatting
cancel_format = 'appointment cancelled'
return self.format_response(cancel_format, self._response)
cancellation:Cancellation = Cancellation()
cancellation_message:dict = cancellation.perform()
appointment:Appointment = Appointment()
appointment_message:dict = appointment.perform()
print(cancellation.status, '||', appointment.status)
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